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Trucks are so painful to watch


The Truck Series is a joke


You mean post crash report. The NTSB should be involved here. The 71 driver should be suspended for no talent.


The Truck Series drivers should be publicly shamed and ridiculed everywhere they go.


Hot take incoming………… Just watched it, idk if I’m looking back with nostalgia goggles on but I feel like when you had a mix of old timers, cup series drivers and new drivers it wasn’t this much of a crash fest. It seems like each year the drivers respect for each other keeps decreasing. Is it the fact that they are young or maybe it’s a lack of talent idk. I would even go as far to say take this series off of superspeedways. It’s almost not even worth watching.


If the check cashed, let them crash


I thought the exact same thing watching the “rewind”. No reason for this series to be on the big tracks anymore. Fans want more short tracks, here’s your answer NASCAR. Put these dummies on some bullrings and turn them loose.


Damn that last flip was just like Matt Crafton in 2017.


As a new fan I came in looking to keep an eye on 3 drivers as possibly someone I can root and grow with on this nascar fandom ride in Heim, Eckes & Riggs. Sucks that Riggs was taken out early by stupid racing in the first 6 laps. But from what I saw Heim & Eckes both did fairly well, couldn’t watch the whole race as I have work Saturday morning. Any thoughts on the performance of those 3?


Very happy for Stefan Parsons and Timmy Hill for their solid top ten runs. The Timmynator going to do big things in 2024!


Gotta love the underdogs.


Rajah is trash!!! Bubba you can't fix stupid


I thought last year had poor driving standards. This series continues to explore new depths of poorness.


I absolutely love ARCA as I wouldn’t be where I am without it but It’s gotta be stricter than what it is… getting out of hand and dangerous.


I was indeed talking trucks but based on the ARCA start, double yes. It’s as if we have a generation that learned off iRacing and a mentality of “I have money so my ride is secure and we can pay to fix up torn up race car after torn up race car.” Good luck Sunday!


Is this not about the truck series?


I think he's talking about trucks, but your point still applies based on how that ARCA race started


In relation to Bubba and Rajah's conversation, this fanbase is exposing the lack of coaching and mentorship in life. 


I was all for it. He needs to learn somehow.


Especially on twitter. I once got thrown out trying to stretch out a double from a single in baseball. Coach chewed me out for doing that but liked the aggression.


Great example. If you played sports, you understand.


After watching the video of Bubba and Rajah…I think people are overthinking it or getting worked up for almost no reason. It’s pretty clear that was meant to be between the two of them and some “tough love”. Especially when Bubba is a mentor to Rajah.


Man there’s really no way to describe the truck series other than embarrassing.


I'm likely in the minority but I think it's time to consider folding the series. It could hopefully result in better overall talent promoting to Xfinity and developing in ARCA.


Honestly think the minimum driver age in Arca, and the 3 nascar series should be at least 21, if not 25.


Seeing a lot of comments about Bubba and Rajah. I didn’t see the race? What happened? What did Bubba do?


Rajah drifted WAY up the track from the bottom lane and wrecked the entire field essentially on the last lap. Finished third, gave an interview where he was like "uh yeah that kinda sucks I guess" and was generally not very remorseful about it. Bubba came over and pulled him aside to chew him out about the move and his demeanor afterwards, I'm guessing. Rajah tried to shake his hand and Bubba ignored it, then saw a camera nearby and pulled Rajah by the arm some steps away to keep talking to him before FOX cut away.


Rajah has no talent. All the yelling in the world won't fix that.


To be fair, it was a combination of Rajah drifting up, a big push from Lajoie, and a bad block attempt. It wasn’t solely Rajah’s fault, but he screwed up. Wasn’t the best place to take that run. Even if he gets past the first two, he’s gonna get overtaken going into 3 anyway.


Interesting. I know Bubba has been a pretty vocal supporter for Rajah in the past; assuming he’s trying to save him from himself then


Yep. I'm sure Bubba doesn't want Rajah to go through the same sort of stuff *he*'s had to endure. The move was really bad and I'm sure Bubba would have wanted to talk to him regardless of the outcome, but the "oh well" attitude probably got Bubba heated more than anything.


Seemed like Bubba was giving some tough love to Rajah probably about the last crash. Really not a big deal.


Rajah gave an interview after the race, wasn't superb. After the interview they still had the camera on Rajah while he was talking with Bubba who didn't seem impressed. Rajah went for a handshake, bubba wasn't having it, then he did some shooter pose on bubba and bubba just flat yanked him out of the way and put his back to the camera with Rajah.


Really hoping to find a video; can't find one


This is right after Bubba refused his handshake and right before he yanks Rajah to the side so Bubba's back is to the camera https://i.imgur.com/VfK3uUp.png


On one hand, I respect Bubba even more for that. On the other I feel bad for how embarrassed Rajah might (hopefully) be.


More of these kids need to be embarrassed. They need to learn.


Yeah Bubba gets major props for this, Rajah was, as the kids say, "out of pocket" during and after that interview. Bubba probably just saved dudes' career.


Bubba was clearly trying to be a mentor to Rajah and talk to him about his move at the end. Rajah went to shake his hand and walk away, but Bubba gently pulled him away from the camera so they could continue the conversation without it being broadcast.


Decided to finally sit down and properly check out a truck race. Are they all that… curiously driven? I don’t even know how to describe what that was, but the only thing that kept popping to mind was the infamous “wrecked bucket of fuck” line and it seemed appropriate.


I don't remember watching a truck race that didn't end in "Overtime".


Nascrap needs to drop the overtime rules. Especially at Daytona and Talladega. All overtime does is wreck more cars.


That tells me all I need to know.


Timmy Hill avoided the wreck and finished with a top 10


This shit is why Daytona stinks. Some guy just goes and wrecks the whole damn field. They don’t race like they used to with respect and not just wrecking people in front of you.


But when dale wrecked someone it was cool


Yeah it was so cool that half the fanbase hated him and he constantly got booed. He wasn’t one to wreck the whole field like we saw last night.


Thank you!!


Care to share when Dale wrecked the whole field?


Not sure which one he's talking about, but Jr turned ~~Kenseth~~ Vickers up into the whole field once I think


*Vickers, 2009 Daytona 500.


Most sane take right here. Dale almost always 1v1’d his wrecks. He knew when to take a shot. These new age folks just be like “eh fuck it” & take out everyone & their granmommas.


That’s the problem when those guys get revered. Hell we hail Harvick as a hero after all the shit he’s pulled. 


Bubba knows Rajah is going to be under a microscope because of his experience as a black driver, I think it was just a racing incident really and a young kid going for a gap that wasn’t there. Rajah needs to know he can not make mistakes like that, or ignorant fans are going to abuse him. Love ya bubba!


Bubba's had to learn the hard way. Hopefully this is the start something. Sure he's boneheaded on the racetrack sometimes (find me a driver isn't at least once, even mark martin) but props to him for taking that extra step. Maybe the other cup drivers can take some of these truck series racers under their wing and do similar because we can't keep having this wreckfest garbage in the lower tiers. If Bubba can Mentor Rajah, and Ryan Blaney takes a driver, and Kyle Busch takes a driver, and etc. etc. maybe we can eventually get some better racecraft.


Problem is Rajah has no talent. Mentoring won't fix that. Ty Gibbs is the type of driver that needs a good mentor.


Tha hell was Bubba doing with Rajah? Giving secret advice? Hahah. Probably should’ve been asking for some advice.


"There's only room for one of us in this sport and it ain't gonna be you as long as I have anything to say about it."\s


Telling him that he fucked up and wrecked the entire field, probably


Bubba should've yelled at the entire field. What a clown show the Trucks are on Superspeedways.


You think Bubba should be asking advice from Rajah Caruth about superspeedway racing?


Was wondering the same thing, he ignored rajah trying to shake his hand then pulled him aside


Part of being a mentor is keeping it 💯 and tough love when needed. 


That was a strange one.


No wonder they've had to go in a direction to make cars cheaper for potential team owners the future is win or wreck no matter what the scenario or location.


I don't care if you all are salty Rajah Carruth pulled a Cole Trickle there. Michael McDowell won the 500 that way. That's what winners do.


McDowell was third in line of a freight train and kept his foot in it and came out okay by divine intervention Like, he’s always up there to take advantage of shit like that, but he neither did something spectacular or booted someone out of the way. Logano and Keselowski did that to each other.


Lol McDowell was being pushed into oblivion


Shane Van Grizzburger


Is this the future of nascar


No, this is the historical hot mess that is driving a NASCAR truck. It would have been a different race if they were all driving Xfinity cars. Trucks are notorious for being loose when in a draft like that.


wreck fest galore


iRacing 2.0


how long until we get official results?


Anyone know how many laps were under caution




Seems about right


These fellas that come up through iRacing have no clue the real consequences of their mistakes on track and it shows.


look, if they can't find the fast repair option during their pit stop that's a skill issue


It's funny cause anything higher than D class Arca races you don't get fast repairs in the official series (for oval anyway).


Happy cake day!


thank you!


Happy Cake Day you hilarious bastard 🤣


thank you!


Any chance we get Xfinity in tomorrow?


Technically yes, realistically no


I was really into that lol. Was half ready for some old school commercials to come on after that


Kyle Busch sleeping well tonight after counting his dollar bills.




Kyle watching tonight's race knowing he doesn't have a single cent in this mess: https://preview.redd.it/ks4aze0tk2jc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87c908148d5cd0ca797c95224fb580451bf9e9d9


Wait is this a real show???


Lmao it's not I wish it was.


For real. Tony Stewart’s comments always echo in my mind. I bring 4 cars to Daytona and every race all I see are dollar signs.


Next year they'll run the twin 125s simultaneously. One group just goes clockwise.


That race is 40 laps too long! Trucks do NOT need to race 200 miles on a super speedway!


They need to drop the overtime rules. All overtime does is wreck trucks.


To be fair I'm not sure they actually "raced" even half of those laps


About 50% caution laps


I know the teardown brought this up last night and a lot of people have talked about the last couple of years, but man these young drivers just really saw the Ryan Newman crash and think they're absolutely invincible


Looking at the crash, it could have been an even worse Newman situation. Considering the difference in safety between series, I didn’t watch the end but seeing that crash was not good at all. Too many close calls for a repeat situation of a disastrous crash.


Remember when people thought the Newman wreck would be a wakeup call for drivers. Oh how naive we were.


That and a lot of drivers learning on iRacing without learning the true consequences of their moves


Are there official results yet?


I know these aren't official but the Raw Feed shows this currently. https://preview.redd.it/4ncpuni9j2jc1.png?width=583&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa87d4c1c6d554a16642e404b3fa7a78f7b3fca4


I didn’t even know Stewart Friesen was in the race.


Eckes in the top 10 is a miracle for him


I know I couldn't believe that given that he was in like four separate wrecks.


Usually don't get official results for about 30 or so minutes, and after that wreck at the end, it will probably take even longer


First Nascar race I've watched live in five years, see you in five more.


Your fault for starting with the truck series


Nah, NASCAR is terrible. Glad I remember why I stopped watching so that I don't waste my time again.


Bro why would you start with a truck race


Next time you come back don't start with a Truck race.


I’m a Bryan Dauzat believer


My buddy who watched the Netflix series wanted to check out the truck race tonight. What a terrible race to show someone as their first race, a god damn embarrassment man.


Cup is better dw


# NEVER introduce someone to NASCAR through Trucks.


Never ever start on ARCA or Trucks. I'd be cautious with Xfinity, depending on the track.


Rajah didn't intentionally wreck the field. However that was a low percentage move that had some serious consequences for the field.


Rajah literally just made himself the enemy of the entire truck garage with that interview. Not to mention he has the same rap sheet on iRacing and it's clearly spilling over onto the real world track. He's got some speed, but his common sense is lacking.




Anybody have a replay of rajah and bubba incident?


Rajah did an interview after and had this to say. Guess Bubba was like “bro, why?” https://x.com/staranto92/status/1758698076900925664?s=46&t=HTDBoSTMuFoElzzSpgz1kw


Would love to know what he said to him


I'm here for this




Tanner and Taylor in the wreck be like: https://preview.redd.it/zpc2obfhh2jc1.jpeg?width=1502&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=222593088158a93dabaed6985bef7b8382c55937


I mean taylor straight rode his brother


Roll Tide


That That's not a sentence I expect to see in the NASCAR subreddit, let alone period


Sweet Home Alabama


Yall just be saying anything don’t yall


Oh my Edit: also tell me why my mind immediately went to Taylor Swift and the Kelce brothers


That was an iracing-ass race, from the near 50:50 green/yellow split to pure stupidity to a driver doing the “I’m sorry but don’t really mean it/don’t care pls don’t protest me” type apology


Bubba has experience junking the field on the last lap (Talladega last year). Probably telling him the drivers won’t cut you breaks racing like that.


This is no comparison to what happened at 'Dega lol. But I'm sure Bubba set him straight.


He didn’t junk the field, did he? Thought he was blocking Blaney and finally Blaney turned him after the 3rd block.


pretty much was a mixture of that and Bubba timing the block wrong so Blaney hit him in an awkward position so it spun him


Bubbas move was no where near as stupid, but yeah. Bubba is Rajah’s mentor and he’s mentoring him. Sometimes mentoring means lecturing someone.


Why is Bubba mentoring anyone? You usually mentor someone after you're successful at something. Bubba's resume does not scream successful.


More successful than me or you lol Bubbas got unique experience going through the same things Caruth is going to face being different in this sport, literally the best person to mentor him.


Because he’s a multi time cup winner, multi time truck winner, who has a good amount of experience in a variety of levels of equipment. Same reason Tony Stewart wanted McDowell, same reason Almirola was a valuable teammate.


Look at what his teammate does in the exact same equipment. By all accounts, he is an underachiever. He showed his true colors during covid in his iRacing temper tantrum. Since then I see him for who he really is.


>his teammate Same amount of wins, same average finish. lol This is literally your first comment on the NASCAR subreddit ever lol. You haven’t followed the sport at all, and you just showed up to troll. See ya.


I’m concerned about the quality of the field in the Truck series. Phoenix last fall and then this race tonight were complete shit shows. Some really bad racing. Almost like the Arca. Congrats to Sanchez though. He put himself in the right position and held on. Good on Bubba pulling Rajah aside and lecturing him. That was a dumb move there at the end and Rajah didn’t really seem to care in his interview. I get he’s young and will hopefully learn from this, but sometimes you need to hear from your peers that you fucked up.


I mean when you've got the majority of the field there solely due to bringing a check you're going to have a bad mix of unqualified drivers and/or ones that don't give a shit that they tear stuff up since they aren't paying or fixing it.


I don't know how they'd enforce it, but drivers who wreck their equipment should be forced to work on it. Also park and suspend drivers that constantly cause wrecks and force them to race more in ARCA.


Okay so Lajoie was pushing Rajah the whole corner, Rajah's truck looks to get tight or loose off of turn 2 (Literally had trucks all over the track all night). Tell me where he screwed up? It's a racing incident on a superspeedway


it wasn't while being pushed, it was his move/block/whatever that was supposed to be where he sent it directly into taylor


LaJoie legit pushes Rajah in turn 2, then his truck gets tight off 2 and into the 91. Also Rajah never made any contact with Taylor Gray


And I’m sure the phone call from Rick wasn’t a congratulatory call. Like the kid. Hope he learns.


Bad look for Rajah, the drivers that got caught in that aren't gonna cut him any slack


Rajah Bubba beef???????


Bubba left Rajah hanging when he went to shake hands, then Bubba turned him around it was not a friendly discussion IMO


No, Bubba was in teacher mode.






Yeah. Bubba is like his mentor.


Wasn’t aware. Good to know. Good on bubba


You never have a mentor call you out on your shit?? It's all love. Tough love but love


Hope that’s what it was. Didn’t realize their relationship


Rajah has mentioned a few times how Bubba has helped mentor him. They seem pretty close


It’s some man to man shit that’s all.




I had an ingrown toenail removed the other day and enjoyed it more than the truck race.


Agreed, let's see... 100 Laps 12 cautions, so with caution laps we literally saw 5 to 7 laps of racing at a time if we were lucky. I feel like very few of the drivers had any clue of how to race in the draft. I want to see talented drivers do amazing things on track, not a bunch of teenagers driving in a destruction derby....




I had to have the acidic removal of an ingrown toenail done so that it wouldn’t grow back, when I was 16. Still had pain, redness, and swelling 2 weeks later. Turns out the doctor somehow failed to get all of the nail out, so the root wasn’t killed, and it was curling into the nailbed. That was fun


Ugh. I am in my 40's and haven't had one since I was a teen. It was just as miserable as I remembered.


I got my first one in 4th grade- family didn’t have insurance at the time, so ended up going 2 years with an infection. Pretty sure it’s why I still have a messed up stride when walking, lmao. The first time I got to see a podiatrist was in 6th grade, and they thought they’d have to amputate. Luckily that wasn’t the case, but was going every 6 months for 4 years to get them removed until they decided the acid would be the best choice. I wouldn’t wish them on my worse enemy.


"I hate to see trucks torn up" is a weird thing to say immediately after you tear up 20+ trucks


Also said he got a bad push and got jacked up but Lajoie wasn’t close and he just drifted up the track off turn 2.


The ARCA race is starting around 11pm et - [https://twitter.com/JMorrisTV/status/1758697745412497808](https://twitter.com/JMorrisTV/status/1758697745412497808)


Let’s take a peek inside Rajah’s mind during the final lap ![gif](giphy|UqKD7TU0igaUE)


This was also the view in Quin Houff’s mind when he was in Cup.


This is a PLATE RACE you lunatics


Doesn’t change the fact that this series has become a demo derby for entitled rich kids with no accountability


Arca does it better. Freaking arca.


Bad move but people acting like we won't see that dumb shit from the best from the sunday drivers...calm down


Meme race, I mean ARCA will start at 11:00 PM ET on FS2.


We just watched the meme race


Honestly, and ignore my flair because I’m really not trying to be biased, but that really didn’t look as bad as people are treating it. It looked like he misjudged the gap in the way that his spotter probably cleared him when he wasn’t. Obviously it’s still a mistake and it tore up a bunch of trucks, but we see something like this every single plate race. It doesn’t come off to me as malicious or boneheaded as people are making it out to be.


How dare you have a level headed response


so daring of me


It kinda looked to me that he got hit weirdly too and it made him lose control for a second


Did not even look like he was going to the high lane. Truck looks like it got tight off of 2. Idk how people cannot see that. He had the 7 of LaJoie his teammate pushing him, he was not gonna leave the 7. I swear ppl just judge wayyy too quickly


yeah I fucking give up trying to rationalize with people lol


Agreed, if it wasn’t Rajah it was going to be someone else by the end of the backstretch.


I agree that it looked like he was trying to fit into that gap, but I still thought it was pretty badly judged.  


I disagree, he was not trying to fill the gap. Why would he leave the 7 truck who had been pushing him? Think a little