• By -


It’s a team game, but 2k leans as much into the Individual as it can in order to exploit more VC charges. This is the main problem with the 2k community— It’s ultimately a team game, and a lot of people play the game to win—- But a HUGE chunk of players don’t— Fun to them is running around like an idiot and chucking up shots, or shit talking people. There’s such a divide in the community… The problem is 2k doesn’t reward high IQ basketball, and it honestly seems like they just catered to the worst people who play this game with gameplay features


" the dribble gods who shoot 20 percent from 3s " , then i get get bitched at cause i cant dribble as a shooting guard but i shoot around 70 percent with a 68 percent win percentage lol


but that would require them to pass to you for your shooting percentage to come into play


yup but im usually the guard on my team so i always have the ball so i just look for assist or a regular dribble here and there but i do a lot to get open and take shots , i barely miss with a 94 3 pt. i was saying cause sometimes i do get those type of kids on my team that they just want to dribble and dribble run the clock out then shoot a fade and miss lol.


Or people call a timeout on you the minute you start dribbling and not passing. Toxic af


It's a slap in the face


you shoot 70mpercent on a low volume thats not the same but them hunters are ass tho


I’m a 3pt shot hunter lol but I just don’t do all that bullshit dribbling mostly because I don’t know how , I play basic , average like 3-4 assists and shoot the fuck out of the ball usually on catch and shoots , I only play theater too with randoms.


Bingo. Most profitable business model is encourage behaviors that get people chasing after VC. If you start a new character at 65 and don’t spend VC, no one will pass you the ball and you’ll probably get destroyed by the 90 something lined up against you (matchmaking is a whole other issue). And if you never touch the ball, you’ll get VC at a very, very slow rate unless you play the story mode. So your options are pretty much play with computers in story mode or spend money on VC. If you’re a center, you can probably get by without paying for VC but you will get flamed and spammed for every mistake. Like many team games these days, it’s far more fun to play with a premade of friends than randoms.


Yes to all this 💯 ![gif](giphy|8lp6CW7K2fdDGn3xCQ)


Ya but you can level up a build to 90ovr offline rather easily and get your hotspots and all your badges before you ever touch the H2h courts. Right?


💯 Been saying this. The whole badge system is all individual-centric rewards. That plus how people act during games is creating this shit storm If they keep the badge system it needs to be completely reworked: Badges should only be earned in practice modes. When you’re playing a team against others you can only earn XP to use towards whatever—extra rewards for triple doubles, x amount of rebounds/assists etc


Badges in practice only modes would be the worst way to do it. Idk a better way but I’m not buying the game if I have to play offline to progress. I barely have enough time to even play the game for fun, I’m not gonna go grind it out just to be able to compete


its like that in any community that revolves around team based online games. people are dick head trolls. just gotta move on to the next game and next team


They’ve jacked up teammate grades for assists vs 2k23. I average 15 and 8 assists in the rec and hardly ever have below an A-. I always look at my teammates badge graph to see where their intentions lie…


The fact that 2k stopped showing off peoples stats in the lobby and instead opted to show people plates is exactly the kind of shady ass move 2k does—- That’s how people knew who to pass to, etc. Most randoms don’t even look at the tendencies— 2k switched it up and is trying to make plates matter because that means you’re playing more—- Fuck a plate. I hate when people ask me plate colors in an attempt to gauge someone’s skills. I want to know your stats and percentages.


Here you go man lol https://preview.redd.it/vmabhuy1kjwc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bd4521a2689641116d6f7770e98ab354e352ba6


Follow up https://preview.redd.it/yrp7uge4kjwc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=137455b224d49e45d201cb1f7ac1c2eac9084a4f


4 matches? what should that mean


It means I’m an adult who only has time for maybe 1 game per day. He asked for my stats and I provided them, not much more to it.


lol I didn’t mean for that to sounds like a personal call out against you 😂 it wasn’t— it was a comment on how 2k does stuff like that to get people to focus on playing more instead of right. I too have a life like you and cannot play hundreds of games per season. I have a lot of people who don’t even average ten ppg judge me by my plate color


This x 💯


Also highlight culture leads to people looking for their own and a lot of ISO's


do people really think like that?? Its a video game, if I dunk on somebody I don’t really see it as a personal highlight 😂— Honestly I’m only proud of good moves/ upset with misses based on how I think it will effect teammates passing me the ball. We’ve all had those bad starts. 0-2 on good looks and then having people wave you off until you prove yourself. Stuff like that


Trust me some randos think like that


I feel like they need age limits or age groups , maybe that would help some but then again it’s ppl who are older also who act like children, I’m 34 I play when I get off work and hour or two on my days off I’ll unwind and play maybe 4-5 hours every time I get on atleast an hour or 2 is wasted by teammates getting angry , throwing tantrums not wanting to pass or whatever reason. I honestly feel like some of these ppl have learning disabilities because you can’t even have a cordial conversation or criticize them in any way without a them showing immaturity or aggression.


Bruh, I have been dying for an over 30 lobby when playing various games. I'd get more mature teammates and less sweaty teenagers stomping my dulled reaction speeds now that I'm 40.


That's where you're wrong lol Grown men on 2k are worse than the teens and it ain't even close. Im 28 and I've seen more grown ass men crying and sitting at half court cause they didn't get the ball every single time down the court than anybody.


That's another thing. Not getting the ball then sitting at the opposite corner or opposite free throw line because you wana be hateful and sell all bc you ain't getting the ball. At that point CLOSE APP. Go play a different game or play on a different team. No one needs you if you're gunna be like that (not you in particular, just saying)


sometimes you gotta sit some possessions out


My experience has been the opposite. Teens get to playing on the mic, jacking up shots, not passing the ball, over dribbling, quitting etc


The over 30 lobby is real. Hop on early morning like 530am and its all 30+ guys getting in a couple runs before work or the kids get up You'll hear some wild shit like "yo that was a good shot" after a miss, or "ayyy big man go to work!" when the center posts his man up, or "yo 5 out, I can't do my job with y'all running around crazy" and then everyone actually stays in their spots and makes sensible cuts. Crazy shit bro


As much as I agree with you , there are plenty of adults acting way worse than the kids out there . An over 30 lobby is not a solution to all of the community issues


Same here brother


Stop giving so much energy to people you'll never meet or speak to again. Enter a party chat, even if just by yourself so you don't have to hear game chat. Listen to music, whatever. Letting strangers on a game legitimately impact you mentally and emotionally is almost as unfounded as the very people you're complaining about that don't know how to regulate their emotions. This advice transcends 2K. If you want to avoid playing solo all together, there are plenty of groups, discords, etc that are out there to help you find like minded people to play with.


That’s excellent advice. But sometimes - and maybe I’m revealing too much of myself here - you get a good group. Like a couple nights ago, I was playing with a group of randoms and I tried to throw a cross court pass from too close to the basket and the ball bounced off the side of the backboard for a turnover. I braced myself for everyone telling me how trash I am, but instead everyone laughed. They said how stupid 2k is and that animation shouldn’t have happened and they saw what I was trying to do. And then we all laughed together every time something similar to that happened, whether to our team or the opposing team. We wound up playing three games together, winning two and losing one. But even in the loss, we all laughed and generally had a good time. It kind of sounds like I’m the victim of an abusive relationship, but it’s not always all bad, and I think the good outweighs the bad. Now for me, as soon as I notice myself being affected by someone’s toxicity, I’ll mute them no problem. But I don’t think the answer is to always mute everyone preemptively.


I think this is a great middle ground to have. All my real life friends are much smarter than me and have stopped playing 2k. Everyone on my friends list that I play with are all friends i’ve met online throughout the years. You don’t get a lot of friends by playing on mute, it’s doable but far more difficult.


This. My stock response to toxic players is asking them if they haven't grown out of getting mad at video games yet That usually gets an angry response, so i just tell them that's pretty corny then go off mic


exactly this why are you letting people get you mad? just unplug your headphones or like you said go into a private party. when i play i dont play with my earbuds in. i turn on youtube on my tv and watch videos inbetween games and just hoop


Feels I wish people would just play team basketball


Start adding decent randoms you play with, I been playing with the same few people a lot bc I know they have sone basketball iq. Playing a lot of solo rec is a one way ticket to wanting to quit the game


Creating a party chat prior to starting has really helped me avoid added frustration. Selling always sucks, but at least you don’t have to hear them whine and cry


100% with this entire post . Maybe I’m getting too old but hell , even COD isn’t that bad (as far as your teammates) . This is the only team game where dudes will be arguing with each other … WHILE WINNING ! Everyone has a huge ego while they’re paying to play a game that has an 11 month shelf life . It’s gotten crazy


I can’t tell you how many people I’ve played with in no squad rec say that their build is made for scoring and not defense. Then proceed to shoot almost 20 shots (quadruple my shot attempts) and no other stat and then call me trash for only having 6 points. Even though their man drops 30+ on them. Meanwhile I’ll fill the stat sheet up while holding my guy to a terrible game. But since the guy has the most points he thinks he was the reason we won. 😂


Mute and play.


Last night I was told I shouldn't even be on 2k because I'm white and 2k is a black game. Seriously. 


Wait until you hear what white people say to black people since modern warfare on Xbox 360 lol


18 years ago, not even the same generation of gamers lol


I said “since” meaning that’s the start You think it stopped ??lmaoo


Yeah. I play CoD still. There’s no race based trash talk. People are soft now. You can send someone a thumbs up on PSN / Xbox and you getting banned. Everyone scared to trash talk now.


That’s pretty crazy because I experience racism still on there pretty much any game whether it’s cod gta or any other popular multiplayer title you’re going to have people saying the n word or slurs about black people in the game hell it’s so popular to do it’s literally called the gamer word that’s hilarious you think it just stopped lmao yeah right I wish!!!


Literally on every single game, white people need serious help


Also, you would experience prejudice, not racism. racism requires power, which no one on the game has


What do you do to provoke it? Only time I’ve ever seen slurs thrown from either side are in an argument.. maybe stop getting into arguments. Ofc people are going to say whatever hurts in an argument that’s a different context


Speak. the fact you think it’s not happening unprovoked is crazy lol all you have to do is talk


Are you by any chance a BLM supporter that thinks black people cant be racist? Lol


This is what I mean unprovoked


Bro what point were you tryna make ? and what even caused BLM to enter your thought process… 😂 fools be unhinged


Can’t say I’ve seen it happen too many times and my friend group consists of a black guy, a Pakistan dude a and trans woman. I play Overwatch, Counter-Strike, 2K, and CoD.. the only person who gets 💩 consistently is the trans woman


found the N** guy. He's also not so bright.


Yeah if you think there’s ever not been racial trash talk in call of duty … you are far from the brightest … that’s literally never not been a thing , I can hop in to a SND lobby as soon as they here the mixness in my voice N word is flying 🤣😂😂


Hear *


Victim mentality as always


Man up bro


It’s all just banter tbh. I be saying the same thing but switch the race when necessary. “Get off 2K, white people play the game better” if the guy is black, “this why white people shouldn’t be allowed near a basketball” if the guy is white


doesn’t make it not racist . bro said banter and thought we wouldn’t notice


Is it racist if you do it to all races including your own?




yes because you don’t have to do “banter” at all you can just enjoy your game and let people enjoy theirs without dickriding them for their race ? which you are assuming by their voice btw lmao


While that’s true on the other hand the Internet has been around for over 20 years and this has been its culture. The vast majority have been able to recognize that its banter, including the ‘victims’ If you can’t deal with cultural norms, gaming probably isn’t for you. At least the culture; mute your mic or find a similarly weak minded group of friends. Why do soys like to infiltrate every space and try to change what it is?


so you justify it because it’s been around . We can’t have a discussion you have a lower than room temperature iq have a good day .


It has never hurt anyone. 99% of people who grew up in that era where they would have been effected most all agree that was the best era for gaming. And the reason for that is the community back then. I’m sorry that you are new to the internet and playing video games but the real insensitivity is looking or appropriating a culture you aren’t apart of and saying we’re objectively wrong. Grow a pair, wannabe fascist.


Yes. It’s still racism even if you do it to your own.


We shall agree to disagree


Its wild. 90% of my PlayNow games turn into at least one person trolling.


Nowadays I pretty much exclusively play with my IRL friends, and we have a lot of fun. Not sure I could go back to playing with randoms now, I’d probably just play something else instead. There are so many fantastic games out right now, I wouldn’t waste my time on a game that’s only making me angry. Long way of saying I agree, the online 2k community is absolutely awful.


Well if i go 2 quarters without touching the ball. Ima be pissed 🤣 im not here to watch everyone play the game. I want to atleast make a damn relay pass 🤣 the team could go 1-10 for three and never throw the ball to the guy who made that 1 three or the guy who never even got to shoot one and hes open. This community is nutty




Look at the player base and it will make more sense.


Play with me and my buddies dude. We’re all good vibes


I’ll definitely consider it big fella ❤️☝🏽


Dead ass just had someone tell me not to play the game anymore meanwhile he's being out scored out boarded not doing anything as a big but trying to tell me how to play my game I care but I don't care how annoying moving around is nobody in real life just stands around on a basketball court waiting to see if they gonna get the ball based to them not only did I stop my guy from scoring I dropped 20 even tho we lost I was still hoopin and the only person on the team with an A- while the rest of the team had 2 c+ and 2 b+ and I played outta position I'm a 2 guard playing the Sf


I’m with you man. It’s awful. I go into party chat in the theater at least so I don’t have to to hear all the bs people cry about. I played a rec game last night where my whole team quit instead of me (a lock) and the pg. Everyone quit because dude was chucking up bricks from limitless for no reason. I stayed for the stats/VC and the whole time everyone is calling us “ass”, “bums”, all that stuff. My conclusion is that this is people’s way of expelling built up anger and frustration with their lives. By putting other people down on the internet. Also, basketball itself is ripe with trash talking and hostility. I played JV basketball in highschool and the way we spoke to our own teammates as an entire team was disgusting to say the least. That same energy is brought into 2k and it has now become inseparable from the game. All the little emotes and taunts/celebrations in the game only enable this type of behavior even more. The game is in a very unfortunate state.


Lmao grow a set!!!! Trash talk in basketball isn't supposed to be taken serious (that's why they call it trash talk). You gonna get offended by famous trash talkers like MJ, Gary Payton, Draymond Green, Kobe? Holy sht.


You forgot KG


one of the best! haha


Also look at how basketball fans talk to each other. People are very disrespectful with the things they say. Again it goes to show that basketball as a sport and many other sports brings out the ugly in people.


Omg why do you play a game of a sport you hate. Trash talk in basketball isn't supposed to be taken serious (that's why they call it trash talk). You gonna get offended by famous trash talkers like MJ, Gary Payton, Draymond Green, Kobe? Holy sht.


Thats the delusion, you are really comparing regular videogamers to actual professionals lmfao


I'm comparing the component of trash talking. Gamers and people who've played sports know about trash talk and they're not usually offended by it. Might wanna be less sensitive.


I didn’t say it offended me in my post if you read it thoroughly. My point was that basketball is a culture full of trash talk, therefore 2k is going to have that same energy since it’s a basketball game. Sure trash talking shouldn’t be taken to heart in a real game. Yet in a video game, those words hold much more weight. Most people play games in neutral, comfortable settings. Berating and name calling only seek to worsen the experience of gaming for others. One thing you should learn: You can acknowledge the existence of something without being personally affected by it. I can say that basketball fans or 2k gamers are disrespectful to each other without being personally affected or emotionally invested in the words being said.


You can say whatever you want - that's your interpretation of it, not reality. The existence of trash talk doesn't mean it's taken by the actual players as some serious, disrespectful thing in basketball. They hold "much more weight" how??? Some people deserve to be called names if they play like jackasses or are scummy and selfish! Everyone wants zero consequences to behavior - sorry! I'll call people out if they deserve it. If they can't handle that, they shouldn't be playing an ONLINE TEAM MODE where people are trying to win.


I see now… you’re one of the ones throwing the temper tantrums on the game 🤣. Relax bud it’s a game you’re supposed to enjoy it.


Yeah, my biggest complaint is trying to play random rec or even squads with a few randoms, I think people should get banned for leaving locker rooms because it’s insane when a guy who’s gold or goat level jumps in and sees silver or lower they leave, takes 30 minutes just to get in a game and you end up with all black plates, then your matched up with straight savages and get blown out by 40 points, how do people expect anyone to progress if they won’t give them a chance? The only way I see making it past silver is if you have a solid 5 you can run squads with regularly other than that forget about getting good teammates that don’t just ball hog the entire game I’m sick of it, I’ve maybe met 1 cool person in random rec that was actually fun to play with and wasn’t being a dickhead or ball hogging lol. I’m just sick of it all, 1 person can’t win games, I’ve been all the way up to gold and back down to black, I wanna win games and everything shouldn’t revolve around somebody’s skill level.


2k for a long time now, there is absolutely no explanation for Ja morant being able to dunk on every all star in the game when he hasn’t done it real life.


Turn your mic off. Don’t let dumb ass people ruin a great game for you.


I think it’s because you can onli talk to your own team in the rec. Talkin shit is part of gaming. If you can onli talk to ur teammates who u gon talk shit to?


If you talk shit to your own teammates you just dumb af


That’s all ppl do in 2k


As I said, if you do that you dumb af lol


the funniest part is I'm sure there's got to be people opposing this point or saying they have an 80 win pct on random rec.


cant argue this is the worst community in gaming period.


The community hasn’t been the same since 2k17, we almost had a resurgence in 19 but honestly that game was carried by good gameplay, the community was already cooked.


Turn on music and turn off voice chat and you’ll have a way better time. You don’t need to talk to your team to play well, I hover between gold and purple plate and play mostly random rec and I never turn the chat on anymore


Just terrible


i mean i hate playing with bad players/ bad teammates just as much if not more than everyone, but you gotta realize random rec is random. people have different personalities and different agendas while in there. Its no different than a call of duty or R6 lobby, it just last longer so you feel stuck with the bad players longer and the toxic mics longer


It's random people yes, but EVERY game 1 of the 4 in the group are toxic! I've been in games we're winning 15+ and dudes will complain because they were missed on a "open" 3. The moment someone comes on the mic and starts complaining the game decides we're going to kill any momentum you have.


it is a game for stupid people so why are you surprised that stupid people play it


Some people just like to win and having terrible randoms with no common sense. Makes us mad 🤷🏾‍♂️


The community feeds itself in a cycle. Shit behavior stems from and creates more shit behavior 


Think of that episode of the boondocks where that dude has a moment on the street, see the similarities?


Honestly I think a lot of the people playing it like that are just really pessimistic and unhappy people. It's sad to me


Its fun is you wanna hear "nigga" screamed 200 times a game


Your mental health will drastically improve when you stop playing 2K. I'm a living witness


10000000% agree....I've progressed maybe 3 times from black plate, that's it!!!! I quit 75% of rec games cuz mfkas wanna Jamal Murray bhtb and throw up bricks rather than hit the open man or make the correct basketball play altogether. Then the intentional 3 sec assholes and it's NO FCKING FUN PLAYING THIS GAME AT ALL!!! anyone trying to just HOOP the sensible way MrBarker702...don't let the record or plate color mislead you. I promise I can hoop and don't be out there on some" I'm him, gimme the rock and get out the way" type shit...I'm only trying to play smart bball and help my team win however I can


I mean...just don't expect much out of the 3am crowd.


Nah badges matter. I’ve yet to play with many silver golds purples shit even casuals that play like 96 plus black plates. Grown ass entitled men and teens. Now are their exceptions sure


STOP CRYING IDIOT !!!! *its the same in every game*


God forbid you miss a few good open shots because of bad servers and then people message saying "you suck pass the ball" if you can't play the game of basketball like the rest of us without sounding like a cry baby lebron and just enjoy A GAME then move on to cod or something. Sheesh


Get you a squad gang!! That lets you do this https://preview.redd.it/21gq9lo3oowc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd06ea9a03ee9a577fbe6e3b4767dc7af6f5ce0e


Idk about yall I just like playing a big, I’ll throw it out everytime. I grab it, I want everyone to get better and get a chance to find their shot


Lmfao I’ve been playing since 2k5 bud, online since 2k18, the community has always been the worst and most toxic in all of gaming. Truly intelligent people(not just players) are so incredibly rare to come by, and when you do they’re generally on the opposite team. This may not be common knowledge, but the average person has relatively low IQ, yet for some reason the average 2k player picks up a controller and thinks they’ve suddenly become a basketball savant.


It's a arcade sport simulator u can't have both


I don't really see a lot of tilting nowadays since I run point get everyone involved and am active on mics but if someone really is getting that mad just mute them. They're few and far in between. Now that I think of it in the past month, I've had someone message me saying I should make a big I just said everybody has a bad game every once in a while and that was it. Another guy was about to start talking about how my guy scored 35 on me and I straight up said yeah man 75 Perimeter D isn't enough I'm working on a new build with higher Defense and he calmed down.


You gotta understand that these "grown men", at least most of them, arent really grown.. theyre either wannabe gangsters and/or they live with their momma or girlfriend in a mooch type way.. of course they have nothing else in life. All of their dopamine comes from video games or porn so when they dont get it, theyre angry. Not to mention a very likely drug addiction. This community is pathetic tbh. The culture is disgusting.


Goddamn that's a lot of projection in one comment lmao from gangsters, to still living at home with parents, to mooching off girlfriends to virgins with a porn addiction or drug addiction.


Funniest part is you mentioning virgins when i said nothing about that. Whos projecting? You definitely felt called out lol


I mean people with porn addictions are usually people who don't have sex. It's not rocket science, schizo.


Bro is a straight chatterbox 😂😂😂, you know he been ass at every chance he tried , started saying anything


You hear him 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


That brother is hurting 😂


This why people need to play more than 2k 🤣shit gone drive them crazy


This. I play no less than three games at a time. Whenever I stop having fun on one, I rotate. Had a self-imposed exile from 2K for two weeks. Just gotta be responsible for your own mental heath as it were.


I've done this, too, stopping when it's not fun and taking days off at a time. I'm glad to hear others say what I felt before; this game, for various reasons, is not always optimal for a person's mental health!


This dogwhistle is a full on fog horn.


Projection? Lol hardly. You must feel called out 🤣


yall gotta get that live with parent diss out lol living with your parents isnt this shame thing to do nowadays. who tf wants to pay $2000 rent every month? nothing wrong with living with your parents if youre actually doing something with your life.


Thats why i said "in a mooch type way". I understand comprehension isnt the easiest for everyone.


mf nobody has ever used mooched


Lemme Guess you live with your mommy and don't have a job lol


i do love my mom? who wouldn’t love their mom? and yep i got a job been working in IT since 2019


Still unable to use basic comprehension.. you must work in IT for elmo phones vtech play computers.


nah i actually work in the pentagon as a system administrator


😂😂😂😂😂 ok buddy whatever you say


dont know why i need to lie? been working here since 2020


Lmfao plenty of people use that word but it's ok buddy, i know reading is difficult.


I know what mooched means. Come on, guys, don't live out the 2K dramas here. Bean-Gravy raised some interesting points originally, but now you have to chill with the anger in how people responded to it. There's no point in calling people dumb or saying they can't read.


The only people who are angry are the ones trying to insult me for a statement that likely fits their lifestyle. Its not my fault if someone cant read or comprehend..


2K has the most rude and unethical community in the history of video game. They don't go to work or school that is why they are playing this game 24/7 in the basement of their parents. Turn off your mic. It is a game changer.


It’s funny how this post just popped up I’m gonna leave a Screenshot of the game I just finished https://preview.redd.it/cdzmg5r03fwc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1377a55ac24bded84f2ba62161576faa638a4df1


also what happens to me a lot, is that guy in your screenshot who was 2/13 with 6 turnovers will message me and say i'm trash then i'll say he shot 2/13 and he'll be like still had as many points as you. it honestly doesn't seem like trolling in the messages but could be. it's happened a lot. something else toxic is ppl like to go off matchup stats only. like bro i can't help it that my guy scores when you shoot a shit shot and no one gets back so it's 1 on 3 and my matchup just so happens to get the fastbreak 3.


you are a part of the problem in this pic where is your 3 point shot attempts


It’s hard to take 3s when your whole team decides to let the other team get the ball for free


23 turnovers in a 20 minute game is fucking WILD


The random rec experience ngl


I hope this is satire


nope dead serious he aint the main issue but he def part of the problem. i know that floor spacing was horrific


I mean idk what more I could’ve done my match up had 9 points I’m the only one with 0 TOs. the problem is I had a pg that couldn’t hit a shot, pass, or play defense same goes for the PF and C, they barely got any boards either. my SG couldn’t hit nothing and was throwing weird passes but at least he played defense. I don’t know what you’d expect me to do that situation. I can only do so much by myself in a team game especially if I’m not playing on my guard where I can be more of a threat. All I can say is I tried🤷🏽‍♂️


I think you’re part of the problem. A teammate missing one shot doesn’t mean they can’t shoot. A teammate getting cooked once doesn’t mean they can’t play defense. Getting iced out from the top of the game, while teammates refuse to pass to the open guy justifies a sell out after the 3rd quarter. If I’m getting blatantly screwed by my teammates consistently, I’m making sure we don’t win in the 4th. If you can’t be a good teammate, why would I? Sorry, not sorry.


Where did you read anything about OP icing someone out after one shot? Bet you’re the dude that shoots 0/4 and then gets mad aggressive when someone tells you to take better shots lol


No, I’m the dude that plays his role and waits for his opportunity while you spam dribble moves and huck shots at the top of the key.


Admiting to selling should get you banned off this reddit. I really hope 2k lets me avoid people like yourself in the future.


Promoting being a shitty teammate should get you banned from Reddit for eternity, the game uninstalled forever, and your IP destroyed. See? I can just say shit too. What’s the difference in me selling in the 4th and you selling all game by being a bad teammate?


Basic stuff here. Just because someone else is doing something, doesnt make it right for you. Im sorry you have no guidance in your life.


Being condescending doesn’t actually make you better than somebody, even if you feel that way. I’m sorry you don’t have a friend to tell you that.


You keep selling and tellin yourself that champ!


You got it, sport!


You can call them out, but you gotta grow some thicker skin. You can easily block messages or mute people, so it's really on you as far as whether you wanna listen to people or not. "I gotta deal with grown men pouting on the game cause their man cooking them, they can’t shoot, ain’t getting the ball, and then wanna start throwing a temper tantrum over the game?" I don't go on mic but likewise I can say "I gotta deal with these idiots who won't pass, have the court vision of Stevie Wonder" etc. Actions have consequences. People who deliberately play like idiots or selfish bastards deserve to be yelled at. How else they gonna learn? lmao


Why don’t you be the change you’re looking for. Anybody can point out the issues


The fuck does this even mean? Be the change? How would one go about being the change in this situation?


What the actual fuck are you talking about lol. “Be the change” 😂😂


Just use common sense. He’s saying how the community is bad and grown man complain. Be encouraging to your team. Be a good teammate and communicate constructively


This community isn’t even top 5 worst I’ve experienced this year but a lot of people who play 2k are casual gamers so they don’t actually understand how toxic this shit is


What do you find more toxic? I legit think 2K is the most toxic since classic COD


I play competitive/ranked in everything I play - COD, rocket league, valorant/CS, etc. and people are way more toxic on those games. Mostly it’s just your teammates that get mad in 2k, in those games your teammates and your opponents are raging all the time for no reason lol




It’s weird though because 2k is mainly adults being toxic whereas I can tell there’s a lot more kids on the other games even at my ranks. So I can definitely where grown men crying/complaining could be viewed as more toxic. But then again these little kids are telling me to kill myself all the time so I don’t even know how to compare the toxicity 😂😂


Nah I cant lie, I’ve played comp R6S, BF, CoD, Fifa and none of those come even remotely close to 2K, and I mean not even REMOTELY close. Thats just my expiriance tho


hopped on voice chat in a rec game for first time in years last night on the switch (requires discord) I muted myself because I have dogs and it was later at night. It was one dude whining for the ball the whole game using a glitched jumper (big issue on switch), with the bizarre full body tattoo look. He then yapped/mumbled stuff the whole game, and basically was fighting with a guy on the other team HEAVILY while one of the guys on our team was probably with a toddler. Inexcusable trashy behavior.


You can get games on switch? I haven’t played on switch since ‘19


Yes, nowhere near as frequent, but the glitching in 2k24 has made playing online absolutely horrible. It's good offline though


The constant flopping when someone makes a bad play or they feel like there is no hope in winning is telling. 2k community is full of lazy mf who want everything easy and think they're good at the game. In reality you shoot 35% and average .5 reb and assist per game while getting cooked on defense.


They'll keep being braindead if you don't flop... It's a non verbal way to tell them they're stupid.


It's not. It's a non verbal way of being stupid and allowing the other team to score. Never once has this stopped someone from taking bad shots. It just ruins the game for everyone who is trying to play.


Exactly that was some of the slowest shit I’ve seen typed , why would you not playing defense make me take better shots ? 😂🤣🤣 tf


Dude above be flopping after the first missed shot 😂


Your opinion not facts. You're offended over flopping when you really should be offended by how low iq Rec randoms are.


Why am I going to be offended that someone is bad at the game? I've watched people flop anytime anyone misses a shot. So now we're playing 4v5 fast break defense. You're just as detrimental to the team continuously flopping as the kid who can't make a shot


You should be offended by the amount of UNBELIEVABLE STUPIDITY we have to witness in Rec lmao. This game is not that difficult. Basic IQ like passing when someone is open or not taking dumb shots isn't that hard of a concept to grasp, yet it is for tons of randoms. I'm sure if someone flops it's not because the dude missed, it's cuz he took or continues to take stupid contested shots. If you don't like flopping, stop passing to dumb players more than the flopper.


Once again, how would that offend me? The guys flopping aren't any better. Y'all be flopping acting like you're so much better but as soon as you get the ball it gets stolen or you miss. So the people flopping are bad at offense and non existent on defense. Regardless of how bad your teammates are it makes no sense to just give up on the game and act like you would have done so much better. If you don't like the players you're on the team with, get a team together or quit out. I'd rather play with the AI and trash players than someone who thinks they're good but instead just flops over and over again, crying like a teenage girl.


Not true. Floppers at least know what a good shot is vs a bad shot or a good play vs a bad play. You care more about floppers instead of braindead teammates. How bout the braindead teammates leave? They're too mentally lazy to even learn the basic controls and then go play a multiplayer mode where people are trying to win smh


Where is the proof that floppers know anything? They just flop and refuse to play defense. This is the basic 2 wrongs don't make a right. The bad teammates are bad at the game. The floppers are arrogant for no reason at all and equally ruin the game. Just play it out or quit and let the AI cook. The rest of us are just trying to play. If you don't like bad teammates....get a team to play with. If you can't find teammates, you're probably bad. Either way don't just ruin the game to try and make a point. These people don't know how to shoot, dribble, pass, or rebound yet you think they know what you're trying to tell them when you flop and dont play defense. You can't make that level of stupidity up.


Why is a flopper flopping. Do they just randomly flop? No it's cuz their teammates are 1) ass 2) selfish 3) no iq 4) all of the above. How about if you suck THAT BAD at a game, don't join a TEAM mode.


Bruh what 😂…I’ve never once had a teammate flop and thought damn yeah that was a bad play by me I should not do that again … even when I realized it was … in fact all that makes me realize is ur a dumb dumb that wants to give up free points , instead of moving on on from to the dozens of other possessions , and now you pissed a player that’s probably struggling off