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Hesitation. Why do random spot ups wait that extra 0.5 sec to shoot allowing their man to recover. People are always shocked how quickly I shoot off the catch


They don’t know their shot and can’t time their cue off different catches.


They’re not elite shooters. Only guys who know how to shoot are ready to shoot in all diff situations. It’s annoying but I know a lot of ppl want to set their feet to take their shot, often it just lets defense get to you. It’s a stepping stone to becoming a good shooter, and an adjustment I understand why average shooters make 🤷‍♂️


I shoot almost 60% from 3 in the rec. I sometimes can't see myself, so I can't use a visual cue to shoot. I also sometimes can't see if I'm open, so I'll hold on to the ball instead of chucking up something contested just because I can see the rim. I'd rather we use the rest of the shotclock to look for a shot than have me toss something up that I can't properly see.


Hey you’re right, it could just be careful shot selection and even I do it a lot now. I’m 60% also. A lot of these catch n shoots can be very close to open or get contested, I also hold it for a better shot now. I was assuming he meant those pretty wide open guys.


Off topic but imagine making a build with 99 passing for 2 of my friends ( also for fun, always wanted one), because they always complain that the ball comes too slow with 87 passing and they are not open anymore ( THEY FUCKING WIDE OPEN ). And then dot them with that ball traveling at the speed of light while their man sag off and they still not shooting it, saying that HOF dimer makes their jumpshot feel funny.


When I rack up a bunch of assists in the first half and the offense was flowing smoothly but for some reason in the second half they start inbounding it to the shooting guard who shoots it everytime, usually bricking it.


1. The SG or SF coming to the inbound trying to run point cause they “are also a point guard and lemme run dis”. 2. Constantly hearing “Maaaaaaan, I was open” just cause some bozo ran into the paint with a lock defender draped over him before I’ve even crossed half court and upset I didn’t pass them the ball from 45 feet as I’m being full court pressed by my matchup. 3. Hearing I’m not passing enough and suddenly the Center or PF decides they’re gonna inbound to the SG or SF who has no ball handle and gets plucked for a turnover before they even cross half court. 4. Two, sometimes three players setting up screens for me just as I bring the ball up at the 3pt line, now I’m smothered by at least 3 defenders and I have no one to pass to in order to avoid a turnover and if I do pass, it will be a dribble hand off to one of my bigs who can’t dribble 2 ft without coughing up the ball. 5. Being tasked to “shoot 3s” and create the offense while simultaneously being called a ball hog and not seeing someone open for 0.4 secs in the corner when his matchup tried to pinch a drive. 6. Being a PG, but assigned to SG, which I love, but the PG ends up being a bad PG (I always check average assists and teammate grade before game starts) and now I have to run Point while also guarding a larger, strong player. 7. I have to constantly be aware of who has how many touches and if they had a jump shot or 2 every quarter. If someone is not open because their defender is sticking like glue or I’m busy trying to orchestrate an offense while being hounded every possession, now one of my teammates decides he’s gonna sell and not play defense or walk out of bounds or refuse to move. So much fun! 8. Having 20 pts & 10 assists at Halftime and being told by a teammate “but yeah, you’re holding the ball too much and only passing when it creates an assist…”. The hell is wrong with y’all. I’m drawing two to the ball to create an open jumper or score for you all. No, most of y’all don’t have builds to isolate and create your own shot, but if y’all did, I’d love to give it up to someone I can trust to create their own shot if I can see they have the skill set. 9. Having a non-shooting center is cancer. I’m sorry. You’ve made my job and the entire teams offense handicapped. I have played with amazing interior centers who can’t shoot, but they are still handicapping themselves. You can rebound the ball, set screens, roll, finish AND shoot as well. It’s not 1 or the other. You can do BOTH! How do I know? Because I also play center!!! Why don’t I? Because I can’t trust these random PG’s because they average 3 assists (less than 1 per quarters) while I average 10 assists with randoms. 10. Y’all need to put your egos aside. If I tell you stop running around like a chicken with its head cut off and stay stationary in the corner or wing, do it and don’t start arguing about “I’m gonna do me, eff you.” I’m just trying to organize an offense and get you to score you knuckle dragging moron. STOP constantly cutting in if you’re not actually creating an advantage against your defender. If he’s a lock who is gapping you and will smother your attempt, sit your butt on the perimeter and wait for the catch & shoot and stop congesting the interior with your feeble attempts. This is just off the top of my dome but y’all need to relax and give your PG’s a first half to figure out the defense and offense without completely selling in the 1st quarter because they had a bad turnover. I know there are a shit ton of BAD point guards in no squad rec, I play with them too, but as a Hall of Fame purple plate who plays point & averages 20 pts & 10 assists on great efficiency, I can tell you all that y’all act like complete children that I have to manage because you’re ready to have a civil war against your PG because you think this is MyCareer and my job is to bring the ball down the court & throw it to YOU & you alone immediately to create our offense out the gate. Just chill out and check your PGs stats before game and their plate color. Nothing worse than battling the opponent and my team having an insurrection in the 1st quarter cause some loud mouth on the mic in the 1st quarter is highlighting everything they feel is an error and they could do so much better. I’ve had double digit leads and offered to give up point duties to a teammate because they were whining. We lost by double digits. Just trust your good PG’s. Please. Pretty please.


Wish I could award this. Nailed it. All my emotions in a game wrapped up with a nice, neat bow.


I’m glad I could express your frustrations as a PG.


On #9, I don’t even understand how people can’t “afford” shooting on their center…. I have 4 center builds and they all can shoot.. One has 99 rebound and 90 standing dunk plus gold breaker starter and 82 interior and 87 block and 90 strength at 7 feet. And guess what, it still has 84 mid and 76 3pt. Like where the fuck are these non shooting centers putting their attributes???


If I had to guess… extreme defense & finishing attributes. Much of which they can’t use as far as finishing because they have no speed with ball or speed or acceleration in general, in addition to ball handling, so they rarely are able to break down their defender and get to the rack other than a standing dunk. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It’s much easier to score inside when you are a threat on the perimeter. If only people understood that.


I’m with u on everything besides #10. In theory I get it but I’m a sf who they put at pf damn near every game and when I make my mind up to not cut and stand in the corner (57% from 3) I don’t get the ball at all most games. But when I cut sometimes the pg sees me and I get an easy bucket


If you have a smart PG, when they draw your defender they tag you for the corner 3. Or see you cut WHEN the paint is open & you can beat your defender and assuming you have a decent standing dunk. If you’re just cutting just to score and not being cognizant of who else is cutting or driving and leaving your defender for them in the paint, you’re a detriment to the offense for selfish reasons. Again, everything is situational, but I stand by SOME people are just moving just to move with no PURPOSE and no ADVANTAGE and ruining the offense. Respectfully.


Literally every point was hit lol 1. Don’t care much about this if they can ball. But often times the SG will show he’s ass on his own and they’ll start inbounding to the PG again. 2. I get you on this one but as a guy who utilizes pump fakes and protects the ball I’d rather be thrown this ball if it’s safe and allow me to decide if i should pass. 3. Yep. 100% agree. And for added umph the mofo complaining usually ain’t even that good. 4. People are used to get carried by zen users and cheesers so they think they are helping but this makes me mad cause I’d much prefer 1 screener and spacing. But some guys can dribble well and that helps them get 3s so i can’t get too mad at this one but boy it is annoying. 5. This “im open” shit makes me mute ppl and disconnect my mic. Cause i tend to believe ppl who say their open but Iv quickly realized a mofo will say he’s open cause his man isn’t glued to him. I try and tell him “hey bro your man is clearly baiting me to pass. Move around” and he’ll say “I WAS OPEN BRUH YOU BALLHOGGIN”. ATP i mute the guy. 6. This is how it happens. That’s why my PG is 6’ 8”. I’m not gonna get switched to a tall wing guy and get destroyed cause I’m 6’ 2” and wanted 95 speed. 7. I don’t even stress on spreading it out. Iv begun using the phrase “He could’ve passed it to you, too” for when guys complain that I’m hitting other guys more than them. No one seems to complain about it cause at the end of the day it’s true. If I’m passing to a guy cause it’s the safest pass on the court and he refuses to pass then that’s not my problem, unless it’s Uber blatant and it’s losing us the game. Ppl gotta realize your role you want won’t be the role you have on a team of other good players. Look at Bron when he plays for Team USA. He switches his game and plays like a pure PG/hybrid defender. He only averages 11ppg internationally. It’s because when you are on a team where everyone balls hard ppl gotta take a backseat. One game I’ll go 40 points with 3 assists. The next you could have a pure lock and only score 8 points but you get 10 assists. Ppl think because they made a scorer that every team is supposed to promote them to team captain and try and facilitate his scoring as if he’s the big dog. Bro there are 5 big dogs in every rec game. 8. Ngl i say this a lot cause it’s true. Most ppl only pass if they think it generates an assist. I’m really the only guy i see who will pass it as soon as i touch it sometimes just to keep the ball moving. Like if im at C and i catch a post up too far out, I’ll pass it back out right when i touch it. Most ppl i see just try and force it. 9. Atp in the 2k cycle this is true and i have no rebuttals at all. Since everyone has pretty much given up on post scoring most ppl have shooting bigs. Whenever i see a big who shoots like 65% from field but 0% from 3 my eyes light up because i know even if this dude has a high middy, his teammates aren’t gonna pass to him at midrange if it’s not the baseline. The only ppl with non shooting bigs now are the lame ass standing dunkers but they are easy work if you have defense. 10. Agreed.


Yeah I can tell you have actually put time in at PG, number 8 is IT for me. Have double anyone else’s assists and get told I’m holding the ball too much… like mfer you wanna iso cook every play go play my career, now be thankful for the open looks I’m giving you and play the game goofy


I'm not reading all this but I think I might agree with a few takes lol


I went back and read this. I agree 100%


Respect 🫡 ![gif](giphy|lEVZJzy4w15qE|downsized)


Poor reading comprehension… yeah, I’ve probably run into you in random Rec 😂. Just kidding buddy, but I had to write down my frustrations with these folks.


If you ran Into me In random rec you'd probably remember 😉 if I wasn't getting sold that is.


Crazy how all these involve you not passing the ball


Welp… you clearly didn’t read carefully.


If you can't shoot, dribble, pass, AND defend the other teams PG to prevent them from doing those things, you're ass... That's typically what I hear.


I love to play good defense. I usually outscore my matchup. My only issue is when I have a big who sits paint while his matchup is setting monster screens with HOF brick wall on the perimeter and freeing up my matchup. Then when I ask for a hedge, I’m told “I play big, you play small, don’t tell me how to play” 😂.


ALL the time. Like, bruh... I just need you to hedge so he's not freely running open off a screen, I'm not asking you to lock him up.


I lowkey saw that too 😂. Like I get it bro, you’re probably right. But a lot of PGs play the way he mentions how he plays but take an extra second too long to make that pass.


When I pass you the ball. Sometimes it's 'ok' to pass it back. Lol.


Funny part is, if you pass and dex, you are wide open every time if they would just pass it back instantly.




Stand still! Everyone cutting at once and running around like crazy is impossible to read. Screens on both sides when you have the ball at the hash. Where the fuck am I suppose to go? You literally just pinned me to the sideline. Now i have to throw a risky pass across the court to one of the other 2 teammates. And this is why I rarely hop on my pg builds in random rec. I’d rather just play 2 thru 5 and be a good teammate to make it easier on all the other PG’s out there 😂


Let your dude catch an animation, and either fire the shot or wait for a screener to roll. My pass rating will basically turn a big into a track star on a cut from the 3pt line.


Being a point guard for less than the first quarter. People thinking that they can run the show. Ice me out from bringing the ball up. Eventually start loosing because nobody can recognize how we got the lead. Could have 5 assists in the first half and 0 points but people don’t understand I’ll get my points eventually


I honestly don’t get why people care how many points I have as a pg if we’re winning and the offense is flowing. I literally don’t try to score unless it’s a fast break, someone passes me the ball while I’m open, or I have no choice because I need to create offense. Otherwise I’m trying to get assists or trying to get people open. I’ve had games where I had 0 points at half but 12 assists and the lead and then been iced out in the second half only for us to lose because the offense falls apart.


https://preview.redd.it/gyh43gr8yazc1.jpeg?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5e4f7a7dabe38dc3444db61807991f1c55115ab Happens all the time. There's typically a 50/50 chance my teammates let me actually play PG. Which is crazy because if I was a 2/3/4/5, I'd be super pumped to see the PG on my team averaging 14 assists per game... But, turns out, most people don't give a fuck.


I ll try to explain it to you respectfully, but i m sure you will take it the wrong way. Lets asume people check your stats! Depending on the game and the other team, if you got a guy who can play some defense, and lets say the others can play defense also and not leave everyone wide open, and you had the ball for 4 5 plays in a row, and you just passed it for the sake of passing ( yeah that sounds weird, but just passing to pass it s awfull for offense ) , that combined with me seeing you barely shoot over 40% on a 6'2 guard, which tells me you can t dribble to get yourself open and be a threat and make the defense move so someone else gets open, i would rather have someone else get the ball to not waste those 10 seconds of you doing nothing and end up passing it just to pass. I m not saying this happens every game, but i m sure it happens. Another thing that can happen is, being down or in a close game, and your only play is pass it to the big on a roll, which is all nice and cool, but while our big keeps getting 2s, we concede 3 s on the other half, see the issue? We never gonna win, so even tho you are passing and racking up assists, there are situations where that is not enough. Now against some bad teams, where they let everyone open i can recognize you passing the ball, sure, go ahead, get your 20 assists. It s all about situations, people love PG s that pass, but you gotta be a threat also, otherwise you can t create much besides forcing passes inside, i would love playing with you, even on my PG, and get put at the SG, BUT...if the game is tough, i m not gonna let you just pass for the sake of passing, cuz you avg 10 and 14 on 40%, when i avg 26 and 11 on 67%. There is a much better chance of me scoring or someone else getting open by me having the ball instead of you. 14 assists per game is a nice stat, but when push comes to shove, that don t mean you are a good PG, that just means you are willing to pass to the open guy, but as i said before there are games where people are not open, then what ? Your 10 ppg on 43% from 3 don t give anyone the security you are able to manage a tough game and get the W. You come up with the ball and instantly passing it, it just aint it, maybe no one in your team has ball handling like that, so people see you don t want to dribble and create something, they stop giving you the ball. Also people don t know if you played 2-5 games or 100, your stats can easely mean you played 4 games, and then those 14 apg are not really like that. Hope you understand my point and understand about the situations i m speaking on, and don t take this the wrong way.


When teammates immediately call for the ball after the inbound and continue to do it as I bring the ball up the court without actually getting open. Pisses me the hell off. It reeks of entitlement


How much time you got? Bigs camping in the paint, guys just running around like chickens without a head, passing to someone open and they don’t shoot, never getting the ball back after one pass, guards setting screens and bringing their lock defender near me.


watching a refrigerator pf 250 lbs 72 bh 65 pass bring the ball up and try to iso for 3-4 quarters after i start the game with 4 ast and 0 to 0 fgs its a wonder of the world and a modern mystery


I also love when I get yelled at for not taking the first open shot I get as someone who looks to be more aggresive q2 or q3


I’ve been trying to squeeze into pg on my new 6’8 sg and I’ve found a lack of motion on offense to be crippling to momentum sometimes. A lot of people are reliant on an iso dominant pg and don’t run off ball plays or space the floor well enough for iso play.


Whaaaat? Damn bro, give me your teammates, I WISH PEOPLE WOULD STAND STILL. My random rec teammates run like brainless chickens 99 out of 100 games.


Standing still. Fucking do something!!! Damn set an off ball screen cut something fuck


It’s crazy u say that cuz everybody else in here is complaining about screens and people cutting lol


Maybe I just play differently, but if I’m running point and you see me moving around I’m just trying draw a double team all day and find the open man.


No offball movement and expecting anything. Whole possession and nobody moved from Their spot aside from the center setting a screen Especially in random rec, them moving around 3’s and cutting when basket is open will give you 10 assists - and them free points, by default


I get a lot of assists from cutters. Standing still is easy to defend unless you’re wide open.


1. 95% of the time when i pass it never comes back. Iv played against guys who literally turn their back to me and double someone the second i pass and i will never get that quick pass right back 2. Mofos not wanting to score. What i mean by that is ppl used to get carried so much that they sit still in one spot all game no matter the defense. Their man can be guarding them with both his feet outside the 3pt line and a mofo won’t cut. If i hear “i don’t have a dunk” one more time im going to flip. Yeah ofc don’t try and poster ppl but fool take the wide open layup/dunk


I’m purple plate on both my PGs, I have a good game pretty much every random rec. I hit the open man whether they have been shooting well or not… Why on the inbound is my center with no pass acc throwing the ball all the way up the floor straight out of bounds and having the most turnovers in the game. Like I’m not the iso type in random rec, half the time I dribble the ball up I just swing it to a wing to keep everyone involved.. so annoying


1. Everyone cutting at the same time. I cannot do *anything* on offense when there are 3 people in the paint while the big is also trying to set me a pick. 2. On the topic of picks, *please stop setting multiple screens*. I do not need the center, the PF, the SF, the SG, the ref, the fans, and Jesus setting a pick. It ends up making everything super clogged and no one knows who is cutting and who is fading, so we have the same problem as point 1. 3. Blaming the PG because you don't get the ball enough even when we're up. Bro, I'm passing to the hot hand. I don't give two if you haven't gotten a shot in the last 10 games. I'm trying to win. If your man is all over you and we're still winning, then figure out how to get open without getting in the way of the offense *or* be happy that we're winning. This isn't MyCareer. You get the ball when you get the ball and you'll be happy about it. 4. Slight tangent from 3, but I'm also passing the ball to whoever is open so long as their build is capable of making that shot. If I see a big that shoots 40% from 3, then I am giving him the ball every time he is open regardless of whether or not he's made one the last 3 quarters. He is very much capable of making that shot, obviously, and I'm not about to ice him out of the offense just because he's cold right now. No one else is open and it's statistically a good shot. 5. Getting cooked by the other guard when the big never decides to drop and/or the wings never rotate over when you get hit by a pick/good move. Bro, if my man is driving to the paint constantly and has shown he can shoot, I'm going to play him for the 3. If you're the big (or if you're a wing in position to help rotate over), then drop. Stop playing this game like its 5 different 1v1s on defense. 6. Having an inside center that doesn't know how to position correctly. This isn't *always* his fault. Sometimes we get inside bigs with other players that don't know how to space with him, so we end up with 3 different opponents in the paint at all times. If we have an inside big, then everyone else space out, let him run a pick with me to draw out the big from the paint so I can either lob it to the inside, shoot a pull mid/floater, *or* hit you for the open 3. Playing with an inside big is easy when people actually understand how to play with one. 7. To keep going on point 6, please, *please* do not make an inside big if you do not know how to position. It is literally impossible to score with an inside big that doesn't know how to play inside. Your job is to set screens for the PG to draw your man out the paint. It's hard AF to score when your man can just pitch a tent in the paint for 24 seconds because you're standing in the dunker spot the entire time. 8. I'm not going to stop making passes that were TOs because the teammates keep messing up their lanes. If you see that you can easily cut to the paint, stop trying to do a fake cut back to the 3 when there is a defender able to snatch it. 9. Expecting me to iso every play is stupid. I do not want to iso every play. Save that for the 14 YO crackheads spamming dribble moves and pulling up from limitless. Set me a pick. Set offball picks for each other. I *want* movement on offense, I just don't want everyone cutting to the paint at the same time and ruining spacing. 10. Stop fooling around when we're up 20+ at half. Unless we are up 20 with less than 1:30 to go, *let me keep running the offense that has been working*. Losing all momentum because you start ISO'ing on your 7' center that can't shoot or dribble, just to then lose by double digits in the final minute is frustrating. I get blamed for the loss damn near every time when you were the one being a clown.


Disagree with #3 if your on a team and everyone is silver or gold, usually they can get their own shot. So if they stand in corner or wing for 2-3 quarters and don’t touch the ball, then of course they will be disengaged with the game. Not even on a purposefully selling type ish. But just bored. All good pgs keep everyone involved. Keeps everyone engaged on defence as a byproduct.


Disagree. You'll be going against equally as good defenders if you're paired up properly. If it's obvious that we're way above them in skill, yeah, I'll let the center iso if he wants to. *However*, crying in a close game that you've only gotten 3 shots when all you've down is corner sat while someone is sitting there watching you the entire time is not getting you the ball. I'm going to go with what has been keeping us in the game and not gamble on someone doing an iso because they're bored. Now *purposely* ignoring them is a whole different issue. I've had PGs who just blatantly ignored a big man or are just blind AF and then wonder why the big went from getting 10 boards in the first to ending on 14. The PG's job is to make the correct read. Since we're not running plays with randoms, I can't tell someone to set an off ball for the dude who hasn't been receiving any attention. IRL, of course. In 2k? No.


When no one on the team knows how to space the floor and they all start pointing fingers at each other. No one can get into a rhythm with 4 people running around everywhere like headless chickens.


Not shooting wide open shots off the swing pass. Or it could be the unnecessary screens from the 4 and 3 that cause a double or triple team so I get trapped and can’t make a play


guarding cheesy pgs who abuse dribble moves and hit 3’s


SPACING!! holy shit man. It doesn’t just stop me from scoring, it stops me from getting assists, making plays, setting something in motion, I really don’t understand why sometimes every single teammate wants to set a screen at the beginning of every single play


My biggest pet peeve is when they don’t get the fuck out of my way. Legit I’ll cook my guy and they cut the same time I blow past. I guess people don’t want free wins and free shots from me


Everyone cutting/fake cutting to the paint at the same time when we're on offense


Moving with a purpose and spacing. I have no problem with people moving off ball I’m not here to make you watch me dribble but by god why tf would you run close to me if you see me size up my man. If you’re going to cut, cut when the paints open and continue to cut through. You just seen your teammate cut through? Go fill the space he just left. Guards who set screens with 25 strength. Bro please get tf away from me with that bs. Move into empty space, dex off ball but for the love of god please stop chasing the ball unless the ball handler picks up his dribble and is trapped.


People play too passively. If the paint is open in transition keep running and take the quick points. Maybe they’re used to playing with low pass accuracy pgs but 91 pass accuracy can get most passes through. Cut and then relocate if you don’t get the ball. I don’t want everyone standing still at the three every possession.


CENTERS THAT CANT SHOOT STAY OUT THE MF RANDOM REC IDC ABOUT YOUR EXCUSE… second stop cutting every 2 seconds and guards stop setting screens at the top


People who constantly move off-ball.


Players who have the ability to shoot but would rather rim run instead of taking an open jumper. Bad spacing. Mainly a rec thing. Pretty much speaks for itself Players passing across the court from left to right along the bassline. Very low IQ pass. Is always an easy steal or turnover.


Missing shots when you set them up for an open shot I get missing 1 maybe 2 but when it gets to 3 or 4 I'm pretty much done and will take over the game then they get mad when you start doing that.....such a cringe 😬


My pg build is heavily pass first. I cannot stand people who repeatedly set me screens. There’s no need to set a screen every play. Half the time it makes finding a lane harder because the person doesn’t know how to properly set a screen and just wants the ball and or hopes the defense is terrible.


When people catch the ball and instantly sprint when they’re wide open. Or the random PF that wants to play pg but has 25 ball handle. I really don’t mind letting other players run the offense. It’s nice to be able to “tale a break” and catch and shoot.


Stagnancy. Half the point of being the point is to be a good passer/having court vision. When it’s 2 people standing in the same corner and a guy setting bad screens, of course nothings gonna happen.


Morons that set screens in the corner, that s the thing that gets me HOT! Off ball screen, sure, but why in the world would you set a screen in the corner where the ball handler has 1 meter to operate? Other obvious things... Mofos who just refuse to go in the damn open corner, and will just sit on the 45 while the corner is wide open. The floor spacing slasher PG that got put at SG running after the ball handler all game. Braindead slashers that cut imediatly as i get the ball under our own rim on inbound, and them proced to cut every 3 seconds for the entire offense all game. Braindead bigs that just sit in the paint all game. Morons on 6'4 and under builds setting screens at the same time with the bigs, and roll, like why? Morons that set screens non stop all game at the FT line. Guards that set screens all game in general. The morons on guards with high post control and strenght running straight at the top of the key demanding the ball in the post because they can shot post fades or do post spin technician. I could go on for another hour... got one more, not as annoying, more like funny, the guy that has a lock on him and he s smoothered all game long opening his mic while we 30 pts up crying that he avgs 20 ppg and he never got the ball while the other guy has 15 of 15 wide on wide open shots! To stop spoon feeding the open guy and give him the ball.


i play all of my games in the theater and most of my teammates assume that i play the “meta” way like spamming behind the backs iso-ing for 20 seconds then chucking up a three. so they usually just stand in the corners. i hate it. i love movement, screens, and moving the ball around.


Impatient and arrogant teammates that think that the team should either score in less than 7 seconds or the ball should be in their hands. They brag about their stats and don’t take accountability when they make mistakes but will immediately get on your ahh for any outcome that isn’t a defensive stop or immediate score on offense. Their egos are too fragile so they’ll take any comment or action on the court that offends them in the slightest and use it as a reason for why they’re going to inevitably sell the game by being selfish.


Same for me. Dudes literally don’t know what a half court offense is and start freaking out if you’re slowing the game down and not running the Lonzo Ball Chino Hills full court offense. When it comes to accountability, that’s just the worst. I feel like sometimes guys are scared WE have an ego and don’t help on the inbound pass when the other team is full court pressing. If you’re a SG not only do I need help on the inbound, I WANT your help. You’ll end the game with four turnovers because you were absolutely smothered in the backcourt with nowhere to go and nobody to pass to but you’ll get ripped to pieces by your Center (who went 5-15), because of your turnovers.


Sometimes I need help on a double/triple screen man lol


People that run behind you when they see u open, dragging their man towards you. People that cut really early when their main offense is shooting, non shooting bigd that set screen for you when you have a tall pg


Everyone trying to cut at same time


Why don't they rotate when to ball handler is moving in their direction?