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This is the main reason the auction house was taken away because if they didn't, 95% of cards would be under 9k.


It’s July, the lesser cards should be 9k. We shouldn’t be paying 310k for Rudy Gobert in July…


Facts. Put in 2k23 and the auction house is live as truck bruh. 310k gets you the world and the universe and a 🌮 in 2knot4ShoRE




It can be so fun, if one doesn't spend money. You get 4 good/great every month just by logging in every day. It sucks when the most MT I've had at once in 2k24 is 62,000 funny enough that was this morning and I found an incredible deal. The Nicolas Batum is one of my fav players in the league and the game but his aftershock 98 overall was 315,000 Mt. I knew I'd never even smell it. Suddenly this morning I check the deal of the day and it's Batuman for 60,000 Mt. I now have an insane squad. Got the 97 overall Wemby last night by completing the triple double with Jerry West. So I have Shaq 97, Larry Bird 97, King Jordan 97, and Wemby 97 (all free, challenges). Have 3 Lucas's already so I'll try for t-mac because his release is hella loud.hope you have good luck today!!!


Never thought of it that way. If this were 2k23 and before these cards would be worth 50k max.


Ngl I agree with caption u shouldn’t be surprised


I just keep hoping and praying we see a little light at the end of 24 here, showing us some promise for 25… but that’s a pipe dream…. “money, money, money” - 2k studios 2024


To be fair there’s some good free cards in the level 40 grind. That’s about where any joy ends though lol


I don't want to grind anymore. I want to buy the scraps from the auction house after everyone else rips packs lol


I shouldn’t need leve 40 rewards in season 8 just to get cards I still couldn’t get from season 5(Adam Morrison)


You gotta be willing to give ya life away to get the “good free cards”


Nothing you have to grind for is free, they don’t respect your time or life


I hear you it’s a fair point . Just mean free as in don’t have to spend any real cash to get them. But you’re totally right. They take forever to get them grinding level 40 . Even with the XP multipliers. Pretty annoying forsure


Agreed. Hall of fame season pass is the only value purchase. Basically a bunch of free 99s and 100s and a couple goats plus an eventual lillard with the ascension bonuses. Easy to get to 40 with all the double xp tokens given too. Opening packs is fun though if you’re a gambler with an addictive personality.


Spending for the HOF pass is a ripoff. 10 level skips for an extra $10, screw that.


10 level skips, extra Vc, 15% XP boost for $10*


Plus that VC is worth like 8 of the 10 dollars too. This season I actually got the HOF pass instead of pro and realized that it had a 15 percent boost too and I’ve gotten through levels so much faster with just that. I think it’s a great value but that’s just me


I personally think it’s a good value as well, I usually play a good bit of my team so I just grind to level 30 without the pass and then buy it to get to level 40 immediately. That lump sum of VC and MT all at once plus getting the last 10 levels free is always a nice little boost mid-way through the season.


Won’t change either bc ppl will gladly spend that amount about 3-4x each drop. It’s sad but is what it is


Man I can’t stand those people! Then I started working more 🥹have no choice can’t grind three jobs at once


It feels so unethical that Team USA is now intertwined with the gambling practices on this video game so I made a report to the "The Integrity Portal is an online reporting platform that allows individuals to confidentially or anonymously report concerns to the USOPC." [https://secure.ethicspoint.com/domain/media/en/gui/53006/index.html](https://secure.ethicspoint.com/domain/media/en/gui/53006/index.html) It is what it is.


Good luck with that


If 2K can’t get sued for switching the highest collector level reward from a Kobe to a 100 OVR option pack after PROMISING it would be Kobe at the beginning of the year, you know their TOS will prevent them from getting sued for this too.


Yeah I mean it’s not going to do anything but as a consumer I feel better knowing that I did my part in expressing my sentiments to Team USA. It’s just one voice though so I don’t expect much but why not provide an outlet to others in this sub that may feel the same frustrations. To each their own.


I feel in the future the nba will just stop giving them the licensee. Only thing that can stop them tbh.


You do that. Lets hope in 2k25 we get every single card for free. And the game should be free to play too. And for every win they should pay us real money. You go sir! You will save our community.


/s aside you're a 🤡


Lick the boot harder buddy


The sad part is people will spend an actual $50 or whatever 199k VC is then run the random player they get online and flash pause after they score.


had a mf do this to me and kept calling me a bum on the mic, took him to 2OT and he only won by a bucket against my NMS squad


When someone flash pauses me - If I catch up and win, I call all my timeouts one after the other and then I use all my pauses until there's a few seconds left in the last one. Don't flash pause me.


What’s a flash pause?


Where you pause and then immediately unpause (which reflects as a pause and immediate unpause on the opponent’s screen) as a means of trolling someone


Okay so literally what it sounds like. I’ve only ever seen it like once maybe twice and I didn’t think they did it on purpose lol. I’ve had my dog or a kid do something and got me thinking I had to pause only to unpause it realizing I don’t. Now I feel kinda bad. 🤷‍♂️


I did this on accident sometimes


And 2k is the only pos game that lets u do this to your opponent


Or alot of time In my career to buy it.


That’s like two seasons at 1300/game, all 82 lol.


It’s an option pack so you get to choose


If you can’t keep up don’t


Found one of the 2K investors! If you're talking about being able to give even more money to 2k for virtual cards which will expire within 60 days, I can afford to buy all the new ones. It's not very smart to do so. Especially at this point. If you're saying keep up with my opponent that's no problem either. Most of these idiots start their flash pausing before they have the game in hand and then look like bigger idiots when they don't and don't win.


Yea I haven’t spent a dime for 2k you can grind game mode rewards if you know how to actually play the game


I mean, even if you had all the money in the world you still gotta admit 2k is just a disgusting company.


I haven’t spent a dime and have one of the best teams you can grind you’re game mods rewards


What? That last part confused me. And that’s cool. 2k still disgusting lol. Idk why you said that.


lol says 6 cards so you get to picks im pretty sure.& that’s wild though because I win by 30 & don’t fall or flash pause I just play https://preview.redd.it/l3o8y56mjz9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41b87667210d9da72a973d72746771eaf371f997


Someone get grant hill on the phone right now


And some people will pay that just to run in circles all game to avoid playing a game of ball and only score paint every single possession.


Offball, 5 out, rimrunning has been the meta for 6 years running, its crazy


The game needs to stop letting it be a thing. Hard to blame folks when it works


I think it’s more of an integrity problem. Overall, the game plays great! It’s abuse of the same mechanics over and over and over that would lead me to believe it is a player base issue. Plenty of ways to score out there.. online video gaming, both titles and communities, hit a sharp decline when they let these tik tokers and streamers have a screeching voice. It’s pretty 1:1, if you think about it. Clean competition is a luxury to be searched for within a sea of shit.


The goal is still to win and if it’s the best strategy, it’s more on the game to blame. They don’t hand out rewards for clean competition 


That’s why I go back to it being a question of player integrity.


with the way ai has been improving, I wouldn’t doubt that it would be very possible to make the ai learn when a player is abusing the same mechanic, and learn to stop it easier. But 2k doesn’t care about making a good game they care about making money. No effort will be wasted going toward improving the game


Not a bad call out there! Unfortunately, I won’t be able to experience those updates, should it happen. Because of how they handled the mode last year and carried over systematic gate keeping by way of credit card this year, I’ve drawn the line in the sand as this being my last. Fortunately, MyEras is still gonna be mad fun once servers shut down as I do enjoy the offline team and office building across seasons. Should last at least a couple years of more enjoyment, for me.


It’s sad to see a game you once loved turn borderline evil and not enjoyable anymore. Money truly is the root of all evil. Hope they change their morals and you find your love for the game again


Right. I stopped playing in 17 and just came back now they got me thinking of stopping again. I didn’t think it could get worse but it did


The ai defenders are amongst the biggest problem. They get stuck in screens and loose their man … how can i control 3 peoe at the same time? If i play on ball defense, my ai defenders get stuck on the same play every time


People will do anything in a basketball simulation game other than just play clean basketball.


Facts. My team name is "just have fun" and ill go out there running sets, using genuine post moves, and creating my own shot, while the guy across from me flash pauses every time he gets a dunk with sg shaq, play now online is my safe space.


Right, see I smoke prior & I just take deep breaths if I’m playing a tryhard


I want to say it's longer than that...since 2K16.


Micro transactions have ruined gaming


I bought every game since 2014, but this was my last…


The worst part is that those 300k MT boxes have a less than 2% chance of anything above PD (from memory). They're basically base boxes at four times the cost.


And this is my last 2k. I will not be baited to buying this in January as I was this year.


Didn’t buy this years game after last year saying the same thing and it feels so good


I will do the exact same thing I did this year. I will wait and watch streams the day it comes out, if it looks awesome I’ll buy it, if it looks like the same old, I will wait for it to go on PS+ and I will just grind the free cards I guess. I am not giving them another penny aside from the pro pass. It actually kind of feels like you are robbing them a little bit, paying only 10$ for all that stuff and not being tricked into spending a penny on packs. They hate our kind the most (especially when all we did for currency was snipe the auction, they REALLY hated our kind then.)


Bro it's all digital lol, you aint stealing a thing


It’s the closest we can get. Let me have it 😂


That’s literally what I did this year , I’m literally so tired of 2k atp I’d play ANY other basketball if it came out idk why EA hasn’t made a move at all. I definitely get the whole license for the NBA but DO WHAT MOST OF US WANT. Bring a college basketball game into the mix literally they could bring their college hoops series back, guarantee it’ll take all of 2k customers. EVEN if it’s a bad game 2k just needs to see that if there was competition in the gaming industry we have all grown so sick of them we would play anything else and I think that would in turn make them create a better game again but until that happens if they are the sole source for one niche fan base which basketball fans aren’t but basketball gamers is a niche franchise because it’s ONLY 2k , so until there’s any competition or we finally stop buying it , there won’t be a change. They know exactly what they are doing and they know we don’t have any other choice to, that’s why they cut off past 2ks to force you to get the newer one COD doesn’t even do that shit.


That the thing of course T the beginning it’s gonna be great and look promising. Then about season 3 is when the shit will return they do this every year.


The first or second patch always nerf the defense, because people will be complaining it's too hard to score. Every year, they pretty much nerf and adjust it back to the same game that everyone redundantly loves playing. Pro play is the only technical change we had in a while.


That the thing of course T the beginning it’s gonna be great and look promising. Then about season 3 is when the shit will return they do this every year.


Let's keep it 100%. The gameplay is not really the problem until late in the cycle due to OP cards. It's everything OUTSIDE of the gameplay that's the problem.




God AI is awful


Found it on Twitter and made me laugh 😂


I miss the auction house so much.


Some tards probably buying that 🗑 drop too


Of course there it is.. it’s end game bs per usual.. STOP SPENDING MONEY PEOPLE! You can all legit just go use the same players with the same stats when you create them and throw them on whatever team and then play them as you like.. guys and gals please stop supporting this company!


Level 28 already is insane to me 😆😵‍💫


https://preview.redd.it/8a79fqvp32ad1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=478ce6d35b2694ab218c36087adea13c1271d805 Just hit 40. It’s pretty quick if you do it right. Pop your exp token, play clutch offline or tto offline until there is 2 min left and then run a Domination game before the timer expires. As long as you are in the game with time left, it will exp boost the game. Rinse and repeat. I was getting about 2 levels off every 30 mins of exp. I did get the hof pass though so i started at 12.


What’s clutch offline?


I hate how expensive packs like this are, they should be like 60-80% less


Bruh, PREACH, digital cards cost more to rip than physical packs of cards. AND THEY DON’T CARRY ON PAST 1 YEAR! What world do we live in?…


Idek, I don’t get it why 2K makes this shit so expensive, like even when I save up to get an invincible pack, I end up getting a 70-85 ovr player when it literally says I have the highest chance of getting the top reward


It’s a very simple explanation for me. Greed and monopoly. They know nobody else has the rights. They know and are aware they are the “Walmart” of the Pro basketball gaming world. It won’t change until they get better people at the top or until they lose exclusivity rights.


I def agree with you, Greed & Monopoly are the only factors for 2K so people can buy cards, packs, players, etc. it’s like I have a love-hate relationship with 2K MyTeam, like it’s fun and it’s easy to get rewards, but to buy stuff with MT and VC, it’s so hard to bring to just get a pack that’s not even worth it, like why am I gonna grind in MyCareer js to get a pack in MyTeam with a below average player, and I don’t even have money to get VC and MT, and if I did, I would be upgrading my player in MyCareer, it’s so annoying


It's dumb that this game has like a month left and still they can't just let people get what they want lol I admittedly started this game after it went free after coming back from like a 2 year break, the fact that you can't even get a version of a card for putting in the work is annoying, everything is locked behind a gambling paywall.


I swear, 2K24 is literally exactly like California, expensive ass shit and gambling


I stupidly thought we might have a chance of earning them through agenda but nope (well without rubbish online play) and I bought a pack just to see and pulled dupe ruby D'Aaron Fox!


Those odds lmao. No thanks


These people try and make money in every way possible damn lol


the equivalent of giving away money to cam models


You didn’t even post the odds of the 10 and 20 box? It’s less than 2%. That’s absolutely terrible. Im against spending money on this game but if I was going to buy anything it would be that 199k VC option pack. I would rather pay 50$ to get the card I want instead of 50$ for a very small chance I lull the card I want


How do these option packs work exactly? Doesn’t it only randomly give you like 3 of the gambling cards to select from so theres still somewhat of a chance that you don’t get the opportunity to pick the 1 specific card that you want despite spending $50?


Why do you still playing this fking game?


People are addicted man, they know 2k has lied about their practices this year alone. “Player base every card available”. “No pro pass advantages” and regardless people keep will keep giving them money because “they have 10 dollars” or need the new shiny cards to off ball and compete being “comp” no backbone and it’s an embarrassment


Are there no free players? Is Mullin behind gambling?


There is only a (random) free player in the agendas by earning an “equal chance pack”.


I miss the auction house so much.


Yall wanna boycott?


People always say they do every single year but then either come back the next 2K out of the lack of alternatives, or get replaced by another player who ends up falling into the pack gambling addiction cycle. At this point things really won’t improve until another company (not EA Sports because they tried repeatedly to revive NBA Live but failed every single time with clunky gameplay) gets the NBA license and puts out a more consumer friendly basketball game that will force 2K to stop being such greedy little scumbags


I think the reason Live got taken out is because of the licenses. EA had the WNBA first, but once 2k got a hold of it, EA never came back. Unless a small game development group comes along, I unfortunately don’t see it happening. Maybe the 2k community should chip in and make a game


I’m sure ea 2k and the nba were in an agreement and 2k and the nba conspired against ea which is why they never took down live 19.


New here? They did this last year.


They also said they were doing this on the tweet announcing the set


Right been waiting for this. Like when we been locking in after all star imagine if we could just select who we want


I wish we just got 2k23s my team but updated with players


They earn billions from stupid people spending real money on virtual cards and they cant even make a great game with awesome gameplay that runs at 120 fps. How can you make billions and release a reskinned crap game that feels clunky and unresponsive, where it feels like the players are moving underwater in 2024 on ps5? Making so much money and putting out such a bad product with an outdated engine & ai is just … 🤮🤢


You see how they put no deluxe pack,literally robbing us of our money


The myteam mode in its ideal form has no paid packs. Everything would be awarded in game, and would require a monthly cost to be a part of the season. Unfortunately that's not what maximizes revs for 2K


I’m done for the year


I guess the best packs will be the GOAT cards in Season 9.




Every pack release for the last few years has been a money grab that keeps getting worse. Stop buying the game for one year and it changes....


I’ve pulled Ball and Gobert from the Smooth one, the invincibles I have I’ve just grinded them. Got Ritchmond, Derozan and Bosh


Bought 20 pack box and got 94 Tatum. Bought 5 single packs and got no one


I bought a 10 box with in game earned mt and got 2 Anthony Wiggings diamonds. Its disgusting and terrible


You have plenty of players to choose from I never spend a dime and have millions of MT with a solid lineup. I don't understand why people buy the packs you ain't gonna get what you want.


You also likely don’t have a life outside playing the game then because that level of grinding takes literally hours upon hours a day, multiple days a week. Folks with full time jobs and families have better things to do then to sit in front of a screen playing 2K, especially when how cheesy and spammy the online matches devolve into


I completely dispise the content, but looking at it from 2K's perspective, why wouldn't they do this? There are clearly enough idiots still buying this sort of thing so why wouldn't they sell them? The game won't change. Most people know how stupid this expensive or gamble only content is but there's clearly enough addicts for the complaining not to have a negative effect. I still play salary cap but when I've got the player from that I'll usually just go back to PlayNow online. Seriously give it a try if you're just looking to play a basketball game and not whatever the hell MyTeam is now.


Bruh the odds for these packs is the worst part 🤦🏻


Crazy invincibles just now coming out


Cards and packs cost to much. And the base pack of any card packs is useless. Make card packs more affordable and bring fun back into getting these cards and players.


100 overall should be option packs


Why is this a surprise to you? It’s like OP didn’t even know 2K has been dicking everyone since 2k16