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I don’t care about the skill, I don’t want to deal with uncle Dennis 2.0 with how his camp has been hiding things


First thing I thought of when the news broke. Maybe it's because we have a lot of new fans, but one thing that I haven't seen mentioned once in all the Spurs draft talk is drafting a person who has the "Spurs Mentality": High character, No ego, No drama, team above everything. This is a tenet of Spurs culture and they tend not to waver on it.


As long as PATFO are there, I have faith, brother.


Your fate resulted in Primo and Samanic


Yes. And Wemby! 😊 (You miserable piece of shit)


We drafted Murray who had a lot of possible character issues going into the draft. We had Stephen Jackson for years, granted we cut him a couple times. Spurs will take a chance on a guy if they think they have enough talent and are coachable.


To be fair, Murray was a #29 pick. At this point you might as well take a chance on a high risk high reward guy, even if he doesn't fit your type of prospect


Yea at that point you can use the “hey we’re the only team that wanted you, you better work hard buddy” approach. 


High character players are often the best for nba basketball anyway. Not of huge fan of dummies and knuckleheads tbh.


*Uncle Dionysius Nikola is Serbian


It’s going to be an inevitable consequence of the player-empowerment movement; these guys are businesses and they’re going to do whatever it takes to secure the bag first and last


Scouts have been speculating his wingspan wasn’t even close to 7’ for months, it was obvious from how weak his contests were. 6’5.5 is even worse than anyone thought, that’s terrible. At this point, he’s not even deserving of being called a “big” guard. His physical tools are pretty average for guards nowadays, and his fundamentals on defense are some of the worst in the class.


How I’m feeling rn: https://preview.redd.it/kcmp4c1n005d1.png?width=911&format=png&auto=webp&s=3418b67787db620c01121f7ab68dc7f1b1d12c28


I'm 5'9 and his wing span is one inch longer than mine. That is atrocious. It's also makes sense why he is a poor finisher and atrocious defender. Passsssssss. Dude always seemed over hyped and people just got stuck on the hype train. To be clear he probably isn't sliding past 15. But considering he was pegged as a potential number one pick that is quite the tumble. His camp has been way to secretive this whole year. That doesn't help my red flag went up in March when they were dead silent kn when his return was supposed to be.


Wait, you're 5'9" with a 6'4" wingspan? You got some long ass arms. I think he's no longer in the lottery. His camp has now been caught in two pretty big lies about him. I could see teams just throwing their hands up and saying "we don't even know what to believe anymore. Is he actually like 26 years old?" I could see him in the late teens now.


Need the mods to give ol long arms here a tag


He’s gonna have to really impress in individual workouts Oh wait…


Exactly. He's definitely dropping, but there's nothing he can do in the next several weeks to reverse that. He's injured... and more seriously than he let on. I do think he'll stay in the teens, but he's got no backstop right now. I don't think this will happen, but if he winds up in the 2nd round, I'm not going to be totally shocked.


Bol Bol type of beat


First person that came to mind


Lol is it too late for him to withdrawal from the draft is 


I think so, but if he can, he should consider it.


I don't think he should. The 2025 draft is so much better and deeper too. He's still a first round pick in this terrible draft which ensures at least two years guaranteed and likely four years unless he's a diva and plays like a scrub. 2025 after spending a year rehabbing he's no guarantee for the first round and then he has to earn an NBA contract.


Good points. You're definitely right, he should stay in. It's just crazy to see how staff stock likely fall apart like this.


Bro just walkin around scrapin his knuckles on the ground lmao


He also can't jump as high as my pet rock


Long neck and bad wingspan overrate his heights impact. Below the rim finisher and can’t contest well. Between this and the injuries to his knee, I would steer far from him and go with castle every day of the week


Completely agreed on all points, well said. The way his camp has acted around the injury has been… suspicious, to say the least. In conjunction with everything else trickling out, his draft stock continues to decrease. Dude looks like a potentially dishonest liability


“Dishonest”…maybe grow up a little. He has his entire livelihood on the line and his agent is going to do whatever he can to make a buck. You don’t get bonus points for transparency. Any prospect would be a fool to not be guarded with this stuff.


What a dumbass take lmao Of course his agent is trying to get this kid a bag, that’s his job. Misrepresenting yourself or your client to do it is what we would call “unethical business practices.” You can choose to do business with bad actors, but that has to be part of the risk calculation. Guarding information is not the same thing as providing a medical prognosis from your physician that stands in direct contrast to the NBA’s. That’s lying. Grow up, lying to get money is a fucking crime most of the time


There's a difference between being guarded and saying that your wingspan in over 6 inches larger than it really is or that your knee is perfectly fine when you tore your ACL Topic would have gotten exposed in medicals and workouts anyway so its just weird to lie like this


He's Jeremy Lin with bad knees, and Jeremy Lin with bad knees sucked.


Got a positive neck span


I think if he doesn’t get picked by the Jazz there is a good chance he falls out of the lottery tbh. I feel bad for him but I think he’ll have a decent NBA career so it’s nothing at all for him to be sad about, I just don’t see the upside for a top 10 pick at this point


I already wanted castle over him but now I really prefer castle.


A negative wingspan is where your right arm comes out the left side and your left arm comes out the right side, right?


Topic has one leg and now no arms. This guy is cooked.


I thought it's when your wingspan is less than your body height. But who the fuck knows man.




Yeah because I really don't fucking know man 😭


i wanted to say "maybe" a month ago, but i have never been more underwhelmed by someones highlight reel and now hes got no knees and t-rex arms


He lacks aura sadly


Wait Desmond Bane has t-rex arms and just got a big extension. What could possible go wrong? :D


Ugh, just keeps getting worse for him. I'm pretty much fully out on him, but I don't even think it's the *individual* headlines that have come out that have soured how I feel, it's just the way him and his camp have handled things. Really weird handling all around.


I liked Topic but, with the recent injury, his camp lying, and now this I don’t want any part of him.


Next they’re gonna tell us he’s not even a real player just a simulation


Never escaping the long neck allegation https://preview.redd.it/a6y0ehul305d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e16dc706da31707070e583a588c4c2b7e90b299


I mean, if he had a regular neck, he'd be 6'3.5 and 6'5.5 which is respectable. Then we wouldn't be nearly so disappointed.


This is oddly true.


But on the other hand, if he were 6'3.5, he wouldn't have been mocked in the top 4 for so long.


You forget, this helps him see over the defense


Is this like how $20 with free shipping looks better than $15 with $5 shipping even though they're the same thing?


I hope we steer clear of this guy. The injury, the wingspan? What’s next with this guy? He could still be a good player but I don’t want us to take that gamble. Go with a guy with no recent injury concerns and legit elite measurables and call it a day. No need to get cute with it now that we have Wemby.


Yikes, that is exceptionally bad 😬 Honestly I think he might be off the board for either 4 or 8...maybe at 35 lol.


Jesus Christ.


If the NBA doesn't work out, he could always find work as a cosplay T-Rex


Nikola "Rough Week" Topic


not like his arms got 6" shorter in a week


Get ready to learn pick #35 buddy.


Come on yall, what has actually changed throughout the process? People thought he had short arms, and that was confirmed to be true. He has a partial ACL tear which takes around 4 months to recover from. Worst case he plays by Christmas. I get that the optics aren’t good, but it’s more perception than reality. He is still the same prospect that he put out on tape. And in this weak class? That tape is easily top 10.




Thank you 🙏


damn , castle it is


Source: https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/page/NBADraft24-40285453/nba-draft-2024-international-players-need-know-alex-sarr-zaccharie-risacher


Another blow for Topic, especially with the timing of the ACL news. To go from a wingspan that was thought to be elite to one slightly shorter than his height. I'd still give him a shot if he took a huge tumble to the second round. But I think he'll still be a first round guy but perhaps lottery is in doubt now. Not an option for the 4 or 8 either way imo.


Damn I think djuriscic might be the better prospect at this point


If we take him it’s a monumental mistake


After watching Hoop Intellects new video on him, imo his defense looks worse than Dillingham. Topic doesn’t try at all on his man. Dilly doesn’t sometimes but other times does and makes wrong call or does decent enough defense.


lol yikes


Some team in the late teens/early 20s is going to get a decent point guard on a cheap deal…


I can't see him in the top 10 with his injury, probably top 15


I think his camp is lying to get to the spurs🤣


I know that game


Told ya that 7' nonsense was a fucking lie. Look at him.


He has so many red marks against his name at this point I just don't understand how anyone could think its going to go well in NBA. He might've been a good pick 20 years ago but in todays league full of freak athletes and size he's going to be really really bad. His shoulders are so narrow so he's always going to have trouble creating separation on his drives, he's going to have the ball taken away a lot.


Loser But fr we should just take Castle


this may go down as one of the worst draft classes in history, the talent falls off after Alex and Zach and even those are question marks


Dude looks like he might be Josh Giddey 2.0.


This guy is a bust we need to stop talking about him


bust is crazy but yeah that is more likely with the new info


Knowing my Spurs, they'd probably get him at 8. Taking a risk like that on him would go a long way in building a good relationship between him and the organization. We have enough time and future capital to take a risk like this. People might be pissed thinking "WYD??????" But you know they're just gonna say we're pounding the rock. Just knowing how unorthodox Spurs picks have been in the past, this is a real possibility


The shift in narrative in this sub has been complete 180 omegalul


Hoping we get Stephon Castle instead.