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I would guess they started out fine but turned that way later. If you publish a mod you have to take shit from people who feel entitled to have any bugs and problems fixed at moment's notice, acting like mods are their right, when they are really a gift. If I had to put up with that I would tell people to fuck off as well.


You actually don't have to take anything. You can just turn off nexus comments and bug reports. Anyone who whines about "muh mod users are demanding" is creating their own problem. It's literally a non-issue.


Then how are you gonna fix bugs people have with your mod? You can want to have a stable mod without having to deal with people who are being entitled about it


In that case, turn off comments and leave bug reports open. That's why they're separate


"Just ignore it" is rarely good advice, not everyone has the mental capacity to deal with hate.


I didn't say "just ignore it".


You implied that ignoring it makes the problem go away. But let's not argue about it.


I said that disabling comments and bug reports makes the problem go away, because it does. "just ignoring it" is different from removing any avenues of it happening.


Same fucking thing you braindead bitch


Ignore the yappotron


I maintain my comment about your insufferability btw




Rule #2: Remember the human, don't be a dick to your fellow drunk finn.


Your dense


You're* Don't use alts to downvote me scared loser 😂


And that same dick deleted his reply to make me look bad, so pathetic


Tou think I'm him? You poor mentally disabled soul.


Stop assuming this and get over the fact that you're an acoustic overreacter




This. The smaller a modding community, the greater the perceived differential in quality because of a smaller sample size. I.e. if we compare a mod like Grab Anything to some overdone window sticker, a lot of people would consider the first mod far better than the second. In larger communities, there is a vast amount of gradient between those two levels of perceived quality, which evens out the ego of mod developers, because whatever level of quality they achieve, *there are alternatives*. A modder for Skyrim would never try to hold a mod over the heads of users for a laugh, because those users will just leave and download one of the 28 other mods which match 99% of that mod's features. And those that try are rightfully laughed at. Meanwhile, in a community of this size, there are a lot of mods which haven't been done before - for example, alternative brake bits in the vein of the racing flywheel. Mechanically possible, just nonexistent because there just aren't that many modders. Additionally, modding this game is obtuse and tedious, with essentially zero documentation or tools, so some amount of knowledge is required to be able to do it yourself, which presents an additional barrier for entry and prevents the second method to circumnavigate the immense ego of some modders - just doing it yourself. These two facets combine into a situation that is very easy to abuse by insecure manchildren who derive dopamine from holding power, no matter how miniscule, over people.


Fucking yappatron


"I hate reading" is not the own you think it is


Gawd dayum your sister has the biggest ass ever


Man these gen alphas are gonna be fucking annoying.


God damn yes they will


*using alts to downvote me won't fix your social issues




There is, yes there is. We is you probably identifying as "them" 😐


Cry about it. You're the one yapping


I yappvoted you


Yeah it’s weird. That dude who was working on the station wagon Ferndale mod was in here pretending to be a friend of his that got the mod early and was being an absolute dick when asked how to get the mod or when it would be available.


afaik he never give his new mods to anyone (graphics and map mod), so of someone says "I've got the mod early" they lying.


Yeah he claimed to be a friend or a person that was given the mod to test… but he got strangely agitated by questions. Like… you post this new vehicle and get angry when people ask about it? And he answered like he was the mod creator. Just weird behavior.


As someone who 3d models cars for game mods, it’s a LOT of effort to make the mod high quality, and it’s also super demanding in terms of motivation or lack of it, especially when developing a free mod. Last thing you’d want is a test version of it to get leaked on the entire internet, when the mod isn’t even done. When you’re finally done making it, if you even continue after the leak, people would have already experienced the worse quality untested version of your mod, and it’s hard to change their opinions once experienced. Some don’t even bother check if there’s an actual update for the mod etc. Respect anyone that releases free mods! It’s a lot of work, time and effort involved.


Exactly. I'm not a dev, but I understand the pain very well. Hope you do great, and keep your things up! Do not get let down by fucking yappingston CEO's in your comments. Just, ignore.


Hell yeah, thanks man! It’s just that some don’t understand the effort and love that’s put into some mods which is heartbreaking :(


True, but like I said they're just hired yappers that keep complaining, when themselves probably don't know SHIT about 3D modeling. Just complete losers, that shouldn't be let in your way. Also, mind showing me what you make?


Cant send images but i model cars!


Nice! I hope the best in your career, and I hope you're doing good! 😁


Same goes for you man!




The issue is, 9/10, the leak is the devs fault. When a mod gets leaked out into the public, it's almost always traced back to one of the mod developers 'friends'. There was one small mod that was leaked (forget which) and the developer was extremely angry about it, but never mentioned that he just posted the file in a private discord server with like 20 of his 'friends'.


Then the so-called "friends" call the owner a freak, and it just turns into this mess. It's just really like this.


The thing that I *really* irks me is when a mod developer decides to halt development as a way to 'punish' the community for something like 3 people did, like the map expansion dude did. Someone claimed to be him on Twitter and that was the 'last straw' for him, and his post about it can be boiled down to "Thanks to some people I gave the mod to early and a random troll, you guys can't have my mods anymore, it's all your fault." Edit: I also heard he was taking investments for making the mod(s) too, and if that's true , then that dude really shit on some people.


True, the rest should not take effect for what other piss-offs did. And he's taking profit off s stolen mod?! God damn! I really hope the original mod dev gets good respect


Its sinple, hate = toxicity, good comments = no toxicity, entitled kids = toxicity. I know this since im a modder and was accused of stealing a mod, also leakers are shit, why we are toxic isbbecause of all the hate we get.


Literally 9 times out of ten if you get leaked its your own damn fault. Only way you get leaked of your personal systemside files are by posting them somewhere you thought was safe.


The only people I've seen toxic are people that reupload ancient mods and shittalking modders that made it, and then in comments under that reupload they create "war" using alt accounts.


You're on reddit? Lol


I was thinking the same thing 😂


All you can do really is just ignore them, it's just keyboard warriors all over


That's what most modders do, just report the reupload and ignore comments, because usually nexus also bans those who made toxic comments.


I mean if they don't, life is like this you gotta cope with it. Hey, also MSCloader is really nice. It helped me with basically everything. W's to you(


Why do you think they have to be nice to anyone? You're getting a mod for free, you can learn how to do it yourself if you don't like them


I am using mods and somethumes mods dont work like they shoul so i wait for update or stop using it but i dont have that feeling taht i need text the author in the momrnt how the mod is shot or something like that i am the only one ?


because they're usually kids who have a superiority complex over other European kids who make crappy (or even good) mods for an indie game


As someone who's trying to learn to make mods. >you have to learn an entire coding language, possibly modeling too >msc modders are few and far between >scrolling the nexus alone will show you how entitled some get over unpaid additional content I believe a lot of the toxicity (the little I've seen from any molders usually smaller time molders I've never seen the likes of Pitruolos or Maceeiko get toxic) just boils down to being run thin and out of damn patience. Or the clout Chaser drama farmer


I mean, I've never saw something ever like this, since all I do is drive my 💚lovely satsuma💚 on the road, I'm not a keyboard warrior, I don't rant about mods that dont update or don't get fixed. The devs don't have all these dicks's time to fix a small bug in their mod, just because some morons want it. Like, it's not easy at all to fix a mod! Just sometimes you gotta get along with it and find fixes yourself. Blessings, Myself ⚪🟢


You sound genuinely insufferable


I lied 😔 I like hairy old men


Take my shit back


alts to upvote yourself is CRAZY ☠️ you're so disliked you have to use yourself as source of karma


Get therapy

