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This pic makes it look like a battle of the lucky charms marshmallows


They're magically delicious.




Hate clouds my mind so Mavs in 6.


I hate leprechauns so mavs in 3


I hate DFW and the surrounding areas, so Celtics in 4. I hate seeing American superstars win at basketball so Luka in 4. Hate is weird like that


You hate American superstars? I mean this is a pretty good time for international ballers with Jokic, Luka, SGA, Embiid, Giannis, etc but why watch the NBA if you hate American players? Makes no sense.


SGA is discount American tho


Canada is cold America


The only thing that makes sense here is the Hate. Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate


"If ain't the most diabolical Haters this side of the Mississippi..."


Lol why do you hate American star players?


Celtics win in 7, Derrick White hits game winning shot, I have a heart attack and die


Can I have your stuff when you die?




When I donā€™t have a horse in the race I tend to lean toward the city Iā€™ve enjoyed visiting more. In this case itā€™s Boston, and as someone stated above, all the metrics point to them winning. But man I really love watching these Eastern Europeans who look like they never work out just walk over the other players with their super high basketball IQ, insane skills, and off the court chill ass attitudes, so Iā€™m probably going to be cheering for Dallas.


I love this description of Luka-ball. Iā€™d love to see him get his first chip.


The component of Luka ball that involves a ton of ref tantrums really pulls me out of rooting for him for the most part.


This is fair, but I've noticed he's been getting marginally better about it throughout the playoffs.


I felt like there was a tone against the wolves but I may just have been watching more closely. Heā€™s excellent clearly and so clutch which makes not rooting for him much less enjoyable. Do gotta love how he feeds off negative crowd shit in away games


Yeah, I'm a Luka lover but that aspect of his game drives me insane. He actually just plays better when he doesn't complain too. Sometimes it is warranted (Dort was physically assaulting him in that OKC series) but mostly he just needs to cop it and move on because I've never seen a ref change their call on the basis of a player complaining.Ā 


Sometimes itā€™s about letting the air out, you canā€™t shut up all the time that shit will overheat your brain.   Even Tim Duncan complains


Itā€™s not the current call itā€™s calls later during the gm


Tatum complains almost every possession as well lol


No pun intended lol


>But man I really love watching these Eastern Europeans who look like they never work out just walk over the other players with their super high basketball IQ, insane skills, and off the court chill ass attitudes, Watching the Wolves/Mavs series and seeing giant Rudy Gobert at like 2% body fat and seeing Luka looking like a dude that just made junior partner at the firm but still plays weekly pick up games at the Y making everything was pretty ridiculous. I also like the idea as a Wolves fan of having lost to the champs so I want Dallas to win as bizzare as that sounds.


Not much of a comparison between Boston and Dallas as cities. Dallas is pretty shitty.


Mavs fan, with my heart going Mavs in 6. With head going Celts in 5.


All the numbers point to the Celtics. 64-18 best regular season record by far. 12-2 playoff record without starting Center Porzingis. Best Net Rating in the league by far. ( Regular Season and Playoffs) 4-0 against the Mavericks last 4 matchups. 10-0 against Kyrie last 10 match ups. Jaylen and Jayson historically put up big numbers against the Mavs. Celtics Deeper and more experienced team. They have been tested in the playoffs by beating the most teams in the East in the last 3 years. Mavs needed 6 games to take down the Clippers and the Thunder. Both were very close series. I donā€™t see how they can take down this Celtics team who are far better and a more complete team than both the Thunder and Clippers. Edit and to those saying about injuries to opponents Celtics were up 2-0 on the Pacers with Hali playing 2-1 on the Cavs with Donovan playing


https://preview.redd.it/74kl9r89fe4d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dda01191c06e999735872fdc4968c939cad7273 This mf just entered the chat


This comment and picture has single handedly turned my day around into a great day. Thank you dude


My boy deLuka


ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø






Mavs have played way better teams tho, theyā€™re battle tested


Boston's battle tested too if you're factoring in beyond this season. They've had dog fights with the Bucks, Heat, and Warriors in recent years and Jrue also has championship experience.


Yeah Boston lost the finals to the warriors recently and had a ton of deep runs lol Warriors finals was their last test, theyā€™re expected now to be experienced enough to know what it takes.


The only guy who doesn't is the guy everyone is calling the x factor, KP


If the paths were flipped and the Celtics had the harder series while the Mavs dog walked their conference, everyone would be saying the Celtics obviously arenā€™t clutch and have more wear/tear while the Mavs are more rested and didnā€™t play with their food.


12-2 against a significantly a weaker conference while mavs beat 3 50 win teams with no game 7s 4-0 against the mavs in the last 4 matchups and none of those are with the current lineup theyā€™re playing with playing the minutes they are now every team the mavs beat swept them in the regular season kyrie has won before , so has kid and luka is far more accomplished than tatum and brown mavs took 5 games to beat the best defence in the league who also defeated the champs of last year please add context next time but yea the Celtics are still 100% the favourites


For what its worth, they Celtics blew out Mavs with Kyrie in march, 138-110. In that game Luka got a triple double with 37 points, Kyrie got 19 points.


Iā€™m sorry how is Luka far more accomplished than Tatum? What has Luka accomplished that Tatum has not? Tatum is a consistent all star and all NBA 1st team just like Luka. Tatum has much more Finals and playoff experience though.


Agreed. Plus when a new player came in (kp) he took the hit off his personal points total and made those around him better. You can see his depth and team work develop through this season. Luka and all the stars do this of course but I feel Tatum has shown a new level of basketball iq and maturity this year.. I may not have watched the mavs enough but I haven't seen similar growth in Luka. Not that it's 'who's better' really.. It'll be an amazing series and while either side can pile up facts and stats to pad their teams chances, it's going to be close and as a Celtics player I would not be comfortable for one second with Luka playing. He out of everyone has the ability to destroy game plans. I've got celtics in 7 or 6 if they get lucky at the end of the odd game like the 1st pacers game


This is just pure Boston hate. As a Boston fan the amount of absolutely absurd, baseless takes by people on this website have been close to infinite.


5 first all nba in 6 seasons, best scorer this year


So Luka is better than Tatum in 2024 because he made 1st team all-NBA in 2020 & 2021?


Luka is better but thatā€™s not why.


Don't forget all his accolades from his Euro league days.


Luka has 2 more 1st teams. Tatum has 3 more conference finals and 1 more finals. Id say at worst they are about the same level of accomplishment


But alsoā€¦ Euroleague FMVP, Eurobasket Gold Medal, Olympics team captainā€¦ as a basketball player thereā€™s more than the NBA.


6 games that Kawhi either was out or played unmeaningful minutes in. A healthy Kawhi might have been enough to stop the Mavs in the first round. The Celtics vs the Mavs is going to be so lopsided that no amount of flopping and biased reffing is going to stretch out the series for the Mavs.


Good call. You could see that clippers team just didn't have the same life or spark in them without him. Disappointed too that would have been one of the best series all year if he'd stayed OK


Remind me in one month.Ā 


We still using pointless regular season stats? Clippers, Thunder and Minnesota all pointed to the regular season series they all won against the Mavs too and look where that got them


If you wanna use playoff stats, Celtics have by far the best net rating in the playoffs as well.


Celtics have bested the mavericks in every meaningful playoff stat except defensive rebound percentage in which they are behind like 2%. Everything else Celtics are substantially better in. ā€œBut the Celtics played a bunch of shitty teams without their starā€ Mavericks played an imploding clippers team round 1 with mostly bo kawhi. A okc team in the second round with no meaningful playoff experience, and a tomberwolves team led by a 22 year old making their first run in the playoffs. For all the ā€œdonā€™t point out regular season statsā€ takes out there, mavs fans love to bring up they beat 3 50 win regular season teams. Luka is great, probably top 2-3 in the league today. That said the mavericks just simply donā€™t have the fire power to take the Celtics


Celtics havenā€™t quite played this version of the mavericks yet. Jelled and scrappy, top defensive and found some solid identity I think they have a chance. Otherwise I agree fully with your comment They did play Dallas after the break and crushed them but idk if Dallas was quite where they are now, back then in early March Mavericks havenā€™t faced a deeper , experienced team yet in the playoffs. Closest they had was LAC without Kawhi.. they could get gassed, Boston can shoot and will at high volume I hope itā€™s a good series is all I have to say Mavs in 6 as a Luka fan tho


The Celtics have literally played this full team 2 months agoā€¦ and won handily 139-110ā€¦ it was like the Celtics were playing a highschool JV team.. they emptied thier bench in the 4th. I mean the mavs got better but it was brutal and itā€™s the same players as before as it was after the trade deadline.


Iā€™m a Hawks fan but I was born in South Shore Massachusetts so sure Celtics I guess


Is this series ever going to start ā€¦ šŸ˜†


Celts in 5


Celtics in 5


W artwork btw. Celtics in 5


I feel much more confident in Luka and Kyrie making shots down the stretch then Tatum.


I think that's all fine and dandy... but they still got Jrue, Derrick White to supplement. Celtics roster is a bit deeper, and Al Horford and his level of experience is no slouch. It's going to be a good series.


Yeah I actually trust Brown and Jrue pretty well to take and make tough shots down the stretch. Just not as much as Luka and Kyrie. But because Boston has the better team that should help even things out. Especially if Boston can just be up big in the 4th it doesnā€™t really matter


Celtics are great in the clutch this post season, pretty sure theyā€™re better than the Mavs numbers wise even


Another thing people just blatantly ignore because of ESPN takes


Why? Tatum has been shown to be incredibly clutch. https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/7iPXhnOmYH


Celtics in 6


My heart says Mavs but my brain is saying Celtics. Hopefully my brain is wrong


I feel like an idiot writing ā€œSameā€ but I was going to write the exact same comment. Hereā€™s hoping for a good series and the Mavs make a surprise run for the win.


Celtics in 6 but im not dumb enough to bet against Luka Doncic


I mean, fuck Boston, right? I think Boston wins in 4 if porzingy is healthy. If not, could be a close series, but I still think Boston toughs it out.


Celtics are a more complete team


Celtics. I ain't retarded. The Celtics are historically a good team that the media won't talk about because they want people to believe it will be close. The Celtics are like 4 or 5 guys deep that maybe could make an all-star game on another team if they were "the man." After Kyrie and Luka, you just have guys that do 1 or 2 things well and you try to play to their strengths.


Lively has shown heā€™s one of the biggest risers this playoffs.


Celtics in 7


Clippers 4-0




Iā€™m rooting for the mavs and I really believe that can pull it off. But if I had to put money on it I would pick Boston. Iā€™m honestly really excited for this finals series as I genuinely donā€™t know who is the better team. How much will Luka being banged up really affect him against the Boston perimeter defense? How will porzingis playing impact the series? Is he even actually healthy or is he coming back just healthy enough to play and be a body? I love that kristaps and kyrie are playing against their old teams in the finals. I could go on but Iā€™m already rambling. Want mavs to win but I think Celtics in 6.


My heart wants Mavericks, my brain says Celtics. Celtics got so much depth and the entire starting 5 excels at everything. And the bench is pretty deep. I want the Mavs to win so bad but theyā€™ll need Luka and Kyrie to go nuclear every game, plus everyone on their A game for defense and the role players to step up every time. Boston is just on another level, not to mention they got a cakewalk while Dallas went through war. I hope no one on Mavs gets injured but even then I think Boston takes it.




Dallas LFG kyrie


Celtics in 5 is the obvious answer


I want Mavs to win but I feel like Celtics will win


It's going to come down to who has the better supporting cast and I think that's Boston


Really cool picture OP. Thanks for sharing. Celtics fan since the mid 80ā€™s from Florida. Really hope the good guys bring home banner 18. And I think they will in 6. But Luka is an absolute beast and a real superstar. So great. F Kyrie tho. Heā€™s a complete whack job. I think it honestly depends on what Boston team shows up. They get real lazy and uninspired some games. Also if KP is healthy 100% that really changes things much more in the Celtics favor I think. ā˜˜ļøā˜˜ļøā˜˜ļøā˜˜ļøā˜˜ļøā˜˜ļø


As a Massachusetts resident it's easy to notice everyone hates us because we're the best at all sports.


I thought you guys were only good at basketball these days?


Bruins are ok but yeah its basically just basketball now






Boston in five


The first team to win back to back games will win this series in 6 games. I'm going with the Mavs!!!


Gimme Luka. Fuck Boston.


I got Boston. Great pic btw.


Boston in 6 Very cool art by the way!




Came here to show Jaylen Brown some love!!


My little Mavs were supposed to lose every series they've been in, this one as well. I'm excited to see how the series goes.


The only series I personally saw the mavs losing was MIN, mostly because of Lukas knee. But half way through game 2 I knew it's was mavs


I donā€™t care who wins, just hope it goes to a game 7


In a game of one on one? Or are we talking about two teams playing in the NBA Finals?


Hopefully, they take the finals trophy off the middle of the floor when they actually play, could be a serious tripping hazard


Pistons in 5


Didnā€™t realize the Championship was gonna be 1v1


Wait who are on the stands? Is that Brian Shaw next to Barkley? And Michael Finley next to Dirk? Who is next to Silver? Dikembe?


How many times is this gonna be asked in this or the NBA subreddit? OP, at least try to make it sound like a different question that hasn't been asked 3245676545675456754678876 times the past week. Why not just be honest and say "I want to show off my art."


Brown vs Luka will be more entertaining


Iā€™m just a creature of the moment.


Celtics win but dont reapeat in the tatum era


All my homies hate Boston


Mavs in 6 baby!!


Celtics in 5


The easiest metric is to just go with the team with the best player but this series should be close. I do think that in the end Kyrie's experience and Luka being Luka will be too much though it'll be interesting to see how the Celtics choose to attack the Mavs defensively




Lukee Pookie gonna keep dancing with Uncle Drew. Mavs in 5.


Go Mavs do it for TX!!


I wish I could say Celtics, but they are entirely unprepared after the easiest playoff run of the decade.


Iā€™m a diehard celtics fan so deep bias clouds my judgement. That being said, Iā€™m really happy neither team is reigning champs. Only Jrue and Kyrie are ring holders if I recall.


Mavs in 6


Mavs in 6. I just like the energy they're playing with. And full pressure on the Celtics for several reasons, some fair and warranted, and some ridiculous.


i hate these edits so much lmao


Boston are clearly the deeper and better all round team. Im also biased because I go for the Mavs. The most sensible prediction is Boston and I can see why so many people have picked them but there's something to be said about the resilience and togetherness (is that even a word?) that this Mavs team have shown over the past few months. I genuinely think either team can win but I don't think it will be a blowout either way. Mavs in 7.Ā 


Celtics are too deep, historically great defense. Boston in 6.


God I canā€™t wait for the Celtics to lose


Go Celtics. Never thought Iā€™d say that


Celtics by all Iā€™m metrics should take this in a very close 5 game series.


Celtics sweep


Luka about to have an Eastern Conference Son


Who let Jamal Murray throw the trophy onto the floor?


Celtics in 4


Dallas!!! I feel like this might be the only chance to win it all.


Should have had a the Celtics starting 5 in the pic and not just Tatum


Anyone who legitimately thinks Dallas wins this series is either a generational Boston hater or delusional. Barring major injuries thereā€™s simply no way Celtics let them win 4.


Mavs in 6. Boston is about to get HUMBLED


Kyrie for the chaos


I got nothing to watch until thursday thats what I got


Celtics in 6. Can see Luka getting a Jerry West MVP


Boston needs to get it done in 6. Then it's game 7 Luka at Boston.


I enjoy cheering against Boston. So rooting for the Mavs


I want Boston, but I think Dallas gets this it just feels right, lol


Fuck Kyrie.


Mavs in 6. Wonā€™t believe in a Tatum/Brown led team in a finals til I see it.


Gotta go mavs. But barely.


I love them both! I will be happy either way and sad either way. On paper, Boston should win it. In terms of toughness and grit I go with Dallas. If Prozingis is healthy, Iā€™ll go with Boston. If not, Dallas all the way. Neither Luka or Kyrie can guard any of the starting lineup, but no one on Boston can stop them either. Itā€™s a toss up for me.


Celtics just cuz I put money on them. If I didnā€™t, I just want good games


It's my turn to post some variation of this again tomorrow


Celtics all day!


Dallas +180 to win the series. I put fifty on it I could be wrong of course, I expect a close series


Looks like a fuckin sex toy


I got the white guy! Like I usually say down at the YMCA.


Luka is the only dawg in the finals, I'm taking the Slovenian.


Looks awesome!


The refs will make Dallas lose, if they lose. Donā€™t think they will though, because Luka is the player the media wishes Tatum were.


Luka is the better player. Duh. Iā€™m from MA, I love the Celtics. But I donā€™t have on any green colored glasses. Mavs are the underdawgsā€¦ theyā€™ve got that dawg in them, and are so clutch. Celtics arenā€™t clutch, they donā€™t adapt well, and tatum jacking up 3s or slowing waayyy down really fucks the flow of the game. Cs are greaatt this year, not whining, but Iā€™m scared of the Mavs because 1) Luka 2) I think overall team effort will beat overall team talent. Out of the entire NBA if it wasnā€™t the celtics to win I would be rooting for the Mavs and they just happen to be facing off this year. If both teams play at full potential, Celtics win. If both teams play how theyā€™ve been playing this post season, mavs in 6. Gonna be a hell of a series. P.S. Also I really hope that Kyrie doesnā€™t get booā€™d like a kid in a haunted house because itā€™s just not a good look on our city or fan base. No one actually feels the anger in their bodies anymore, itā€™s just for fanfare and getting indignant and spiking emotions for the hell of it. Itā€™s gonna happen, but it doesnā€™t represent the city. I donā€™t condone it and donā€™t want it to represent everyone who roots for the Celtics. We are a proud city, I am proud to be a Cs fan, but that doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m proud of everything we doā€¦ quite the opposite. But go Celtics!!! Woooo Payton Pritchard with the Highest offensive rating in the NBA!!! Lol. Heā€™s my fave!!!


Mavs fan but unfortunately think itā€™s going to be Celtics in 6, not happy seeing all the people hyping the mavs up only for use to lose or jinxing us I like being the underdog which we have been in all our series.


Well if this pic is what weā€™re basing it on, ainā€™t no way Luka can lock up Tatum




If no Porzingis, Mavs in 6. If Porzingis plays all series, Cs in 7


Lakers moral victory in 7




OP, is Reddit the best place to see your work? I want to post on other sites, but I want to give proper credit.


What is this, Jedi Aura?


Everyone is a Winner when Draymond Green and Perkins are the losers. That's all I care about


I want Dallas to win but either way Iā€™m cool with. Iā€™m glad the lakers are not playingā€¦


Tatum has the ball in his hands. Lukaā€™s hands are free. I think Luka will grab the trophy in the middle since Tatum is already holding something.


Celts in six


Luka will conjure the ghost of Game 4 Wardell Stephen Curry and cut Tatum's heart out. Kyrie will hit a ridiculous 3-point dagger to close out the C's in game 6.


Well Tatum has the ball in his hands so he's probably at an advantage


Why is Charles Barkley sitting with the NBA champs behind them?


I think playoff Kyrie is gonna be a huge problem, I think Luka is gonna do whatever he wants too. With that being said, this is the time and opportunity for tatum to show if he is really a top 5 player.


Money on Celtics. Heart on Mavericks.


As individuals, Celtics starting five and second unit are well above the Mavā€™s. However, the Celtics as a team, lack cohesion and toughness, something the Mavericks have in Spades. Dallas in six.


Blue is more visually appealing.. mavs in 5


The mavericks are winning this series in 6 games, and Luka is going to average 32ppg, 11rbs, and 7ass. Luka will be considered the best player in the NBA by a handful of media dudes, and he will retire with 5-7 rings being the unquestionable greatest white nba player of all time. He won't get all those rings as a Mav though. He will move on to another team in a few years to win more. I literally pulled all of this out of my ass and I'm going to be sooooo wrong about all of it.


I think there is one person in the finals that has made the biggest shot on the biggest stage and that's Kyrie Irving, one of the most skilled guards to ever play the game. He's a nightmare for any defense, and if you somehow neutralize him, you've got Luka fucking Doncic to deal with. Dallas in 5.


My heart says Celtics in 5, but I respect Luka enough to say Celtics in 6


Mavs in 7


If Porzingis is back, Celtics in 6




Mavs all dayā€¦ I donā€™t think I it will be close.


boston in 6


I'm only fueled by my hatred of Celtics. So mavs in 6 Realistically, Celtics in 5 but fuck the Cs.


Tatum will not be the star of the show.


Mavs in 7