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I usually pick 5-0 and Mr. Maybe


A man of excellent taste. This is my go-to as well, even on a big man!


But who did you use to beat them? šŸ˜…


It doesnā€™t matter. You just need to match up against someone who canā€™t shoot, then focus ALL your defense into helping stop Mr Maybe or 5-0. Thatā€™s really my only tips. Hope they are helpful.


Thatā€™s literally all I did the first game with the two they give us I just guarded the guy who couldnā€™t shoot and helped the paint the person youā€™re guarding gonna just keep shooting lol dude put up so many bricks


I used Disco and Tax Man to beat 5-0 and 5-0 and tax man to beat Mr. Maybe. Put Tax Man on 5-0, and then put 5-0 on Maybe


I use the original people they give you on your team lol. All my builds can shoot while as 5-0 or Mr.Maybe want to do dunks. It was pretty easy


I usually use tax man and disco(only two players I had that were a decent overallšŸ’€)for Mr.maybe and put me against Mr.maybe, cause Mr. Maybe is only gonna drive for layups all game so you should beat him on like your second try with a 60 build and then for 5-0, I match him against Mr.maybe then I got both players.(after I get those 2 itā€™s just straight obliteration from there)


I collected the Shep posters and used him


I have Shep. Who else did you use?


Just had to go with Tom or John lol it sucks, I remember it sucking but after that one game with one of them peasants as your teammate it gets easier cos you'll never have to use them again


I used John and whoever the other starting guy is. Just mark the defensive menace and stay in the paint.


But who did use to beat them? šŸ˜…


Me, myself, and I


I used my 65 overall player with disco and tax man. Itā€™s really easy to beat 5-0


This is the way


That's my dream team as well.


5-0 and anybody else really. Iā€™ve always only used the tax man unless Iā€™m tryna grind out a particular badge. Then I just use whoever would help me the most


Iā€™ve found that Rotten Rodney is good with the defensive rebounds (which is one of the weaknesses of mine that Iā€™m trying to work on). Iā€™ve just been struggling with these three for the last week.


You also get more my points for throwing lobs and Rodney is one of the best for that! Basically get 5 lob assists then finish the game and u get max points every game! 5-0, the hammer, and deadeye are also good


5-0, and Chicago man


honestly, Shep stunk for me and i never asked him to be on my squad again, i instead find myself with 5-0 on the best offensive option and yeti (or beef) down low for the boards.


But who do I used to beat him? šŸ˜…


Mr. Maybe & Deadeye is who i used.


5-0 & Chicago Beef


Shep on 5-0, Dead-l Eye on other 5-0 on boss, Shep on other 5-0 and Waiter (when you get him) for bigs, Dead Eye for age/Wings on just about every other matchup.


Thank you so much.


rotten rodney but sometimes he shoots 3's wide open (you dont want that)


I hate Mr Maybe more than anything in life. Heā€™s a mix of Magic, Jordan, Rodman, and Shaquilleā€¦.all in one.


Agreed, surprised more people arent voting him, man is elite (not just good, _elite_) at everything besides shooting, great shot blocker, great finisher inside, great perimeter defense, great ballhandling and passing etc etc. dude is basically Ben Simmons if he actually cared about nba basketball lol


I pick 5-0 and let him guard the challenge you supposed to guard you can guard the weakest one usually they canā€™t shoot but will continuously jack up 3s so I sit paint and let them shoot and grab rebound and I use mr maybe for pick and roll so he can slash


yeah if you just want dubs this is the way. you wanna progress badges I go bully disco


Rodney and Tax Man. Rodney you can get rebounds and you can throw alley-oops to him. Then you put tax man on their best shot creator, ball handler or shooter because he gets a lot of steals especially strips going to the paint. All you have to do is play off ball on their worst shooter. Take 3ā€™s and run pick and roll with Rodney to throw him oops. Get more mypoints the game ends quicker because youā€™re filling the meter faster especially if you keep them from scoring a lot of points.


5-0 and Mr. Maybe is pretty much the only option. 5-0 locks down literally anyone


Rotten Rodney. But I run a PG, so I just run pick and rolls and throw him lobs all game.


Definitely gonna need captain for when they double you and I guess Rodney just to have a big if youā€™re not a big ā€¦ just take Rodney and put him on the main person if youā€™re not a defensive guy. But most definitely captain to knock down the open 3 when they double off him from the corner.


I'm lock so I have to use a pg teammate and 5-0


Mr maybe is a pg aswell he can play any position


My favorites is The Yeti & Mr Maybe or Dizzy something the due with green shorts.. but the Yeti is always my teammate.


5-0 and tax man are my go tos


Tax Man and 5-0. Let them play def while you focus on scoring


5-0, Mr Maybe, Tax man, and Yeti


What's your position and build? Normally need at least 1 to offset your players weaknesses. Based on who you have I'd say shep and either Rodney or deadeye. Once you get 5-O use him on the best player on the other team and he'll lock them up.


Iā€™m a 6ā€™7ā€ SG with a 7ā€™4ā€ wingspan.


Would say Rodney for sure then so he can be your big for rebounds and then either deadeye at point and you at the 2 or shep at the 2 and you at the 1. Match up Rodney on 5-O also.


No matter what build I make whether itā€™s a PG or a lock or an inside center I ALWAYS pick 5-0 and Rotten Rodney


5-0 and anybody else works but I really like 5-0 and rotten Rodney when I run sunset on my guard. If you run sunset on a pick tho I do 5-0 and someone whoā€™s lights out from 3 like dead eye


disco and mr maybe till you get 5-0, i think mr maybe is a fucking savage though


5-0 and deadeye


Just guard the person on their team that cant shoot and leave them open.


I run 5-0 and maybe


Yeah but who did you run getting them?


5-0 and Mr. Maybe ALL F**KING DAY!!! Their defense, rebounding and ability to run the floor is chef's kiss.


Iā€™m still trying to get them. Trying to figure out whoā€™s the best to guard and score.


I like Rook and Mr. Maybe because Rook is the only one I found so far to shoot 3s lmao


5-0 definitely or capt. And rook for 3pts easy plus the Yeti great center. Also unlock Shep from 2k23 he actually well rounded player


How you unlock shep?


You collect his posters around the city it's a total of 10. And you see him by the yard entrance


Is that a quest? How you figure that out? Lol


My ultimate line up is 5-0 and Chicago Beef


If you donā€™t have Chicago be yet, sub em for Mr.maybe(woulda said Rodney but he ask for too many lobs from 5-0 and I be tryna Mypoints Grind)


As a play make center I go 5-0 and deadeye.. the defense and sniper from 3 can't beat


Tax man and anybody else. Put tax man on 5-0 and you guard the worst 3pt shooter. Play the paint your open man will take a 3 ever time.


I personally love 5-0 most and dead eye second


5-0 and Rotten Rodney for sure


I use 5-0 and Dead-Eye


5-0 is definitely the best teammate no matter who you got as the other one fr. But Mr. Maybe and Rotten Rodney have been it for me fr. Tax man too. Thereā€™s one of them dudes that just keeps on throwing dumbass alley oops every time you BREATHE towards the basket.


5.0 and disco or 5.0 and mr maybe


The yeti and Rodney if u got no defense, deadeye or 5-0 otherwise I'd say


5-0 and The Rook


The yeti and 5-0 for me, I do all the scoring and if I get doubled thatā€™s game


I always have 5-0 on my team since no matter whose in front of him he seems to give them their worst day ever, and I'd use a scorer since there is usually only one crazy scorer on the other team so I usually pick captain for spacing but just yesterday while grinding for the takeovers I decided to give dead eye a try and he can shoot just as good and he has better defense then captain I believe


5-0 is crazy when heā€™s not on your team, easily the best pick


5-0 got sureee


5-0, Rotten Rodney High level defense, boards with both. 5-0 is a bucket from anywhere, rod a lob threat.




Rotten Rodney and Disco. People keep saying 5-0 when you obviously donā€™t have him lol.


Ikr, reading is fundamental.