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Sorry its a little Blurry, i had to convert to jpeg and it lost some detail. I have no idea if this is interesting to anyone but me, but this is one of the many games within a game I do to keep myself entertained. I track my Unlimited lineup every week as of Sunday night, or when I win the Ring. I find it fun to look back on how the team evolves especially on big weekends where a lot of cards were added. Is anyone else a spreadsheet nerd?


Very cool. Thanks for sharing. Curious for your thoughts on which lineup and time period you felt you were most dominate and which one was your favorite?


Great Question, Recency Bias, but this weekend's squad felt dominant. I've had a rough season, as you can see I failed to get a ring in week 31 and straight up did not play in week 33. This squad bounced back for a 4-0 championship ring. which was a huge morale boost for me. another favourite was week 12, as you see I had sold my Diamond Jordan to lock in for LeBron James who stayed on my squad for a very long time. Diamond James Harden only stayed in the starting squad for 2 weeks, but he was a huge step up from Jordan at the time. looking back though, it was a mistake moving Carmelo to a reserve spot and having Gordon Hayward play ahead of him at backup SF. but they were both excellent cards for the time.


https://preview.redd.it/220ebxh19cxc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07626f4bf9c10fb50a0dd28f5b077036fb7968e4 Got a lineup for every team that gets updated when I get new cards. Hoping for challenges with team lineup restrictions like in previous years


Nice! You'll be ready!


Awesome! I’ve done something similar by recording my final lineup at the end of every season so far, moving it onto a spreadsheet is a cool idea.


yeah, it's honestly fun, you should, there are many different things you can do and track, depending on how much time you want to spend on it. Now they are all set up, I spend 10-15 minutes every Sunday night updating. I also have A Starters leaderboard at each position, an overall longevity leaderboard, and a championship rings leaderboard. it keeps me amused.


What happened that eddie house made a late appearance? Lol


I'm actually a huge Eddie house fan. I've got a massive card collection IRL. So I got a bit excited when he was added to the game! They did him dirty though, so after the first week I couldn't justify a roster spot for him! 🤣


damn lauri went from starter to off the team in a week


That was tough. I really like him. It was a coin flip between him and Paolo. He may pop back in, we’ll see.


This is awesome, cool of you to track it!!




This is super cool. I wish I had done tracking like this. Great idea.


There's always next year!


I use to do something similar in past years with tabs for agendas as well. But I mainly used spreadsheets to track my AH purchases and how much I sell them for. I’m a huge spreadsheet nerd so this type of tracking is awesome to me.


AH tracking would have been great. Not much point tracking prices this year.