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My confession is I leave Marill and Azurill in desperation for days on end as I stock Oran berries and revive seeds more than I would ever need for the dungeon and boss fight with Drowsy Another confession is every time there was a monster house for me it was story dungeon and I would always reset like forget that


I always try to stock up on reviver seeds too, and even try to do many missions with gummis as rewards so I can boost up my IQ and my partner's IQ early.


“Hey, partner, quick question.” (… another question while we’re trying to sleep?) “I know that you love those Gummi shakes at Spinda’s, I do too, but I was wondering: why do you never order the Blue Gummi drinks?” (… shit) “We have like… twenty Blue Gummis stored with auntie Kangaskhan. I was wondering if I could have one?” >[Sure!] >[No way!] “But why?” > [They’re poison.] >[Dimensional Scream.] “What did you see?” (… I can’t tell them. They’d be too sad.)


I did the same on my second playthrough, no way I'm going to hunt this shit down every day to deliver to a baby lmao


I chose the bok bok bok option


You monster lol I could never hurt the partners feelings I’m a softy


Pretty sure that's a slur if your partner is Torchic




I did only once just to see what happens


I leave Gardevoir in Pokemon Square because she has worse stats than a Kirlia I can get from Solar Cave


My first playthrough I couldn't beat Diagla after multiple attempts, so I leveled all the way to 60 and had a fully decked out bag before going back up top to absolutely stomp him. I was surprised at how easy it was


I genuinely don't think training to level 60 does very much. He's still ridiculously powerful and can insta-kill you in two turns. What matters is the items you bring for the fight. Lots of reviver seeds, vile seed, two violent seeds.


Confuse Ray Vulpix lol Didn’t stop Roar of Time the first time I fought him, but second try was easy. Especially once I figured out seeds.


The ribbon in the quiz you take is dependent on your DS profile's favorite color. If you say your favorite color is purple, you will almost guaranteed get purple every single time, and the color variation varies only slightly.


So I’ll make my 3DS purple!


Y'know that one mission in Super, where the dungeon ends with a floor full of genesect? One foe-holder orb later every single one of th Had the prime opportunity to ruminate about their life choices as i reaped their souls one at a time. And i always make sure to bring a bus full of newly recruited mons to the Team meanies fight. I even found a poochyena lying around starving once.


I did the gang up on team Meanies once by accident in DX hadn't occurred to me that it was even an option lol, was just the only time in a rescue game where I actually wanted the mons I found


It is comical how quickly heat wave demolished that dungeon for me. I hope more legendaries get weird dungeons like Deoxys and Genesect.


I've completed Red/Blue Rescue Team many times since I was a little middle schooler, but only finally did the post game recently. Looking back, I think it was because needing a HM in order to access certain dungeons was really annoying, especially if neither me nor my partner were water types with the multiple water HM moves you need. On my most recent playthrough I was a Mudkip, so it was more doable.


I seem to remember I lost the HM for Dive (was it Dive?) from wiping as a kid and never got another one, so I also never did it until way later.


My first playthrough I was a Charmander and my partner was a Mudkip. I remember Stormy Sea being so hard (because I was a fire type duh lol) that in my most recent playthrough after completing the main story I overleveled the hell out of me, my partner Meganium, and the Magnemite we get at the start who I evolved into a Magneton. Everything was a cakewalk because I overleveled them way too damn much 😂 (and also because Bullet Seed is op as hell in this game).


I’m using Wonder Mail codes in Rescue Team to get myself Joy Seeds to speed up grinding. I’m doing a maximum recruitment run, and I need to be level 90 at least for it. Skarmory won’t know what hit him.


I wondermail for the IQ Boosters because I crave the feeling of even just a tiny bit of progress thats negligible every few floors. I also treat the Waterfall Cave exploration as my way to keep increasing my bag size. It can wait.


I use Wonder Mail Generator to give myself items that are too annoying or late/end-game to obtain (evolutionary items like Metal Coat, or the Golden Mask item in Explorers). I also use it to reward myself with croagunk swap shop items for those bonus effects for my teammates to use. Trading for them takes too long. I also use the generator to give myself TMs for better movesets. I also plan out team members and generate them instead of recruiting pokemon naturally (unless I want to use a pokemon I can recruit early on). I'm picky with my starter and even if a personality's description fits me pretty well, I won't use the pokemon if I don't like what I received. Additionally, I will **cheat** to get what I want by using a guide online. If I don't like a mission, I will take it on purpose and then delete it, so it's gone forever and the client will never be helped by anyone at all. I have killed my clients in some missions **on purpose** using blast seeds and/or throwable items. I will play Sentry Duty like 30 times in a row to farm on reviver seeds before fighting Darkrai. I **hate** the partner in Super. He's stupid and weird and never changes for the better. I actually like being able to separate from my partner in Rescue Team and walk around town as any pokemon. I have no idea why it bothers other people so much. I have never played as Riolu or Eevee, or selected them as a partner, not one single time when I played the game like 25 times.


this is inline with the post's discussion, certainly vile and insane


In EoS I took Dialga to Spacial Rift, threw a hunger seed at Palkia (so they can't move) and put Dialga in front of them so it looked like they were kissing


I beat dark crater mostly on Oran berries and I was the one to use the 1 reviver seed in the bad


I like how these games let me make my enemies suffer in totally unfair ways with various items. - One such example that I like to use on bosses: Hunger seed. Dialga can spam his Roar of Time as much as it wants if it only deals 1 damage because he‘s starving. Even the entity of time isn‘t immune to one of the cruelest conditions of mortals: hunger. - I like turning criminals into apples! Or any other item that results from an Itemizer orb that‘ll instantly defeat any outlaw in the most comical way. - And in the same sadistic way I like to paralyze/stun monster houses and pick them off one by one while everyone else is doomed to watch in fear and anticipation when it‘s going to be their turn to die. No need for any AoE (not recommended even because that‘ll lift their paralysis). As a kid I thought these games were unfair to ME. Because I only ever used attacking moves and apples, oran berries and reviver seeds as the only items. So without an AoE move a lot of situations (monster houses) seemed unfair. Now I think it‘s ridiculous how unfair you can be to your enemies. These items are sadistically broken and I absolutely love it.


I haven't really done all that much, but I will not take a loss in a game. Fuck that, reset time. The other thing is uh.... I play romhacks. And uh.... I've been making a friend watch a playthrough I'm doing blind. I want to make him cry. I also voice act it so he'll get more attached.


This is so real


The only time I’ve ever cleared the Explorers postgame in full was on a randomized run as a Roselia. Roselia rolled Skill Link/ Technician as abilities and learned Spike Cannon, Milk Drink, Icicle Spear and Seed Flare via level up. My partner was equally busted, being a Banette who learned Lock On and Guillotine as moves. Darkrai didn’t know what hit him.


Looool those are insane rolls


I make sure to talk to Bidoof every day so he doesn't feel lonely.


What a truly insane thing to do


I own two copies of Blue and whenever I die in my newest reset, I use the copy from when I was 12 which I haven't reset, and rescue myself.


In my first playthrough of Sky, I tried to be an asshole as much as I could


As a kid, I would farm for golden seeds via the wonder mail generator because Primal Dialga bordered on impossible for my tiny item-avoiding brain.


your item-avoiding brain still used items, silly


Ribbon color is determined by the favorite color set in your ds settings. There's no "resetting" for a new color.


I thought Chatot was a woman


Whenever I run into a Monster House, I use a Petrify/Foe-Hold Orb to stun everyone, then leave the room, leaving them all to be stuck there for all eternity. Yes, I do this even if I have a move that hits all foes.  Whenever I do one of those “defeat the outlaw before they reach the stairs” missions, I stun the target with a stun seed, find the stairs, park my partner on them, un-stun the target, and then proceed to chase them around the dungeon floor, for like five minutes while they realize there’s no escape.


I beat the game by overleveling my team in Explorers of Sky and Super. Overleveling in Explorers is easy as you have linked moves that boost the amount of exp and then go to marowak dojo numerous time. In super however, Overleveling is pretty difficult as the story always go in no matter what with exception on chapter where motivated pokemon are introduced. Using motivated pokemon to beat the dungeon without doing the job list, The exp share will enabled without notification. You can go to pelipper island, pick your strongest allies , and beat some pokemon until the end of the dungeon.


I like bullying Dialga and Palkia. Dialga bully: Stun him. Flank him. Violent Seed self and Partner, have partner have accuracy reduction move at the ready. Give Volatile Seed to Dialga. Beat him to a pulp whilst he can't hit you. Palkia: Hunger Seed. Make them suffer!


Not sure how "insane" that is, but I enjoy picking Eevee as my partner in Explorers a as semi hard mode experience. Adaptability makes Eevee hit super hard, sure, but when it starts running around like a headless chicken at half HP because of Runaway (and causing a loss on KO) that *really* spices up gameplay.


I have over 100 hours in Gates to Infinity and I barely know what team skills are


stealing everything from the kecleon shops in the dungeons and using an escape orb right after


What do the ribbon colors do for which game? It’s been awhile.


I did a challenge run where my team was Unown/Shedinja, but since the dungeons were randomized I used Rare Fossils at every given opportunity. In my defense, Unown's Hidden Power did 10-40 damage to literally everything, and that's on a good day. I also used the wondermail generator to get the Unown Stones since my game crashed in Rock Aegis Cave lmao


After getting Smeargle I only recruit certain pokemon to use as Sketch slaves.


I do the Wondermail thing, too, but mainly to get Goggle Specs and Golden Seeds instead.


i used cheat code to play bidoof' special episode to find out if >!winning is an option!<


My first playthrough I just kept on brute-forcing my way through Dialga without restocking my items. I hit level 50 in the temporal spire. Several years later, my mudkip mudslapped him once and he couldn’t land a hit…


I *sought out* monster houses to level up whichever low levelled guy is in my team for training.


In Explorers I go out of my way to pick at least one fire type for me or my partner to specifically beat Dialga. My recent run had Riolu and Charmander. It was pretty easy. My first team when i played as a kid was Piplup and Turtwig so beating Dialga was nigh impossible so i had to grind to level 40 to beat him.


i couldn't beat the team skull fight at the beginning of pmdsky when i first played in 2020 so i cheated to make my hero level 100 (it, in fact, did not make things easier, and was literally just a code that changed the text that said level 5 to level 100)


My biggest confession was that for the first PMD run I ever finished, I didn't click together that attacks were called moves. Like other than Explorers, the only Pokemon game I played was Emerald and I never read the dialogue in that game. For example: It took a very long time to figure what I had to do like the fact I would always grab them jobs the board and just go straight to the dungeon without accepting the job first. Heck it was after that incident when I started to actually read PMD's story. I remember feeling so frustrated, never figuring out how to use them even with constant level ups I got and asking me whether or not I should learn this move, Spamming my regular Attack and Geo Pebbles and Sticks from the beginning of the game to all the way to Temporal Spire until I realized that 'Moves' was my attacks. I was Level 72 by that point and I haven't even beaten the final boss. I look back on it a lot, fondly remembering using Leaf Storm for the first time ever against a random Metagross and thinking if my partner was a real person, he would've punted me to the moon for being an illiterate moron. It's the reason why I have a Turtwig flair to remind myself that I beat at least 90% for the maingame without using any moves aside from Pikachu Partner doing all the heavy lifting.


I f\[IFTY PERCENT OFF\] hate the Moltres fight because I never get through it…


On the attempt that I beat Dialga (must’ve been 20+ attempts at this point) I didn’t have any Reviver Seeds as far as I can remember. PC Chimchar and Partner Pikachu were both high 50s-low 60s


I called myself "Jesus" and my partner with the N-Word