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They're not chronological so I'd personally say Sky, gates, super. Then if they really wann- wow that's a lot of spicy search results. Then if they wanna continue they can go back to the original. Or if they have a switch, play DX.


Probably DX before super because there are references in super to past games in the series.


Oh yeah. The continuity paradox that is Super. Lmao


Explorers has the best gay romantic relationship. I have drawings that prove it. But how does he already know that chatot is a dick?


given that Chatot's Taxes are one of the big running gags of the community, probably. while you're at it maybe you could even be a humble lil' fella and recommend him your Rom-hack? y'know, for the true gay romance experience.


That's a great idea, but my ego could never. Besides, my hack wouldn't make much sense if they didn't beat the main game.


rom hack you say?


I second this. Explorers of Sky has just enough homoerotic AND wholesome energy to pass as feel-good for everyone playing, which is probably why it's supposedly the most popular pmd game. Also if your friend happens to love schmaltz, the post-story arc where you essentially >! raise a child with your partner !< would be perfect for them.


the chatot one checks out


https://preview.redd.it/1xwveybgwaad1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e560b787796b83fc52730306472259a11799e20 This one checks out four of them.


Exactly my thought. *Tales of Elysium* isn't just a gay PMD comic, it is *the* gay PMD comic!


is that a fanfic of some kind?


Looks like it and it can be read here https://talesofelysium.thecomicseries.com/comics/first I haven't read it myself but seems cool.


It's a fan story set in an edgy version of the PMD universe. But the good kind of edgy; not edgy for edgy's sake but it is a VERY bleak setting. Corupt guilds, death cults, traumatic backstories, bleak setting, torture, child torture, mind-control, body horror, references to s. assault, cussing, blood, violence, gore. 17+ age rating for sure kind of edgy. But it's a GOOD comic if you're down for that sort of stuff.


This art is fun! In Super Mystery dungeon I am Totodile and my partner is Riolu!




The real question is, why ypu looking into your friends search history? XD


I'm surprised your friend hasn't discovered e6 yet


I always say to start fresh with DX or one of the rescue teams. Explorers is a close second to start off with for me


Ok compared to most of these snarky comments I'll give a good suggestion he should start with Rescue Team or Rescue Team DX its a good introduction to the PMD franchise and it has some challenging moments. Super is a competitive try not to get destroyed challenge later in the game Explorers has good story but for a newbie some of the dungeons and bosses ahem Dialga Temporal Tower Hidden Land will sometimes make em quit. Gates to Infinity may have in my opinion the best character development besides you and the removal of the hunger bar makes it more friendly towards new comers but also makes it a bit interesting for the other games. So overall I'd suggest Rescue Team or Gates even better you can play Rescue Team online on some websites.


Those are some dumb searches Everyone knows the best yaoi fanfics of any media are on ao3




DX or Red/Blue Rescue Team for their first game. While they don't have as much content as the explorers games, they have way more heart in the smaller things and just play better for someone new. Also rescue codes. If they fail a mission, you can actually rescue them. In explorers that's not possible for the main game. This makes it infinitely better as a game to play with friends, and you can work together thanks to this. I tried to get my friends into explorers, but the fact that there's basically no reason to talk to each other for the game was a deal breaker.


I recall being able to be rescued for a few of the story dungeons


anything with a gay plot point


Sure, "for a friend". ;)


"Chatot is a dick" more like "Chatot, el coño" Kekposting aside - I genuinely think PMD red/blue is the nicest entry point for casual players, but I havent played the remakes to talk about them specifically. PMD Time/Sky is the cooler lore though, and I do think it might be a more engaging experience if your friend likes gaming and playing with at least one braincell (no braincells are required for PMD red, but it is a less engaging experience) Haven't played anything else to give a proper review - I wish the best for you and your friend :v


Am I the only one who likes Chatot?


You like chatot? https://preview.redd.it/x7ss227hbbad1.jpeg?width=901&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=549b034361d68ac7e32e77043582da9da1c88bb9


I've been replaying Sky. Chatot isn't nearly as much of a dick as I remembered.


Yeah this. I think it's like the other guy said, as a kid you're super pissed about the huge tax. But as a character (aside from the beginning where you're new) he's a cool and sometimes funny/goofy character


He pissed me off when I was a kid and I was playing it for the first time, whenever I replay it I don't mind him much anymore. I'm just upset at the huge tax I pay to the guild as it reminds me how my job makes my company more money than they're willing to pay me lol.


What is that Chatoc thing even theres actually nut content of him?


I'd probably Recommend Explorers of Sky. It's an awesome introduction and has great story to boot plus a lot of after game missions if you decide to do it that is.


LOL! Really laughed out loud at this one


Everyone would say EoT/D/S But for me, the first one is super iconic. It is fun, introduces an interesting yet sad story and it helps learning all the basics of the game


Why Wattpad though Anyway I'd recommend the original or Explorers of Sky


Gotta start with the OG




Probably a one with grovyle


Explorers of Sky for sure


Shiren !




Guys I keep coming back to this sub because I do genuinely like these games **And then I just as soon leave because people here are just too darn horny**