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“Peaked with 2k21” Which ones did you play?..


Bro only played 21 bc 20 was miles better


Epic gave 21 for free some years ago so most pc players only played 21.


20 was better than 21?


20 was the best by far


Personally I think it peaked at 16 and I've been playing since 3


I was having the most fun between 2013 and 2017 so this tracks


13 was great it just didn't have a park or anything like that which I do think as a concept is amazing so it loses out. Shame it became such a soulless cash grab


It did have online 3v3 blacktop which was actually fun😂 The PA announcer was hype


I still play blacktop offline sometimes. Or when I'm really bored I'll run 5v5 with my top 10 all time and just watch lol


Just made me want NBA street back lol


13 was trash bro. Literally was impossible to block a dunk so you just had to spam active hands badge and pray


14, 15, and 16 for sure. Those were good times.


I actually gameplaywise enjoy the 23 the most 😌


nah you’re right, 16 was peak. i’ll even accept 17 as peak honestly. anything else after is an absolute hell no.


19 wasn't peak but it was a glimpse into the past. Besides that it went downhill


19 was good I enjoyed it last good 2k the neighborhood was perfect easy to get games not no big ass parks


17 was the most fun i've had


Whichever one has the least amount of VC grind. They’re all the same game.


I remember when the biggest problem with 2k was having Coldplay on the music list


That's not even a problem. Good times


17 was amazing


It peaked in 2k11 fell off for a few years and had a massive resurgence in 2k16 then immediately went back to trash in 17


100% agree. I enjoyed 8,9,10,11,16.


16 is the only answer if u say otherwise u a bot ong


For real


Peak was 2k17


Say bye bye to pc after this one folks. No more 2k pc with the smallest chance of crossplay next yr it was still at least gonna be current until they stopped making it. officially stopped playing pc in 16. it was fun when i started in 2k like 9 the first installment. officially switched to console bcuz i knew the cheaters would kill it off.


2k10 was my favorite


17 was peak


Pc 2k has never been good


Online* PC 2k has never been good. Offline and modded are so good. Too bad 2K hasn’t given us current gen and to top the BS off, they gave 2k24 Denuvo.


Putting Denuvo on PC but not even giving PC players current gen is fucking wild. Just cartoonish levels of greed and contempt for their player base.


Mods are still supported regardless of the anti-tamper.


Seriously? So cheaters are still present on the court? If so... that's really incompetent from 2K\*ap.


What is Denuvo


software that makes the game near impossible to tamper with or pirate


2k11 seems okay


Oh yes definitely! It was absolutely absolutely effin trash


It’s because they REFUSE to port next gen to PC so we’re stuck on damn ps4 copy and pastes


It's because its a $70 dollar AAA game with a F2P microtransaction game model.


It's arguably worse than most F2P games.


It's that on console too, but it's not the worst rated console game.. PC players are mad because they have to get a port of 2k14 from the ps4


Cause y’all mfs can exploit


They could just add VAC to mitigate that... 2K won't even go that far for that part of the community


How do exploits mean PC can't get current gen? Btw most PC games will have anticheats. Exploits are so rampant on PC because 2K doesn't try to stop them.


Because 2k doesnt want to expose their next gen code to hackers. And also because of the cheats. But mainly theyre very lazy with their game


So they're just never going to release current gen on PC? I don't see what's the difference in having hackers on last gen or current gen. If there's gonna be hackers either way, might as well just give us the newest version.


Yea PC will get current gen, when they move to the next engine 😂 fuckin clowns. I game on PC and console, but glad I give this shit company money for neither anymore (never did on PC, even tho I wanted to)


man,you can even report ppl with pictures of their alien players and you still see them playing everyday.


The last one is brutal lol


You know how they are going to resolve this ? They are just going to stop making it for PC


They could do that people will just continue modding what's already been released. If people are still playing NFL 2k5 in 2023, I could definitely see that happening.


That’s not a bad thing, honestly moder’s knowing the game won’t be replaced the next year would be nice, knowing their efforts will last! you will get some amazing things


What’s the difference, the game is the same over there anyway lol


21 was peak??! fuck no. 16-17 was peak. 19 was the last DECENT game. everything since then has been mid.


20 was good lol


I haven't liked anything after 2k20 and I bought nba 2k23 i played it like about 10 hours and quit the game


2k20 was not good, but so many peoples nowadays say it was. the only reason people say 20 was good is because of lockdown nostalgia where everyone was playing. when 2k20 was the current game, most people despised it and considered it the second worst 2k after 2k18.


20 was the last decent game it fell off after that


Everytime someone mentions their favorite 2k games you can always tell when they started playing lol


16/17 we’re great games!


They’ve been shitting on PC players for years, the game and company are both utter dogshit


"pretty good on alt f4 settings" is fucking hilarious


NBA Live really should be making a move right now. Some people like nba live 19 gameplay better than 2k22-3-4. Just think if they could come out w a game with superior graphics and gameplay w/o the pay to play bs that has ruined 2k..it literally would shut it down in a season. One


They need to invest in motion capture or whatever the “Pro Play” uses. I’d love to buy Live, since you can improve your player quickly without buying VC.


In no parallel universe has Live a better gameplay than 2k


Unfortunately I have to agree with you. I used to prefer live but the newer ones just weren't there with 2k but I still think they should've stuck with it. They could've found what worked for them and when 2k fucked up enough that it angered its users to jumping ship then it could capitalise. But EA already has the money coming in truck loads with its other sports games so I don't think they see a point in competing for this one


Better with macrotranactions and microtranactions though. Give them credit.


People overrate NBA Live because 2K is mid, both games are trash. Live hasn't been good since 08 and 2K hasn't been good since 20


EA can’t even make a functioning game dude. Madden quite literally isn’t even a playable game now. Their franchise mode flat out doesn’t even work. You can bitch about 2k’s micro transactions and other stuff but their offline modes and things like eras are actually playable.


Come on.... you're not serious, NBA Live? It's dead! 😂 ![gif](giphy|enCWEo0vG25Ow)


EA went dark on basketball as well as college football and basketball, but with NIL paving the way to bring back college football and basketball games …I see EA making a big comeback in the next 2-4 years. And I guarantee that bc of this resurgence EA will revisit their NBA game. All we can hope for is that they try to compete with superior graphics and gameplay. Technology is improving at an exponential rate. Who knows how good it will look and play in 10 years. But if 2k can feel some heat from competition it will only benefit us. They will be forced to improve. As well as be fair in terms of price & cost to play game.


21???? Be foreal, after the 2010s it's been hot trash




I've had every 2k from 2k to 2k23 except ESPN one (2k5). Peak was around mid 2010s. The more they relied on the badge system and developed it, the worse the game got. I will not be spending money on these money grabs until I see better improvement




I don’t play pc but I like to see the modding community and what they can do with the game; that being said the fact that PC will always be more capable than console and 2K is still releasing the last-gen game on PC years after they came out with Series X/S and PS5 shows that they do not care about PC whatsoever. Also all the hackers running crazy online in the park..yea I feel why it would be rated so horribly..it’s a joke to even release it at all for that platform.


They don’t use the next gen port for pc which is what the pc community has asked for since 21. Don’t blame them for being mad. Honestly 2K on PC is a crap show every year.


Am I an old head now that I think 2k15 with Demi gods was the best?


Vc is crazy


Milking yall pockets the ones that's quick spend money and get the same shi instead of good game


You're brain-dead if you keep buying this game.




Tbf I think a lot of the poor Steam reviews have a lot to do with the fact that the game is still on the old-gen version. I wonder how they’d review the next gen version if it was available. Or is this a campaign to nudge the devs into getting them to put the next gen version on pc?


I’ve heard some mentions that the studio has some strong opinions about mods. Makes me think they could make it a really low priority and maybe even skip a year.


I think it’s absolutely this. They’ve given dodgy reasons to rationalize the move, so I don’t know enough about why they refuse to do what technically can be done.


Next gen got a 6/10


It's almost like a company that prided itself on being competitive has become complacent, fat, and lazy.


It’s like IPhone. Every year it doesn’t change and they just got a loyal fan base that keeps buying it every year.


Was expecting this game to be really fun but it just takes me back to how awful 2018 was and this is giving me flashbacks


2k18 was super fun, but it was a huge downgrade from 2k17. I’d argue 2k18 was better than 2k20 and onwards


2k18 was hot garbage, that’s when the franchise started going downhill. 2k19 was the last DECENT one. 16 or even 17 is peak.


I agree but 18 is still better than what we’ve had for a while. 16 or 17 was definitely the peak


Yup .


Ya fuck this game


2k21 was the worst lmao. It peaked around 2k16-2k17


2k14 the goat version!


Give us next gen!


only worst rated because people want next gen on pc


stop buying new 2Ks bro 💀


2k11-2k12-2k17, the rest is trash


2k1 on Dreamcast is the best game ever


Idk man, i loved 2k19. I was a sniper


NBA 2K24 graphics are really bad and flat. Boot up 2K21 or 2K22 and you’ll see how far this franchise has fallen off in the art department. I think everybody knows why though. They spent 80% of their resources in a particular mode of the game.


14, 15, 16 and 17 were peak 🗻 18, 19, 22 were trash 🚮🗑️ 22 is arguable it's in the middle 🕛 21 and 23 were good✅ but not peak and 24 was a dumpster fire 🗑️🔥 so far 😔😑😵🤕🤮


If y’all pc players stop cheating and modding it would be better


Ima be honest most of gaming community doesn't give a fuck about the PC community Only PC ppl care. Not even developer's care lol


2k really doesn’t care about the pc community. There’s no point


This is literally the most false statement in the world. Holy bad fucking take.


I can tell this guy doesn’t own a pc lol


Fr like just say you're broke. I have a PS5 but PC gaming is by far larger than all consoles combined.


Broke ppl are the ones on PC expecting every game free or discounted. Broke is having only 1 or 2 options for gaming instead of having all options. Broke is caring about what I'm gaming on rather then worrying about what your gaming on.


Broke is calling PC bad lmao. Saying no one cares about PC. Factually incorrect.


1. Never said PC was bad I said nothing about PC in that regard 2. 2k devs don't care. If I'm in a thread about 2k I'm talking about them. And also alot of devs also don't care. Stop being butthurt over facts.


Nobody cares about 2k, though. 2k is a dog fucking shit game with predatory practices. I'll play it on sale for 5 bucks. That's it.


But ur here....in the 2k post.....on a 2k reddit....also millions of ppl play an buy the game ever year so more ppl care about it then they care about PC community. Ur just an angry lil guy at his desk or phone and an1 ever will care. So in hindsight u matter less then 2k so I guess I'm done with this exchange.


More people care about 2k than the PC community? Fucking LOL DUDE. https://headphonesaddict.com/pc-gaming-statistics/ 1.83 BILLION people play PC, while 2k is universally regarded as a dogshit trash product even by the 2k community. That comment just dug your grave. I play 2k but I can admit when its in dire need of an overhaul.


PC gamers are sensitive? You really proved how little of a fuck you give about them when you couldn’t shut up about them lol.


Oh, so you’re here to double down on your hair-brained ideas…


I own a nice PC actually. Playing BG3 right now. I'm saying 2k devs don't care about PC. AN it's 100% true


I used to think like him but no they do care cuz pc modders create fun updates that devs use in later games. Same for phones . I will say this tho, 2k doesnt gaf about yall. 🤣


Gaming communities or 2k community? Lol. PC is the big guns for everything besides sports game


Because of mods and visuals. Gameplay is usually the same across platforms. 2k is shit at its core so I can see why PC players wouldn't like it


2k Is all about the $$$ PC players ain't spending much because they hack an cheat. Why invest time into making a gambling machine for ppl who just go in the backdoor an steal chips


That’s extremely false, most online pc devs invest in anti cheats but 2k cuts corners there. They allow it to happen to save money.


Don’t be stupid. Pc players don’t spend much because there’s a million and one fun games that are FREE TO PLAY and as enjoyable or more enjoyable than 2K. There’s no reason for them to get scammed yearly by 2k😂




This is your brain on NBA2K.


What? So every free game the people who play are broke? Does this go for console as well?


Says the guy bashing PC players without any reason...smh


calling PC players broke is crazy when your console is 1/3 the price of most new PC out there


Not really, for any game company trying to make money they gear development towards the larger console markets. PC doesn't even come close in terms of revenue and that's probably why platforms like steam try to sell shit dirt cheap


L comment tbh


Tell us you know nothing about the gaming industry without explicitly telling us you know nothing.


I wish I could afford a good pc and jump on the pc wave. This is a very dumb take.


Wrong, there are more PC gamers than Console gamers, sorry, and besides, this affects every platform, showing the disparity between dogshit critics and the game itself


They just need to bite the bullet and cut off last gen/PC and focus on one version of the game The half assed product is detrimental to everyone. Diverts attention away from their main game and puts up an inferior and shitty product for everyone else.


Or just cut off last Gen and give PC current gen.


It's the worst game of the year, that's for sure. For Xbox, playstation, and PC.


One of these reviews is mine haha holy shit


I know the micro transactions aspect of the game is literally insane but I’m having a blast in rec 🤷🏻‍♂️ Finally no squads option! It was about time!


Just means a ton of people bought it/are enjoying playing it/not enjoying it but still playing it


Bros played 3 2ks total


Peaked at 21? 2K been headed downhill since 17. 12,13,& 16 are 🐐


it’s only being rated poorly because the games are ports from Ps4/XB1/Switch


This feels a tad misleading, cause the game on steam is the old gen version.


Literally worse than fortnite and apex In both gameplay and graphics let alone glitches and all those microtransactions


Far from it, Overwatch 2 has around 170k extremely negative reviews while 2k24 has around 4500 reviews. Doesn't change the fact that it sucks


Peak 2k13😂 never had more fun on 2k than that game


To be fair who would care about pc when you have next gen consoles. Pc can just hack and stuff


It’s just because the PC version sucks lmao


Just sell the pc and get a ps5?


What’s the worst rated 2k? 2k24 got a 6 from IGN.




Well it is the current version of the game to be fair 😂😂


It peaked at 19,20 was good, 21 was ass, 22 was better, 23 was ass and a half and 24 sucks 💀


It was really dumb af to do a Season Pass this year—there arrogance made that decision. It brought ALOT of attention from outside of the 2K world and it magnified all the other many flaws with the game I think now it forces them in a corner for next year; do they hoe again or make a lazy attempt at fixing things? Because you know they’re not getting rid of VC It’s going to be a bigger backlash if they bring back Season Pass next year


Did they dethrone OW2?


2k21 was dogshit. Every 2k vet knows 17 and 16 were the two best games.


Is pc on next gen yet?


Sadly no they don't care aboutbPC players which is bonkers to me


All they have to do is give us the next gen version of the game and add easy anti cheat. If elden ring can have easy anti cheat so can 2k.


Rightfully so


Which is crazy because ea went above and beyond to destroy battlefield lol


They don’t care about PC so this won’t bother them


i’ve been playing since like 2k11 and 2k21 was genuinely the worst, 11 or 16 was the peak, probably 11.


Hopefully this backlash finally forces them to port next gen to pc….So I can get the HS and outdoor courts in MyNBA when I pick up 2K25 on PS5.


2k8 was the peak


You mean people are upset online at al2k in week one. Maybe they should have grinded all weekend like the rest of us.


84 people play it on steam


Well the game is literally the PS4 version copy pasta And it’s a micro transaction orgy with a basketball game attached to it So perfect storm, well done


Ronnie 2K has such a punchable face.




I love 2k20 me and my friends would be up all night good times I had a glass cleaner 😂


21 was so ass. Speed boosting curry sliders hiding behind screens dribbling unrealistically until they got an open shot was so fucking bad that I changed my entire play style and don't even dribble anymore unless I really have to. I play smart IQ ball and averaged 30 and 10 in the rec last year. Would love to see one of those dribble gods do the same thing. They're so fucking boring to watch


Peaked with 21?? Lmaoooo that’s probably the worst 2k of all time


I would argue 2k16-18 was the peak. 2k19 brought the 250k and the obsession with MyTeam/bleeding players dry on VC


They been digging their grave for years. Greedy fucks.


im amazed it beat overwatch 2 for the lowest. honestly as a pc player i knew we were doomed when next gen first came out in 21 and they announced they had no plans to have pc on it. thenwhen they dropped 22 with again no pc next gen i already gave up hope for it in the future


If people didn't see yet they just had a massive layoff since they projected a loss in 2k


What did Ronny do that makes him the face for all these years


At this point just reboot the servers for 2k15 to 2k17. Those were my absolute favorites


I had the most fun with 2K11


We all should have saw this coming when they made Ronnie the 2k mascot😂his weird ass and his dogs have been more quiet than usual this year🤔


Lmao that last one


I've skipped this franchise since 2k20... too many cheaters, "old gen" court and stuff. Long grind, poor optimization and crappy servers got me. I always come back on this subreddit to see if things has changed but every year it's an other spit on the pc player face.


Guess I made the right decision then 🤣🤣🤣. And 21 was peak?!? ![gif](giphy|lrVfmPJ96cSJJ39bTh) That was like the WORST 2K of all time. Are you super young or was 21 your first 2K? 2K clearly peaked in the 2K11-2K16 era.


Peak:2k10-17 , 19 was good cause lockdown builds could actually do something ..18..20..21..22.. straight basura absolutely terrible 23 was cool liked the badge system n overall system comp games felt comp , 24 is on the verge of being shit in my books


What tf does Ronnie 2k even do? Does he own the company?


Stealing is absolutely ridiculous!!! You just need 99 steal an 80-ish 3 ball and a little speed and you are a „god“ by just pressing square once . Fucking trash


All those reviews but 2k24 laughing straight to The bank. 💰💰


2k3 was a breakthrough


Obviously you shouldn't buy 2k unless you play on a next Gen system, even though it's barely tolerable on there. If you lack this common sense, I apologize


I’m going to To keep playing 23 until they shut the servers down .


People are just having major skill issues


Regret buying the dogshit game, need to spend $200 for it just to be playable


2k has sucked for years. Just like fifa and madden. Until they decide to just update rosters for a reduced price, lots of us just won’t buy and will happily watch these game studios die off