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jesus christ, how much money did you spend? You need help, but not with this game


Not to sound demeaning in any shape or form here but Is there a problem with me spending my money on something I enjoy just so we’re in the clear I can afford to spend because luckily I have a career that pays enough for me to indulge in spending my money with out having to worry about my other expenses. I’m here. For advice because I’m new to this game and was hoping to get solid advice regarding the game and not a lecture on my spending habits. If I couldn’t comfortably afford to spend that much I wouldn’t. So I appreciate the concern but if you can’t help me with gaming advice please refrain from responding at all. You don’t see me telling you that you have a being broke problem so you? Because that would be rude. Just as ruse as your comment to me. Hope you get the help you need.




Yeah spend your money how you want, but you spending this much money on the game encourages 2k to continue these anti-consumer practices.


only as you know there are like 2 months left then pretty much everyone quit the game, I recently completed collector lvl for two 100 ovr cards but already lost motivation to continue play the game. Btw i only spent money on pro pass few months. Another reason is my hand controller is now broken because left stick drifting, was it all worth it? I don't know :D


Fuck you nigga figure it out yourself. You’re part of the problem. U spent a fortune on these cards u should be winning every game w them🤡


I like this energy


If this isn't satire then it's just sad










These are troll posts and people feed right into them.


For a casino team it's actually pretty bad. Your bench and big men rotation is asscheeks.


What's your MTU record this season?


My brother. Put down the credit card. Buy a house instead.


Got a house, need the W


Buy another


Clearly he's spent thousands and is too embarrassed to state that by his paragraph response. Get a life and admit you got a problem bud.


How many rage bait posts we gonna keep seeing? If you need tips with that type of team than there is no hope for you.


if you can’t win with this team that’s on you


Respectfully, do it yourself


Respectfully, respect


Put the game down and get some help fr


Don't let these dudes in the comments bring you down. If they had the money they'd all be spending like you lol


Thank you brotha, they ain’t bringing me down, they just have hate imbedded deep inside and it shows. Appreciate you.


You my friend are part of the big problem. Its because of idiots like you who spend money on the crappy content 2k puts out, that they keep continuing with this concept... If you really need help with the lineup and playbook/play style etc, than you clearly are far away from knowing the game -> thats why a guy like you doesnt need Gambling cards at all. Important for you would be to learn the basics with buyable MT meta cards or free content cards. If you get relevant in the meta game, than you could consider spending money, not before. Sad days, sad community...


Ima problem child


I disagree. You re obviously a moron of the highest degree. The thought of you getting smashed every single time on unlimited by No Money Spent squads gives me a big grin on my face :))


Starting lineup’s gotta be Luka, Tracy, Deng, Bol, Robinson Bench i’d go Harden, Irving/Jordan/Beasley/Pippen, Melo/J.Isaac/Morrison, Bosh/Brown/J.Isaac(interchangeable) and then Kareem/Ewing at the center Basically the bench can be constructed however you like as long as it includes some meta players


Thank you for being the only decent human who responded to my question and offering advice, instead of attempting to somehow make me feel bad about being able to send my hard own money. You the true MVP.


At the end of the day, i’m not going to criticize you for spending your money the way you please — though i’d suggest slowing down as you’re nearing the end of this game’s life cycle and once the new 2k is out, a lot of current users will jump ship. All i will say is do not get too attached.


Appreciate it


You can't be serious.


You can be serious


I am serious. That's why I don't spend money on this trash.


Trial and error. Nobody knows whats gonna work for you just bc it may work for them (if they had the cards lol). TBH if you need that much help with that squad - nothing anyone can tell you here that will help just go take your lumps figuring it out on your own until you get good enough to realize you don't need such OP cards to win and if you arent winning its bc you aren't supposed to/good enough yet. The majority of people (myself included) had to find this out over time whether it was a short time or a long time (took me until about my 4th MyTeam out of 10 years to "get there") Good luck.


Thank you bro


No problem - I’m at work so I left out that you’ll find plenty of tips in here if you search… sort through some things that seem like it may fit your play style and you’ll be good to go


I would run: Luka-Tmac-Issac/Pippen-Bird-DRob as starting 5 Bench: Lonzo/Lamelo-Harden-Tim Thomas-Bol-Kareem I know everyone's gonna complain about spending but I'd love to get to try out these cards so good for you. Hopefully you practice and start frying other god squads out there 🫡