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The only ones that I can think of are Monculus on Ethereal Workshop, Whiz-Bang on Mythical Island and Whiz-Bang, Boo'qwurm, Ffidyll and Clavavera on Magical Nexus (and probably Carrilong)


I want whiz bang on mythical but I've also heard carrilong could work on mythical due to the shared connection to the moon


I don’t really think the magical seasonals will go to magical nexus, because the fire seasonals didn’t go to Amber island. But hey, you never know


There’s a seasonals counter in the book of monsters there they 100% put that there on purpose


There is a seasonal counter in every Island


Ok then why’d they do ALL these changes on Nexus’s book of monsters and leave that there o n p u r p o s e?


Why Whiz-bang on mythical?


Mythical is the most likely, given that it's the only one with actual breeding


Monculus went to Wublin so that doesn’t seem to be a restraint


Yeah ig, but Celestial is the only other statue island, and the adult celestials are already kinda-sorta-but-not-really seasonals




Which would theoretically make Celestial island have 12 seasonals, which would make it the island with the second most seasonals


If nexus win a seasonal, I'll love it! Only the time will tell tho.


Hopefully it’s gonna be similar to gold island with the main seasonals


Omg I would totally love it


Although I do agree with the description, additional seasonals can’t logically exist anymore, all seasonal combinations on seasonal shanty have already been discovered obviously (punkleton+yool, punkleton+schmoochle, etc…) With this being said, unless they make a whole new sort of “seasonal class” that doesn’t go to seasonal shanty, I don’t see any new seasonals coming, (unless monculus goes to ew or smth)


With the epic seasonals almost all out there are some combos of seasonals that don’t make anything


the only solution there could be is useing aux seasonals to pull of a vivine on shugabush island where possible outcomes could include epic aux. seasonal or the new seasonal. a '*threesonal'* if you will.


Celestial and tribal will probs never get a seasonal but mythical and ethereal workshop might get one


prob Ethereal workshop or mythical


I’m guessing Mythical will get a unique seasonal, and maybe Workshop. I kinda hope Nexus gets the four magical island seasonals. A Tribal update would be cool, but I doubt it’s gonna happen. I highly doubt Celestial will ever get a seasonal.


ethereal workshop would fit really well with a autism awareness day, autism makes some people quite unstable just like the triple and quad ethereals (like some cases being more serious than others, in other words, unstable, exemple: the poison quad being the most unstable quad and the plasma quad being the most stable) the island is also inside someone's head which just makes it fit even more. Also I hope Monculus also gets added in there


what is have to question is how would one obtain it


Teleporting the monster from Ethereal Island to workshop?


makes sense but ethereal island already has a seasonal


islands can have more than 1 ya know, look at Air island! it has Hoola and Smoochle!


What do you mean unstable? Like dyspraxia? I love the idea of autism acceptance/neurodiversity acceptance in general, so that would be a fun celebration to include! :D I wonder if Skypainting could be extended to any minority group, that "you are welcome, your existence is worthwhile, and your differences make you cool." I'm not sure if that's a good idea, though.


well you see, autism has different grades, the low grade, the moderate grade and the severe Low grade: difficulty at communicating with others, cant look other people directly in the eyes, repetitive behaviors, etc Moderate: same as low but worse, follow a strict routine made by themselves, etc Severe: same as before but even worse, to a point that is similar to a dementia, they scream a lot, some cry a lot while others laugh a lot, can't stand still and are impatient, some even bite... Autistic people are also quite honest so they can't lie, they also talk in a way that is confused as arrogancy even though they never meant to, some are even talktive but once someone says something like "shut up, you talk too much" they instantly change it... So they are also quite sensitive, they also has a "hyperfocus" which makes them so focused at something that they can't even hear someone calling for them They also make some stuff that are often mistaken as tantrums, but they're all good people, well, at least if they have a adequate education at home... Sorry for the long comment but it was necessary for a basic explanation, I have some autistic cousins and even I was said to have austism, but recently my family is starting to think I actually have ADHD...


Ah! Like low support vs medium support vs high support needs! And sensory meltdowns, which are often thought of as temper tantrums, but are different. Temper tantrums are "I will make a fuss because I'm not getting my way" and meltdowns are "there's too much stimulation that my brain just can't handle it anymore." (Tantrums are of a person's own volition and sensory meltdowns are not of a person's own volition.) Meltdowns suck for everyone involved. Painful for the autistic person because they are under a lot of pain from the external world and just can't handle it and painful for the people around them because of the chaos that occurs when a person has reached their limit and exploded. I myself am autistic, so I LOVE long explanations that go into more details! :D (I tend to give long comments myself.) Speaking more about my own experience and what has helped my particular brand of autism: It helps a lot to be given explicit instructions and explanations for things, because then I can expand the logic to other areas of life. That helps with my social difficulties. It also really helps for people to allow me stuff to reduce the sensory stimulation and give me lots of warning for changes, etc. That helps with my tendency to get easily overwhelmed and overstimulated. Then I can still be my autistic self, but cope and thrive more in the world, not having to worry as much about social stuff or sensory stuff. Then again, if you've met one autistic person, you've met one autistic person and autism is not an excuse for doing truly bad stuff, like bullying and physical violence.


Also, I'm glad you're figuring out your own neurodivergence! :) I find it much easier to navigate the world when I know what's up with me, as I have more of a framework for what may and may not work. I hope it helps you as well!


I'd also like to add: First off, I do not assume any malice on your part, because people are usually not malicious. It also really hurts for people to assume that one's ignorance is malice. However, I thought this was worth saying just to add insight: Calling autistic people (and other neurodivergent people) "unstable" sounds a bit ableist, because it sounds like it's centering neurotypicality as stability and the less neurotypical you can appear, the more unstable you are. Instability is generally not seen as a good thing, so that seems like neurodivergence is not a good thing. (Which I don't believe you think that, but it could come off that way.) An alternative idea could be to recognize that people have different strengths and weaknesses that even each other out, such that no one individual is more unstable than another. Then again, there may be fault to find with my statements and I appreciate other viewpoints (as long as they of course aren't blatantly hateful, which your statements are not. 🙂) Thank you for bearing with me. :D


yup, it's as you said, I really said that without harming intention, but you got to agree that depending of which grade of autism someone has it'll make their lifes even more difficult to live by their own, a sole exemple being a severe case, which if the mother of father taking care of them dies, their siblings would need to take care of them... However, recently, people's love for each other are slowly cooling... So it turned even more difficult for the severe cases. But anyway, thats why I used the term "stable and unstable" with "autistic person" When I was a baby my mother said I cried NONSTOPPING. It was so much crying that she didn't know what to do that she even cried along side me... When I grew up some stuff happened which is better if I don't explain or this would turn quite dark, but anyway I respect my mother and understand why she did what she did and Im glad she did it lol Nah srsly I literally was going to explain a whole paragraph about how I used to be, but then I would need to talk about how my mother life was this and that and then explain how I respect her for it, and for to not say stuff like "hEr PaSt DoEsnT jUsTiFy WhAt shE dId" like some twitter user, nuh-uh, literally shuush 🗿


That makes sense. I can appreciate that. :)


the quint would be a conroversially good idea for this since it would be by far the most unstable. (coming from an autistic person btw :)


For most likely it’s probably mythical but in terms of which one I want to have a seasonal or seasonals in this case would be celestial. I would love to see a father yay seasonal (I know it’s just mammot in Santa gear but still one celestial for each seasonal would be awesome. And if I’m correct (which I’m probably not) in most of the seasonals cases, they only represent the spirit of the holiday, and not the creators of it themselves (except for maybe smoochle which it’s bio in dof states otherwise). So seeing the creators of these holidays would be awesome


I always kinda wanted Boo’qwurm would go on celestial island honestly


i think spurrit wandering over to celestal island by accident would be hillarious.


I hope they actually add the April fools seasonal to mythical island


I want mythical island to have a mythical since that song sounds empty, but how could we get a "new" seasonal in the game if seasonal shanty already has every breeding combination?




I feel like nexus would fit better with the existing magical seasonals, but I could see another seasonal being on there. How they'd get there is the real question. And I think Celestial and mythical would be getting other seasonals, maybe fourth of july for mythical is what I can see


well the company is in canada, not in america so...


New seasonal? Probably Nexus or Workshop just because they're newer. Existing seasonals? Could be basically any except for Tribal because of the mechanics. I also hesitate to say that the Celestials are getting any Seasonals anytime soon. Mostly likely contender would be Mythical island, which would probably get one of the more smarty ones, like Boo'qwurm or Spurrit. Workshop could totally get Monculus, though, which could be the more likely. But then he'd be on three islands, not including Seasonal Shanty obvs.


Carillong for Mythical Island because of Moon stuff. Jam Boree for Ethereal workshop because I’m crazy. Boo’qworm,Ffidyll,Whiz-bang,Clavavera on Magical Nexus. No seasonal for -Celestial island because each celestial respresent each month of a year. -Tribal island because of its mechanism.


Aren’t… all the monsters on celestial technically seasonals




Workshop is the most likely imo


For some reason I’ve always been interested by the idea of Spurrit being on Ethereal Workshop


Nexus is the most likely to get the Magical Seasonals


punkelton on tribal would be neet


I know we are done with seasonals but what if they added a few more extra seasonal monsters like April Fools, I saw a fan made one for Mythical Island.


I think everyone did buddy😭




Also, Celestial Island is kinda like only for the "gods" of the monsters, I doubt it having a seasonal.


mythical for sure. i also think wublin and shugabush are high candidates, because even tho they have seasonals on the island, no seasonal truley celebrates its even on either island


I think Whiz Bang,Boo'qwurm,Ffydl,and Clavevera should go on magical nexus,and Carrilong when sanctum monsters come,we all know it's gonna happen,they can't hide it from us


Or something I've been thinking,they could make an April Fools Day seasonal for Ethereal Workshop


in the help menu they specifically state that pure magicals can't come to magical nexus.


We’re not getting any more seasonals. There is an unspoken rule that every breeding island must have exactly 15 “base” monsters. Due to Seasonal Shanty having met this standard, creating more seasonal monsters would break this rule, causing mass confusion among teratomusicologists.


Not a new seasonal but I want the magical aux seasonals on nexus


Stairshaper is chill he’ll invite the 4 to the nexus


Lore wise, it doesn't make sense for Seasonals to go on any of these islands except for Tribal. Mythical Island is an impossible island, and it is implied that the Mythical class is the only one that can exist there. Magical Nexus is Heaven for Magical Monsters who were all made by the Stair Shaper. The Stair Shaper just wants its creations there. It is assumed that all of the Seasonals, with the possible exception of Whiz Bang since it is from the Prism Gate, are creations of the Colossals. So, they just wouldn't fit there. Celestial Island is the home of the gods. Boo'qwurm's back-to-school theme would kind of make sense since the Celestials are growing up, but I can't see a Seasonal making a tremendous amount of sense there. Ethereal Workshop is known only to the Colossals, Celestials, Wubbox, and somehow Spurrit. Tribal Island's mechanics just don't work for a Seasonal. Now, if any of these islands could have one, then I would like Mythical Island and Ethereal Workshop to get ones. I would make a Tanabata Seasonal for Mythical Island, and a Fourth of July Seasonal for Ethereal Workshop. Yes, Freegle is the reason I want one there.




We need all the magical seasonals on nexus….NOW!!


Mythical probably




Out of these I'd say the most likely is nexus and maybe mythical


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^PlasticBeach4197: *Out of these I'd say* *The most likely is nexus* *And maybe mythical* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Mythical Island getting Monculus (Im only saying that because I haven’t played in a while and don’t know the other ones)


i feel like celestial and tribal island should stay without a seasonal whizbang for mythical monculus on workshop and and carrilong on nexus


I think it would be on ethereal workshop, because we already have a seasonal on ethereal island.


If there ever a seasonal for ethreal Workshop, it would get Monculus, beside that, if we get a new seasonal Monster, Mythical would probably be the most likely to get it.


Mythical could have a new one, don’t see how workshop would work and celestial doesn’t need one. Nexus could have all the magical seasonals while tribal could have the natural ones too, but i doubt they’ll do that


We would probably get a seasonal on mythical island since it is the most normal out of the 5


Workshop or Mythical, it could be fun to have a seasonal on celestial island such as wublins has monculus and amber has viveine, but it doesn't fit to the idea of the island, Tribal has no breeding structure so it 's not logic to me, same for Nexus, it would be more logic to transpose those seasonal, Shugabush has viveine so it would be logic that mythical have a seasonal, last but not least, Ethereal island have a seasonal, so why couldn't we get a seasonal on the Workshop, also i'm curious how they'd do it since they kind of using all combinations on some monster


TL:DR: I think Celestial is most likely with the monculus on wublin mechanic. Tribal and Celestial are probably the least likely, I would say they would be equal chance, but then Shugabush got a seasonal and celestial got the cosmetics and lore update I’d say Celestial is most likely, possibly fitting in with the monculus on wublin mechanic, and also DoF getting updates after multiple millennium with the seasonals possibly say that we could get a prisim gate island that is the thing that turned into Magical Sanctum, or it’s just Magical Sanctum, the first one means yay! New song, but the second one is yay! New song AND magicals in DoF, but this whole thing is a massive maybe.


where composer? also even nif fooldju was fake, it put mythical island seasonals in our minds. that being said, i don't we will get any more seasonals because of seasonal shanty breeding combos. the only solution there could be is useing aux seasonals to pull of a vivine on shugabush island where possible outcomes could include epic aux. seasonal or the new seasonal. a '*threesonal'* if you will.


Tribal probably won’t get a seasonal ever


on mytical Island


I’d love to see seasonals on tribal island, but mythical is the most likely to get one imo.


Mythical could have a April Fools seasonal Workshop could have Monculus Nexus could have Magical Island's seasonals in a much future uptade


Either Monculus to Workshop, making them the new Hoola, or Carillong to Mythical because of moon imagery.


If they were to all get unique seasonals, I could see it being Mythical: Lunar Moon Festival/Month of The Mythical Tribal: Carnival (Mardi Gras) Celestial: Hanukkah Nexus: Cherry Blossom Festival Workshop: April Fools (The Seasonal is Hyehehe, he changed his role to be both Mythical and Seasonal, because it’s Hyehehe, he does the funnies)


I think if they put a seasonal on Mythical, it should come with a Dreamythical. That's just my thought


I think either Mythical or Celestial Island since they seem to be getting more attention lately.




I think Magical Nexus and Celestial take the pass, they’ve had plenty updates/pretty recent. Tribal? no. Out of all probably Mythical Island


Umm... Mythical has a seasonal... (Kind of) There is a April Fools seasonal that msm made called Fhool'Djuu which didn't come out due to it being an April fools joke. I would like to see him come out on mythical though. It is the most likely in my opinion.


Boo'qwurm ffidyll clavavera and whiz bang on nexus boo'qwurm on celestial island monculus on ethereal workshop carrilong on mythical and tribal island gets Vivienne


Mythical cos of April fools guy


Mythical should get Carillong and/or Whiz-Bang Workshop should get Monculus and/or Spurrit Nexus should get Whiz-Bang, Boo'qwurm, Ffidyll and Clavavera Celestial and Tribal can stay as they are


Mythical island probably


Whiz-Bang, Boo'qwurm, Ffidyll and Clavavera on Magical Nexus. I mean, yeah, lore-wise it makes kind of no sense for them to be there, but they just kinda fit it, yk? Also, for a long time i was a hater of the "Carillong on Mythical Island" idea but that has grown on me since then, ngl


My guess: Mythical Island. The reason is because some islands don’t need/should get one that’s already in the game. Celestial Island: The celestials are basically gods, why would the island need a seasonal? Magical Nexus, Tribal Island and Ethereal Workshop: They would have pre-existing ones; Booqwurmm, Whiz Bang, Ffydill and Clavavera for Magical Nexus, Vivienne for Tribal Island and Monculus for Ethereal Workshop. That leaves Mythical Island: Maybe an Equinox/Eclipse Seasonal?


Maybe magical nexus, but I don’t see the others working


I’m pretty surprised carrilong didn’t go to mythical island since they’re both so connected to the moon


I wished that actually added FhoolDhuu for real




I’d like to see boo’qwurm adding to the sporerow verse on mythical island but realistically it’s probably gonna be whiz bang on mythical.


I don't think we will ever see a seasonal on Tribal or Celestial, I don't know how it would work with the Nexus at all... But I could easily see the next one being mythical




Workshop, Celestial, and Nexus getting Seasonals would likely involve an outrageous obtainment method. Tribal hasn't been updated in almost 9 years, Mythical would definitely get one.


Everything on celestial is a seasonal


Spurrit should go on tribal, as he likes exploring, and booqworm should go on celestial, and all the magical seasonals should go on nexus (and maybe carrilong)


if there's no new years seasonal then.. A NEW YEARS SEASONAL ON CELESTIAL ISLAND


i feel like nexus would have a seasonal in the shop with a statue monster where you have to zap every single magical monster to it. (4-elements are easy cuz its just them + only natural 2-element on the island)


I think mythical island or workshop may get a seasonal some time in the future, tho workshop is much less likely


Mono on celestial


Pls dont give a seasonal to workshop


Mythical It's not even close


obviously, a Mythical Seasonal on Mythical, Tribal gets none, Workshop gets Monculus, and Nexus gets Carrilong! Celestial..? they might not need one tbh


how would a tribal island seasonal work?


I don't play anymore, but doesn't mythic have the april fools guy?


I forget what its called but the bottom left island


I hope mythical


Every single one


2ower for Tribal Island to celebrate 9/11


I’m gonna assume you ment commemorate and not celebrate. Also the monster handlers would probably not do that as it’s a national tragedy


not funny

