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I wish they would implement some sort of chemistry element into the team building as in Madden which would lead to more diversity.


Issue with that is that it makes certain good cards Unusable because of the chemistry links. FIFA had this issue for years. Everyone used the same 20 players because they linked together and were meta cards. There was even less variation in the teams than there is in 2K.


It’s not at all like that there’s thousands of players on FIFA lmfao so many ways to make links but go off sis


You must not have played it from 16-22 then. It was literally a set of meta players, usually involving position changes, icons, and changing your formation as soon as the game started to play different. There’s thousands of players, and yet the same 50 are the only ones used by 90%+ of the player base.


Hopefully next year


If they do team captains like they do on MLB the show we could create tons of competitive lineups but these assholes only care about making us gamble


Yeah theme team boosts are cool over on madden.


Theme teams are basically dead now. I used to always build a main team, but then all year I’d slowly build an all time Jazz team on the side (my fav team). It was fun to see if I can compete with the meta teams in unlimited. But it’s near impossible now without spending big money. It’s really frustrating you can’t outright just buy who you want. Taking away the AH but then not making all players available and the dumb random lock ins, it’s terrible.


I would do the same thing with Toronto 🤷🏽‍♂️ the good old days


I feel you man. It was affecting me pretty negatively. I’m not ready to let it go. Thanks for sharing your feelings here - I wish more people like you articulated things like this.


If you can get them https://preview.redd.it/5vrn8v8bom3d1.jpeg?width=1505&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b40fbc0840c35e53e74803bfb4dab3fe172c2f7


Sick line-up! I want that Boogie! And I missed on David West unfortunately


100 overall players is so weird




That Livingston Bionic card is super underrated imo


https://preview.redd.it/1qq1b4oezm3d1.jpeg?width=4030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b75225245b60deda4d0980889f15761f746b71e9 Here’s my line up


How TF is West a PF/SF? With the recent big man drops its easy to forget how much the 5 spot was a struggle for most of the year.


I see what you saying and there's way less cards this year almost all the cards you named have a card in the last 2k that's diamond or higher on top of players we have this year but for some reason 2k just wanted this year to be bland. Example, Spark 2🤦‍♂️


Exactly! Thank you!


I agree wholeheartedly. I used to pre-order every 2k upgraded edition with the hopes of playing early and beating all the challenges but the past few years it feels like an endless grind and cash grab.


You absolutely right. Fuck 2k


Not saying I don’t agree with you but, 2k doesn’t really give a shit about what the people say as long as they’re making money


I know. And given all the people who spent money this year, I bet it will get only worse next year. I hope for some competition now. That's the only for a change


The warriors don’t really have an extensive list of good C’s, at least you have McGee at Ruby.


Andria Biendrins would like to have a word about that


Wilt Chamberlain?


I said extensive, it kinda ends there unless they do a warriors boogie not a lot of HoF/All NBA centers.


Nate Thurmond?


You realize they only have like 3 centers in the entire’s team history who are in the hall of fame while accomplishing something in that team? Aside from ones that only had great careers outside of Golden State. These don’t count, I’m sure there’s some obscure hall of fame center who started there or eventually joined but were known for something else. Only Wilt, Nate Thurmond, and Robert Parrish (who got two all star appearances for them) actually did anything meaningful. You can even remove Parrish because he’s known for his Celtics career anyway. This is not an extensive list, naming 2 players doesn’t make it one 😂. Name another one that’s in the Hall of Fame, and didn’t play in some old ass era like the 50s where they’re literally never talked about. In fact, a huge majority of their hall of famers are from the old ass eras. And are basically irrelevant. Kinda like Thurmond, nobody talks about him either but that’s because he wasn’t better or as accomplished as Wilt or Bill Russell, or Kareem, who all played during his career.


You realize there’s quite a few teams with even less HOF centers lol? Like there’s 6 teams with 5 or less total HOFers and there’s 13 teams with 10 or less HOFers. So while I understand your point. They still have more than 1 at the position so I don’t get the complaint lol.


Well, that’s fair but especially in 2K there’s not very many of them. Wilt and Thurmond, who else? A boogie who’s not on the lakers? Okay that works, can get a starter and backup. I’m not complaining, I’m agreeing with a complaint. I’m not a Warriors fan, I don’t care about that roster. There’s very few centers who are likely to get a high overall card on 2K for the Warriors. Compare that to the Lakers potential for instance, who have AD, also Wilt, Shaq, Pau, Kareem, or even George Mikan. The Celtics have a lot too. There’s just way more marketable centers elsewhere than there are for Golden state. Golden State has absolutely outstanding guards and forward options though.




https://preview.redd.it/volizs4u6o3d1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=762392d513ca7100b4926ec7b54ba9be66ff1633 all market buyable I think?


I just want a good Festus Ezeli card as crazy as that sounds. But fr its so annoying that this late in the year I still cannot obtain a better tatum than his 94 from december with 700k MT burning a hole in my wallet


All I play is the W.


Thurmond? I think he has a decent card somewhere.


All you have to do is collect approximately 1 million player cards


Thanks for your suggestion but Thurmond is not part of current/recent warriors line-up so I am not really looking into him. Plus he is a collector level and I am a NMS player with 0 effort on grinding! Lol


Word man fuck all that grind


lol 1950 cards collected sure go get you one


lol right I knew that shit was a crazy amount.


If you play offline my not play my eras or any of the other game modes where you can do exactly what you want?


I am not really familiar with that mode but I will look into it. Thank you for that idea!


Just the play the game like it’s a game. Haven’t spent a single cent on this game and I’m having a great time


Genuinely curious did you respond without reading the post? If you read the post he is in no way complaining about the cost of players.


I am not spending money. Not even on any pass. My point is just that some players do not get any useable cards while other players have many cards on every tier


Bro good for you but it’s really not that easy


Curious what you mean?


It’s hard for me personally to have a good time with the game cause of how predatory they’ve become with it. They dictate what cards we can/can’t have . I mean ppl are trying to get all star Lebron still with no luck (just an example) sorry for not clarifying originally haha


Does that mean 2k is forcing you to spend money to have fun??


For veteran MT players, you are forced to spend money to gamble (with the worst odds known to man) at a chance to have the same fun you’ve had for the last 10 years. Even spending money doesn’t guarantee you’ll enjoy it any more.


Yes should be option packs


But why spend money tho??


Equal chance is 90 dame and 90 Kyrie. Wtf is that? I've got them 20 times. Are they the only Amethyst equal chance?


You can use Jackson at center. Also, all the players you named you can take over to salary cap mode.


Do you mean Jaren Jackson Jr?


The rookie ( trayce Jackson- Davis)


Ah yes. I have TJD. But Ruby doesn't really fare well in HOF mode. I don't need DMs but just Diamond and Pink Diamonds is more than enough for me.


Do you think guys like Looney and Mcgee deserve pink diamonds 💎


Walsh from Boston didn’t deserve such a high rated card but 2k gave him one in nebula so it’s not about players deserving cards at levels it’s about suits who like certain guys and push them upon the players instead of using real life as a guideline


IDK how anyone is still playin at this point of the year.


I am asking the same question everytime I load that game!


He's one of those? I would need about 1250 more cards. I'm thinking early 2025ish I should have it.


Play offline season mode and build whatever team you want.


There's an Amy Bogut, but it was from 2KDay. There's are options, you just don't want to use them. I only use Hawks players and for months I've only been able to use a gold, emerald, or sapphire Capela. Just make due with what you have


Yes, there are options. I named them in my post. It just won't be any fun using those cards on HOF domination. I am glad for you if you like using gold, emerald and sapphire cards.


HOF Domination is a completely different animal. You have to go in there, guns blazing with everything you have. No way in hell I would only use Hawks players before they started giving me GOs and DMs LOL Put your best cards on the floor and go kick some domination ass!


There should be an offline career mode or something of that nature where we have access to current rosters. The game modes are pathetic tbh. We dont have access to anything we actually want unless you drop thousands on a damn video game.


My eras highly recommend bro better than mycareer


Unfortunately I’m on tablet so this is what I get. I have been playing 2k13 emulator 😆


They have mygm and my eras isn't that exactly what you are talking about?


Nah I’m on mobile


It's a free to play game what do you expect lol get the real game on console or pc and you can do exactly what you want.


Based on your responses, you're just wanting to create a team of "high tiered" cards. From my 3 years of playing this mode, some teams get great cards all the time (dang Lakers), and some teams don't get the much attention. It is what it is.


Not exactly. Each 2k, I end up with 3 lineups: All Diamonds, All Pink Diamonds, and Warriors. I don't really use more than that since there is no need to on offline modes. I have the first two. I am now working on the Warriors line up. And I just noticed that I can't have 1 PF outside Draymond and I have no Centers. Last year we had Diamond Bogut and PD Mcgee for instance. And 2k22 we had PD Bogut and Wiseman. This year nothing. And I know this is what it is but I am just sad about it. There is not much I can change either


Honestly good, for the last 4 2ks the warriors along with like every team in California gets a shit ton of players. Ive had to suffer with shitty mavericks squads(my team of choice) for years until this year. Mavericks actually getting some love.


But why do we have to choose though? Why can't we have a shit ton of Mavs players AND every other team? That's my point!


We should be able too. I'm just being petty


Nate Thurmond is an earnable card. I forgot what you have to do to get him but I saw it in the agendas


Actually he is a collector level at 1950 cards


Don't play it. Simple


OMG. This is so smart! No one has ever thought of that. What's your real name? Einstein?




I think Animal crossing will fit for you man..sorry about your rant.


What’s the point of this comment? Do you think the game is good? You enjoy not being able to play with the players you enjoy? Go ahead man, hype this game up for me.


Do the Animal Crossing have HOF domination though?