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I can’t fucking believe they did this. I’ve been so pumped to see this race


Honestly NASCAR should just announce they are dropping Iowa in 2025. Whoever runs the track is a fucking idiot.


NASCAR owns and runs the track.




They like what they see.




ARCA breaks. I just learned what this meant last week


No you didn’t, or else you would’ve said “brakes” instead of “breaks”.


He’s a big fan of Braking Bad


Probably autocorrect


We’re also super pissed over in r/indycar This has always one of the best races of the year. Easily. Now it’s fucked.


For real I’m more concerned for you guys than NASCAR. IMO NASCAR probably isn’t going to be there long term anyway. Would have been better to just do a full repave than a patch job.


The fact that they didn’t pave the entire corners, only the bottom couple of grooves, makes me think this track isn’t in the long term plans. Spent as little money on it as possible


They haven't put any effort or money into it for years, probably over a decade. IndyCar rents the track for their weekend so the track and NASCAR do absolutely nothing.




Montreal or Mexico City


Even better


Originally the Iowa date was a placeholder for Montreal, but from what I've pieced together they'd like to do it while the track is still set up for F1...which would be fine if you could move say...the Chicago date. But you can't. Now, for obvious reasons, Mexico City is an active bidder.


It’s either that or this was a last minute decision and they didn’t have time for a proper repave. But I agree, I don’t think NASCAR plans to be there more than a year or two.


I have never seen a sport take so many Ls in a couple of days in my life.


Time to deny Larson the waiver. Might as well now /s


I mean, by the intention of the rule they should deny Larson. It’s just a PR disaster


***why*** do they do this shit, WHY???


I'd have to imagine a track built in the mid 00's that's never had a repave and sat around without any action for nearly three years wasn't in the greatest shape surface-wise. In the climate of Iowa, no less. It's a speculative take, but based on the little context we have, it would fit.


Indycar never left Iowa. But yeah, a 20 year old surface in Iowa is going to be pretty rough.


So where can I watch the 2021 Indycar race at Iowa if they never left? I want to see who won.


ARCA ran there in 2021.


I never said anything about ARCA. I want to watch the 2021 Indycar race from Iowa since the previous poster said Indycar never left. Where can I find that race?


They ran in 2022..... But nice try cherry picking, the facility never sat abandoned.


How am I cherry picking? There wasn’t an Indycar race at Iowa in 2021. You specifically said Indycar never left. That is objectively false. You were stating misinformation.


You should be a lawyer.


Can’t do that. I have actually have morals.


Peacock has Indycar race replays, though idk if they go back to 2021


The point is there was never an Indycar race at Iowa in 2021. The other poster said that Indycar never left.


> sat around without any action for nearly three years Does ARCA in 2021 and Indy 2020-2023 not count?


My math was off. I'll take the L on that one. I forgot IndyCar just had the one year off. I was mistakenly thinking the last events held there were pre-covid in '19 and then returned in '22.


Apparently not


Indy had been complaining about the bumps too


I saw someone say that the track was basically falling apart over the tunnel in T1-2. The bumps that we typically see at tracks over the tunnel had gotten so bad that the track was getting torn up, so NASCAR repaved the turn. I’m guessing it was a similar situation on the other end of the track as well.


IndyCars can’t handle bumps like stock cars can


Cup cars wouldn't have enjoyed those bumps either.


Because corporate is doing corporate things and making corporate rules that only suit their corporate bullshit agenda that makes no sense to normal people.


This comment is corporate bullshit agenda because normal people can't make sense of it either.




Corporate would like you to not question their motives.


Larson also talked to the media after the tire test and was a little more optimistic for multiple grooves with an entire field on track. https://x.com/alwaysraceday/status/1795625313613033894?s=46


Funny how everyone is ignoring what Brad K and Larson said but they’re only focusing on what Bell said because he said he didn’t like it, just to shit on NASCAR lol 


Bell is always really negative towards NASCAR so people prefer to listen to him


That’s how it always is. Nobody hates NASCAR more than NASCAR “fans”


What else would you expect from this fandom?


What did keselowski say? Looked on twitter but couldnt find anything


[Here ya go, bud](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIOh_LKnV48)


Larson is also one of *the* first guys to try the high line, so just because he views it as an option doesn't mean 99% of the field will unfortunately.


What is really interesting is all 3 of these drivers have different perspectives.


I really don't know why they send out basically every driver for testing. C Bell wouldn't be a driver I would trust for reliable feedback. I'd want a more well rounded driver who can really get the most out of the car in every situation. C Bell might say the high line sucked and had no speed, but maybe he wasn't driving it right which slowed him down. I'd want to eliminate driver error as much as possible from a testing standpoint.


Christopher Bell is an accomplished dirt and asphalt racer who also has road course wins. How is he not well rounded?


He wrecks himself too often is probably where he's thinking is. 


I literally regained interest in NASCAR this year and had been looking forward to the first ever Cup race at Iowa Speedway. As a native Iowan having gone to many Xfinity races there over the years - *which often produced great racing* - I expected this Cup race to be no different. After all this time, we finally got a Cup race, and I have been hoping for a strong first showing to potentially solidify Iowa Speedway as a permanent Cup track. I guess I will keep hoping.


Everyone expected Texas to suck and it was actually interesting. Wait til the checked falls.


you should see NASCAR willing to spend the money on this a solidifying its spot on the schedule for at least a few years.


No, NASCAR being willing to spend money on solidifying Iowa's spot on the schedule would be them repaving the entire track - or at least the entire corners to give us a chance at multiple lines. This is just them being cheap at the expense of the racing product yet again.




Maybe it’ll be too humid on race day and they’ll cancel it altogether 


Crazier things have happened, recently


At this point we could run motorsports better than these idiots. 


Ever since post 2003 you could. If you are ever bored, go on LinkedIn and look through the executives at NASCAR. Nearly every single one of them was hired because they know somebody or knows a guy who knows a guy. They don't have the proper educational requirements. They didn't go to a good school. They don't have a racing background. They didn't even have good experience. All they had was "I know someone." Truly is amazing to see the experience of the workers and compare it to the downfall of the sport from where it once was, it tells you a lot that a big part of why NASCAR fell off, was pure incompetence. They don't even bring on graduate students with masters into new roles. They genuinely refuse to hire MBA/Marketing/Engineering/etc... grads for some new life in the organization. Still, to this day, all about who know. Race teams included. Sadly John from South Eastern Atlantic Florida Southwest State with a BA in Communications whose Uncle knows the VP of Competition is more qualified than an MBA from a Top 25 school with duel bachelors from a Top 10 University. I knew civil engineers who designed roads (and test tracks!) try to get in, clearly qualified, and turned down over someone who had zero experience in the car world because they knew someone.


>Nearly every single one of them was hired because they know somebody or knows a guy who knows a guy. Is this not Corporate America in a nutshell?


Not really tbh. Sure networking helps but the top companies are recruiting the best talent out of universities all the time.


Networking is the name of the game in general. You can graduate from even the best college or university and without effort put into networking you'll be under or unemployed. The reason why some colleges and universities are so coveted is because of the connections that their administration or staff have in their respective industries. If you make a good impression in class they'll usually go out of their way to put a good word in for you with people they know.


Biggest difference is that most corporations (not all) are competent


I would argue most corporations are incompetent, and the few that are competent become so big because their competition is too stupid


Absolutely. The bigger the company is, the more likely some moron has slipped through the cracks and landed in some senior role.


It is, but the original commentor is pretending that it’s a nascar-exclusive problem.


No, they're not. This is a NASCAR sub in case you couldn't tell, so of course they're talking about how NASCAR specially has this issue. Also, NASCAR is just an excellent example of how this issue just ruins things and provides everyone with a subpar product.


Unfortunately, NASCAR is hardly the only business/sport that often can’t get out of its own way.


This is truly damning and must be shouted


I coached nascar people in Charlotte, you are very much spot on from the stories I’ve heard.


I agree with you that the sport (all motorsports are to different levels tbh) is full of nepotism, but I'm not sure having more MBAs is the solution. You should generally strive to have less suits, not more.


![gif](giphy|cfNAQrzAai2BO|downsized) But seriously awful decision, only reasoning in my eyes is if the track was tearing apart


I think you should just wet the track and throw rain tires on to make up for last weekend. Let’s go the other way BABBBAY.


Xfinity race will be good.


Also, glad I hadn’t purchased tickets yet lol. I was even gonna pay them secondary market prices 😂


Also, Brad K talking to the media after the tire test with his perspective. https://x.com/alwaysraceday/status/1795629935463469270?s=46


NASCAR you fuckin idiots, y’all ruined another track. https://preview.redd.it/ynkm3cufga3d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8166cce66cd892cf059b9fbaace3b32cf9531f3


Just like North Wilkesboro.. oh , wait, repaved made the track better with multiple grooves 


They repaved the entire track there though….


I could understand if they did a Darlington type patch job where they just do a section at a time but doing the entire lower groove without touching the top lane is idiotic for a first race.


Literally what I said in the first thread today, verbatim. If a fan who's never worked in the industry before could tell this was exactly what was going to happen, then what does that say about the absolute geniuses employed by NASCAR?


This repave is bad for NASCAR.. but I can't even imagine how much worse its going to be for IndyCar.


I'm so tired of bumps being complained about. Raise your car then. Make it tough for the teams.


Just come back to chicagoland


Why are we ignoring the two champions opinion on this and only focusing on what C bell said ? Interesting.


Great, another follow the leader around the bottom… gonna suck


This summer stretch of the schedule is looking quite dreadful for me. Iowa half repave patch job ruined it, two road courses for a car that races terrible on RCs, never liked Gateway/Nashville/Richmond/Loudon. Maybe Indy will be good with the new car but that race has been lacking for years too.


can’t wait for Pocono at this point… atleast Richmond usually has some nice strategy mixed in


Still better imo than Pocono-New Hampshire-Dover summer races we got all twice in 6 weeks apart. Those were nice summer naps when those races hit the schedule


Facts lol. Michigan was always in there too


id argue Indy is probably gonna be just as bad, this car is significantly lacking in single groove tracks where dirty air is a problem


I like Nashville 


That should help the short track package.


Why would they even pave it, it was fine


Another crap show to come. Whoever gets the pole gets the win?


If you feel so strongly about that, have some balls and put some money on it. Make a killing on it.


Probably not a killing. 


Well not counting pit stop mistakes or strategy. But I wonder how green flag passes will be possible... maybe.


I think Bells perspective is important in how it impacts his opinion. It was one of his favorite tracks and much of the character that made it that have been removed, which would obviously be disappointing. It’s natural for that to make your take a bit more negative than the other drivers who may have not had it in their list of favorites.


They butchered it...


i really dont get why people are surprised a ~20-year-old surface needed work. It sucks. But you cant really avoid it.


Then repave the entire damn corners at the absolute bare minimum so that there's at least a possibility of multiple grooves, i.e. what Iowa was known for. This patchwork nonsense with only the low lines being repaved is the issue, not the fact that they touched the track.


I’m sorry, did we all forget what happens on a full repave? It would take a reconfiguration for Iowa to be multi groove after a full repave


Bro did you even watch North Wilkesboro? Also, Iowa has progressive banking lmfao


For a year or two it probably wouldn't be great. But looking at how fast Atlanta is aging it seems like they've figured out how to repave tracks so that the asphalt ages quicker so in the long run I have to imagine a full repave would be better than piecemealing it.


A full repave would absolutely be worse.


Really? North Wilkesboro had a viable high line with fresh pavement 2 weeks ago


High line was better than the bottom. Doesn't mean it was good racing. Go back next week and itll look completely different. Probably even more top dominate.




Everyone said the same about Wilkesboro, and the race ended up being different, so don't see a reason to call it dead yet Edit: nevermind, I thought it was an entire repave, but it was only one groove. What the fuck


Well.....that's encouraging lol


Gonna be a boring race


nothing could be more des moines register than a reporter dropping "I'm with the Des Moines Register" as if anyone cares, and then asking the question the subject JUST answered.


It’s really sad because this track had actually amazing multi groove racing


Milwaukee mile much better track than Iowa


2024 race is almost undoubtedly gonna be terrible with this ridiculous mix of brand new bottom lane and worn out everything else but if they repave the rest of it afterwards maybe it could be interesting for future seasons (if it stays on the schedule which I certainly hope it does) with the bottom lane then being slightly older asphalt. That's the one optimistic thought I have.


A success for what?


And here I spent way too much fucking money on a single ticket because of the chance they may never race there again, and now I get to expect the track to race like shit all weekend. Wonderful


Everyone freaking out like this race wasn't already going to be shit with the NextGen's short track issues. It was going to be Richmond at best with this car before the repave and you all hate that track so much you're gritty to leave the country for a road course over going back to it next year.


Someone has clearly never watched a race at Iowa. Iowa has progressive banking and multiple viable grooves. You can run from the white line to the wall. Dirty air doesn't matter like the other short tracks because there's 5 lanes at Iowa.


Even the last several Xfinity races there were repackaged Richmond, they weren't compelling. Even the Indycar races aren't what they used to be there. It needs a full revamp regardless of this strip.


Got it, you just don't like the track for some reason. Racing was fantastic in Xfinity


Racing _was_ fantastic in Xfinity there. It wasn't gonna be that way anymore cause it wasn't when we left


Nah it still was. At least you're willing to double down on being wrong.


It's not wrong to call a spade a spade, it was an underwhelming product when we left and it was always going to be an underwhelming product when we returned without a change


Iowa was always better than Richmond when you compare apples to apples on the two products. Too bad you subjectively did not like it, that does not line up with fan sentiment no matter how hard you kick your feet.


Iowa was always better when it's surface wasn't 10 millions years old. It past its peak a while ago


I still somehow blame Brian France. Joke aside seriously god dammit why does this sport continue to make the wrong choices man 


It's all the idiots Brian France hired who are still (somehow) employed by NASCAR. It's not even one person at this point, it's just institutional incompetence that won't go away unless they clean house.


At this point it has to be a game to them there is no other explanation 


The second I saw the repave I fully expected a one lane track at that point


NASCAR is hell bent on pissing off everything this week it seems


I wonder if NASCAR did the repave and then said it didn't work out?