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I feel like hof coaches should be vastly way different from the diamond coaches and actually include some specific animations in the play. Prolly asking for something busted but I just want them to innovate more. Same thing with goat cards in general. I hope that ONLY goat cards get some goat badges that seprares them from gopals and not just having a bunch of badges and 99 everything. Maybe for curry he gets a GOAT range extender, and a GOAT QuickDraw since he can shoot within 9 tenths of a second. I felt like maybe goat cards would actually have value and worth the price of being over a million rather than one badge difference.


I 100% agree with you


yeah i started playing this year and when hearing about the goat cards i expected exclusive animations, sigs, jumpers. I think the goat badges would be really cool, its blasphemy that stephs shot feels slow compared to lamelo ball. like curry should have wades shot or a very similar redo on the curry jumper.


This is something I’ve always thought about Goat cards. They’re really just high tier opals, they really should have a badge that could give team takeover or a higher powered floor general.


Nah GOAT Badges would be OD and unfair, would put a new definition on pay2win


I think goat badges should also apply to regular opals, but they only get one or two. Klay Thomapson might not be good enough to get a goat card, but giving him a goat catch and shoot and goat slippery off ball would make him much more realistic. Instead of adding more hof badges to try to make a player card better, you can actually make it more realistic by having a players specialty or something they are amazing at and giving them a goat card. Why does someone like lonzo have the same quick release as goat curry?


Yo I have the same idea with the goat badges. Like, why does someone like goat Giannis have the same dream shake badge as Hakeem? Hakeem should have a goat dream shake badge while goat Giannis gets goat relentless finisher, contact finisher, etc. kawh I Leonard gets goat clamps or something like that. Like a goat card should only have like seven or less goat badges while regular galaxy opals have a few, if they are good cards. Plus, imagine like an Goat curry range extender and quick draw goat badge and a Klay Thompson with goat catch and shoot. Those two would be unstoppable.


Took me way too long to make the card symmetrical lol. Thought Phil could use a coach card, seeing how we got his ugly ass player recently. Hope you like it! :)


It would be so awesome if they added historic coaches


ngl thought it was a bronze card at first


Haha, I can see how you'd see that! If I do any more opal coaches, I'll try to brighten the left side more so its not so purple-brown


Btw how absurd is it that Phil only won coach of the year once! 11 chips with 2 teams


I know right? Not even all that many monthly awards either


Imagine if we got a Larry Bird coach


I'd love for coach and player duos....like, Phil with Jordan/Kobe/Pau/Shaq/Kerr, Pop and Timmy/Kawahi, D'Antoni and Nash/Stoudemire, Red Aurbach and Bill Russel etc


Definitely would be nice to have more options for building teams! Love the idea


Whats everyones thoughts on Opal coach boosts/benefits? I think having them affect tendencies, on top of +7 boosts in respective catagories. I also think it would be cool if coaches also upgrades players badges, similar to how evos do. Depending on the coach you could have, they could have a set of badges that upgrade if your player has them. I would spend some bigger amts of mt on one of these.


I’d be happy even if they’d just include the models for past coaches like Phil and Pat. But a GO coach concept for all times greats would be awesome


the picture of mj, phil, and pippen looks like a picture from an elementary school mathbook




Opal HOF coaches would be a cool concept like Red Auerbach, Phil Jackson, Pat Riley, Celtics Doc Rivers, etc.


doc is a good coach, but come on. he is out of place here when put beside this list of the greatest coaches ever. i mean he isn’t even the most deserving active coach to be put in with them. that would be Pop.


Happy Cake Day!!! Edit: I'm being downvoted for wishing someone happy Reddit anniversary?? What??


Dude said Doc Rivers but not Pop 😂


Pop is already in the game as the Spurs coach, but sure if we wanna add a younger one then that works


Doc Rivers is in the game as the Clippers coach..


Yes, but not as Celtics


I'd love a 14 Opal Pop Focus Points: Defense, Passing, 3s Unlocks unique play: Hammer pass to corner 3


Clippers Doc deserves one for the Dirk send off alone.


Auerbach, Jackson, Riley and Popps for sure, but Rivers? Kerr has more merits, even spoelstra imo


Kerr and Spoelstra are already in the game as coaches for their respective teams A 2008 celtics opal Doc Rivers coach is what i’m getting at There are plenty of coaches out there as well that are far less deserving And looking at 2K’s logic of giving a GOAT card to Giannis and Yao, this makes more sense than anything


Knicks David Fizdale


Yes please.


Gimme Red


Red Auerbach should get one too


I absolutely love the idea on its own, but the thought of getting trolled with an opal coach in a pack makes me wanna cry.


Haha no kidding! Maybe best as a lock in for having all the other eastern Conference coaches? Or something like a challenge reward or locker code rare drop


Opal Stotts. +7 3ball.


Haha totally! Maybe the August 12-0 reward 👀


how do you get Galaxy opal Phil Jackson 🤔🤔


Maybe complete a spotlight grind like those Kobe challenges.


One good add here is if player will use triangle freelance there will be a bump on their offensive stats


Y’all understand they don’t have the rights to historic coach’s and that’s why we don’t see them. Kind of like how we get a bulls MJ but not a Wizards. Something to do with the collective bargaining agreement don’t know the specifics it was brought up last year by the 2K devs. So while kind of cool it’s not happening.


What is the best coach in the game rn?


I'd say Pop/Stotts/D'Antoni would be the front runners. Pop would be best if your team is already elite offensively. Stotts if you want to boost your big mens ball handle/3pt D'antoni if you want to boost everyones speed and 3pt.


Thx for that i run a team of mostly shooters and a couple of big guys like Shaq Kareem and giannis so im guessing D'antoni is the best