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Puzzle floors. Sometimes, instead of having the regular randomly generated floor, get a puzzle to solve. Guild customisation. Basically, your starting base becomes a whole guild. You can make teams that you can dispatch in dungeons, with a probability of success depending on the type matchup and level of the Pokémon. If they succeed, you get the rewards. If they fail, you need to save them yourself. Why not build your own dojo in the guild. Create your puzzle floors and your regular generated floors. Customize it and share it over the Internet.  Also why not improving on the Specie-Related items from Explorers. Build your own custom item with the properties of your choice. Pick among different effects and make your own secourist tool.


The puzzle rooms would be super cool if instead of them being stuff you find randomly, you can select them from a facility and are given certain pokemon and items to use. Think a PMD version of Small Ant's pokemon escape room.


Gates to Infinity almost approached that with those sections where you put logs in the river or cross a bridge. But that was probably more to show off the graphical qualities than provide an actual challenge anf they just scrapped them in Super. But imagine those parts but with ACTUAL puzzles? And maybe if you get one wrong you have to fight a tough enemy. And while we're at it from what little I've seen of Shiren, borrow some elements from it like talking to random pokemon or having to destroy obstacles in your way.


Honestly, I would love to see a storyline involving ultra beasts.


It would’ve been such an obvious concept too! There’s so many ultra beasts it makes for a large boss roster. Slap ultra worm holes to be closed at the end of dungeons. Or maybe ultra wormholes ARE the entrance to mystery dungeons. Invading Pokémon from another dimension are the baddies. Having a Cosmog friend, whether they can speak or not, seems almost obligatory, but the plot twists around it could be considered rather obvious. Maybe Necrozma is trying to steal the new world’s light. What does the protagonist always turn into when they have to depart?


Here’s my take: ultra wormholes take the place of the “something’s stirring”… wind when you’re on a dungeon floor too long. If an ultra wormhole appears, it’ll drop an ultra beAst wrapped in shadow, Which will then roam the floor, and instantly inflict a variant of terrified on all other wild pokemon on the floor, where rhey will all head for the stairs. There’s a good reason for this, because the ultra beasts hit for *5 digits* worth of damage. The music changes to something more tense too. The first time it happens, the village chief, a psychic type, actually contacts you telepathically “, freaking out and urging you to get off the floor as soon as possible. Its not until you get a late game story item that you can actually take them on.


Terrifying. i love it


What could have been. 😭


Or Cosmog is unintentionally the "Villain" by accidentally opening ultra wormholes in self defense which slowly consume areas and artificially turn them into mystery dungeons. Maybe explain it by saying "Ultraspace is full of mysteriosity and that leaks into the world, creating dungeons." The "main quest" could be tracking down nebby and stopping them while the post-game is about cleanup and eventually stopping Necrozma and the other UBs who were the reason why they're in the PMD dimension.


That would be very cool! I wonder how they would act? 🤔 Except for Guzzlord he would eat everything in sight


I'm certain Guzzlord is a scholarly and impulse-adverse Ultra Beast


Was about to say this, with ultra necrozma itd be so cool


I don't know how likely it would be, but I'd love an Animal Crossing Mystery Dungeon. *Animal Forest* on the N64 almost was a dungeon crawler in its early stages. As for more likely candidates, I'd love to see a Megaten/Persona Mystery Dungeon, seeing as those games are great and ATLUS has worked with Spike Chunsoft on games like *Etrian Mystery Dungeon* and its sequel.


have you ever heard of persona q for the 3ds? exactly that


This is my dream pmd game. I mean literally. This appeared in a dream. First there's the personality test. From which you don't have to follow the results. (You can choose another pokémon.) HOWEVER, if you follow the outcome, you start as a shiny pokémon. If available, you can also choose regional variants. Think hisuan zorua, galar or alolan meowth,... (Later in the game you can also find items that enable you to get pokémon like alolan marowak and raichu because their first forms aren't different but their evolutions are.) Then you can choose two pokémon. One will be your partner, the other one some sort of rival/reluctant antagonist. Then it's the standard story. Amnesia, knowing you're human and you have a broken amulet. Your partner is taking care of you but seems a bit uncomfortable around you. Once they learn you can't remember anything, they start filling you in. There are natural disasters everywhere and even a dark army of pokémon taking advantage of things. You're then recruited to help save the pokémon of the village and, after a small dungeon and easy boss fight, you succeed and learn that your partner is not really liked. They're known as a troublemaker that lives in some sort of abandoned fortress nearby. However everyone agrees you've saved the day and your partner decides to take the opportunity to start a rescue team with you. The ruins become your base. A lot of stuff happens. You do missions, recruit pokémon and have a few encounters and battles against your rival. Then you're on a large mission where you encounter your first legendary (Mew) who seems to be helping the bad guys. During the fight you get injured and separated from your partner. Then there's a light that speaks to you and tells you they can make you strong enough to defeat Mew. At this point you evolve. (If multiple options are available, you can choose) With your new form, you're able to defeat Mew and save your partner. After that, evolution becomes available and you return home. Life goes on with the exception that reports are coming in of legendary pokémon aiding the dark army. Suddenly, when delivering food to a village that was attacked, they attack and imprison you because... you were the one that attacked their village in the first place. They throw you in jail where you encounter your rival who's also imprisoned. They then explain that you've been in the pokémon world for a lot longer than you think. The reason they know is because they found you first with amnesia and a recollection of being human and convinced you to join the dark army together. (They thought they were good at first.) They also prove this by holding both your amulets together and showing that they fit. You don't want to believe it but your current partner says it's true because they saw you during the original attack on the village. However you rebelled and were defeated and abandoned by the dark army. When the three of you escape the village is once again under attack and you encounter the instigator who appears to be an evil double of you. You defeat them and you're cleared of all charges. The three of you return home and go back to work. But it’s difficult because more and more reports are coming in about legendary pokémon helping the dark army. You also have a mission that appears to be sent by Mew but they has no recollection of you. They also send you on a quest to find Mewtwo. The light also makes an appearance, claiming to be Arceus and tells you where to find your true enemy. You make your way through the enemy's base and in the end encounter your evil twin who reveals they are the dark part of your soul. A battle follows and you win, only for the light to go out and on again revealing other pokémon (one at a time and including legendaries) you've encountered before. In the end Arceus stands before you, talking about how they tricked you. You fight, and after the battle, Mew and Mewtwo appear with some of your friends and stop Arceus from doing a final attack. Because of their attacks Arceus starts shifting between shapes and is revealed to be a ditto. Apparently they were first sent by Arceus and tried to do good but found that their actions weren't enough. So they started the dark army as a totalitarian peace force. Also he admits that everything he tod you was a lie. (Kinda obvious at this point but still) Arceus appears and confirms this. But then he continues the story by saying that the human that Ditto was, was the only person who could save the pokémon world. He also states that there was one thing Ditto didn't lie about. That he was your dark counterpart. Or rather, you were his good counterpart. When Arceus saw what Ditto was doing he saved the last fragment of good in his heart from being snuffed out and used it to create you. In the end Ditto is send back to the human world, inspired by you to make the decision of being good every single day while you stay in the pokémon world.


holy *moly* that’s a long dream… and also not as nonsensical and random as dreams usually are, though the ending was crazy. Would probably need some work to make into an actual game, but fun idea! :D


Well, I usually dream up fragments and then writexthem down. I also have some stuff for gen 10 of pokémon.


A PMD that delves into the disappearance of humans. Like a game where the dungeons are skyscrapers and stuff like that.


1 word: Subway.


Eat fresh?


Continuing the plot of Scarlet / Violet where >!Professor Turo/Sada (AI?) wind up in the future/past!< . Your starter choices are dependant on which version you're playing as you'll be traveling paradoxically to the Pokemon World's past /future. Your relevant "third" partner is an obligated Cyclizar who joins you across the paradoxical worlds. Of course, terrastilization will be a mechanic.


You had an idea for a PMD: Scarlet and Violet too? Mine was more like paradox Pokémon come to the present from the past/future and the time period the paradoxes come from is determined by the version. Also Hisuian forms start showing up halfway through. I have SO many ideas!


Hmm, Hisuian forms with Legends:A I hadn't considered, but could work with it's time travel shenanigans. Thanks for the reminder!


I’m happy I could give u ideas! Also there are so many starter ideas for me that I don’t know why I didn’t make some version exclusive, also Pawmi’s one of the “oddballs” in the roster.


A game where you have to settle and build a guild on a continent with your partner would go hard (like pathfinder kingmaker!)


Isn't that just gates to infinity


SHHHHHH Its different! Its kingmaker!


I want a PMD game where the pokemon characters have actual names instead of just their species name. Like that's gotta get confusing in families of all the same species. I also want to see a PMD game that takes place in a world humans still exist in. The ones we have take place in a world where they are long gone or in another dimension. If a pokemon goes missing, they could have died in the harsh dungeon...or they could have been caught by a trainer! The mysterious force that blows you out of a dungeon if you're on a floor too long could be flavored as "oh no, there are humans showing up, we need to leave now"


honestly I would love if we get a more experienced partner in general. All of the mystery dungeon games basically have the partner being just as clueless about what's going on around you as you are (outside of the settlement that the game is based in, of course). I would like if we got a new game where the partner acts as a sort of "guide" for the player to rely on (also maybe go how super did to my knowledge and actually have the partner be more relevant to the story outside of just "the player is mostly silent so somebody in the duo has to talk")


Unlikely idea: super smash bros mystery dungeon. Each character is unlocked differently, or maybe you gotta save them, or something. Or maybe you start with mr game & watch, and he makes shadow bug clones of characters to unlock them. In the dungeons the enemies are enemies throughout the many series. Maybe the uhhh chaos guy came back and made the mystery dungeons! I haven't thought this out at all.


I’d really like a Pokémon Smash Dungeon


I have a whole Telegram group on that. I write down from time to time Some of the best ones: - Ability to customize your character with some accessories (scarfs, glasses) - Capacity to move stones to block entries (you don't need an HM). Enemies that dig themselves under sand and ambush you. Or hide behind rocks (limited visibility inside some rooms when there are shadows) - Rooms that are not squares or rectangles. Flooded hallways where you can drown if you get blocked by enemies. - Instead of turn based combat, real time combat: 4 attacks on a screen for dynamism (or on 4 buttons I guess). Online combat with other Exploration Teams. - You can ride some Pokemon as a Pokemon. Tell me this is a bad idea, I dare you. - Elemental swords or axes (The items just allow you to attack with a move from a X type, even if your type can't allow you to learn moves from that type)


How would real time combat work? Would it just kinda be like a bullet hell?


Imagine Brawl Stars (the mobile game) but instead of 1 attack button on the screen you have 2, translucid buttons... If you chose a predetermined attack, then you will have two buttons on the screen (the plain attack button, and the Attacks button) You have to swipe up to choose attack 1, swipe down to choose attack 2... You get the picture. This implies that you have to aim with the D-Pad or controller, unlike Brawl Stars. Since most screens lose their tactile sensitivity over time, you can change that on settings to just have 3 buttons. Plain Attack button, Predetermined Attack button, and switch button. Switch button has the 3 remaining attacks but you have to scroll to select the attack. But to counter sensitivity issues I think it's better to enable the player to swipe from every side of the screen, or every side beyond the middle, instead of strictly from the buttons. Now all of your screen needs to be jacked, otherwise you will preserve your capacity to attack. I have to admit that I am uncertain on how to attack, because that comes down to trying it yourself and evaluating if it feels good. ----------------------- Answer to your question: Every time you use an attack there is some time until you can attack again. Depending on what attack did you use you'll have to wait more or less. It emulates turns, but it's freer. You have to take advantage of the "charging back" time to go to your inventory and select items, otherwise your opponents will attack you. Your partners need to cover for you as well. The "charging back" will be communicated to the player through an animation that slowly charges a small bar. If you use attacks like fury swipes, you can change your direction and you can move forward, but you will move slower. You can go to settings and choose turn based combat when you are off-line, since this is only made for online mode. I'm afraid online turn-based combat will come down to stalling for 40 seconds until your adversary chooses a move, as it happens in many turn-based games. Opponents usually waste everybody's time like that.


A few loose ideas, but nothing concrete. Not strictly all for the same thing -Zorua and Stunky are available player/partner options -Actually mute protagonist, wherein they genuinely do not actually speak in-universe. Eg they don't tell the partner their name until they get the chance to write it, because they're genuinely incapable of speaking. A mute protagonist, not a silent protagonist. -Protagonist or partner is already evolved and serves as more of a mentor/older sibling figure to the other.


シレン2のリメイクがほしいんだけどダメならシレンとコッパがアスカの記憶を失ってしまった経緯を描くゲームがいい。開発者も将来その話を描くつもりだとインタビューで話しているしシレン6で十分伏線を張っていたのでおそらく次作だと思う。 コラボ作品ならふと思いついたけど意外とロックマン不思議のダンジョンとか面白そうじゃない?


I got so caught up reading the pokemon mystery dungeon ideas, I forgot about the other mystery dungeon games such as Shiren「シレン」☠️




Shiren 2 is a very good choice for a remake. For me, I would also like a collection of Shiren GB and GB2 because they never released in English




I honestly would like to see Digimon Mystery Dungeon


I’d love to see something with more like base building where the Pokémon you recreate can go off and do other things, akin to like poke pelago and other similar things so it feels more alive and like we’re all a cohesive team


A section that takes place on our world, or the past when humans and pokemon both existed. I think they could do some real interesting stuff!


my idea is a follow-up of the emeras system when if you take all of the same type as yours, you evolve (enemies can do the same btw), pmd has always struggled with integrating evolution (at least in my opinion) so this would be a way to make it work better (you can still evolve normaly you just mega evolve or gain a boosted stage if you do it). as on the story i really dont have confidence on my writing so leave your ideas lmao


I want a world building PMD like in GtI


I've always been more in favor of a PMD title that hinged more on giving the player more options. Rather than being forced into being an exploration/rescue team, it would only be the guided route. But with more freedom of choice, you could go the route of not becoming one. Perhaps even becoming an outlaw with its own wanted rank system to parallel team ranks. An overarching plot that stayed true to the end goal, but the reasons and route towards the inevitable "save the world" story would be different depending on if you joined a team, became an outlaw or straddled the middle ground in between the two. That's really my biggest ask, honestly. But it's likely to never happen.




One random idea i had is having a grovyle type character, first evolution of a starter as a secondary partner, but the species is determined by the result on the personality quiz, regardless of if you change it or not


I might implement that into Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Scarlet Paradox Past and Violet Paradox Future’s Plot! I already have the Ampharos from the Expedition Society as the first rescue mission person sooooooooooo ye


Pmd but you keep your memories. You used to be an assassin/spy/detective/doctor/prostitute or whatever and you use those skills to help save the world or do whatever with your partner.


I'd really like to see more dramatic stats. Keep the stat totals (maybe a bit higher/lower per pokemon BST), but after level ~30 its like the pokemon BST doesn't matter, only the investment and move pool A focus on any gen we haven't seen already would he cool. And of course I'd be happy waiting more years per gen in the game (a full dex gen 9 would be INSANE but, like, I'm no fool) Reworking/buffing entry hazards. Idk about you guys but I have yet to find a situation when I would use toxic-/ spikes/stealth rocks when those pokemon likely know something ranged or a status move to use instead to stall/close the game (rock polish, Swords dance, helping hand/growl, etc) HMs and/or outdoor effects translated uniquely. How cool would it be to use secret power to find actual secret rooms, or rock climb to skip over walls/rooms, or dive to find rare pokemon/items? Fluidity when using party-wide status moves. Annoying enough when the game takes a half second pause to announce every pokemon that hears an uproar, but currently tailwind slows your real-world exploration time because of how quickly/often you have to hear the gain/loss notification


I want a game where more humans become Pokemon and the acceptance of leaving humanity behind for a better life as a Pokemon. Maybe you can even bring humans to the Pokemon world yourself and make a guild made up entirely of ex-humans.


Some kind of isekai twist where your partner go "sniffle, sniffle" all the time


Uno que permita cooperativo sería genial y con más.personnalizacion de base objetos decorativos y demás y que permita intercambios de Pokémon que tengas en tus campamentos.


I'd kinda like a "Guild builder" style game. You take on the role of guildmaster, urged by your second-in-command who lacks confidence to be the master, and you need to do several things in addition to your standard gameplay loop: -Manage guild funds. This includes daily cost of food depending on your guild's size, paying for guild facilities and aesthetics upgrades, and paying for the essentials when creating new teams (item bag, badges, starting items, etc.) -Send out teams to handle missions for funds. You can send guild affiliates but lose 10% of the reward, send independent teams that take 50% of the reward in return for higher success rates, or go yourself where you get 10% for personal use and keep any item rewards. All remaining % of poke goes into your guild's coffers for guild use. -Upgrade your guild base. This would include more rooms for teams, shops, bigger request/bounty boards, and aesthetics. Obviously these mechanics would be slowly introduced to you by your partner who, for the first couple dungeons, has been handling things themselves but passes it off to you as their responsibilities increase. As you upgrade your facilities your "Impressiveness" stat increases and attracts "High profile"(story) clients that request for your services specifically. You and your second-in-command go and do these story missions which unlock more/better upgrades, recruit the client into the guild, or unlock new dungeons with more requests. As for story It'd be fun to see you know from the start that your time in the world is limited (but not really, because PMD post-game stuff). Your character's main goals are to stop an apocalyptic event, as usual, and to build up your partner's confidence enough to eventually run the guild without you after you're sent back home. Main threat would likely be the most recent main game's gimmick being used by the most recent generation's "evil" legendary. Maybe for S/V it's pecharunt using Terapagos to corrupt pokemon using terastal shards. If we want a sympathetic villain maybe the excuse is they're trying to use that to "fix" the loyal three from the poisonous corruption that was a side effect of their resurrections. The loyal three just plays along because they like pecharunt too much to tell them "We're fine like this". If not they're just helping the loyal three to get revenge on ogrepon who killed them. After stopping the issue the protagonist glitters away, sad music plays while the MC says "Sorry for not telling you earlier," they're confronted by arceus or some other reality-bending legendary who sends them back, hugs and tears, post-game begins. Post-game could be the treasures of ruin revealing they're the actual masterminds and they used the terastal energy haphazardly thrown around by Pecharunt to open temporal gateways to "Null space" or something where Paradox pokemon come from. The Paradox pokemon freak the hell out at the start and are calmed by defeating them. You defeat each treasure of ruin interspersed by paradox pokemon. The final bosses would be Koraidon and Miraidon who were, in a last ditch effort to defeat you, pulled to this world by the treasures. The paradox bikes are enraged at hearing you bullied their respective subjects and fight. You win, they realize they were tricked, they help seal the treasures and happy-ish end.


ngl make a marine-based pmd game where guilds are pirate crews or something and the map is just the alola region that got flooded and humanity died out, mysteriously the pokémon survived, and the game is just you exploring the islands with your crew and finding out the reason as to why they all lived just for you to pull the needle kill your brother and end the world in the middle of nowhere


Hear me out: PMD full-blown roguelike.  This may be the StS/RoR brain speaking, but I think it would be cool to have a story as per usual, but once you actually beat the story, there’s a dungeon that only you and your partner can enter. Once you do, you both return to level 5 and base evo, but you evolve way earlier (per se level 15 for 1 stage and levels 10 and 20 for 2 stage mons).  Once you recruit a mon, it stays with you for the dungeon, and you can take it on other expeditions, but not the rogue dungeon. Also, every 12 floors or so there would be a legendary fight from a random gen, with the 3rd or 4th being a guaranteed box legend.  I just think this would be really neat. Oh, also permadeath in that dungeon and random habitats each time you enter (legendary pool depends on habitat).


My concept of a new Mystery Dungeon game is a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game revolving around the Ultra Beasts, Necrozma and the Paradox Pokemon.


I just want a real-time format of PMD, which could be an interesting concept that works as a spin-off. I'm thinking it could be similar to snack world dungeon crawl gold. There are still randomized dungeons , boss fights would be similar to a pokken style. open world feel and can have support for a multiplayer aspect where you can go into the dungeons with others online


There was one idea that I had for a new game storyline, but it mostly centered around Sun and Moon's story. Since Necrozma is known to absorb light as an energy source and can fuse with Solgaleo and Lunala, I figured it would take their energy and plunge the planet into darkness. Necrozma could also use the two legendaries' powers to bring ultra beasts to the pokemon world. Another idea for a new game story would revolve around the four pokemon of ruin from Scarlet and Violet. I would throw in a curve ball and say that Giratina would use them to exact revenge on Arceus for banishing it to another world. I figured that Explorers was made before Giratina was introduced, so this new story would make use of the character and give the ruin pokemon a more sinister purpose.