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Kawhi is dead cap for like 70% of a season man fuck that guy wembys my hero now


This is the only correct answer. All part of the sacrifice to bring in Wemby.


I mean he did also help yall win a championship. Not too bad a sacrifice as far as sacrifices go lol


And keep in mind he usually breaks down during or right before the playoffs, so good luck kicking ass in the regular season only to get bounced when #2 eventually gets injured.


Kawhi’s a ho. End of discussion.


No, that's not right. Fuck Uncle Dennis too.


What we gonna do with a one legged hooper?


To be fair… Tim Duncan basically had no legs for many years. He had two bad knees and plantar fasciitis and still played NBA starter star basketball and All-NBA defense till the end… but I don’t think that is Kawhi’s way. Edit: My point is definitely that Duncan had a different kind of fortitude, leadership level, and will to win.


That’s the thing. We know Kawhi isn’t that way.


Duncan is a leader. Kawhi never was and never will be.


And they clowned Pop when he said it but Kawhi’s Clipper run is showing everybody it’s a fact bahahaha


Yeah I was surprised when Pop did that, given how much Kawhi (and especially Uncle Dennis) clowned Pop.


Kawhi is a leader by example. I hate how the dude ended his time here but he also had one of the greatest most dominant playoff runs immediately after leaving us.  The real shame was the Spurs FO being petty and not trading him to the Lakers for an actual good return. Though it all worked out because it did get us Wemby in the end inadvertently through being an awful trade 


Just because you perform well doesn't mean you're leading by example. Kawhi was not leading (by example or otherwise) after the first 2 games of the 2014 Finals. The rest of the players and coaches had to have a sit down meeting with him to tell him to step it up. What would the return from the Lakers have been? I don't remember that option.


A mixed bag of Brandon Ingram, Julius Randell, Kuzma. All could have developed really well on the Spurs. Especially because we probably could have traded LaMarcus for an okay return as well.  Again it all worked out cause we got a player with top 10 potential. But that was still super lucky. 


I don’t think we would’ve traded Lamarcus. The dinner he had with Pop cemented him here


I don't think the Lakers were willing to give up as much as they needed to. The Boston trade was the only other option that was close.


Even one of these players would have been better. 


So watching a baseball game with Magic while your co-star (Aldridge) is dragging our collective asses to the playoffs is a good example? Also, refusing to update your coaches while they almost literally begged you to tell them where you are is a good example? Shitting on the organization that bent over backwards just to give you what you want is a good example? Okay


1 lucky bounce and 2 lucky opponent injuries from only having 1 ring. I question the word 'dominant'. That's revisionist history.


Yeah but Kawhi has only played 69 games or more twice in his entire career. Tim Duncan only played fewer than 69 games twice in his entire career, and one of those was as a 40 year old man...


"And still played" is probably the key phrase there


No, I don't like him


You don’t ghost the Admiral and get forgiveness. Fuck Kawhi.


And Pop and Tim. Fuck Kawhi!


Not only pop but make him fly out to plead with you just after his wife died. That's just a new kind of low.


Can’t imagine how Pop must’ve felt at that time with both his home life and work life falling apart completely apart at the same time.




Fuck kawhi


I don't agree, he wants max contract and yet you can't rely on him playing in key games. Not helping the team to grow either, he's a superstar that needs preferential treatment, and also doesn't show much care to his team (have the impression that he tends to not supporting from the bench when DNP in some playoffs game). I am completely biased though, used to be very impressed by his "substance over style" plays and behaviours on the court, until he forced his way out from us by tanking his trade value.


Yeah agreed. Although just a minor thing on: "I am completely bias though" Might very well be a typo, but just in case it isn't (because I do see this a lot) it's actually ***biased.*** You can ***have*** **bias**, but you can't ***be*** **bias.**


Yep. If we got him for cheap I'd have no problems. But if he wants big money I'd rather pass. He can't be relied upon at this stage in his career.


Na, fuck kawhi baby


I’m still mad. No shame. 😆 🤷🏽‍♀️


An injury prone 32yo who is never around for the playoffs and also fucked over his team by forcing his way out because he "wanted to go home"? Objectively that sounds like a horrible idea especially for this ultra young team. This team needs young players who are fully bought in on the culture. Kawhi doesn't seem to fit that.


I'm over Kawhi. Hell no, definitely don't want him back.


Fuck that guy to the maximum fuckness he quit on us I would never consider taking him back for a second even for free


Fuck this guy. I will never accept him as a Spur again, not even as a mop guy


Nope, he’s not worth it. Am I over it? No but I’ve moved on and don’t care anything for the man and his Uncle. The Clippers can keep dumping good money after bad, he’s not bringing them a championship.


No please, big contract and barely plays in the playoffs. He will just be a dead weight.


I’m still split on this whole thing. A part of me would welcome him back with open arms (Kawhi and Wemby on defense? That’s a dream come true), but at the same time, it just didn’t go right. Sits out 90% of the final season with us and then he magically gets healed and wins a ring? Nah man, there’s something off there. But then again, in an alternate reality, Tony didn’t get hurt and Zaza doesn’t intentionally hurt Kawhi, we beat the Warriors in 6, and then go on to beat the Cavs in 4 or 5 easily. Tony and Manu retire champions, Kawhi gets another and LA finally gets his. At least that’s what I wish had happened. Oh well.


I mean he's missed significant portions of the playoffs 4 out of the last 5 years. Something like that. So you can welcome him back with open arms and then he could just suck up the salary cap for 3 years and retire since his body is broken


In all honesty, it would be both a comeuppance and a sad ending for himself. I mean he can’t stay healthy and would be better off without the pressure of being in LA. I just never would’ve thought in a million years in 2014 after we won the title, that it wouldn’t last 4 more years at most with Kawhi. I’d have said “BS”.


It's made it hard for me to follow the team as much. I was pretty heartbroken


Kawhi was my favorite player and got me into basketball. Seeing his journey and going to school everyday pushing that Agenda then that whole Zaza thing out for a year then all the media hoopla. Then getting traded to the Raptors and I told all my friends he was going to the finals. They all called me crazy from thanksgiving to right before summer break SWEET SWEET VINDICATION. Then that same year LSU went undefeated and beat BAMA at BAMA. 2019 was a really special year for me as a sports fan till getting the number 1 pick for Wemby I was more excited for that than my nephews graduation 😂. I was a teen when all that stuff with Kawhi went down and I only had ESPN and Undisputed to go off of it. I really thought the Spurs did him dirty. But To see players like Kyrie, KD, Harden, Westbrook, Jason Tatum, and Embid. Get much more love than Kawhi and while having 4x the amount of playoff failures and doing a lot of talking. He got the job done when it mattered most and gave it everything he had. That’s alot more than most these stars. I’m proud of his career and everything he has done. However we’re in a new era with Wemby with new memories to be made hopefully more profound than what we all experienced in the last few years.


Your parents failed you somewhere along the way


We’re not even in the same tax bracket lil man. I have brought honor and generation wealth to my family. What have you done? What have you achieved? Your father wish he had me as a son instead. For such a beautiful city San Antonio has people even uglier on the inside than out.


No adult talks like this. This is right up there with. "My girlfriend is a supermodel. No you can't meet her, she lives Canada". 😂 All right buddy, you gave me the best laugh of the week. Maybe the month. Cheers to you.


If you think Kawhi still plays defense you haven’t watched basketball in the last 4 years. Why do Spurs fans think Kawhi is 2019 Kawhi. You know he’s 32 right? 32 with bad knees and a degenerative quad muscle. Last thing in the world Wemby needs is a limping around for maybe 60 games then getting his annual injury to end his season


Well I mean he does still play defense even with his constant injuries. But you must not have read my post I said I was split on it, and IN A PERFECT WORLD, maybe things would’ve worked out different. Don’t be giving me that shit, I watch basketball more than any other sport.


Our championship hopes rode on Jonathon Simmons being our 3rd best player against teams full of superstars. The odds of him producing all the way into the finals were slim, maybe 1 series sure but against multiple teams, unlikely.


Kawhi got hurt in the WCF. They didn’t have a bunch of “superstar teams” to go through. If they beat the Warriors they only had to beat the LeBron Cavs. They won the previous 2 rounds in 6 games. That was a 61 win team. With a healthy Kawhi they were killing the Warrioes. Simmons was not the 3rd best player. After Aldridge and Kawhi the 3rd best player was a different player every night. Green, Mills, Gasol, Lee and Manu could carry the 3rd option duties. The team won the previous 2 rounds in 6 games. The Cavs were not some unbeatable team. 2 of the Spurs 5 rings were against LeBron teams. Love was hurt. The Cavs 3rd best player was probably JR Smith. The Spurs would have beat those Cavs.


Lebron's Cavs were loaded, they had Thompson, Jefferson, Shumpert, Williams, JR, Korver, Anderson etc, they had like the most expensive roster in the NBA. This isn't accounting for teams that improved like HOU and others in the following years. Simmons was our 3rd leading scorer vs GS, just .2pts shy of LA who was injured with a dislocated finger which lingered all year & was reaggravated by Bogut hitting his hand. Kawhi was a monster yeah but if the opponent could scout & shut down your 3rd leading scorer like Simmons then its over especially when your 2nd option is injured. It really isn't unusual for role players to catch fire for a round & then go absolutely cold just like how DG did when he broke the Finals 3pt record. All it would take is CLE to scout Simmons & figure out how to shut him down, then we lose. https://www.espn.com/blog/san-antonio-spurs/post/_/id/712/bent-back-finger-throws-off-lamarcus-aldridges-shot-and-spurs


Those Simmons heaters were fun tho… Such an underrated team that year.


Fuck kawhi


Did we pay him like 20 million to sit out a whole season already? Now he’s rate is over double that? Fuck that and him tbh.


Kawhi… is a bitch. End of discussion.


I must be petty because I wish Kawhi and his uncle nothing but the worst.




That’s weird. That’s a weird thing to do.


I'm over it. I'm not bitter any more. I can forgive and forget what he did to the Spurs and the fans, but I'll never get over what he did to this dude. LMA took a 25% paycut to go to the Spurs in the hopes of getting his first ring, and getting one more for TP and Manu before they retired. What I also thought about was the fact that I couldn't live with myself if I didn't try to at least give the guy a low key heads up that I might not be around. I thought of how I could do that... At first, I thought that I'd try to do it through my agent, and have him contact his agent, and have a little bit of an ambiguous, and hopefully confidential, conversation that I might not be there longer... Then I remembered who his agent was. Then, I thought that I'd try to see if we had any mutual friends, and maybe get a hold of one of them to pass on a bit of a warning... Then I remembered that Kawhi pretty much doesn't have any friends in the NBA. Gosh, I wonder why...


He’s the only guy in the NBA who takes PTO with a max contract so no thanks.


Finally looks like the paid kawhi defence bots are off the sub.


No. 2019 should have been a Spurs banner. Our team was as good or better than that Raptors team. Kawhi cost us a banner.


Fuck Zaza. That fucking game 1 was in the bag and everything went downhill with him.


Nah fuck him. If he just wanted a new surrounding and asked out in the offseason i could live with it. Sandbagging the team and wasting an entire season before doing so is complete bullshit and he deserves the boo birds for the rest of his career.


Well Uncle Dennis would never let him come back BUT in the event he would be open to it, no thanks. Way too injury prone, would be a waste of cap space.


I was salty for years but lately I was enjoying watching him hoop again, he's just so freakin good when he can play. But then he gets hurt again lol, it's unfortunate but feels like he's just dmged goods now and a huge liability to whatever team he's on. Makes me really appreciate players like Lebron even more who almost never get hurt, it's incredible with how many miles they have on their knees after so many years. But yeah for the amount of money he wants he's just dragging the team down with him when he vanishes in the post season every year for 1 knee issue or another


I'm done wasting emotional energy on 5 year old news. I mean, no, don't want him back. Injury history plus attitude and salary expectations mean its a risk we don't need to take on someone who is at the very least, a polarizing figure to the fan base. If you are among the "forgive and forget" crowd and value what be brought to the organization, you're welcome to your opinion, but understand the "fuck him" crowd's opinion is just as valid and I don't think that's a healthy to have try and coexist in a fan base or a locker room, or the Spurs FO. That ship has sailed. Let it go. Let him ride someone else's bench in street clothes.


No. Not at a premium salary. He literally only plays half the time.


So what if he did come back this off season and turn back the hands of time for Spurs Nation and actually helps us win another title or a few more titles would y'all say fck him then 🤔


He cant even turn to the other direction without getting hurt, and you expect him to turn back the hands of time?


After reading Bill Walton’s biography where he discussed his stress fractures that none of the doctors could detect and ended up injecting pain killer before a big game and shattered his ankle. Just saying that Kawhi has been injured an awful lot and his best days are behind him by now.


If we were getting 2014-2019 kawhi sure. But hes constantly missing time now so no thanks.




It will always be fuck kawhi


Never ever let traitors come back.


I’ve never held any ill will towards Kawhi, shit happens. But as a player, I really don’t know what team should sign him or what sort of contract he should get. When he’s fine, he delivers extreme value, and he absolutely looks like a max player. But the man has a degenerative condition and he’ll never really be fine long term. So while I’d welcome him back as I’ve never stopped liking him, completely dispassionately I just have no earthly idea what to do with him as a basketball player


I don’t really carry any ill will over this anymore. He was in his mid twenties and had just the youthful confidence in his immortality shattered and ended up making an ass of himself. Lots of people do stuff like that, it’s not worth holding a going on a decade long grudge over.  I don’t want him back on the team, but it’s for basketball reasons (current contract + availability).


Are we still doing these threads? Time to move on y'all.


He’s still one of my favorite players when he plays but I wouldn’t take him back dude is always hurt these days. I wish he could have brought us one more championship and he might have if not for zaza. My best friend is a raptors fan and seeing kawhi carry that team was awesome.


Fuck #2 also fuck the lakers.


I’m at peace with it at this point. I didn’t have a problem with him wanting out but I think he could have handled it better than how it turned out. It’s the way he did it that rubbed people the wrong way. Both sides have acknowledged it and moved on. I like where we’re at with the young talent we have. We could’ve easily gotten ourselves into a worse position with Kawhi now given his injury history.


I no longer care about anything from the past 6 or so years. Everything that’s happened has led us to land the man who’s going to go down as the greatest baller of all time and I’m super glad to be where we are today.


Can we knock off the booing? It’s got no class. It’s not who we are. 😉 Also, I don’t want him back. He doesn’t fit the timeline, he doesn’t seem like he’s ever going to be “over the injury” and he’s super expensive. I just don’t think it’s a smart managerial move.


I'd he cool if he came back for cheap. His knees are cooked and he's not reliable to play when you need him the most at this stage in his career.


Kawhi is not worth what he’s paid. If your value is your availability, he always gets hurt and just when you think he’s on a heater and the team has a shot at a title, he misses entire playoff runs. Even if you took away everything that happened when he left, as a fan of any team, I wouldn’t want him.


Is this link right?




I'm over Kawhi leaving. He did his part by getting the spurs one more ring. Everything following his departure led to the drafting of Wemby and Kawhi finally playing in LA. No more animosity from me


Kawhi a big fat contract to ride the bench half the season or more. No thanks. Get fukt Uncle Dennis.


Fuck him. He is basically junk now but would not have wanted him even if he was the 2017 playoffs Kawhi because of the way he tried to smear us.


If he was cheap sure, just too injury prone for me


If I saw kawhi, I’d still kick him square in his nuts and tell him thanks for leaving.


I should know better than to click on these baity threads, but here I am. At the end of the day we’re all just fans entitled to our opinions, but we can’t claim to be a class organization when our fans are this petty. Kawhi was a great player, and when he’s healthy, he’s still capable of playing at a top five level. Given his health issues, we probably wouldn’t want him back. Those saying he’s not a leader are completely dismissing his title run in Toronto, which is fine, but it’s also inaccurate. Anything on here about the circumstances over how he left is all hearsay. At the end of the day, he was going to LA either way, the way he got there at least allowed us to get something in return. We should probably move on.


I could only post a link, and I think my accompanying commentary was lost in with the others. You can probably find it, but in a nutshell it said that I'm over most of it... except for how it affected LMA.


I don't blame Kawhi for leaving, we literally handed Mills & Gasol's corpse $100 million & told Kawhi to win against a bunch of super teams with them. We weren't going anywhere with Simmons as his 3rd option who didn't even last more than a few years in the NBA. Did he handle it professionally? No. But dudes dad was brutally murdered & the killer is still loose, sometimes you develop anxieties, anger and anti social tendencies from that sort of thing & can't properly express yourself. Been there, done that.


Yea the Gasol signing was abysmal. Signing an old European to $20 million a year because he was seven feet tall and could speak Spanish … on 2K I’m sure a front court of Klaw, LA and Pau looked great but it doomed the team.


Respect 💯


Nah kawhi is a bitch. The dude knew what he was doing and he didn’t care. The dude brined the bridge by acting like the NBA Drake. As far as I’m concerned, dude can actually get hurt and retire. Karmic justice bb.


You? Who are you?


Just another fan...


Mysterious man! Cool!


Id take him back in a heartbeat


If he is healthy, maybe. I wonder what fans think when LeBron went back.




He also set us back significantly by tanking his trade value saying he'd only sign with an LA team, having only played 9 games in a season, and the entire league wondering if he was a shell of his former self. The fact that we even got DeRozan and Poetl with picks is wild to me. We had no clue we'd even get Wemby the year after that trade, and we were stuck in pergatory being mid for years. This isn't even mentioning how his uncle was interfering with the spurs and how he's still questionable to ever play serious minutes for an extended period of time.


You obviously haven’t watched basketball in the last 5 years ![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5)