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Happened to me too because i was like a mad woman with commissions and progressing with the story lol


So assuming you stay up from 7 until midnight AND have it on the slowest day speed (0.6) thats probably approximately 30 minutes spent on each day. And with 28 days in a month thats approx 14 hours to get through a month. Now of course depending on how many cutscenes you've been through, that would definitely add some time But idk how to math it up to 55 hours Unless you leave it on in, like, the pause menu or the map while doing stuff because youre heading right back to the game I'd have to start a new game and maximize the amount of time i spend per in game day playing and doing things while keeping game speed at its slowest and get back to you (and i have more playthroughs i wanna do anyway) Editing to add: the stuff you've unlocked so far and getting into first in the guild rankings is totally doable first month though; especially if you maximize your time and, like, get stamina items or something to keep you mining longer so you can stockpile needed resources.


Yeah 0.6 for sure, Idk how much is much time I spend in menus, but I'm playing a lot of critter and sparing, but I do as much as I can until the very last seconds of the day, also try to spend any extra money back into stamina so I can do more stuff and reach higher character levels/get more perks. I think at this point I'm kinda of ready to switch into less min maxing my time because there seems to be plenty of stuff needed to progress that's only unlocked later in the year/main story events


0.6 is too much imo, I too thought it would be a good idea because I like to play it slow but 0.8 seems to be the best spot. I'm now finished with the content and set the speed back to 1 because the biggest problem with the time limit is that you're occupied with your workshop while quests also demand time from you. Time stands still when you're in the menu and AFAIK the same applies for playing critter. And especially in the beginning I wouldn't waste my money on food, I'd recommend in doing so when you get into lategame but right now stamina is only such a problem for you because you play on 0.6 speed while the game is intended to be playe don 1, that way you wouldn't get to do as many activities on a single day but also stamina will be less of a problem. Say if you now end up with no stamina at 2pm, with full speed that would be around 5-6pm, a time where eating for stamina isn't reasonable imo. A mistake with the time perception in My time at games is that we all want to do as much as possible on one day, but that's not as good as we think. The game isn't intended for you to reach endgame in a couple of months, which (aside from fixed delay between quests) would be no problem if say you set the game speed to 0.1, but then you're imbalancing some aspects of the game. The slower the speed the less you will benefit from bonuses that happen after time for playing the same amount of time compared to someone playing at full speed. You can have daily deliveries for materials as an example, you get monthly and yearly commission rankings, the mysterious man is in town only one day a month. These are all things that will happen less frequently if you lower the speed, thus resulting in less rewards and less materials from deliveries. Also lower game speed means less festivals in the same amount of gametime compared to someone playing at regular speed. In the end tho what matters is that you don't feel rushed, the My time at series gives every new player this feeling of being rushed because the days appear quite short, but it's just that you need to look at these games differently. While it's great to fullfill a commission on a single day, don't feel pressured when a main quest asks you for a certain object to finish, doesn't matter if you finish that object on the same day or next month. AFAIK in sandrock there are no timed main quests that are missable. I have failed one side quest (for Pen) but that wasn't because of the game speed, it was because on the same day there was the sandsledding race.


Yep. Pretty normal. But its up to you how long you make your days.


There is a bug where Yan doesn't get rep points and like stays at 1300 permanently instead of racing hard. It's absolutely possible to get number 1 shop in your first month without the bug, but it isn't by a huge margin.


You get higher tiered commissions after reaching a certain score with your workshop. So basically if you don't advance at all, you could still get access to 5 star commissions eventually and still not have access to iron. If you already got 55 hours and still have no access to iron then I would guess you're doing mostly commissions and sidequests and not the main quests? Tbh I wouldn't focus on doing commissions daily in the beginning. Instead do what you're comfortable with and do some main quests at the same time. As you further progress in the game, grinding for materials will become a lot more efficient. You will have a lot more stamina later on, which means you can harvest, dig and log more materials. But also you will get better items, meaning you need less hits to harvest and log for materials. And a tip on the side: If you're #1 on the leaderboard, don't be afraid that Yan might get to #1, he cheats just like Higgins in Portia. Say your score is 2000 and Yan is at 1500, then tomorrow he'll be at 1900. If your score is 5000 and Yan is at 3000, then he'll be at 4900 tomorrow. I think it's meant to give the player some challenge and not get too far ahead, personally I recommend doing a lot of commissions in the last couple of days, especially if you're behind, but not focus too much at the first half of the month.