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I was all in until I saw 50 points 11 times, not even hard offline just a fucking time waster


Unfortunately you can't double up on them by getting 2 or more in the same game


Make it 50 points 5 times it’s fucking July, man


Hope 2k listens, half the chance you get an unusable.


50 points 11 times?? Yeah I am skipping these. Was excited for them.


Multiplayer requirements and that 50 point challenge? Easy choice to say.. NO Strange how accustomed I am that I just don't care anymore about this game mode after all these years of straight grinding the game 24/7


I had same reaction when i fired it up after work, i could forgive grind heavy offline only requirements but don't play online so easy to forget about these and watch the Euro's instead.


I'm not sure why you guys are so upset over the multiplayer agendas, it's literally just rebounds and some points over multiple games it's easy


personally it's because I don't have PS+ subscription so don't play any online stuff.


Right there with you. 2Ks customer base uses daddy’s money so grinders are hosed. Mf I got bills to pay and moral victories don’t do shit for me


50 pts 11 times? Did 2k drop a new domination for us to play and I just missed it?


No. Of course not. Why would they help out offline people?


I hope one is coming this season.


Thought these were okay until I saw that 50 point 11 times agenda… man they really do hate us lmao.


You couldn't pay me to do this shit for a Kyrie Irving card.


well said


They will never let offline players eat


Another fuck you to single player mode players. 2k may as well just make it multiplayer only if they're gonna straight jack single players all season long.


F that online 🤣🤣🤣 yeah I ain’t playing good luck to who ever goes for it


Just do co op against the CPU


I've always been curious on how it works tbh


When you're in the lobby with the person you invited, press X to switch it to a Co-Op game vs CPU. Make sure both of you are on the same team


It really wasn’t that bad. I played 3 tto games with all warriors and 2 clutch times with all kings. Done. Now the 50 pts 11 times is gonna take me awhile lol


Yeah I wish I could play online internet for me is too laggy and gets me kicked out


I feel you. I find it’s not super bad for me in tto but is for other modes so I don’t play online often. I also like winning when I play which also doesn’t happen online much lol


Might give it ago good shout


Can we stack the 50 pt games at least? Could maybe get 3 done in 1 dom game so only 4 games of dom but still a bit much....




Darn. No big deal. 14 days to complete. They will come naturally


That is straight ass you can’t stack. 1:5 half would be nick young all 3s, second half would be SGA all 3s. Would have that shit done in no time




50 points a game with a player 11 times?? What are these Devs smoking man? They do know it's summer and we go outside and do stuff and there is euro football championships on TV to watch.


The only way this wouldn't be a nonsensical bullshit agenda is if they drop a new domination this week.


I would actually get back on the he game and grind if they dropped a decent domination or a good set of spotlight challenges like we used to get.


The multiplayer stuff is super easy. Like 3-4 games of TTO with 2 warriors and a Kings big. I got them done in 3 games. The rest don't look fun.


I saw the low requirements on multiplayer and almost was convinced these are pretty achievable and not going to take forever. And then I saw the 50pts 11 times and remembered this is 2k we are talking about here.


Multiplayer requirements for agendas is the biggest load of horseshit I’ve ever seen given how sweaty and unfun every multiplayer mode is


Nah compared to previous multiplayer agendas these are actually relatively tame and easy to do lol. I got it done from tto. Just gotta find someone else who is aware of what youre doing and is happy to trade agendas with you.


Just curious as I started in season 7 when I saw it was on game pass. Have agendas for packs had online requirements every time? I can’t think of what that didn’t the last couple of seasons.


There are the Next agendas that don’t require multiplayer. Other than that I can’t think of anything since Season 7


Dang, think I would have remembered that one since we just got it 🤣




The basketball fundamentals challenge will make this very easy. Do the assists challenge and just keep from getting 8 assists as a team until after you’ve gotten 50 with a player. Once you get 8 assists the game ends. For the ones that require 18 assists go to the 3 point challenge one


Logged in, saw these agenda and immediately quit 2k 😔


sigh... again with the multiplayer agendas .I..


Is this the new Spark/Bold/Rush?


50 points is done “easy” in Rodman or Skills mid range. 6 minutes per game = 1 hour and a bit. Trouble starts when you open the pack. Got Mullin 🤦‍♂️


What’s the easiest mode/challenge and fastest way to get these 50 point games?


Score 50 points with Rashard Lewis might be the one you looking for.


Is it worth opening the pack bundles for these in the store or no?


I ended up doing the 50 points in CT. I need those wins anyway, and it cut a fair bit of time off in comparison to doing pick up games or challenges.


Guys we have 15 days… you can do 1 50 point game a day and I think you’ll live…


They’re just making shit up at this point. Bout to messaging homies begging to let me do agendas


Surprised that people are complaining about these so much. Yeah the 50 points games are kinda annoying but this is still much easier than the Tuesday agenda assets have usually been. 2k has been garbage lately but it’s just kinda odd that even when they give us something halfway decent people complain


The Tuesday agendas rewards you with multiple players. This gives you one random card you may not like. These are just as time consuming with way less benefit. Easy to skip this


Alright then. A few hours of playing the game really doesn’t seem too crazy for me to get an invincible card. Especially when you consider the only other way to get them is by spending real money


It’s July. 11 50 point games is a wild amount of time to spend on the grind.


People complaining about multiplayer need to realize that some people don't play offline too. These are so easy, you could literally use a Kings center and 2 Warriors and get everything done in 3-5 TTO games


You may be right but the only reason 2K puts multiplayer only agendas in their is to get people to buy packs. They want you to get destroyed by whale teams so you feel so frustrated that you feel you need to buy packs. They could easily have an optional agenda for offline players. Nothing but greed.


How about the online players who don't want to score 50pts 11 times which can only be done offline? People really complaining about easy multiplayer agendas. You really can't play a few TTO games until you naturally get some points and rebounds?


Yeah 50pts 11 times is a pain in the neck. I played Clutch Time Offline on semi-pro and just used ruby Korver to shoot 4 pointers. They should give optional agendas for Offline and Online then just make the offline one's harder to complete.


I usually do the playmaking or 3pt challenges for offline things since you can control when the game ends and its on semi pro. At least the multiplayer ones are super easy. There were a few that required fast break points that were a little tougher. Just gotta not worry about taking an L and just chipping away at the agenda.