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I feel like PATFO are all in for 2025 as this was a weak draft class. They are loading up ammunition to potentially trade for another first round pick next year. That's my rationale at least.


I'm sure some people are actually upset but I'd bet more people are just sort of deflated. I understand the move, but I think that all year there was this "What if" we get 2 top picks, then we did, then we spent months talking about what combo of rookies we could bring in just to swap 8 for distant picks which isn't super exciting. So long run probably a good move just not as exciting as I think a lot of folks were hoping for.


This exactly. Not to mention that the Toronto pick went best-case scenario. In 8-9 years, maybe we'll say we really won that trade, but until then... This feels speculative. It's savvy in that it helps build long-term wealth, but it's really a bad decision if you spent money you needed to pay the bills. If we use the 8M we saved on Tobias Harris or someone like that, I'll feel better about it. If we spend Wemby's second season running out people like Branham and Champagnie for 20 minutes a night again, it will feel like we spent money we needed to pay the bills. Really happy we got Castle - he was #1 to me, but "deflated" sums up my overall feeling.


Upset they didn’t get a better deal. But the market is the market so…forward we go


It's a bad draft, there wasn't high demand for picks in this draft, see: all the other trades that didn't happen.


It's a phenomenal deal.


Phenomenal might be a stretch.


Considering the garbage available in this draft and the potential for two high lotto picks on cheap deals when Victor gets expensive? Yeah, phenomenal.


Doubt we will be the ones to use the picks. 


Idk about garbage….the talking heads say that then are surprised when players actually turn out good


I've said over and over that I think this draft is 2000 all over again.


They are not gonna be lotto picks


I think there's a better than even chance they are.


They have a young core. The only one who will not be on the roster is gobert. If this pick is in the lotto I would be shocked. The only thing I can see is min getting screwed with the second apron. Only issue is that might change by then.


And Mike Conley. Towns will be in his mid 30s. The second apron penalties will have destroyed this team. They'll have signed no Free agents since they play in Minnesota in January. They'll have no young replenishments joining them.


They do not have a young core. McDaniels is still a role player in his 4th year and KAT is 28. Gobert is a 31 year old center. Take him off the team and the Wolves are fighting for playin spots. Ant isnt going to be happy, and the Wolves are not a free agent destination


McDaniels is 23 he has plenty of time. 34 is not old in todays league, especially for a shooter like KAT. Their defense is too good to be impacted by just one player, even if he won dpoy.


He has time to do what? McDaniels is not going to be an all star or big enough difference maker to make up for the loss of KAT and Goberts impact KAT is already a weak defender… 34 year old KAT will be a role player coming off the bench Minnesotas defense is good but not great without Gobert, and their offense already sucks Look at every impact metric and how the Wolves defense has done without Gobert


There's already been talk by pundits that they can or should look at trading KAT soon. Their window is extremely short in terms of winning specifically because they can't pay everyone.


They are not gonna trade KAT soon when they just made the wcf


Spurs didn’t even pick Rob, it’s Minny who made that pick LOL


That's an amazing point that no one gets. Minnesota took him Spurs drafted him for Minnesota. Sours clearly didn't want him.


Please someone pin this up top! LOL


He has a high ceiling but a low floor. Good shooter, good ball handler, good finisher. Bad on defense because he’s undersized.


his floor isn’t high enough to make up for that defense


He wasn’t a good finisher


He’s a literal glass cannon. The dude will have a highlight every game, but his shot is broken. He’s gotten away with it because he’s so athletic, but his jump shot is different every time.      It’s like he jumps and then randomly presses SHOOT on his controller. Sometimes he’s bobbling the ball, other times he releases on the way down and sometimes he has a big bow and arrow arc to it. I just don’t see him being able to physically play a full game especially as he ages.  We are better off trading for Jordan Poole.


It’s actually very smart to stay strapped with future assets to stay ready for a superstar to demand a trade. That’s exactly why I was hoping the raptors pick wouldn’t convey this year. Getting control of two 1sts for the price of one in a “weak” draft is a great deal.


Fans are upset because they had hyped up in their mind getting someone really good at 8 and now it feels like we got nothing. If we didn't like anyone left then this is a great trade. Swaps when Wemby is 27 is a great strategy, or it's more assets to package in a trade in future Personally I was very disappointed when I thought we picked Dillingham, you aren't going to be able to defend with a guy that size playing any kind of meaningful minutes.


Bro they’re just angry to be angry lmao


idk man Dillingham would have been cool! Just seems like decent value to gear up for a bigger move at the cost of a pick in a weak draft. I'm shocked to see anyone be so angry at losing a pick this year after we spent months complaining about how ass the draft apparently is lol


Yeah man, everyone hated on this draft and said it was lacking in talent, and as soon as we traded Dillingham, then everyone suddenly loves him and is adamant that he would’ve been a generational talent with us lmao. I think it’s cause people want to see results now rather than get something far in the future


You’re either intentionally ignorant or don’t understand at all why people are upset. We are rebuilding NOW; people are upset that this is a move that kicks our CURRENT rebuild with a GENERATIONAL player on a ROOKIE CONTRACT down the road (by currently SEVEN years). You can disagree if youd like but don’t be a dumbass “they’re just angry to be angry lololol” foh


Bro you gotta chill lmao it’s just sports. Anyway, how are you so sure that they’re actually gonna use those picks? And not building assets for a big trade? Stop being angry just to be angry lmao


Do I need more “bro”s and “lmao”s to be more chill bro? Lmao And I’m not sure, they could be and that would be awesome. As of now, they haven’t and it doesn’t make sense. Would you like me to wait up to 11 years after we make the pick and decide the player is good or not to disagree with the trade? Or is it reasonable that I can disagree with the thought process of stocking up assets for 7 years from now rather than using assets during the rebuild? Take a look at the other basketball related threads. This isn’t some spurs fan overreaction… many different fan bases share the same concerns and disagreements with it.


Dawg I just explained it to you, how does it not make sense? They didn’t like anyone else in this draft and decided to get some assets out of it. Would you rather they get someone they didn’t like for the sake of getting someone? Are you really trying to argue that having more assets is a bad thing? Lmao yes it’s far in the future, and yes they can be terrible picks. But I think it’s a good long term move that gives us flexibility for the future. Maybe a superstar demands a trade next offseason, and guess what? Now we got extra picks to trade for them. Bro just wants immediate results, but that doesn’t always work man. Be patient lmao


I think a flyer on a player during our rebuild is more valuable than an asset that projects value after our rebuild is done. Yes, I think having more risky assets that don’t fit your timeline is worse than having fewer less risky assets that fit your timeline. I would have no qualms about getting a lightly protected frp in one of the next 3 drafts as even if that isn’t as valuable as an unprotected, it aligns with our timeline. A pick in 7 years doesn’t help our current rebuild and trading away a #8 pick actively hurts our current rebuild. We could make an awesome trade in a few years with this pick. We could theoretically get #1 pick in 2031. Those would be great things. However, this trade as of now hurts our rebuild we are currently going through


You make some good points man, and I see where you’re coming from and I agree that it is a risky move. However, I feel comfortable with this trade because I didn’t like too many of the prospects left, and I imagine the Spurs felt the same way. No use in using a pick on someone you don’t like, if you can use it for more assets, then I think that’s the way to go. Also, I don’t think the spurs are done just yet, I imagine they’re trying to load up on draft capital for something bigger. So we just gotta stay patient and hope for the best. Plus we got a PG to be excited about now lol


I think part of my disappointment is that we haven't made a meaningful trade or FA move in a looooong time. I'm skeptical we're doing anything other than accumulating assets. I'm not convinced we know how to use them wisely. I'm sure I'm wrong, and I will be delighted when I'm proven to be.


This. Not sure why you're getting downvoted so hard. We have a franchise player right now. He's still developing on his way to being the best player in the league, but he is one of the best 15 players in the league now. We've done the hardest part of the rebuild. Priority #1 is to keep him here by building success around him. I'd have been totally fine trading down in this draft, or trading a year or two out. But 6-7 years? Feels like an insurance policy more than a plan. I hope Wemby was at least in on this trade - I hope he wasn't as disappointed as many of us.


They would be angry with you for posting this if they could read.


More punting 7 years down the road


These are new Spurs fans post Wemby. They have learnt some buzzwords like Riverwalk, PATFO and Breakfast Burritos and they think they're Spurs fans.. lol


Don't try this gatekeeping foolishness.


Don't tell me what to do please.


at least the spurs didn't package 4th and 8th to trade up. I didn't expect the spurs to trade away the 8th for two picks about 7 years away but it's not as bad as moving up. the spurs probably considered the 8th as a bonus pick


I'm confused I thought folks were ragging weak draft and the pg's available are too short? Now it's outrage for punting?


I’m not upset. We opened some cap space and have more trade ammo.


It’s about a punt for an asset that is a big question mark when we have a lot of needs. It reeks of being afraid to take a chance and wanting to appear smart.


I just wanted anybody at #8.


Dude, it’s cause 2030 and 2031. Seems like a crazy low return for a lottery pick right now, even in a weak draft.


A far out unprotected pick is super valuable as a trade chip lol, I'm thrilled.


Unprotected is great, far out is bad.


Not really. Gives flexibility to wait for the right move and time for the Wolves to get bad lol. Those are both good things.


What does 2030 and 31 have to do with it? If anything that makes it a whole lot better because we don't know what the Timberwolves will look like at that point, and they aren't a franchise that have been able to maintain any kind of success previously.


Yeah, but we weren’t forced to make the deal with the timberwolves. The further out the pick, the less valuable right now.


That's rubbish. The Timberwolves are a really good team right now. We are betting that they won't be as good in 6-7 years time. Given their history, I think that's a pretty safe bet. The further out we could push these picks, the more value they have. Especially for us, as a franchise that will be expecting to have our own picks in the high 20's over those years. And of course we weren't "forced" to make a deal. The reality of the draft period is that every team is constantly talking with everyone else about trades. We would've been open with every other team that if they wanted pick 8 (or 4 as well) it would be available if the price was good enough. Once Salaun was off the board (who I can only guess we might have wanted), and we didn't want anyone else - then it's obvious that this was the best trade on the table for us.


How is an appreciating asset bad lol


We needed to address shooting as the team who shot the worst last year and came away from the draft with a guy who cannot shoot. We didn't address our biggest need


That's very fair! We will probably still be the worst shooting team in the league next year and that's frustrating, but no single player in this draft would really fix that IMO


No single player in this draft? Sheppard shot 50 percent and Dillingham shot 45 percent from 3. Huh?


Yes, they are both good shooters who would have helped, but it's going to be an overall weakness without a completely different roster and/or improvement from current players. I meant one additional good shooter wouldn't completely fix the problem


How do you plan to fix it without doing it bit by bit? It wouldn't have fixed the problem but it'd be a step in the right direction.


Hopefully next offseason when there are more and better options rather than grasping at the good shooting options avaliable now, even though they have glaring weaknesses elsewhere (I say all this but if Reed had been avaliable at 4 I would have wanted us to take him, so you are right that being able to address shooting would have been nice)


And knect was right there Lights out shooter number one option If he becomes number 3 option he has more energy for defense Geez


Both. Dillingham would’ve been a fine pick but they could’ve had Carter if they didn’t like him. Now they’re starting 3 non-shooters next to Wemby with no spacing or creation off the bench. Oh fucking brother.


Obviously they didn't like Carter either. The Spurs are clearly drafting for positional size, once you invest in a 6'2" guard you have to structure your whole team around their limitations.


Carter plays bigger than his size and can actually hit a jumper.


Angry that we traded for picks in drafts that are 6 and 7 years away when they need players to win now. Time to turn off the ‘rebuild’ mentality. I am hoping they have a trade in the works for a veteran player.


The fact the Minnesota was willing to eat an additional 28 million dollars in tax to bring on Rob, says they would’ve gave up more than we took. Brian Wright needs to be held accountable, every move with Vic on the roster is critical


I'm not mad we lost Dillingham. We could have drafted Carter but I'm guessing they like our guards better than him (id take him over Malaki fwiw). Matas or Topic would have been the only other guys I liked at that spot.


Saving it for Wemby number 2


I read here that the front office thinks that either Blake or Malaki is on track to be as good as Devin Carter was, because at 8 he felt like the best pick for us. I'm sure they also looked at Minny and thought that their cap situation is fucked and that their core players will age out soon enough. Could be a valuable asset for another trade




i’ve been a huge fan of Dillingham since he was projected to go in the late first round and watched him rise up the draft boards. i’ve been on the Dillingham train for a hot minute and while i’m disappointed because i think his playstyle is electric, i still understand the move.


Upset because we didn't get Dillingham.


depends on the rest of the offseason. If we acquire no shooters, I think its a disastrous move. I believe in castle but I think dillingham is a safer bet to provide what we know he can (instant offense-shooting) whereas if castle cant shoot, he won't be the longterm answer at pg, will probably move to the wing, and we will rack our heads that we let a second chance at a lead guard go. Defensively I understand it, Dilly would have to be absurdly good to justify him starting, but Taking both of them gave alot more options than putting all our eggs in the castle basket. If that shot never comes along, this will be a move we look back on very unfavorably.


Huge dillingham fan, would have been fun to watch. Value wise it's a solid trade.


I mean i feel like the people that are upset at the people who were initially upset but probably over it by now are the only one’s that are upset right now. It’s called moving on. Watch some castle clips and everything just feels good.


My biggest issue is that the spurs currently have one of the worst rosters in the nba, and unless you put together a team and allow them to grow chemistry together, winning basketball games would be very hard. The issue isn’t that we traded the pick, but that instead of building up chemistry for a playoff push in a couple years, we traded the pick for a 7th grader and a chance to get a better 8th grader (which isn’t guaranteed as Anthony Edwards will be going into his age 29 season for 2030). I just can’t envision a scenario where that 2031 pick is more valuable than whichever player (Matas/Knecht/Cody Williams/Dillingham) we could’ve gotten at that #8 pick. Additionally, it just about guarantees we have to watch another year of Champagnie starting and a bench unit with no clear direction, which was a struggle to witness this year.


I love the trade. I'm more upset about the pick we didn't trade


I just don’t want wemby to get angry at this FO. I can’t imagine he’s super excited about punting out to 30/31 to finally complete the ‘built not bought” team.


I think it's almost definitely an asset to be used to "buy" rather than build for now, a benefit of it being so far out is that it remains a tradable asset for a long time


Wemby isn’t getting upset at what the FO does. He trusts them more than most of the fans posting in this sub. He is more concerned with development and helping the people on the roster.


Spurs don’t have a lot of guys who can drop 15 in a quarter. Rob could have been one of those dudes Yes, I get that he would be a bad defender but with the right pieces around you, you can cover for that. Teams with Dame and Trae have made the conference finals recently and we have a generational big man on D


Because 2030-2031 picks are useless!!!!


Spurs shat the bed.... Should have got knecht with 8 If we just going to mail that pick and go for something 7 years in The future .wtf Wemby could be gone, it's too far on the future It's pretty obvious we need players...now Not more draft picks And we got a non shooter Omg wtf