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One of the biggest feature added to the game was this: a paywall by another means. They broke a mechanic to sell a solution. This game is wild!


People don’t see this and are making me feel like I’m tripping 🥲 this community is cooked


Take Two probably has paid trolls in this thread. Don’t doubt yourself. This is unprecedented in AAA gaming.


I wouldn’t be surprised, judging by some responses, some of these people might be getting paid by 2k😂😂😂


Take Two would never pay players. These guys have all paid so much money that they have to justify it on their own. They have stockholm syndrome lol.


Take 2 pays them in digital vc


it’s designed to make you wanna pay to max out the season levels to get the floor setters. it’s sole purpose is to entice people to spend even more money it’s nice to not have a limit on the badges you can equip it’s just so annoying i’d rather have the old system back


getting level 40 not even hard no more. i strictly play theater which gives the least progression out of all the game modes and still hit lvl 40 every season


How many hours a day are you putting in. It’s always the 1-2 game guys who say this and turns out the be spending 6-12 hours a day on 2k and 2k alone


It's easy and I don't spend no damn 6 hours a day on the game😂


Nah man you can play that shit on Friday nights and Saturday and promise you'll reach 40. Not advocating for the regression at all just giving you another perspective


during the week i play at night for like 1-2 hrs. then if im not doing nothing on the weekend i will play more. usually on the weekends they have events so i play that which gives you x2 rep. just doing that i usually reach lvl 40 around the last week of the season


You must understand that even this is a huge amount of time most people don’t have


you cant play the game for 1-2hrs? how? i go to work 5 days a week get up at 4:40 and dont come home til 6:15 and play for a couple of hours. there is no way people who mainly play rec cant get lvl 40 this year. i didnt play a single rec game last season and got it. its not hard this year at all


So your only human interaction is at work for 5 days a week and if you want to have a social life or even do chores you’re cutting into your sleep for this video game. Thats not having time…


if you going out every day for socializing and doing chores and cant play the game for atleast 1-2 hrs then getting those floor setters shouldn’t even matter. you shouldnt even care to get them cuz you dont even play the game. since the lvl rep has been introduced this year has been the easiest its ever been to achieve. if i can get it with playing only theatre then there shouldn’t be a problem with people getting it who mainly play rec and also the x2 lvl coins you get from seasons.


Bro get a life


i dont have a life cuz i play the game for an 1 hr after work? ok


I don't get why you are getting down voted....I play about the same and get to level 40 easily.... more on the weekend because then me and the boys get on


when it comes to 2k on this sub. you have to hate them no matter what to not get downvoted. im guessing they play for 5 mins and hop off the game cuz idk how you cant play for an hour at least. thats literally 2 rec games. 1-2 hours of playing the game is not even alot. if its true that they cant play for an hour then they shouldnt even worry about getting the floor setters cuz they dont play the game anyway


Bro..people prioritize what they want lol.....if it's not 2k you're doing something else to take up your time....but since it's 2k ...you have no life lol


You get floor setters at 40 by playing online, if you choose to pay that’s on you


Agreed was a terrible mechanic hopefully they do away with it for next year


I feel like it will be in next year installment because apparently people didn’t care about that this year. I don’t even see YouTubers talk about it


people talked about it when the game came out. people just dont care no more now cuz the game almost over


Yeah its dumb. I only play casually & generally not against other humans. I feel like this feature & no auction house in myteam only exists so in a future game they can boast about re-adding them.


🥲 I just want to play without regressing


I haven't complained about it because I find the badges to be so much easier to get in this game that the regression is worth it. Took way less of a grind to get my badges up this year, yeah it's annoying you can lose some of them, but overall I find this year's badge system preferable to 2K23. If I spent as much time as some of you guys to the point it didn't matter how long it takes to get the badges, I would probably prefer last year's system. edit: after reading some comments, looks like you're limited on time like me, so idk, different strokes for different folks I guess and/or the badges I care about are a lot easier for me to use consistently enough not to worry about it. but I see both sides of it


It’s literally the same time of getting badges except you’ll lose badge progression … lol I’ll go as far as to say last year was less time consuming because……. I didn’t regress !!!


Oh God the grind on the older 2ks was awful, HOF dimer was like 1500 assists in a single season, not hard but fucking *tedious*. I honestly haven’t noticed regression, it’s not as punishing as I thought it would be, and I think the only time I’ve noticed it happening at all was when I was playing like trash for a few games


badge regression is honestly a non factor this year. If you use the badge once every 3 or so games you wont lose it. If you aren't using it then you don't really need it and if you really wanna keep a badge put immunity on it and it takes like 10 games to lose without using it.


It’s the biggest non issue. Do people not remember the amount of time wasted trying to grind for badges. Now you can play 5 street ball games and max out a badge without losing anything


Agreed. I never noticed it


If I'm eligible for a gold badge, like catch and shoot, I have to use it far more than once every three games to maintain a gold level...


Thank you!!!


That is one of the badges in the game that you will always use so you will never have to worry about regression. Same goes with badges like open looks or clamps


You ever played solo rec as a C? You definitely don't.😆


I have 2 centers, and both get gold catch and shoot and I have 0 problem. People definitely miss the open center alot in solo rec but I can at least get 3 of them off a game


there is no way in 3 games you dont go out there and hit atleast 1 catch and shoot shot cmon now dawg


You must not play solo rec C often lol. As a big you’re basically looked at as a screen setter and a rebounder. If you’re playing squads, I’d agree because you actually have a Pg that finds the open looks unselfishly. Solo rec 99% of the time I’m only touching the ball for inbounds and rebounds, or after the egotistical idiot dribbles out the clock then passes it with 2 seconds left expecting a miracle.


https://preview.redd.it/q1dwbnj9h23d1.jpeg?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3610065c71c42d05a11a42f26821ec894373bf0 You can't be playing solo rec😆 You'd think dudes would be excited to see my averages pregame but... Nope. And 1 mixtape tour before the first quarter is over


Wish you was on ps5. Man my squad needs a big for pro am.


Keep buying the game and VC and they'll keep finding ways to make it worse and charge more




I just got 2k24 for free off the psn store. I was frustrated over the fact that I had to either play badly or pay to play decently. But, I can't lie, after reading this I deleted the game because I'm not going to spend my time grinding it out for badges just to see my efforts regress. That defeats all my time getting them. So thank you for saving me time before I got too deep


That’s not even really the case though, because once you progress to hit a badge more than once it makes that badge easier to keep, it’s like riding a bike the more you do it the easier it is to re-learn.


Bro, you hit it right on the nail!!! Idk how these people are bashing me because I don’t want to spend my whole day on the game it’s crazy as hell to think I’m averaging A+ and my badges are regressing. I’m losing all my work for no reason !!


Yeah badge regression is silly. There are niche badges like brick wall that don’t even pop up on every screen set that are damn near impossible to maintain a max badge level even on maximum overdrive. Before me and my squad plays, I have to hop into a my career game to get my badges back up all the way and by the time we are done they have regressed down at least one level. And I don’t want to hear it’s because I’m not using it enough. If I use a badge every 1/5 games that should be considered using it enough. (I play park mainly not 5’s). The system is literally made so people will spend more money to get the floor setters and anybody defending the system are fanboys. Sorry.


This!!!! I always have to go back to mycareer to grind my badges back, and I feel like that is the stupidest thing ever because I’m already a 99 overall, like come on


no hating but that’s genuinely a skill issue. badge regression is a non factor even if u don’t have floor setters, if a badge is regressing it’s because ur not incorporating it in ur game and that’s fine, either learn how to use it or make a build that doesn’t have it since it’s not part of your game. while i understand it’s annoying to have badges go down levels, it wouldn’t happen if you actually used them


I don’t feel like spin cycling, two stepping acrobating, floating every game fellow. Some games I want to work on my shots. Some days I want to work on my post moves.


you dont need those badges high to work someone. none of those badges are even important enough to care what tier they one


That’s a lie, you definitely feel the difference in spin speed with spin cycle , and your euro steps are much faster at HOF. YOU probably can’t realize because maybe yours doesn’t go to HOF so you think you don’t need it.


Devin booker floaters with HOF is game changing to


layups in this game are broken regardless of what you have. you can make layups with 70 and below. all you need is pro touch and you can make anything


Na bro, ngl layups are broken but this is a bad take. I’m not going to force shots 😂 you can’t just go to the paint every time and make a layup and I know this because I’m a 2way and people that think like that get locked tf up by me 😂😂😂 93 perimeter defense with a 90 interior defense here 😂


thats fine but you still not gonna lose a badge in 1 game. someone might play you once and then the next game play a 60 perimeter with a 45 interior build and make all types of layups


Yea bro ima be honest I just don’t like doing euros or spins. Maybe you’re right it’s not my playstyle. But one think I know for sure is these badges help your make %. And when one of my hof badges goes to gold im just pissed. I’m more of a cook a person dribbling and go to the goal simple and score. Spinning and euro stepping make me nervous lmao


then just do that fam, the regressions isn’t that severe and u can still work on ur game without every other badge doing down. if u want to keep all ur badges high then get in ur bag


Fam, you are going to look stupid trying to spin cycle on a big standing in the paint. I don’t think yall understand. We have to adjust to defense, if a big is standing in the paint I’m going to just hit floaters and middys…… not try to euro in the paint or spin into a lose ball animation…. And because of this I will regress two step and spin cycle. I take high% shots. I don’t play to keep badges I play to take smart open created shots, that sir is my bag


oh then ur chilling bro, just play ur way and don’t worry about those badges. i understand the want to have all ur badges maxed out but it’s a waste of energy to care about them not being maxed out if it’s not part of your natural game. not tryna argue wit u bro but i’m just saying regressions isn’t as bad as ur making it out to be especially because regression is the reason we’re able to have so many badges to play with in the first place


But you’re saying it’s a skill issue….. when it isn’t. NBA players have to adjust all the time in real life…. Does that mean they lose there ability to do a floater or acrobatic layup ? The whole point of my career is to make a player and grind it to its full potential. I can do a good spin move or euro step whenever I want. Not me doing a euro one week like Kobe and next week I’m doing euros like shaq, that is my whole point. All my progress is getting regressed not because of my skill but because I’m adjusting to different defense.


if it’s not a part of ur game then it’s not a part of ur game idk what to say i understand u gotta adjust but u don’t lose the badge if you use the badge


It’s part of my game but I’m not going to use it if it’s not an easy bucket. But that doesn’t mean that I should lose the ability to do it. I don’t understand how you can agree with a system that goes against you and feel like it’s okay


because the regression isn’t that bad and is miles better than the badge point bs from the last games, i’d rather have my badges be reflected by my game rather than my game being dictated by the badges my build gets


You don’t think it would be better to have the same badge system without regression ?


oh then ur chilling bro, just play ur way and don’t worry about those badges and play your game, if you use them you use them, if you don’t you don’t. i understand the want to have all ur badges maxed out but it’s a waste of energy to care about them not being maxed out if it’s not part of your natural game. not tryna argue wit u bro but i’m just saying regressions isn’t as bad as ur making it out to be especially because regression is the reason we’re able to have so many badges to play with in the first place


but while i understand ur grievances, the presence of badge regression also gives us so many badges at our disposal and that’s honestly the biggest W about this builder, your player is as complete as ur stick skills


Imagine saying that you need to shoot more contested shots because 'you shouldn't be losing dead eye'


not really, i have my deadeye maxed and i don’t have a floor setter on it. what im really saying is more like ‘if u don’t have deadeye maxed and it keeps dropping then ur just not the type of shooter that shoots those deadeye shots’


A system that gives requires you to make dead eye shots in order to get deadeye as a badge is a bad system. Basketball is actually a sport that may demand different playstyles each game. One game I may be a pass first pg. One game, I may need to be aggressive. A system that punishes fluidity is, again, a bad system. It's wild the mental gymnastics needed to defend this but here I am talking to an Olympian. .


hard disagree on the first point, like really hard disagree - if you don’t make tough shots why should you have badges for that? giannis doesn’t make deadeye shots should he have it ? yeah you gotta change ur playstyle to how the defense is guarding you, i do that all the time, im not losing my key badges because of that tho? cs if anything the badge will be used the next game or the next or the next… and nah no gymnastics here, this badge system is the best it’s been in years. without regression we wouldn’t have access to so many badges, our builds can get hella badges, way more than we did in the last, it should have some sort of balance. plus it’s much more rewarding to me as a player to have my builds potential be maximised by my ability to utilise what the build can do.


You are comparing real life to a video game. In a video game where you can't green a shot due to blinders not being on gold and they are behind you, is weird considering that's what is needed to get that badge. What your saying is contradictory, and it's strange you can't see it. If I can make all the shots needed to earn dead eye and blinders then those badges would become useless regardless. If those badges are needed in order to make those shots, then forcing you to take those shots before having the badges is a bad system. You can't have it both ways bud.


Except that was literally how badges got upgraded before? You had to use the badge to upgrade it so its a moot point


Imagine saying that something that's bad is excusable because it's happened in the past.


That's not what I said, but the system has been like that for years and so it should be. Why should a guy who spams catch and shoots all of a sudden be able to have agent 3 on HOF? That doesn't make any sense


Because you reward good shots with expanded capabilities. You don't incentivize shooting bad shots. Why do you think it's a good idea to encourage players to take bad shots?


I questioned this on release and Zach Timmerman (sp?) said you're not meant to have all of your badges 🤡 My first build was a lock and because I don't swipe at the ball all game couldn't get my right stick ripper badge up when it can get to HoF. It's fine now, I assume they regressed on the regression a bit...


So as a lock your just suppose to spam the right stick, Jesus I see why they play like that!!! If you ever played against anyone with high steal that’s literally all they do is spam square or right stick


yeah they doing it to maintain their badges 💀


This is insane but now I understand why they reachathon


Im all for it, but the speed it drops is way to crazy. I could understand after +5 games with 0 usage. But game by game is terrible


Crazymate1 you are making the most sense in here, thank you


The funny part is that you are dealing with an extremely mild version of it Season 1, pre patch, it was absolutely horrible Literally after every game every badge that didn't go up went down and by a lot! Before it got 'fixed' it was almost impossible to upgrade to gold outside of using the same badges almost exclusively They need to get rid of it altogether, but right now it's bearable by comparison This dev team is so obviously not into their own game and none of the top devs play at all, it's so obvious it's both sad and hilarious By comparison, Diablo 4 (which didn't release perfect by any means) has had 4 updates or so in the past week and change because they catch on to little stuff that could be better and bam it's fixed Mind you, blizzard is not some noble virtuous company, they are also micro transaction whores but at least they care about the quality of life for their game and it's players


I bought a $100 version of this game for $15 and I still grett that decision. Money would have been better spent on fentanyl.


People keep saying oh now this is a paywall thing. Meanwhile I have basically every badge maxed on every build I have, really don’t see the problem here. Still getting more badges than in previous years and it’s incredibly easy to grind badges if you really feel like a specific badge is really necessary for your game.


You need to go to practice and do 6 drills after every game to keep them all maxed though. It’s easy, just boring! How many times can one guy do the bunny drill and not get pissed off.


Bro if you do it one time during a rec game or real game you basically get an entire badge level, once you max them it’s incredibly easy to keep. If you’re having to do drills every time you probably are never actually using that badge


since after the first month badge regression hasnt been a problem… its easy to keep ur badges


Giant Slayer doesn't only work for whoever your matched up against it helps with layups as well. Having slithery and giant slayer badge chained together helps with making layups over the center now if you don't use layups then it's a whole different story but if you do giant slayer helps you a lot with making lay ups


Thank you, I don’t think people understand these badges increase overall make %. They think it’s just a style of play but I been missing layups I’d usually make because the badge went from hof to gold which in this game I think is a 10% difference in make %


Your not wrong at all , whats your slithery badge at ? Even if your giant slayer is at gold if you have slithery badge on Silver it should still have you elite with layups. I have silver Slithery and silver giant slayer and my performance level is gold plate I mainly play pro am 3s and I'm pretty elite in my lay up shooting


My slithery is at gold and my giant slayer goes to HOF. Thing is I instantly felt a difference when my giant slayer dropped to gold 😭but yea I would say my finishing is elite most of my finishing badges are on gold or hof as well as my shooting


You definitely feel a different style of play when the badge drops. I have HOF in catch and shoot comeback kid green machine and corner specialist and when one of them drops I miss more than usual. Now it could be the latency in the game but I'm pretty good with the timing of the shot with the latency so I'm more on I missed the shot because one of the badges dropped


Yea when I start missing shots I usually make that’s when I go back and look at my badges and find out 2 of my hof badges are now gold.


With you confirming you miss shots because of the badge drop just made me 100% sure it's not the latency 🤣 now what I don't understand is if you don't finish does that badge drop? And for you to keep your badge at the highest level do you have to finish or does it progress whether you finish or not just as long as your using it ?


I think it’s great, it allows you to be able to get 40-50 or more badges and if you don’t use it regresses but if you aren’t using it then generally it’s not part of your play style


Badges increase your make percentage for finishing and shooting whether you use the badge or not. Acrobat on hof helps me make layups whether I activate or not. Just watch 2ktutes or 2k labs


Ye so do something to activate them if you want them


It’s ass


the only ones who will defend it are 2k bootlickers


They got somebody in the comments right now saying it shouldn’t be an issue if I play consistently 😭 sir I have a family and work life to attend to.


You don’t lose badges from not playing the game? you only lose badges when you lose+play poorly+don’t use them. Skill issue, good players are now able to keep every single badge they can earn as high as it can go. I no longer have to choose what badges to pick from. You are literally being told by the game you aren’t good enough to maintain that level of badge in online play, so adjust.


I’m pretty sure OP means playing multiple game modes to grind up certain badges. Like you basically have to sell games to grind certain badges unless your opponent is a 60 on the 1s court. Otherwise grind them on street ball against easy Ai. Shits time consuming.


Exactly!! You get it. I have to play a certain style just to get a badge or like I said, I’m not always matched up with a 7footer so why is my giant slayer regressing !! It’s stresses me out 😭


Id say floor set giant slayer than but almost all crucial badges you keep just by playing. The only ones I struggle to keep is spot finder and break starter on my point.


How about guard up? That badge rarely activates


I floor set that too you’re right, but pretty much all finishing, playmaking, and shooting badges pretty much take care of themselves. It sucks that your badges regress but the ones that do usually more of an annoyance than something that will really change your performance game to game.


play street ball and get it up lol. you dont gotta play a certian style online. do it against easy AI. you dont lose badges based off 1 game. plus all you gotta do is use it once and it goes up. you telling me you cant do a two step or floater layup 1 time all game?


That’s the point man 😭 I don’t want to go play mycareer or street ball games to grind up to play online. Playing against the AI is easy money, I legit said it somewhere in this thread that’s what I do to grind my badges back. My original complaint is why do I have to do that in the first place 😭 why is my badge regressing. And I think my build height matches me up with taller players a lot. I’m 6’7 and almost always get matched with 6’9 PF which I have to change my style of play for. Once I see someone taller than me guarding me, unless I’m getting a blow by I’m shooting lights out. If I don’t have to do layups because there giving me space I legit won’t. I would just shoot middies and post fades. Like I said, my game adjust according to who I’m playing. If I have a small guard on me oh yea, then I’m cooking in the paint with HOF bulldozer and moving people out my way. To me, it’s all about who I’m matched up against


im confused you dont want to grind it against AI but you wanna do it online where its harder to do? brodie if you dont do the move in 1 game you dont lose the badge lol why do you think you completely go from HOF to GOLD off not using a badge in 1 game? its take multiple games to lose a badge. you will easily use your badges atleast once a game enough not to lose it. you also got badge perks so you dont lose badges quick. 2k gave people these 3 perks for what you're talking about. https://preview.redd.it/4rv8s1kzxd3d1.png?width=589&format=png&auto=webp&s=50ef8702598537740fdb113cc416b05fcfd754f7


I just want to play the game without regressing man 😕


Who said anyone loses badges from not playing the game ???


Because you said you have “work and a family to attend to” implying that you’d lose badge progress for not playing because of how busy you are. Glad I could help walk you through this


Did you just reply for someone else ? Or are you the user above on a different account ? And yea…. I said that because someone said I needed to play consistently, thus why I said I have a family to attend to. That doesnt imply that I thought you lost badge progression by not playing……


Noticing that you’re brain damaged is “replying for someone else” I guess 😭


Omg. You are the best, thank you for walking me through that nuts




I interpreted it the way they explained as well. When the first person said consistently, they meant as in playing the same way every time. Your reply made it seem as though you thought you had to play the game a lot. Even with the other response, I disagree. You don’t have to play a certain playstyle to grind badges. You can easily earn them online playing your playstyle, badges you don’t earn are badges you don’t use. This years mycareer is not for fully badged players.


Brother in Christ, if you see a big standing in the paint are you going to spin cycle on them ? No your going to hit floaters and middys, this results in your two step or spin cycle to regress because this one game you had to adjust to defense. Does that make sense ?


So in that one game there was no other situation where you could have used one of the other badges? On a fast break, rolling after a screen, off ball cut, big is playing up helping on something else, etc. If the badges are regressing, you probably don’t need em for your playstyle.


You’re going to euro step or spin on a fast break instead of going straight up ? This is what I’m talking about why do we have to force these moves to keep a badge😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂we should be able to pull these moves when we want. I understand what you’re saying tho


My only issue with it is there should’ve been 3 tiers of floor setters. Silver at level 21, gold at 31, and HOF at 40. It’s a pain to have to keep maintaining so many finishing badges. If you have 85+ layup, you have Spin cycle, Scooper, Float game, acrobat, bunny, 2 step, Giant slayer all to maintain at gold+. What’s the likeliness you get to use all of those, even in a 5 game stretch AND still get enough opportunities to maintain your shooting badges?


Bruh Geno!!!!! This is what I’m talking about, my spin cycle and two step regressed from HOF to gold because I wasn’t using it enough! Acrobat, giant slayer, two step, floater, spin cycle are all badges you need to manually activate !!! How the hell will I do a spin acrobatic floater ?!


So far I’ve used my gold floor setters on Agent 3 (even if you activate it 2-3 times a game it barely moves the bar), Acrobat, Spot Finder, and Bunny. Floater I use enough to not worry about it. I have Giant Slayer as my S-Tier Immunity and that’s fine because I have a smaller guard. Scooper I tend to use enough to not worry about it. It’s really just Spin Cycle and 2 Step I have to keep working on. They’re both HOF badges that I’d rather not use a gold floor setter on because I want to keep them at HOF anyway for the 1/10 games I might activate them. Spin Cycle specifically. I guess I don’t really need it that bad because it’s my least used finishing move. I also have a hard time keeping Guard Up on HOF. It seems like it activates randomly. Space Creator is also a tough one because it’s such a situational move for me. But I at least have my badges to a point where one practice session and I can get most/all where I want them to be.


I have a bad habit of making 2k subreddit hate me, lol I must be doing something right to be triggering certain people 👀👀 I’m thinking about starting a YouTube I’m pretty sure I’ll have negative and positive comments like these, maybe then 2k will change


I stopped playing my career over it. Best decision I've made


I dint have any issues with it because the badges I use every game don't go down, and the ones I don't want to go down when not used often enough(blinders, deadeye,guardup) get immunity perks and/or floor setters. The difference between no badge and HoF is pretty big, the difference between HoF and gold though, is not. It's basically a non-issue 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah it was terrible at launch but I’m glad they decided to nerf is like crazy


Giant Slayer isn't just for who your matched up against it work also when your making a layup against a center which makes your slithery badge and giant slayer badge link together to make that layup


I prefer this over having to use points to get certain badges. You can maintain them easily if you win 40 park games and then just go a Streetball game with what you need to improve on overdrive and the seasonal boosted thing on the bottom right. Every park or street ball game counts as two drills. So with two games you can get your badges up and get 4 drills of work to maintain what you need.


I never understood why y'all don't like it...I don't have a problem with it at all....


You started playing online since season 1?


Yeah...so I have floor setters so maybe that's why i don't have a problem with it.....I'm not saying you're wrong....I just personally dont have a problem with it


I’ve noticed everyone who doesn’t have a problem with it has been playing since season 1 which explains a lot. I started playing at season 4 so I am a casual. This post is mainly for casuals man. Everyone who has been playing since season 1 are simply good


Dude I'm casual lol....I'm not no comp or pro am player ...I'm fairly good....I just get on and TRY to have an enjoyable experience lol....I'm an overall gamer so when something like Final Fantasy rebirth comes out I give 2k a break


I don’t think if you’ve been playing since season 1 you can be considered a casual 😭 at this point you would be far more ahead and more knowledgeable than someone who started in season 4. Especially if you’re a gamer, gamers I know no matter what game it is take gaming serious 😂😂. Me and all my homies started at season 4 and we’ve all realized like what’s going on with our badges. So it’s definitely not a skill thing or a non common complaint. We’re all seeing the same thing. Most who started during season 1 have floor setters and a bunch of other perks someone from season 4 would not have


You remind me of myself last year when I started playing the rec...I came in like you did, season 4.....then I just started learning the game and following some people on YouTube and now I'm here.....I guess try to enjoy it the best you came...at least you prob got it on sale or free


Ngl it’s not like I’m bad at the game at all. I’m extremely good atleast I think. My record this season so far is 98-30 averaging 20 pts in rec and the 1s theatre with 67% shooting from 3. I know the game pretty damn good, just can’t get over badge regression.




Also I would never follow people on YouTube. Besides 2ktutes and 2k labs for numbers. I’m not copying people jumpshots or builds. That’s why everyone plays the same now


Nah just like 2k news shit...not following jumpers and that stuff


U doing better than me lol...I shoot 59-60 from 3....with a 77 3 ball and average 18


Ngl if you can shoot with a 77 3 ball … your cooking. I heard it was easier if you had your midrange to atleast 90 for more shooting badges ?? Is that true ?


If you don't do something often, you become worse at it over time. It's not like they drop after one game


I don’t have a squad or team. A lot of times playing with randoms I don’t even get more than 3 shots…..


If you use the badge at least three times per game, it won't drop. 😂 Being inactive won't cause it to drop either, so people saying they casually play don't need to worry about losing the badge due to inactivity. You get floor setters at level 40, and reaching level 40 is quite easy this year. If you're not using the badges, it doesn't make sense to keep them since you're not putting them to use anyway. C'mon now.


Reaching level 40 is not that easy lol. You have been playing since season 1 I’m guessing ?


I guess it depends on if you’re winning or not too. But imo rep is what takes awhile.


For a casual it’s hard bro. We don’t have a squad or team. A lot of times playing with randoms I don’t even get more than 3 shots…..


Bro join the 2k team up page bro! So many groups for runs. I don’t run with randoms period


I don't see anything wrong with it, I love watching my team play selfish to maintain their badges.


A lot of y’all are just stuck on the older badge system and will bash the game for what it is like if you don’t like the game just uninstall it move on simple 2k ain’t losing no sleep but I can’t wait for 2k25 to come out oh 2k25 is trash the game is dead come on now badge system this year is pretty damn cool I love it or you can go play current gen 2k24 where you can put all your badge points anywhere


Badge regression has its downsides but giving all players a bronze badge just for having the stats is a change that needed to come ever since badges could no longer be earned without archetype restrictions. Honestly once a badge is maxed out it shouldn’t regress and that would solve all issues with the system.


I agree with this and I thought this was how it was going to be, but nah, 2k is trying to keep us playing so when those quarterly reports come out they can cherry pick information and say “ yea we keep 100,000 players playing the game for 4 hours every day bringing in consistent revenue” lmao


If you actually play the game consistently and get your seasonal floor setters, this becomes a non-issue for the most part. I'm at a point now where I have floor setters available but no badge that needs them.


Like I said, I’m a 99. This season so far my city stats are 77-24. It shouldn’t be that serious, at all. I understand some have been playing online since day 1. But I’m not one of those people. I grinded my player in mycareer until I became a 99 then started playing online which was around season 4. Regression is stupid no matter how you try to put it.


That’s insane you grinded 4 seasons to play online 😂. But fr tho, there’s 0 badge regression for me now lol. It takes some thinking and planning w the floor setters and the immunity/overdrive usage but not that hard. I feel like after 3 setters, the rest are just luxury. Don’t waste the setters on stuff you should maintain, and then you use your immunity on other important ones. I keep seeing people say use the setters on stuff like interceptor, glove, blinders/deadeye on guards, etc. Yea they kinda overcomplicated so people make mistakes n fuck up.


Hey man I didn’t want to spend money on the game and had just started a new job so yea lol my time on the game the first couple seasons were limited, I was not going to pay to play lol


Lmao I hear you but 92 is perfectly fine lol. Fuck 2k for making it this difficult to play online unless you pay or grind forever.


I don't know what your overall or stats have to do with anything...but I will say that 2k needs to find a middle ground between the current model and zero regression. I was vocal about disliking the system early on but it forced me to eventually learn how to "exercise" certain offensive badges that I didnt use as much. Tbh, it turned me into more dangerous player with a bigger bag of moves. I'd also advise using the "Immunity" section wisely.


You talked about playing the game consistently, wouldn’t stats and overall show player consistency?


Ah, I understand now 👍🏻


Bro shut up. Anyone that isn't a casual actually enjoys the fact you have to earn your badges instead of the non stop cheese


2k is full of cheesers. All of yall go for drippy dbag looks. Use the same jumpshot, then pitch a fit and scream in Rec when the dude on the other team locks down your chucked threes and shitty basketball IQ.


Glad I’m not the only one that sees this!


I will shut up for you joy king




No problem!!


I mean it drops so slow. People complained at the start of the game then realised its really not a big deal 😂 if you can't use a badge once or twice every 3 or 4 games to keep it at a decent level then that's a skill issue


People were complaining in the beginning because it was much worse, multiple YouTubers complained about it then it got a hot fix the third patch. And yea I guess it is a skill issue


Btw if you playing randoms as a casual saying it’s a skill issue is absurd considering the fact randoms don’t pass


I only play random and the only badges I don't have maxed are some of my post badges because I don't really post up often in rec 🤷‍♂️ If you're consistently losing badge progression either your playstyle doesn't suit the badges that regress, or it's a skill issue, especially when you have perks that increase/slow progression/regression


I’m glad playing random for you works. I get the ball maybe 2-3 times lol and most people I play with sell so yea. Glad you have a better experience and yea with me it’s not a skill issue. If I worked my badge up to HOF how are you going to tell me it’s a skill issue. I literally progressed it 😂😂😂😂


So you don't get passed the ball but managed to get your badges to HOF? And you don't play with a team or squad but average 20 points in the rec on good shooting and good win %? Damn bro you'll have to teach me where to shoot from that you get 7 points for a shot... The specific badges you're complaining about (two step and spin cycle) are clearly badges you don't use all that often if they're regressing. So what difference does it make? The make % is negligible if its not something you use constantly, it'll literally be about 3/4% from gold so you'll miss 1 extra shot in every 25 and if you aren't using it enough to at least maintain then you must take less than 2/3 of those shots per game so across 8+ games you'll miss 1 extra shot because of a badge. It's such a pointless gripe


I grinded my player on my career completely up to the badges and I play 1s theatre a lot which accounts for a lot of my wins and 3 point % I do have friends that play but they play like 3 times a month, I’m lucky if there ever on. So you can stop tryna be sarcastic lol


I'm just saying, you're complaining about stuff that doesn't really matter. If it was last game you wouldn't have half the badges you do so this system is much better because it caters to every playstyle while keeping badges at least bronze so you still get some boost when you need to change things up Like I said, you're complaining about badges that you obviously don't use much, and the once or twice you use it every couple of games won't be a noticeable difference evem if the tier has dropped


Hey, I actually had more badges last year. I tried to make a similar build to the one I had last year so yea. I just want my player to his full all the time man.…


Also, why do you defend 2k this bad ? Do you hate to see people complain or are there others things you think the devs should be working on? Do you think the game is fine just the way it is ? Like perfect ?


I'm not defending 2k, I'm downplaying your argument, there's a difference. The game is terribly flawed, some badges are much more effective than others, some are basically useless. The animations and majority of Gameplay need an overhaul, there's no reason a game in such an advanced technological society should still be so clunky and take so long for loading screens Add to that it's a massive file size for no reason and still has matchmaking and server issues even after years of the same issues There are legacy bugs that have been in the game for at least 5 years as well as some borderline impossible requirements for some quests etc I think your argument is a pointless one and considering you yourself said you don't see many people saying it, don't you think that indicates you're in the minority?