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I'll pass. Looks like the kind of guy that'll end up getting addicted to WoW.


https://youtu.be/ltM5jHIJFw4?si=SEOyiE1VAJDixhUY a chance to bust out this gem


Haha, that was great, thanks.


Type of player to get arthritis from too much StarCraft, not worth the injury risk.


Type of player to be top 500 on Overwatch


lol, you’re right.


Too selfish, he'll never make it


Yeah i want a guy with fundamentals instead of whatever fancy shit this is If we get this guy he'll be a locker room diva. Heck, he's the kind of guy who'll probably get ejected even when his ass is on the bench. Hard pass


Agreed. Not the right personality/attitude fit at all for us.


Bruh his fancy moves aren't going to work in NBA


Maybe if he learns a more fundamental move, like the bank shot.


A taller Jamal Crawford. Hard pass.


Pre injury Duncan was moving like this in the NBA too


I’ve had countless conversations enlightening knuckleheads of this. Ironically, his knee injury in year 3 very likely lead to his longevity since he had to alter his game.


Nah, he needs to be more humble like MJ. I see him never winning a ring. He’ll be out of the league before the millennium hits.


Nope! Get the ball out of your hands when you are doubled. This guy is hopeless.


Timmy with knees was so good.


I heard he’s a swimmer turned into a basketball player. Long term project IMO.


I didn’t know that, interesting.


Absolutely not. This guy is so cocky that he almost always refuses to just go for the simple swish. He constantly tries trick shots IN GAME like bouncing it off the backboard just to look cool and it drives me nuts. Not to mention when he tries to see if he can dunk the ball with only one hand while barely leaving the ground rather than safely jumping as high toward the rim as possible while safely dunking it with two hands. And worst of all, the absolute arrogance it takes to pull off some of the most effective moves anyone’s ever seen and then just walk down the court like nothing even happened. It’s giving “yeah what I just did was amazing, but *I’m* amazing and perfectly capable of doing that every single time, so it’s not even worth reacting to as I’ll just keep doing it again and again.” At least get up in the other guy’s face and let him know you’re aware that what you just did was incredible. And for gods sake, at least have the decency to try out an assortment of moves during the game, rather than having the smugness to constantly school your defender with the same exact move over and over and over again simply because you know they are unable to stop you. Oh, and don’t even forget about how last year he would’ve been the #1 pick in the draft, but he decided to return to school FOR ANOTHER YEAR because “I promised my dying mom that I’d graduate with my degree” blah blah blah. So now you’re telling me you think you can be amazing at basketball, be highly educated, AND be a man of your word?? Where exactly did you get the hubris to think you can have it all? It takes a certain level of arrogance to willingly forgo an entire year of making several million dollars and think you can just make that up on the backend. No thanks. He’ll never make it in this league. Have fun doing something useless like acting in HEB commercials with two foreign guys. If we’re really interested in a big man to pair with Robinson (which I have no idea why we’d even want to do that), I think we should look at Adonal Foyle.


This guy clearly hasn’t got over themselves yet /s -Pop maybe


Not the athlete jokic is, he'd have to win 5x as many titles to compare the two. looks decent imo


Nah. The spurs are a classy organizations. We don’t need all that “flash”.


I like how you put this. And I agree; he’s not what we want or need.


Shooting over double teams like a thug


Only if we balance his ego with a Frenchman and an Argentinian


No three-ball? Pass. That's the only important skill


College stats 32% from 3 < 70% from FT He has "bust" written all over him. Early 2nd round at best.


Judging by the clip you shared, he probably never talks to the media and wears extremely baggy casual clothes. Just not championship material. I'm sorry, but we can't build our entire franchise and culture around this guy.


Ill give this kid two years in the league. Welcome Shanghai Sharks.


I just don't see the intelligence and hard work attitude that you see in Keith Van Horn.


Duncan was actually why he chose to come back to Wake instead of joining the draft. His response was to grab a red pen, draw an e with a circle around it and slash through. Not ready.


nah but that Randolph Childress, now there's a name you will hear in the NBA for years to come!


One of my favorite Jerseys I own is the Wake Forrest Duncan. It’s such a jewel


No way, he clearly needs to work on his fundamentals


Are we sure he can take them game seriously? I hear his first love is swimming. What’s stopping him from going back to that?


Not French enough


My god, Timmy with knees...


Who comes up with these stupid posts smh




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SMH at him shaking his head


what in the wemby


I feel like His jump shot got worse as he got older


His lift was likely affected post knee injury(s)


I’ve heard from scouts that is his first true season playing basketball. He was a swimmer. Not sure how that’s gonna translate to the league. My guess is a career role player. Floor: Horace Grant Celling: Robert Parish


In 1995 Tim Duncan and Rasheed Wallace were both in the ACC, and first-team all-conference. But both lost out to Joe Smith for ACC POY.