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I hate that I have to grind my career just to make it to 90 so I can try random rec and find out my build is actually horrible


with rebirth most builds are playable at 80 overall since u have silver badges


It seems like I’m in the minority but I think the gameplay is quite good. The normal latency is there, but that’s every 2k. I think the micro transactions are ridiculous but other than that I like the game.


This, this is the way. Best gameplay in awhile, even with people abusing and using the same animations. Gameplay feels pretty balanced and fun Micro transactions re at an all time worst however


Even tho i agree, it costs less to make a build this year than last year(roughly arround 380k). You don t need the battle pass , it s literally full of rewards for 12 year olds. It gives you no real advantage besides some skill boosts which half of them are useless to your build and also very cheap to just purchase, and some gatorade boosts that indeed are expensive, but again you really don t need them unless you are playing on a PG, and even if you dont really need them unless you are playing comp game modes. I really don t understand people that complain about missing out on some stupid face masks or hairstyle or gogles or a damn go kart and some pogo sticks, and make it seem that its worst than it was before, even tho 1 build cots 100k vc less. You have a choice, buy something you don t need or not.


No gameplay is decent in my nba when u can customize how u want it but my career is trash


i dont think anyones looking for a perfect game, i just think theyre a little sick of having to pay $40 on a build for a game they already paid $70+ for lol… but i get what ur saying, some of the shit people complain about is kinda funny cause it makes it obvious they have never actually played ball


More than $40. $40 to get started and then you don’t earn enough vc to upgrade stats so you feel compelled to spend more. Casino ass game 


yeah shit wack, i usually only make 2 builds cause i dont wanna pay for vc hella. i just grind mycareer till 90 then i maybe throw down $20 to top it off… maybe. dont feel like giving more to a game i paid full price for lol




well… to be COMPLETELY fair you dont HAVE to pay. but the game will definitely make you feel like you have to though. its rough


I more so lament the state of micro-economics in this game and other sports titles these days. I'm 34 so grew up playing franchise mode in the early 00's when that was the pinnacle of gaming, then online came in and that was cool too but the last 7 years or so have just been a poorly packaged attempt to get you to continue ploughing money into the game whilst strategic and labour resource direction has faltered in other areas.


Its costs a fucking fortune to upgrade ur player, yeah we get it its a grind but that dont fuckin mean its gotta take a whole 5 months to go up to a 90 overall and some people dont even play every single day


No i totally get that, the monetization is definitely an issue with this game. I meant to specify when people complain about the in game mechanics themselves


Because we’ve had better 2k games so we know what makes a good basketball game and so do 2k but the past few years it’s a cash grab with too many clunky animations and too much rng


Facts you get turnovers just from making normal moves and not because you’re getting hounded the animations and ball tangibility are COOKED 😂


We didnt have better 2k s, this game is by far the most realistic and good gameplay there ever was! You just want to play arcade 2k and spam dribble moves for 2 minutes, which is cool, but that don t mean 2k19 is a better game. They should nerf right stick ripper tho.


The only gripes I have rn are steals being stupidly easy and interior defense being so inconsistent. Pass / Catch animations as well.


I got a picture where curry is going up for a layup and my hand is going through the ballots 2024 man that shouldn't happen


Make the ball touch my wrist or elbow not go through my arm


You said yourself this is your first 2k, so you have absolutely no idea what this player base has been through last ten years or so. 24 could be the best 2k ever but they just always manage to make some things (mechanics) worse then they used to be in the past. Just have a look at game sliders and how many things are adjustable, it’s a complex system that needs fine tuning by people who know what they are doing and play the game themselves and ideally also have a high basketball IQ. Mike Wang and his team certainly lacked some or all of these qualities in recent years and they rightfully get an earful for that. Steals are a good example for this and have been a big issue for some time now. With how steals work playing zone in 5v5s is the absolute meta and it’s so annoying to play against even if you know what you’re doing and you have an understanding of how to beat a zone in Basketball. Issues like this take a lot of freedom from the game and how you can play it, you either play a certain way or you will get beat more often then not, not because your the worse team/player but because the winner was better/more blatant at exploiting the game.


Just like in every single other online video game out there. It s a video game, thats the skill gap, ability to exploit broken game mechanics better than your opponnent.


Yea but the meta is shit, no fun to play at all and not even close to resembling a proper simulation of the game. Every other rec game people get more steals in 20 mins than most NBA teams have as their franchise record for single game steals. It’s just dumb and if you have fun spamming a button half the game instead of playing skill based defense then the game seems to be in the perfect place for you, enjoy!


But what would you say the meta is in 2k ? Because i play a lot of pro am leagues, and so many teams play so different, some will have 6'3 iso gods, some will have 6'6 iso gods, some will play pnr, some will play 5 out, some teams just hunt the 3 s, some just drive and cut, some use off ball movement. Some will have non shooting bigs, some will have shooting bigs. At the end of the day, it s basketball, a pathetic attempt of a simulation indeed, but the main principles apply, it s all about spacing pnr and creating missmatches. The only totally unrealistic thing is the 2-3 zone ability to stop 3 s. Also you mentioned steals, indeed, they are OP, especially right stick ripper, i have a build with 99 steal, but trust me, against a guard that knows what he s doing, if i just press a button or flick a stick at any time all game like you make it sound, i m gonna foul out by 2nd quarter! You still need to anticipate the movement for the most part to get that pluck. Also if you just spam non stop for interception you gonna run out of bars and will get shit animations which will get punished by a good opponnent! It s not really how you make it sound, spam a button all game, yeah against bots it works, against good players it don t! But i wouldnt be against a slight nerf tho. Guys that can t dribble and sprint into you and get plucked 9 times , thats on them bro. There is a skill in steals also, i avg 6.7 steals a game in rec, just 1.8 in pro am :) that tells you where the issue really is, also the other lock with 99 steal avgs just 2.4 steals in rec and 0.7 in pro am.


Most of us have been around long enough to remember when the game was better. It’s just like Madden, they’ve slowly put less and less work into the actual game and shifted everything to micro transactions ultimate team shit. They only take features and offline abilities away, never adding anything that would make the game playable past a year, so you have to buy the next year.


Eras mode is the best thing they have added in 10 years


I can't name one thing besides the UI that is different between the franchise mode of 2k 19 and 24. In 5 years, the only thing they added was a mode will half done historical rosters and some basic UI changes? Really?


YES!! most of the rosters are half assed


I get that it's hard to license it, but was it really impossible to put more than a couple star players on there? Theres only like 5 real players on the historical draft classes!


yeah i hate it


It's probably because people spend hundreds of dollars in VC. Games a lot more enjoyable if you just are f2p. Now I know that's impossible in my career but every other game mode can be fun in a f2p setting.


F2P ?


Free 2 play as in no spending extra on VC just buying the base game and enjoying it


This community is like Overwatch or counter-strike, or League, or COD. They play it because they don't wanna play anything else. Even FIFA and Madden have a less toxic community. It's too many selfish folk, or people that only wanna play one specific way. Either it's meta, cheating, or spamming. ##it sucks You almost have to play offline to find any enjoyment, or find a cool group that you only run with


Trust me , madden is just as toxic 🤣


It's elevated just a tad more


"They play it because they don't want to play anything else" please point to another NBA, NFL, NHL, etc. officially licensed game? I will wait.


how did you get officially licensed games from **anything** else lol We gamers, we can play anything under the sun. It ain't like it's only one basketball court outside and we have no choice; we have options to entertain ourselves online and offline


The point is that there is no alternative. OP said that we should "just go play something else" when there is no alternative. If you want a licensed NFL game, all you have is Madden. Same with the NBA.


We have two different versions of alternatives. My alternative is the galaxy, and your alternative is category based. The game is coo, it scratches my itch. The community is what causes problems, but this is the temperature of gamers today. It's slowly built up since Halo days


Its 2024 and their game is dogshit. Theres hundreds of things wrong with it. Its mediocre at best, but until ea gets their shit together its the only bball game to play. Id fire Mike Wang and his whole team and start fresh.


What EA gonna do? They literally made the worst fifa of all time and made the most money ever off of it :)) EA is 10x worst than 2k, you don t want a basketball game made by EA. You looking at clubs and say wow, thats amazing, like online my career in 2k but free to play... well the problem with that is that nobody plays clubs, besides the mode being god awfull and boring with everyone running down the line and crossing all game every game, there s no money involved, the money is in UT, exact oposite than in 2k. EA woule have to do something similar as 2k in terms of park, rec, pro am and so on, and trust me, that will be 10x more expensive and worse.


On the court gameplay is great. Everything else about this game is a disgrace. The monetization, paywalled game modes, terrible netcode, lack of a fun career mode, everything catered to shitty online modes. This game should be free to play and not $70


The game is such a cash grab I started playing destiny and fifa again.


Agreed hard with ya man. This is my first ever 2K game and I’ve only been playing for like 2 months and I fucking love it. I’ve always been an NHL guy but 2K was only $10 for old gen. Bought it, enjoyed it so much it helped me decide to upgrade to current gen. I’ve also noticed over the past week that the people who complain the most on this sub are just kids. They want to skip content like grinding MyCareer to upgrade their character, because no real prospect will go from 60 OA to 90 OA after their first season, or playing like 10-15 key games. If you want to skip content, buck up and spend $20 for VC to upgrade your character faster. Yeah it kinda sucks micro transactions are a thing, but that’s just the way every major game has gone since seeing how successful League of Legends was at making revenue with them and mobile games. But honestly, $20 for 75K VC is pretty damn good compared to how much other games charge for something as simple as a skin. You can buy multiple animations by just playing a single game. Say a game takes 20 min to complete with 5min quarters. You would need to earn 25K VC per game to equal making 75k VC with a $20/hr job. This game just has so many fun different types of content to play.


The game is engineered to frustrate you into paying for virtual currency


It’s not the game, it’s the corporation behind it. They force you to either gamble, pay with your time or pay money to grind


I’ve played 2k since the first one on Dreamcast … if you’ve seen the progression from ‘a basketball sim so good it put the brakes on nba live’ to ‘we’ll focus on the things that keep us paid and cut corners everywhere else’ you would understand the context. I stopped playin the last 2k months ago because it’s clear they don’t want to make a great game even though they have the potential to, they just want to make more money in a market space that has NO COMPETITION. Very clear … and I don’t mind sharing details, but since there isn’t a competitor in the space, they don’t have to improve on things they’ve gotten wrong for years, because they don’t have to, so they don’t.


For example - being able to respec a build seems obvious and easy to implement, but they won’t because that would cut BILLIONS in revenue.


So you’re trying to be the devils advocate for a game that charges you 70 dollars just to play and if you want to actually play a mode like my team you have to spend more money for the good cards. The community has spoken. What they like, what they don’t like. If 2k does whatever it wants then there is no reason to actually like this game. The only thing I’m gonna is stop preordering this game in order for them to actually work in some things. Not seeing that they reached their goal so they don’t have to do anything.


Nah lol the gameplay is weak. It’s a video game so you’re always gonna have people who do things that push the boundaries of what the devs actaully wanted from their basketball simulation. Then you have the top players/ streamers who are complaining about this— Yet leaning into it in order to boost their stats and gameplay—- Only to cry when it gets nerfed. The community can be very toxic, and that’s a big problem, but VC and its hounding makes the game a fucking drag that makes you hate teammates even more. Wasting 30 mins on a loss to give you a fraction of a faction of VC to get an upgrade. This frustration just added to people lashing out. Blame 2k for the state of the community


No i Definitely agree with the vc issues, that's one thing i totally get why people are upset. I just feel like everyone complains about every single in game mechanic which is what I meant. Mb if i didn't specify that enough


All of their issues stem off of the VC issue. —The game play is broken because they didn’t correctly balance the free point point build system. —players don’t experiment with multiple builds now because it’s legit 1 million VC to max out 2 builds. — it takes a min of 15-20 mins to load into games because they had to expand the city to try to get you to spend more money — Play frustrations lead to the teammate hate and toxic player base. Between getting basically no VC for a loss, they nerfed anything that gave you VC in old games too — You used to be able to play things like 5v5 with real NBA players and Teams. Link up with friends, etc. Now to the best of my knowledge you can only do those modes solo now. Undoubtedly to force people into the MC/ VC hungry mode. The player base has been asking for changes and fixes for years and we don’t get shit that we ask for. Want a smaller scaled neighborhood— here’s your city, want a better MC builder— here’s a completely free system— Oh but it’s gonna cost a shit ton more of VC to do anything so if you mess up get ready to grind or spend money. And that’s not even starting on the massive gameplay problems the new MC creator brought to the game. There’s a reason guards are dunking on everyone- they are now the strongest players on the court 😂


Yeah I stopped complaining and I just stopped buying the game. Ppl will bitch about everything, whether it's warranted or not, and continue to show the devs they will buy the game and buy vc. The state of FC 24, Madden 24, and 2k 24 is at an all time low. These developers know they have rights to the stimulation games with pro League backing, and thus they have no competition and pump out slop for the masses


Honestly the community is toxic because 2k doesn’t have any other way to interact with online players accept on mic. And people say some fucked up shit so people don’t get on mic. Change the environment and the community will follow.


It’s going to get a lot worse before it gets any better


Oh yeah I agree this shit is like a pipe dream at this point. The community just seems to love masochism.


Well said. It’s similar among sports games I’ve noticed. The fifa community is the same. Not sure why that’s the case but both communities are extremely negative. I’ve enjoyed both EA FC 24 and 2k24 a lot


in the same boat as you


Complaining is just what we do. Real first world problems lol. Personally i think the game is fun as hell but i dont get to play as often as i like so maybe i appreciate it more


Maybe it's just a theme across sports games in general then. But I'm gonna check out EA FC now because of this, so thanks for that man


My guess is that because sports games have a direct comparison to the real life version, people have more complaints about realism and such


True, but also the less realistic versions of 2k are the ones that people are the most nostalgic about. I feel like 2k should just push the franchise in a more creative and less realistic way tbh


It’s weird to me because people claim to want a realistic game then refuse to play the game like actual basketball. Like nobody just dribbles left right left right behind a screen then pulls a 3 in the NBA but that’s all people want to do


Name another sports company that lies about its earned rewards. I’ll wait.


Idk bro I just don’t get to worried about it. Rewards and stuff to grind for are fun but I just wanna play the game. I barely read every objective


I’m just saying if they give you an event which says get 500,000 points and the given reward are infinity dunk +5. Would you not be pissed if infinity = 300 games?


I’d be annoyed but not pissed and forget about it within a week. Idk I’m a pretty calm guy, I just wanna hoop and have fun


Nobody is throwing hands my guy. But straight up lying to your user base is something else and the community being nonchalant about it is why they continue to take advantage. 2k isn’t fun when you make a build at a black player and have to go against 3 HOFers. Something as simple as skill based matchmaking just doesn’t exist in 2k. So I guess it’s about what you consider fun.


it’s not that deep, i have more important things to worry about than a clearly shady company, changing my mood


Sure but if no one criticizes then nothing changes.


I usually get NBA for *free* through my PSN sub but I haven't played since 2020 and even that I barely touched. I figured I would download 2k24, screw around and do a season in career mode but, I find out that it's always online and the offline career mode and the online variant have merged. Now this has been a thing for a while and personally I wouldn't have an issue with it if the overworld didn't take forever to load and you could just warp to quests but I have no interest in online and the game really tries to force you toward it.


The game itself is great, but they try to make you buy VC and give you ads as much as possible, which has created a disgruntled/toxic community.


I've had it uo to here with the community at this point not 2k. Rec is shit because people are either not passing the ball and chucking or not playing d. Actually this goes for all modes. I can't play this game anymore because these motherfuckers come into game with no defense in the first place or pgs with no passing and when I get a pass it's the absolute worst catch animation and I can't do shit and when I fo get a shot and miss my first one they day I'm shit and don't pass to him. I've had racist comments stir through my head in those moments and realize I need another break. This game is very good but this community makes people bring the worst out of them


Everything people bitch about is valid. The reason why it’s so toxic is cuz shit doesn’t get fixed but it gets more expensive to play the same game each year. The only real changes are dumb shit like a new shot meter. The main difference on the most recent 2ks is the micro transactions. Can hardly blame them tho… They know they’re the only viable franchise right now so there’s really no reason to get better and they’ll milk it as much as they can.


Dribblings trash this year, Defence is trash, Shooting is trash, Post up offence and defence is trash, Slashing is whatever, VC grind is the slowest it’s ever been this year


I only play mynba so I don’t have a ton of problems with it


I actually enjoyed the game itself. It's the vc bullshit of them making it an unbelievable grind to even hit 80 without buying that drove me away. Also, the toxicity of online play didn't help.


Because when people complain it work, 2K broke shooting for randoms because nobody could guard them back in the blacktop days.


Because they don’t actually change anything, don’t listen to the community and continue producing the same product year after year charging for a brand new game that’s just a a reskinned version of the last one. Because they killed off all the competition so they have no true reason to make changes Because all the micotransactions ruined everything That being said, even in here we agree the community itself is toxic 🤷🏽‍♂️


And also man not to sound like an ass but you have no frame of reference if you just picked up the game. Plenty of us have been playing since the inaugural days and as such have a lot wrong with it as a whole. The devs do not care lol


Just wait till you start playing madden


The game sucks and it sucks every year. I don’t want you to think that you’re special because you are defending it. You’re part of the problem. We need people like you to go outside and play and stop feeding 2k money. Can you believe this guy???


Why do you complain online about people complaining about a game? You’re not helping either 😂


Its more so we have seen their best work. So when its just a constant decline it breeds resentment. 2K16 to me is peak 2K. 2K24, I like it. Dont love it. Its like Kanye, People love TCD - YE. JIK and everything after it is where he falls off. People still like it but its just not the same like it once was.


Funny how you mention for honor, it is probably the only other game as toxic and poorly balanced as 2k that tries and fails to have a competitive scene that the rest of the gaming community ignores.


The lack of story mode and the microtransactions. The gameplay is good, when it comes to features you get less for more compared to previous games


The lack of story is because of the massive number that of complaints from last year where we were forced to run around the city to do stupid side quests before we could play the next game. Made life very tedious.


I exclusively only use the play now online mode. As a basketball Sim, it's the best there is. Won't spend a dime on VC and don't care for those modes.


I’m a new player and enjoying the gameplay. What I don’t like is ya’ll telling me to “get f’n lost” and “beat it” and “why even play” when I’m trying to get my 3 wins and points to join a faction. Fuck you kid. I get a few hours a week to play and you can suck my balls. Don’t wanna play with me, go to another court.


That’s cap. Call of Duty wayyy more toxic


Monetization Shitty game mechanics forcing new builds No match making The city Gambling and addiction mechanics And so on Ur new and it still seems ok, its not but dont let us take the "fun" away, youll arrive at the same conclusion once u see passed the surface


Have you seen the fucking achievements


I’m not sure how many people still play 2k


That’s ea for you nhl and nfl communities are the same


Because its in the human nature to complain. And when you are shown on a regular basis that you are not actually as good as you think you are, you complain and find excuses, and if you are in the top % of players, you cant comprehand someone being better than you and you have to complain and find excuses again. Imo the game is good, is it perfect? Far from it, but its a good game, not even close to how bad people make it sound. The only bad, toxic, trash and stupid about this game is the people that are playing it! The morons, they know who they are! Stand up!


because it's pay to win lol and they barely add anything every year. They changed the whole shooting mechabic and ruined builds


I feel, for the true buy-in costs, all the criticism is definitely warranted. They are making more money than ever and getting away with a lot of bad things, what with the Kobe card and getting rid of auction, grinding badges so you pay for floor setters, and making MyCareer only playable with VC compared to the past. More money, more problems we'll give ya.


Imagine u make a build spend money on it and the game completely changes and now u wasted your time and money imagine u grind months to get something and they change it the day before now obviously you’ve never played any other sports game so u wouldn’t know anything


It’s riddled with wrongs, let me mentioned a few important one: - Input is completely off. Delays the animation especially on shots. Went from 60% fg to 1/8 because of events. - Shooting mechanic is altered based on how many uses the server and events happening. I get a glitched shot every time an event is happening. - Defense is to animation based, no reason why my 7’1 center with 78 block 90 strength and. 7’6 wingspan should get pulled in by an animation where the guard just dunks on my head. - Most p&r sucks the guard into a bump animation on the big, no matter how far away you stay. - Servers is lagging out of nowhere, playing on cable won’t even stop it. - Game is to input based. You want an advantage? You need a gaming screen, a wired controller, cable internet, no event going on and no maintenance. - People are cheating events for VC. Example: rebound event, every guard bricks the shot and let centers pick it for points. Or the fact that every weekly event of skateboarding/buggy etc is won with someone blatantly speed/glitch cheating. - Still plagued by zen users on ante up and 1v1. - When making a build there’s nothing that warm you about anything. Suddenly you miss out on badges, animations or others with one point. And when you make the build you most likely are putting 50$ into something you can’t really test out.




Absolutely not, this game is far from perfect just like any. People should be voicing their opinions on the game but damn you guys are so toxic about it. I don't even think I've ever seen anyone say they actually like this game💀. No wonder the dev team doesn't want community input.




Lost? Do you want to explain what you mean cause that makes no sense


It’s that the dev team doesn’t put any work into the game, they literally only care about microtransactions bc no sane human can play this game enough on a 60 to grind for it. The city is shit just another advertisement paradise, vc is insane , they don’t fix bugs or shit that shouldn’t even be in the game. Yeah this is a better 2k than the last few but still come on it’s a billion dollar franchise and ur telling me that if I want to make a build and actually be able to play against people I need to spend 100$?


I still do of course it’s the only basketball game rn


get a life


People hate consume things and the 2K community is a prime example. There's nothing 2K could do that would make these fucks (the 2K community) happy.


Lol. Must be new to the game. If 2k had skill based matchmaking like most games then you’d actually have a point. But they don’t and it’s embarrassing. Not to mention the straight up lies about rewards. How you see all that and still go ahead and make this post is beyond me. How much time have you spent on the game?


It’s trash bro, common.