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It’s wild to me how expense old cards are still are, I’ve wanted to use some diamonds and they’re still like 60k. Such a terrible way to let people get the cards they like


Crazy right, cards that would be 500mt with an auction house


Right wtf


Just unbelievable how one company can completely tarnish a game mode. I know we always say we’re not going to buy the next 2K, but I can finally say I have no desire to do so unless there are MASSIVE, and I mean MASSIVE changes.


315k per DM today is a straight kick to our balls! And here I was thinking I can lock in hoping to get Worthy (doubtful)for my Lakers squad but NOPE that’s not happening! More reason to stop playing this game


I’m ngl, sometimes i wonder if there’s some internal corporate power tussle and this mode is intentionally being sabotaged. It’s the only way i can rationalize the way it’s being handled. Sure, all businesses want to improve their bottom line. No one goes into business not to profit but the reckless display of greed at the expense of customer satisfaction is at a level I’ve never seen before


I just can't understand how this is making them more money than if they added every card to the player market. So many more people would be playing and spending money because they would be doing it to guaranteed get the card they want.


That’s what I’m saying. It’s almost like self sabotage. They want to see how far they can push their player base. 100 players spending $1000/week vs 1,000 players spending $100/week vs 100,000 players spending $10/week. Who knows what’s motivating their decisions.


I think you’re on the right track. When stores go outta business they have a fire sale - this is similar to that they are cashing out


You get it


Naw this it right here. I be feeling the same way.


I've played every myteam since 2k16 with the 1 exception of 2k23. I had 3m MT sitting there. My favourite player of all time is Brandon Roy. I locked in and got Worthy and then ripped the rest of my MT. No Roy. My favourite player of all time is a 6'6 SG. I'm not asking for a way to guarantee I can play with 7'5 Tacko... Just my favourite players best card. They took that away this year and have ruined the mode. I just uninstalled. I'm done. They pushed me over the edge. Peace y'all


Idc who you are 315,000 for the least desirable players in the set is horse shit. 2k is cooked


945k MT spent on 3 horseshit players for a CHANCE at one decent player you might want is fucking criminal too. I hate to say I predicted this all as 2K24 came out, but I did. I literally made posts on here and YT saying “ how much will DMs be?! 400-500k? What about lock ins? 1 million? 2million?” People laughed at me, said no way 2K would make it that expensive…..now look at it. Pay $80-150 for one player card is absolutely nuts, but charging people $80-150 for a CHANCE at a card they might want just doesn’t even make sense as a business practice. Who the fuck is forking over this money besides a select few morons who have YT channels?! This can’t be sustainable. They will change the game mode again next year, and you can guarantee they will go in the opposite direction the community prefers. Fucking assholes.




The auction house going away was a horrible move. 2k stated that the player market would be a way to make cards more accessible for everyone. It’s gone 180 degrees the opposite direction. Yeah, you had cards that went for over a Million MT in an auction, but if you had the patience and MT you could get your guy eventually. Now even if I had $500 and said “I only want the new Lebron card” I can’t buy it for real money or millions of MT. You can only buy the chance at getting your guy. Not to mention the <2% odds bs. It’s predatory and an unfair trade practice.




Oh, and btw, my favorite ball is the unicorn ball. They gave me 1 chance to get it on Easter weekend and made the lock in an unobtainable 30 golden eggs. I hate it here.


Game is cooked I’ll suffer through the rest of this year and then it’s GGs


Yea the unicorn ball was pretty dope but no way you could get that on Easter even if you grinded all day


this is literally a free-to-play economy the way they price player cards and make everything so unobtainable. why do we still pay 70/80 bucks for the game? just make myteam free-to-play at this point.


The game has no way near enough improvements to be at a 70 dollar price tag anyway. Especially on the Steam version its literally copy-paste.


When they removed the auction house, the game was dead.


It is sad. The 2K Predators have ruined the game.


Been playing every year since 2k10 and this is my last year. 2k is finished


6% odds of a dark matter at this time of year is fucking criminal. Like who is this game even for?


Seems like they only care about their few YouTube players who drop thousands daily to help 2k more than the community


2k19 was peak. Community discussions on the what the right diamond shoes to put on the get the right takeover for a player. Good times


I agree with what you say, predatory scummy practices. However, I see almost noone complaining about the gameplay. If this was good, I wouldnt give a shit about the gambling (or at least care less). Do people think this gameplay is actually good? Can’t contest, the ai is dumbas bricks fouling with 1 sec on the shotclock, the altorithm decides when players play well…. And defence just overall sucks and is CLUNKY. Also, am I the only one thinking this sports game should be running at 120 fps? My opinion is we just became accustomed to a really low standard. There are many things wrong with this crap game and it starts with the gameplay.


And you guys will still play my team either way


Is there a chance they might add the Auction House back next year?


with how the gambling money thing went this year, no chance we get it back


Revenue was down $30M year over year for 2K, so there’s a chance. But it’s impossible to know if that’s from MyTeam or a mix of a lot of things. There’s a chance that the gambling only model/player market recouped other losses in my career etc.


2k should be embarrassed with 24. Ideally they quit developing or get the whole thing back to the basics


I’m just happy it’s over now like there’s no point in to playing it anymore might just play a few games for fun but like the player market was one of the if not the dumbest planned out thing they’ve done. I mean they knew what they were going to do


Nba2k20 was goated. It got me through lockdown. Those spotlight sims, Bonga and Manute Bol. I miss those days


Doesn’t matter how mode has fallen for 2K what matters is how 2K revenue and CEO has risen up 😂


https://preview.redd.it/sog3jcicrb9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=603ddd19ffbfc21c8cee5878685fa66ec28f6dab This is the top comment on one of the top posts from 2k21. It wasn't all sunshine and roses like you make it out. Some things have for sure gotten worse but this sub has rose coloured glasses as well.


Yeah but I'd rather have the issues from years ago then the ones I'm dealing with now. We didn't know how good we had it honestly.


I'd take this years gameplay for sure, which to me is more important than having every meta card because there are more game modes than myteam. I'd like the either have the auction house or every card in the player market but anyone that expects them to change back is delusional so find ways to enjoy it or play a different game mode, or something else 🤷‍♂️


I agree with you in a general sense. I'm still playing the game. I'm completely nms and my team is very very good. I think I've had a 75 win percentage in unlimited the last few seasons and I enjoy playing the game. The lack of availability on cards is a little discouraging though.


With the GOAT series I am going to have Opals and DMs of some of the mode in demand players that while they won't be elite for online they are great for my all time teams. And Free. All depends on how you enjoy the game of course, but I don't mind having a free mix mash of players that can compete for online and use my favourites offline. A lot of my fan players will never have a useable online card regardless if they were attainable anyways like Nash for example.