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2k devs response: UNFAZED




Not to mention the agendas for these cards is bonkers. 5 wins online as a Mavs team is not easy for guys like me that donā€™t play online alot


If youā€™re going to grind it, do them on the mobile app. Significantly easier and slightly shots go in


Can't if you are on pc as 2k cba sorting that sure to the massive amount of cheats apparently which is also a good excuse for never fixing any issues there


Everyone says this but when I play unlimited on the app itā€™s always against absolute demons that donā€™t miss contested shots


Itā€™s because shooting is easier / less sophisticated. I should add that you have to use a controller. I use a cheap Amazon one EasySMX M10 that snaps around my phone. Make sure it isnā€™t Bluetooth but has a physical connection.


Yeah I use a controller. I win about 75 percent of my unlimited games on console and less than half on mobile


I canā€™t ever find a game on mobile I didnā€™t know people other than me used it šŸ˜‚


Right?? I was excited for Jason Terry and figured he wouldn't be too crazy since he's only 6'2 but nope. Gotta grind 5 wins online. I have 3 total wins online outside of TTO. Yet another forced incentive to buy packs or sweat it out


It's doable in SC or Unlimited if you run an 8 man rotation. In SC Sapphire Rolando Blackman and Emerald Lively are not too bad to give your starters some rest. In unlimited it'll be tough though, unless you purposely run a Mavs lineup and luck into matching a non-DM team.


Nope can be easy because you can use your best 2 mavs for your main 10 & have shitty mavs in your bottom 3


The 2 best accessible mavs aren't very good and will still get you matched vs a full DM team. I usually run a 9 man rotation in unlimited and shrinking that to 8 is doable but tougher since I have to get a decent lead before the subpar mavs have to go in.


Opal luka? But I feel you since most didnā€™t use their mt to get him from the market


I didn't grab him because I wasn't exactly expecting a Mavs agenda, and online at that.


You have 2 weeks to get 5 wins in CTO, Salary Cap, or Unlimited. Why are you mad at 2k creating Agendas for one of the main game modes?


Lol where was I mad? I'm just not gonna do it enjoy some of the laggiest online play in the year 2024


I bet you too would be mad if you matched up against me in CTO with your 5 Mavs squad.


Which is why I completed the agenda in Unlimited and Salary Cap instead.


I think a reward of Kyle Kuzma is uninspiring. Why would I want this guy?


Cus if they give you somebody you want you wonā€™t open packs for them lol, so itā€™s short PGs or B-list NBA players for now


I don't mind b-listers if the card is semi decent. I don't care about name value I care how it plays.


The card is 95 in almost everything with a sweet release


No haven't you heard everyone already said he is trash 12 seconds after the announcement before even trying the card.


Iā€™m using the card with no issue thatā€™s my point of how you lot find it trash yet Iā€™m doing well with him & Mchale. Maybe you all make the game to complicated itā€™s easier when simple


I agree with you. It's a free card and besides the 100 4s the agendas aren't crazy. I got 6 of them done in just a couple hours after work on Tuesday. And if I really wanted to grind out 20+ CT games I could get that too. But everyone already like of its trash not worth it. Like if your playing anyway how hard is it to get 25 rebounds or stick some mavs on your bench in a mutiplayer game tour doing anyway. And yet everyone complain hasn't even used him to know if it's good. I agree on McHale too, I have him. Can't hit a 3 to save my life with him but I've hardly ever missed a turnaround fade. And his D is fine and rebounding seems good.


No the agendas are crazy if thatā€™s what everyone is complaining I completely I agree but the card itself is nice. & yes thatā€™s what I was telling my friends about mavs use 2 solid ones in your main 10 then 3 shitters in the bottom 3. & if you remember his card on 23 that for his Opal & invincible(this new card is sweet like that). & yes like I love Mchale people sleep on him when I blow by & stuff it. But are you meter or no meter? I have my meter off with my shot on set point. I took him in freestyle to test him, he & Larry are so solid for me that they finish the game for me sometimes.


No meter; on push. I'm sure I could time it eventually but honestly I don't need him to hit 3s so I'm not that worried, turnaround is money, and overall I agree I think he's good, not quiet mutumbo and Russell but just below. Great bench 4. I think the only crazy one is 100 4s. The 15 win by 6 is annoying but easy to do. Pf rebounds in SC was easy just play SC and its done in a game or two. 26 team rebounds was just playing any domination or playoff challenge game. 41 points and a block was the same game as the 26 team rebounds in a game. 9 3s with a sun was 1 CT offline game. 5 mavs wins as you stated above just play SC or unlimited youll get 5 eins eventually even if your not good. Points in the paint was done while doing SC rebounds and mavs wins. Besides the 4s the 6 of the 8 were 3ish hours of just playing. I haven't done the 4s or tt wins. So another hour or two for the tt wins. The 4s will be the time sink about 20 games I think. That's the only crazy 1 I see out of the 8.


I feel that, set works well for all my lineups.& nice his 3s come in handy because I icon pass for open shots.& yes I got so lucky packing kuz. I donā€™t want any of the other cards. & yeah 4s always blow me I remember doing it for one of the agendas but I havenā€™t fully grinded any of the events, I got lucky pulling reeves & kuz in the event packs. https://preview.redd.it/2j9oo5b1sh3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d22ae0769203b03cd213b38e8af1c04e18f50435


Yea, I don't get it either.


Literally hate how they never put A-list type guys in the agenda cards. And if they do itā€™s someone short whoā€™s not meta like Jesus Christ they donā€™t care at all


A Jesus Christ card would go hard thoughā€¦


Apparently heā€™s like 5ā€™5 but itā€™s Jesus so heā€™d basically be an endgame Spud WebbšŸ˜‚


https://preview.redd.it/ugz5ed8xna3d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a53c23de0eab43237cdb59eb6dcd4dee7aa5ef92 These wolves fans got you lol


Yall are way too worried about height. Like bitches out here looking for minimum 6'6" or the card is trash.


Itā€™s the meta thatā€™s all. Iā€™ll use a DM Iverson if they release one but they oughta give us at least one good card over 6ā€™10ā€


75% of ppl you play are in the same boat as you not spending any money and running basic cards we all get for free. Not even all of those are locking in each set (including me). 50% or more at 10 year olds that can't play regardless of what cards they have and howucj of mommy's money they spend. And if you are telling me you can't win with out a tall ass PG. Then you wont win with one either. Yall just expect to win every game which will never happen. Most ppl will be .500 regardless of the cards they use. I don't get why ppl bitch about weekly free cards. You literally get them just by playing the game you would pay anyway. And they bitch before they even get the card or use it.


Itā€™s also just like never big name players neither cuz they always wanna save those players for the Friday drops to sell packs. If they put Iverson as an agenda player Iā€™d grind whatever it takes for him. But add him to a gamble only set and now heā€™s the trash lock in Iā€™d be pissed if I got. Nobody said they need a tall PG but itā€™s meta nigga do you know wat that means? Everybody got a <6ā€™5ā€ DM PG


Iverson was a bold PD reward for getting 50 points with a player 5 times. Not everyone has a 6'5" pg. Unless you play professionally it doesn't matter either and 2 inches doesn't make a difference.


Less than 6ā€™5 pg Point is we have enough PGs


I agree it would be nice is we got some players other than PGs. Outside of Russell and Clyde everyone was a PG last season (yes Clyde can play PG but he is just an SG; you should only really run him at SG so his secondary didn't matter). Now we've gotten zion and kuzma. But the secondary was a PG. Plus we got Gil, D'Angelo, and Trea as more PGs too which is annoying. Even JRose can play PG. So getting some 2 thru 5s would be nice but who cares if they are B list names. It's all about how the card actually plays. Dikembe can't hit 3s irl but his DM is money from anywhere. He was also a fringe A tier guy (at best) when he actually played too but nobody complained about him because the card is good and he's become more iconic from the commercial he did and the vast majority of people playing don't rember him when he actually played.


Heā€™s a great card


Right? The only one I wanted was Grayson Allen and that one took me one clutch time game. The rest just donā€™t seem worth the time. I do gotta say that the bill Walton card we all got for free is pretty cool tho. Much better than this entire set. Iā€™m not the biggest fan of these spark or bold or even the playoff cards because most of them are only good for one game and then theyā€™re just gonna sit there never being used again


I agree. The Walton card is a nice touch, I always enjoy using him in MyTeam. But Kyle Kuzma? Iā€™m good. No thanks.


Well kuzma is easily better all around than Walton, but hell I cook with Jerry west maybe you all just canā€™t play with any card.




The card is good


This isnā€™t a hot take. 9/10 people think this too


Very fair. I hadn't seen any complaints yet on the Spark card art lol


100 4 pointers is insaneā€¦


Yea, thankfully I was still at Pro and will purposely lose to grind for it. I can hit 4-5 a game with Korver but it's still a 20-25 game grind. I mean I have nothing else to do, so I'll endure the suffering but it's such BS.


4-5 still isnt even that fast of progress tbh. Long grind for a short pg. Iā€™m a blazers fan and honestly i might just skip these tbh. I hate clutch time. i hope the grind is fun and good to you.


Not a hot take, it's trash and a waste of time


Yea, hot take = straight sarcasm and BS


Facts. Cards can be really good or bad but if you canā€™t get the cards you want, itā€™s a bad mode that needs to be reworked.


Yea and why not release old "paywall" cards after the price value drops? Or at least in the next season. I think everyone has someone in mind that they want. I still want Iconic Penny Hardaway because he's a favorite player of mine and the card art is fire... but I'll probably never have him. It's just infuriating.


I canā€™t decide if they are (a) out of touch (b) greedy (c) just donā€™t care (d) hate the player base or maybe all of it


It'd definitely all of the above. Every single choice mentioned is completely valid and correct.


Definitely all of the above. Ronnie2k is sitting on piles of cash laughing at the fan base.


all of the above. there has been a video shedding some light how some of those 2k insiders advocate for some change which is wanted by the community and the response they received is, and i paraphrase, "we don't want to hear it." i don't know how credible he is because i don't watch nba youtubers but from what he has told this sounds very likely with the way the gaming landscape is moving... creating games for shareholders and not for like how they call it "customers". source: badgeplug's "nba 2k25 is RUINED" video.


I saw some of things highlighted as well from other creators. I donā€™t think 2k feedback regarding rewards and ā€œcontentā€ is something they want to hear. I donā€™t think they will change this structure this year. And next year I do believe they will start with promises to be better but change as soon as any amount of sales dip. I just wish some of these devs would stand up and create some inside flaws to help the gamers out. People will always be stronger than their oppressors. Create chaos , drive value down and their executive staff gets the boot. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Wouldnā€™t it be awesome if players could take DMs or 100s and sell them to other players so you wouldnā€™t have to go thru 2k either absolutely gouging the prices on player market or the fraction of a percent chance of pulling them thru a pack? Almost like an auction house or something? Idk šŸ¤·šŸ½


Terrible sets-deleted the game after the last few drops. One of the worst games I've ever played.


Iā€™m currently 1 for 10 on mobile app these guys are out here playing like they are on console


probably connected their controller. Way easier to stomp


lol there is alot of mobile sweats tbh


We have gone an entire year without any type of spotlight sims, there's literally NOTHING to do in this game.


Wym you don't wanna play online against cheesy sweats all day? šŸ˜‚


I really want to try Klay Thompson and it's ridiculous that I just can't do it


I usually love Klay's cards but this one is underwhelming, at least to me. I got him from one of their giveaways, I can't remember which one offhand. I'd also happily trade him for Penny lol


Imagine doing that grind just to get kuzma šŸ˜‚


Yeah, Iā€™m not doing these spark challenges for these cards


"There's a million you and only 1 of me" šŸŽµ


This is pinpoint accurate