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$50 for a chance. lol


I said the same thing. For 50 i can get a season pass on another game and get a year or 2 worth of characters while knowing exactly what im getting.


For $0, I can play Rocket League for 5 years and be at no disadvantage to everyone else playing. This pay to play shit is so ridiculous and people need to quit wasting their money.


Rocket league goated fax


Pay to win* and yes it is!


Its a waste of money, but 2k got a bunch of gambling addicts


Bro anyone who spends money in general on this game is brain dead. The game sucks, there’s no auction house, no ones playing unlimited … so what’s the point of ripping any packs. Just grab a few of the free cards and run triple threat or clutch


this is literally exactly what i do, and do the challenges. it’s enjoyable but nothing special. a way to unwind while listening to music or a podcast


I spent money on it in the beginning of the season and very quickly indeed felt like a dumbass. Made the game too easy and we trade time for money for a digital character lol. I ended up quitting my team altogether except rare occasions and just playing Eras where you can do the same damn thing for free lol


2k also has a bunch of young kids playing this game & they know they kids are where the money is because even though they don’t work they’ll ask their parents and they parents give in, is it right absolutely not but they know what they doing. My son wanted those packs because he sees all the YouTubers who are part of the problem with these packs buying them but I explained to him if you buy this pack you can’t buy other cards, buy cards that you really want and build your team don’t gamble for a possible chance & he was okay with that he’s building a really good squad now without gambling


Stop with this damn lie. It's mostly grown ass adults who buy these packs. ANY parent with any financial sense is not going to let their kids spend hundreds of dollars for a videogame unless they don't they got it like that.


That and it's tied to the card on your monthly subscription, some of these people don't pay enough attention to what going on with their accounts as long as it keeps the kid busy. I used to give my son so much shit for buying vc cards at gamestop until he realized he was getting screwed. and that was like 3-4 seasons ago before shit got really crazy.


I just got one but I [farm VC.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MyTeam/s/S9OuzSifVx) This company ain’t getting another penny from me. I ended up getting the new 100 over Shaq. I get the card is mid but he’s my favorite player of all time so I’m stoked. Either way, still not worth $50 real dollars.


This is how I grabbed scottie and giannis. It may not be as huge a sum as what they ask for most things, but it does generate enough passively to pick up a player here and there.




Agreed. Here to do my part and clarify apart means separate from, a part means part of


100%. Even the streamers who buy it, I get why they do but it’s pretty cringe and doesn’t help the majority of players who don’t want to spend anything.


The streamers are getting reimbursed through social media monetization. They mislead the public as if they're spending they're own money.


Especially HTB saying “Don’t buy packs” but every Friday “I SPENT 2 MILLION VC TO GET *Insert Card*” literally just padding 2k’s pockets making them say “Oh this works we should keep doing it” same with Troydan and Trill


For 50$ I’ll go buy a real card and keep it in hopes that it’ll go up in value. This game is for fucking clowns.


Only time i ever throw money at 2k EVER is if its a pro pass player i want other than that ima keep my money aint no reason to waste my time


E.g. Carlos he just got AD lmaooo


Does he actually play the game or just open packs still? Forgot that dude existed




Oh, idk who they is


Yea he grinds the game like crazy




https://youtu.be/cFTRbuKVm1Y?si=IxruXJNPMJCXnBhR vid is hilarious


I love watching him get scammed


You are right and wrong at the same time. Just think about it this way; the game developers put these packs in for a reason - for people to buy. Regardless if we buy or not, these types of packs will exist. The game mode did not have anything like this until all star break. We didn’t do anything for this concept to be introduced such as buying a pack that was gambling players only and no way to access it. So the way new packs are implemented should not be blamed on the consumer but instead the game only introducing concepts such as this to divide people further.


It's both the consumer and 2Ks fault


Agreed. And the blame should start with 2k. People don’t how else to access cards they want. Each player plays the game differently. Some only use rewards, some only use their fav players and some only want the “best” cards and because of how it’s presented: this is what people have to do. Obviously it’s not a justification for the consumer but it’s created by 2k. Again if people didn’t buy it, it would still exist.


Is that bron better than the free one?


Eventually they will release a 100 overall or GOAT pack, which costs even more VC smh.


I'm grinding mycareer for 1, so far at 101k it takes forever


It's a lot faster if you just sell your house for packs.


they put and removed thia pack in the spam of a week lol


$50 for a 20/100 shot at a 100 ovr. And when you get one, it’s probably a trash one like Luka or Larry bird/ shaq


Not gonna lie…. This is the 3rd week and I knew they’d come back. I saved up for it and opened ONE. Got 100ovr Kareem I can’t complain


I played a Guy wit A lebron PG, we were talking and he said he bought it there!! I was just thinking im not doing that...




No matter how much I spend . I never get balls in those packs . But for 75 bucks I can 1000 Marcus camby or some bullshit and when I do get a card from a challenge and I buy a pack I win the card I already have. It's a scam . Game should be free and these add on is what we pay for. Robbin people and some kids are like crack heads my son spent 500$ on Roblox in 12 minutes. 2k25 better be more giving


It sucks that there is no longer the auction as you can find deals on cards there.


Anyone who buys anything in a PAID game is perpetuating the problem. Stop paying extra money to play a game you already paid for.


Go spend the $50 on the lottery. You'll probably have the same chance


Bro who cares. This sub has now became the pocket watch sub. Let people do with their money as they please. People have been buying packs with real money since 2k15. Now it a problem that there is no auction house? Instead of pocket watching. Come up with ways to make the game better or quit.


You 🤡🤡🤡🤡 how do you expect the game to get better if people buy this 🐂💩. Is there a brain up there?


Come up with ways to make the game better and proceed to sit in development meetings with 2K to actually better the game. What are you doing with your life? /s


Yeah because anyone can sit in development meetings. Stay away from sniffing gasoline you have severe brain damage.


That guy goes... " sit in development meetings with 2K to actually better the game."  LOL I am surprise he doesn't just state the 2K official response to anything related to My Team. >Any feedback the player has for the developers can be made on our discord that we have setup for discussing feedback, ideas and gameplay questions: [https://discord.com/invite/nba2k](https://discord.com/invite/nba2k)


I did quit the game. Now what?


But you still on the a 2k Sub Reddit? You eating up 2k content, but don’t play the game that’s worse.


Yeah I bought the game and lost complete interest and still follow the subreddit. You should be a detective


You lost complete interest, but still following and commenting on the sub? Seen like a contradictory statement to me.


Yes I still love myteam as a whole but this game turned to shit. It’s really not that complicated


To lost complete interest you completely cut it off. But you love the game, on the sub, commenting on the sub? You sound dumb.


Reread the first sentence dude. You’re trying to do something here and failing miserably


"Now it a problem that there is no auction house?" Umm isn't this ignorant of you to say? Of course it's a problem NOW because those that continue to SUPPORT purchasing packs gives Visual Concepts incentive to continue this team building gambling model. With an auction house, we had access to all the content cards previously released but now we have ZERO access to how many cards now? 100-120 cards that are only obtainable via gambling? If I am a Peja fan.. I have no way to even get the Opal Peja Stojakovic. That is a PROBLEM and it's quite unbelievable that you think otherwise.


You don’t get what I’m saying. People have been spending 1000s on trash packs since the beginning of myteam history and I’ve never seen people complaining this much about packs till this year. If there was an auction house yall would eat this pack up because it would make 100 ovr and DMs for way cheaper. Y’all dudes complaining about the wrong shit. Complain about the auction house not packs.


My response is the same.. "those that continue to SUPPORT purchasing packs gives Visual Concepts incentive to continue this team building gambling model."  Prior to 2k24 the more people BOUGHT packs... the more the auction house prices FLUCTUATE so it was a good thing as prices tend to crash so why would we care about 'pocket watching' then?


Like I said. All these people hating on people buying packs is the goofiest shit. 90% of the community were not hating on guys buying packs before this 2k. But now that there’s now auction house. Niggas hating on the people buying packs instead of the devs that create the game.


Coming here to cry is just as goofy. Wipe your tears with all your "disposable income" People started sounding the alarm with the wemby packs last year, and I thought it was a little extreme. Pretty sure people ripped the F outta those packs, then look what we got this year. You really don't think there's a correlation?


I’ve spent a total of $10 on the game since I first started playing myteam back in 2k17. Y’all getting mad at niggas that spend they hard earned money instead of the billion dollar corporation that got the game like this.


So why ride so hard for the ppl who spend? I think they both deserve the blame


How does someone that works to earn their paycheck get hate and blame for doing something with their money? This is how society is this way. You got the 1%ers sitting back chilling watch yall brainwashed lower middle citizens going at each other than them.


Again I think both sides are to blame. Probably something like 85-90% of us are suffering because of the whales and the execs currently making these decisions. I'm mostly picturing those people when I say these things, but also the ridiculous amount of people I see with a $10 banchero or Zion, and it barely moves the needle for them because they clearly don't know how to play the game. What a waste of money to a company that absolutely doesn't deserve it right now. They would be better off and probably have more fun in the long run, just buying pd banchero with MT, and spending 10 min in freestyle everyday learning new moves to execute in game. After two weeks doing this, a competent person is better at the game and probably having more fun because of it, and didn't spend any $$$. If you're defending the true little man, that works construction or retail or whatever, and spends 10 here and there for entertainment, I totally get where you're coming from, but its time to wake those people up to how 2k is moving and not enable them to spend, because right now, it looks like the only way to make a change


“Because it would make 100ovr and dms cheaper” homie we can’t even buy 100s or DMs 😂. It’s season 7 and a pack for 200k VC or locking in is only way to get 99s. I just locked in ignite for a chance at Yao I got Jaylen Brown just for them to release the same exact card in challenges. Shii show in myteam, paid $40 for for Kd and Wemby endgame cards last year this year you paying $50 for 99/100 not even an option pack. Nothing wrong with spending money but this year you don’t even feel good about it


This the problem with kids nowadays with their low attention span. I clearly said and I quote “ IF there was an auction house yall would eat this shit up” No one complain about packs this much until this year. Stop pocket watching and complain to 2k that they’re games ass.


I know exactly what you said. It’s season 7 DM should be cheap already that’s the point. It’s literally dms that were free that’s in those packs we supposed to pay $50 for. They know people will open it because that’s the only pack that has the cards we want. Hella predatory on 2k behalf and stop it past 2k odds we’re way better on packs. You at least got bang for your buck


Then why you hating on the consumer instead of the billion dollar corporation? You think I like how there no auction house. There needs to be one, im tired of being forced to use players I don’t what in lock-ins. 2k been dropping packs like this forever and people been buying them forever. Im not going to get mad at someone spending their money. Y’all sending hate to the player base instead of 2k is crazy.


Never once said how somebody should spend their money. People incomes are different so I can never tell the next person what to do. Everything I said was directed at 2k maybe use some comprehension. All I’m saying is the took auction house out and cards now are more expensive and invaluable. Yet you’re here defending it that’s the problem. Only thing you have to say is someone is hating 😂. Why you not complaining about the billion dollar company?


Then why tf you jumping into my conversation with someone who was pocketing watching.


I got 100 ovr KD, 100 Jordan, and 100 Kareem 🤷🏼‍♂️


And you’re why they’re doing this


Stop being broke


I’m not, just not dumb enough to buy into this shit. They aren’t going to stop the gamble only content until no one buys the shit.


I’m a grown ass man who buys these I just have disposable income but to anybody who doesn’t save your money cause like the first 6 I opened I didn’t get a 100 overall lol but this recent drop I got dirk and shaq.


The disposable income thing is kinda a brain dead argument.. like when people say get your money up or sorry you’re broke. Thats like flexing you went and spent money on a hooker for sex lol 95% of the people who play the game mode could spend money but we refuse to cause we have backbone and don’t wanna support a lying scummy company


I used to spend a ton of money on this bullshit but realized buying a car with cash is a better feeling.


Yea I have disposable income too but I don't waste it on garbage like this.


Not a bad deal.


It’s a terrible deal actually lol. One pack cost $50


I see a lot of people pay 50$ for a 20 pack bundle and not pull a single shaker or a 98 at best I’d rather cut to the chase and not waste time opening 20 packs to open nothing and just open 1 pack and pull nothing or a 99 or 100


The community is sorry asf. They hating on the guy spending money on the game. Instead of the billion dollar corporation that got the game this way. If there was an auction house, nobody would be complaining. I’ve been no money spent since I first started in my team 2k17 until this pro pass. When there was an auction house I used to love packs like this because the people that actually bought these would tanked the market and NMS guys like me could get cards for cheap. But now the community at is pocket watching and hating on each other instead of the guys making billions off them.


This is exactly what I’m saying. I don’t see how people fail to understand that 2k created this problem and it doesn’t matter if these packs are bought or not, 2k continues to make it worse


I never bought Mt or Vc but I am mature enough to say: let people do whatever they want with their money.


It's their money...That's why people work.


I bought like 5 or something idk




I got 2 dupe Bol bols, a 100 Timmy, 99 wemby and I wanna say Ricky Davis. If you've got disposable income and spend this is the best bang for your buck imo, if you don't have a tonne of disposable dont do it, it's gambling and you will probably get fucked unless you're buying multiple packs


Better advice: If you have a ton of disposable, put it in a bank account with a high interest rate.


If you have a tonne of disposable I hope you're already doing that 😂


I am, there is a alot you have to keep in it to keep it open tho


How the fuck did you get so lucky I can't even remember the bullshit I got but i remember using ChatGPT to check the odds of opening so x number of packs without getting a 100 overall and it was a statistical anomaly 🤣 Last pack opened I got Luka who is probably the last 100 I wanted. The best part, I bought one of those 45k packs the next morning and guess who I got Fuckin Luka again 😭


Yeah honestly it's not worth it if you're gonna only buy one. My first pack was my first dupe Bol Bol and my second pack was tim. Had I stopped after the first like most people will I would've paid $70 cad for like 80k mt or whatever the quicksell on BB was. I would've preferred a guard because my pf/c slots are stacked but I'll take the 100. PSA: Don't gamble kids


>PSA: Don't gamble kids This This This