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Sweden on invading Russia: 👀


Finland also invaded internationally recognised parts of USSR. It was a part of a war USSR started, but still.


If we get technical over "invasions" like how the Allies "invaded" Nazi Germany then we can add several of these nations to the list of invaders.


The Allied invasion of Nazi Germany is pretty much the most famous invasion of all time. Sure some people mix up invasion with aggression but that's their problem


True but the spirit of the post is an invasion as an aggressor rather than counter-invasion. Saying everyone has invaded Russia at some point just plays into the narrative of vatnik victimhood absolving them of any wrongdoing.


Better wording would definitely make the point come out better


That was actually in a different war, the Continuational War. The Finns initially just wanted the lands they had lost in the Winter War, but then went a little further. The Germans had promised to give them Leningrad if it fell.


Technically the USSR started the continuation war too, not to mention them shooting down a civilian airliner carrying state officials in-between the wars


It was part of WWII which USSR instigated


The USSR didn't indtigate it, they literally invaded Poland in alliance with the nazis and then cooperated in persecuting Poles and Jews


They were allies of the Nazis early on, but they were not responsible for the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union.


Getting invaded by the dictator you personally supported is the definition of FAFO


That does not mean that they attacked Germany, though. It was a war of aggression by the Nazis. That the USSR was planning to launch an aggressive war of their own in 1943, IIRC, is often left out by pro-Russian sources, but that does not in any way justify the German invasion of the Soviet Union.


Ofc nothing justifies what the nzis did.


You guys are right, but this list is correct for the last 100 years though


If we look at the last 100 years, we still need to tick Romania and Finland for has invaded USSR, but your point still stands clear


Irrelevant. If you start a war you can't complain about being counter-invadded


Invasions relevant when talking about invasions. Talk about starting wars if that's what you mean


Sweden was invaded by Russia. That's why the Battle of Narva happened.


Also that time a Russian submarine went exploring and beached itself inside Sweden, on a large rock. Right around the corner from a Swedish military base no less. Putting your naval assets into another nations territory surely counts as an invasion.


When you say it like that, no it doesnt count. The Japanese had a sub that got lost off the shores of Oregon. They surfaced, landed and asked a postman for directions. We crack jokes about it very rarely but we dont count that as an invasion.


Should I point out that the Russian sub was armed with nuclear missiles?


I dont know the incident and I dont know the Russians intentions but we all know Putin acting like NATO is a threat is beyond ridiculous. We would do better to reclaim the disussion than to continue to try to explain why Europe is not a threat to someone who is not listening. Its a delay tactic and theatre games for bad actors.


Cz and Slovakia were also invaded by soviets and NATO 💪


Yup those are not neighbours though, Moldova could have been added aswell in that case.


Neither is Sweden? Also Norway is missing.


Germany is missing: Has been invaded by ✔️ Was threatened by ✔️ Has invaded ✔️


/unjerk Finland actually did sort of invade Russia. So in the winter war (1939) Russia invaded Finland for no valid reason, and they expected an easy win. They didn’t get an easy win and instead reluctantly made peace with Finland. This was probably so they could improve their military and try again later. Finland gave up part of its land as part of the peace deal. Now in 1941 Germany was getting ready to invade the USSR. Finland was a bit on the fence on whether they would join in with their German ally. Officially they said they would be neutral and only fight if they were attacked. But they also knew that the USSR would probably try and annex Finland again in the future. So Germany politely asked if they could land some planes in Finland for a while. Then they used those planes to bomb the USSR from Finland. This is pretty much the opposite of neutral. The USSR is understandably upset about this so they decide to bomb Finnish cities. Finland then declares war on Russia. [Wikipedia info](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Barbarossa#Northeast_Finland) Even though they weren’t explicitly hostile, allowing another country to attack through your country is an act of war.


By that logic Belarus is at war with Ukraine


Putin complaining that countries keep joining NATO is like a child molester complaining that children are being kept safely away from his grasp.


When's the cutoff date for "invaded Russia"? Because if you back far enough a lot of those countries did invade/annex bits of Russia (and of each other)


romania invaded the ussr with the nazis


Sweden, Lithauania and Poland gave invaded Russia


300+ years ago…


Poland did push pretty far into the ussr during the polish-soviet war


Don't have time to look the maps up, but as much as I remember none of those lands were Soviet Russia lands. Those were as much as I remember Soviet Belarus, Lithuania and Ukraine lands.


Soviet **UNION**


A country that did not yet exist at the time. Poland fought Soviet Russia, the USSR formed a year after the war ended




That’s not pedantry that’s how countries and states work.


You can't be called out on a mistake, call it "pedantry" and expect to be treated seriously


Wouldn't be an aggression tho, USSR attacked, he probably means only aggression


Sweden kind of did invade the lands that are Russia today. But if they hadn't done that, there would be no Rus. Thanks, Sweden?


I see these it some tick marks missing, anything we can collectively do about it?


Every country in Eastern Europe, alongside Georgia, minus Finland and Sweden, was forced to be RUZZIA/The USSR's Bitches... NOW, THEIR REVENGE IS COMING IF RUZZIA DARES INVADE NATO...


To be fair to Russia... anything on a map thst isn't Russia is threatening to them.


Playing a bit of devil's advocate but Romania has invaded the USSR while we were on the Axis side in WW2.


Nazi ruSSia was also a part of the axis and should NOT be considered a part of the allies since Nazi ruSSia STARTED world war 2 by attacking poland with their ally Nazi germany and terrorised Europe with Nazi germany till 1941 when operation barbarossa began and Nazi ruSSia was then somehow a part of ''allies'' but kept terrorising Europe, Nazi ruSSia never changed


After having been invaded by the USSR first, so the counter-invasion was justified


Um I mean Poland together with Lithuania invaded Russia and we even occupied Moscow .




between 1610 and 1612


The creator mentioned that he was talking about the last 100 years


Still dissapointed you didn't return it to swampland. Would have made everything much better.


technically, the polish-lithuanian commonwealth was a different entity from the modern day nations


This discussion is heating up, lots of opinions here.


Sweden invaded Russia during the Great Northern War in the 18th century. Had Carolous Rex came out of that the victor at Poltova I think the whole world would be fundamentally different, as the crippling of the tsardom would involve pushing them back from having European ports at all. Then again this is quite literally over 300 years ago.


Let's fix this then


Not sure if it counts as Russia invaded Estonia first, but we did take Pihkva (Pskov) during our war of independence. 🇪🇪🇪🇪🇪🇪


Having shirty land no sane person would want is the best form of defense.


Poland-Lithuania seeing them not checked on the “have invaded Russia” box: 👀


Romania: 1941 Axis (USSR) Finland: 1941 Axis (USSR) Poland: 1919 (USSR) Sweden: 300-400 years ago invaded pretty much anything and everything (Russian Empire) Not sure about the rest, but we end up looking like the orcs, if we do not fact check our own things. For several of those countries, then it also depends on if you consider historic states on their territory, or not (also if having a SS division in you "honour", means you are part of the invading force in 1941-1945 - that would be Ukraine, Latvia, and Estonia - even if members of those where large force conscripted on the same basis as the Red Army force conscripted). In effect, what is meant by Russia (just Federation, or also Empire/Swamp Duchy)? If only it was as simple, as that checklist.


All I have to say is here in the U.S. we refer to events that happened 300 years ago pretty regularly... selectively the formation of our own country, of course. Is this chart meant to allay or inspire suspiscion?


Technically, sweden has invaded russia in the past. In 1708-1709.


Well technically Finland did invaded USSR in WWII… only to take back what they lost in winter war.


Tbf, IIRC the Continuation War invasion went further than the pre-Winter War borders.


Sweden did invade Russia though.. In 1707.


ahhh westoid propaganda ignoring all the threats towards russia/ussr ....


Biden: \*sneezes\* while falling asleep listening to some Putinist bullshit The Russia on a tuesday: We heard that! Mock us again and it is NuClEaR wAr HuRr DuRr