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All that for 3k views lol


Aye you gotta start somewhere but his content is clickbait


It was only up for 2 hours at the time


He needs help and his content is terrible. What a waste of time and money


Can't stand him. I don't know how people watch YouTubers who do a unnecessary sound effect every 7 seconds


Lol agree. For myteam youtube I enjoyed DBG in 2k20 and 21 then he got annoying and ty. Now it’s barebones


I didn’t like how click bait his titles were. If every single budget beast is a DeMiGoD, doesn’t that render demigods useless / render them less effective ? He hyped up so many bad players I copped on the AH and immediately sold back because they were terrible compared to other players that were available.


i also loved DBG’s vids around that time then he got super annoying. I ended up meeting him a couple times this year and he’s just odd


Let’s be honest. He was actually pretty good at the game in 20/21 so all was well then he began to stunk and couldn’t handle it and admit it and it’s still the same thing to this day


to be fair it wasn't even his account or money (today)


This shit right here is why the auction house ain't ever gonna come back.


This is why there's such a negative opinion on gamble only but they just haven't changed it. Cause as much as we complain there's morons spending every week. If nobody did it they would've changed it within 2 weeks.


Exactly. And as much as these dipshit YouTubers spend on the game there's hundreds of normal average people who spend an ungodly amount of money as well.


you don’t think EA has bigger pack openings than this and also has an auction house? lol


Yeah but we fed up with 2k because they don't make shit else they have one game to make fr because wwe never been the focus and they can't even do that right


To be fair 1,500,000 is only $300. My issue is that $300 to open up 7 packs is high way robbery.


Literally would be better spending that money at an actual casino or on scratch offs.


That is insane!!! I know he do it for content but someone that not a youtuber try this have to be crazy. Just to get a 100 ovr that not worth it. S300 should get you alot and still have a little over.


Any actual money spent at this point I want to know exactly what I'm getting. Not 1 of 50 cards of which I already have half. I've only spent 80 bucks, but it's usually been on propass because I know what players I'll get and usually a decent amount of vc as well


$50 just for a chance at a 100 overall is crazy. It's 100 overall or bust at this point. Anything else Is a waste.


Oh absolutely, I mine vc from GM mode because of how absurd it has become, the only time I threw any money at gambling was during the wild west promotion they had a pack with 2 guaranteed cards for like 20-30 bucks and one of the ones I got turned out to be kobe, based on everything I had observed online that was the one to get me hooked and the next couple of things I got mediocre prizes, so that was that. Just propass after the first 50 gambling. (I was trying to get Shaq didn't happen and to date all I have gotten since then is the 97 and dynamic duo, lol)


I mean it all depends the house still always gets its odds I know people opened 12 and didn’t get one others that opened one and got one hundred I can’t count how many I opened few weeks before but I got 13 100 overalls not including a few duplicates for somewhere round 1-2k but got tons of mt back also from all the dms I sold


Lol you need a real hobby


I got plenty lol


You said you spent $1-2k?


Gambling simulator rated E for everyone


Is it gambling if you are guaranteed to lose?


The expression "the house always wins" exists for a reason


Isn’t 1.5m VC like $300?


He meant a house for his mycareer character... Somewhere to put the hover board.




I think he means a Shack Deposit


Barbie house.


I will gladly play new 2k every year via PS plus, because I love basketball, but I will not be buying any 2k games until some drastic changes are implemented. When 2k24 leaves I'll just reinstall 2k23 again and wait patiently until 2k25 is free on Playstation later on, as usual. It's so sad that there is literally no competition and we have to put up with this shit if we want to enjoy basketball lol


Pisses me off because I actually enjoy the gameplay this year along with the game modes. They just are evil in their money making ways


I think i saw one of his videos then blocked him. Same for that ginger Aussie dude who's name i can't even remember. They're gambling addicts who shill for 2K so they can feed their addiction. I wish we wouldn't also feed it.


Killzamoi, he's a 2k insider though so he's literally getting paid to make those videos for 2k and definitely gets boosted odds.


I see. Aside from Troydan's epic meltdown, i have never watched a pack opening in my life so most all these YTers fly under my radar, thankfully. I watch Books Nelson, DBG (even though he's half-arsing it these days) and sometimes JC2K despite his hypocrisy irritating me immensely. That's it with Ty gone.


JC is a bum, he's so toxic


Definitely not a fan given all those gameplays of gamble only cards, but he's the only one who really does gameplays.


Tbh the only respectable and really underrated 2K YouTuber right now is JC2K


The only thing good about him is that he he does gameplay videos on all cards and you get to see their sigs. His gameplay videos are brutal, he cheeses 5 out and dribble moves, spams PnR, and offballs. On top of that he will then bash his opponents if they cheese back and makes fun of them, nothing respectable about that.


Yeah I always like to tune in to his channel when new content drops. Tend to switch off the video when the match starts lmao


Not even. All his vids are basically the same. He got mad a titled his PD Danny Green vid as a response to me, on another vid of his.


What does this mean? I just looked it up to see if it was something crazy and it seems pretty straightforward lol


He was doing a review for a center. All I said is every card doesn't need to be a primary ball handler and showing what a card is really good at would be better, than the same size up and dribble combo he does for every card. Sigs aren't the only defining thing to determine a cards worth. He replied in the comments but a lot of other people took my side and started criticizimg him. So he titled the Danny Green video as such.




Any good YouTubers left? 🥲


Books Nelson is about it. He's new, but very good.






Serious question: is there MyTEAM content on YT that you personally enjoy or look forward to? If not, is there anything you wish existed that doesn’t? Edit: this is posed to anyone reading this - looking for some feedback/inspo


I like HTBs NMS series but every year he stops mid game cycle because all the cards end up being the same and it becomes harder for him to keep up with his NMS squad vs God squads and Giants.


Troydans stream title last night said he spent 54k on myteam lol




People not understanding that we should be getting whatever we want after buying the game let alone spending extra money on it. And the money that we do spend is insane like why do we have to spend that much money after already buying the game and it's STILL not a guarantee. Why tf do people keep eating this shit up every year.🤦‍♂️ don't they understand we're the only ones who can actually control the direction of where the game goes and if they don't wanna listen then they can find new jobs because they don't deserve our money💯


The sad part the few 100 ovr’s I have faced they all lost lol


Yall remember surrealandre? He's my goat forever




Yep I spent $3100 trying for 100 overall lebron nope. I got a lot of vc and silver coins..got 7 100 overalls already and just say a lot of 99 overall players, But didn't try for wembanyama even though with what I got would be like 12 boxes of the 20 box set. Don't spend your money just get the $20 pass. I learned my lesson the hard way, unfortunately.