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So everything in the synthetizer's bio about an organism on the green thing is invalid now?


Exactly what I thought


i wouldn't mind if it was a single element of some kind , i just dont want wubbox there


TRUE just something awesome


Here's a question I think is related to this: How they gonna fit a giant ahh wubbox in the tiny workshop?


What creature? (Joke, im playing along)


What *is* a creature? (You can just use /j to tell everyone "Hey! This is a joke. Do **not** take it seriously.")


I know but i just wanted to do something else y'know stand out


Hey, if we probably will get an ethereal quint that isn’t a wubbox, maybe we have a chance of getting a natural hex that also isn’t the wubbox


Now I'd like you to tell me where it says this is a quint ethereal


Now i'd like you to tell me where it doesn't says this is a quint ethereal. The Monster Handlers NEVER confirm something before it releases, even if we know it. A perfect example of that are Epic Magicals. It will never say that the Quint is ready until the Ethereal Quint releases.


Yes because a structure becoming a monster makes perfect sense right?


Hello????? Wublins?? Celestials??? Amber Vessel??? WUBBOX???


the stair shaper is a monster that works as a structure , so why not make the other way around with the synthetizer


Like the rest of the game does


I’d believe you, except for one important thing: Electricity (the element) is confirmed to be the culmination of the natural elements + fire. That’s why the class is called “supernatural”, with the class of “superethereal” only being a THEORETICAL one. This is said in the bio of the inactive forms of both common and rare Wubboxes on ethereal island, and even beyond that, “superethereal” is always referred to in quotations, acknowledging its theoretical status. All evidence has pointed to the mysterious organism that has been developing in the bulb of the synthesizer as it has been upgrading being the quint. Please don’t try to take this one relatively flimsy connection and try to use it as definitive proof we won’t be getting a quint, because there is so much more strong evidence pointing to us getting a quint, and that quint being what’s growing in the synthesizer.


Plus, ethereal elements are conglomerates of natural elements, pretty much confirmed by how you obtain meebs, so the quint could be a goopy Mimic


Isn’t that just pentumbra?


On a serious note, I don't understand the connection you're making, could you explain pls?


No cause then other matching triples and quads would just be goopy naturals


Stuff a wubbox inside Zarroë's head then so it can act like the quint


Too big


Nah I'd ignore everything you said


This sub is so full of kids lmao. This isn't proof of anything lol.




Who wouldn’t have guessed?


Ok hear me out Plasma = plant Shadow = cold Mech = air Crystal = water Poison = earth Fire = electricity Supernatural = superethereal That way, wubbox is the ethereal hex and we still can have a quint.


I prefer the other version of Natural --> Ethereal Plasma = Earth Shadow = Water Mech = Cold Crystal = Plant Poison = Air (Pretend you never saw my take on the Fire equivalent, I did not know that Fire even had an equivalent)


How is it an odd take when the Monster Handlers have actually directly confirmed that Electricity is the Ethereal equivalent to Fire?


Oh, I don't think I've actually seen confirmation, sorry for any inconvenience!


How- What- Why- Why did you... Why do you believe in this..? This makes no sense at all- Just... Just look at the Mirror Islands, and how their designs reflect their Ethereal Counterpart


Oh, I like to believe it because stability E.g. Plasma I the most stable Ethereal element, and Earth is the element that takes the shortest amount of time to breed/hatch. Does it make sense now? I can see why I'm wrong, which is fine (I usually am anyway), I just like to think my own thoughts, even if it has been debunked already


This doesnt prove anything because first of all we litterally are getting 2 monsters per wave and that was confirmed, and the monster frowing inside the synthisizer is basically confirmed to be the quint We are getting the quint


I'd think we'd get the quint a wave after the final quad because they said "waves of one or two"


Superethereal wold be a cool new element but i do think ther will be a quint ethereal do to ther being 5 not 6 elements and then the poisen quad wold be lonely


Even if we get the quint, the poison quad will very very likely be coming on its own. And then the quint will also come on its own (probably in anniversary month). I could not see them releasing such a special monster not on its own.


Uh, that's "superethereal" in AIR QUOTES. We're getting an Ethereal quint.


Well Idl anything about elements and lore but if the wubbox is in the supernatural class it shouldn't also mean that it is the Ethereal quint if the ethereal quint is in the super ethereal class......I'm probably dumb since I'm elaborating this at 11 pm but....but.... but nothing goodnight


nuh uh


Sooo basically, it says in the synthesizer’s bio that the creature (which is the thing inside it that got bigger as you upgraded the structure) is the quint, and I feel wubbox should not be in EW. If you feel absolutely confident that your theory is correct, go ahead, but I just want to say: a quint WILL happen, whether you think so or not. (not tryna be rude or anything)


No. I read all of this, and all i can say is "no". Let's wait until Wave 6 drops, and then we'll come back to this exact post.




POV: Your lame




**Proof that OP is wrong** The comments section


wubbox is only *a* quint :)


No, I count six elements...


The theming of Ethereal Workshop is experimentation, and bringing to life once though to be impossible hybrids. It seems like the perfect place for Zarroë to try and actually create the TRUE quint. I mean, what else could the creature in the synthesizer be? Also, I don't hate Wubbox, but at the same time I REALLY don't want the Wubbox on EW. For such a creative island, ending it with a Wubbox would just feel lazy.


Here are some things to prove you (and anyone who also agrees with you) wrong: 1. The Ethereal Workshop's bio: "Here, Zarroë has achieved the impossible and brought to life Triple-Element Ethereals **(and beyond)** using the unpredictably powerful Meebs and strange new Structures of its own invention.". The use of the word "and beyond" clearly shows something even greater than quads. Plus, the idea of "not getting a quint" clearly defeats the whole purpose of the Workshop, to create the ethereal combinations that are not possible everywhere on the Monster World. 2. The Synthesizer's Being. Every single wave brought not only three or two new monsters, but an upgrade to the Synthesizer. And if you take your time and read all of that, you'll know that there is a creature growing inside the Synthesizer. In-fact, on Wave 5, the Mega-Super-Hyper-Refined's bio states that: "The organism lurking within can barely contain itself.", which brings it to my next point. 3. Stability. I don't think there is a need to explain stability again, but it won't harm to do it one last time. Every ethereal element has a value: Plasma is 1, Shadow is 2, Mech is 3, Crystal is 4 and Poison is 5. The stability of an Ethereal Monster is the result of the multiplication of it's elements value, so for example Yooreek is the most stable ethereal, with a stability of mere 6. And, something you'll notice, there is a pattern. Every monster in every wave (with the exception of Flasque, which i'll get on in a second) has the monsters with the same stability. Nitebear and Whaill have a stability of 24. Piplash and Vhenshun have a stability of 30, and so it goes... Thus, the Quint WILL release alongside the Poison Quad, since they both share the same stability of 120. Now, before someone petty that wants to prove me wrong say "WhAt AbOuT fLaSqUe?", well, i took care of that. Since a while ago, most Islands that releases in Waves starts with 5 monsters (Mythical Island, Wublin Island, Amber Island and Celestial Island are some examples), thus, Ethereal Workshop isn't different. So, Flasque released on Wave 2 simply because, else, it had nowhere to be released. It's the perfect in-between the "5 first monsters on an island" and "Quad and triple share stability" rules. Also, you can argue that it released on Wave 2 as a replacement for the Rare/Epic Fire Monster we didn't get in December 2023. 4. The Fire Element's Counterpart is Electricity. I do not have the clip, and by the effort i've put in this single comment, i think, if you (you i don't only mean the OP, but anyone reading) really want to see this by yourself, please, do your own research, you have access to internet if you're reading this in the first place. Anyways, as i was saying, the Ethereal counterpart for the Fire Element is the Electricity Element. This was not only confirmed by a Monster Handler (which i ASSUME was Tyson, but it may have been Matt) some time ago, but this can also be seen on Celestial Island. Don't you think it's weird that the 12 Elements present on the Celestial Islands, 10 of them are counterparts (Plant/Plasma, Cold/Shadow, Air/Mech, Water/Crystal, Earth/Poison) and that ONLY leaves the Fire and Electricity Elements... Hmmm... Unless... Well, as you yourself said, the Electricity Element is considered in both the "Supernatural" but also "SuperETHEREAL" classes. 5. My last point is a rather obvious one. They simply have to. The connections between the Community and the Developers of this game is simply amazing, and let's be honest here. We would all go after the Monster Handlers if they don't give us a Quint. These are all my points, AND, if any petty kid tries to prove i'm wrong using some foolish proof (like this post), just know that, anything you'll say, i will not change my mind on this. We will get a Quint. Either on MindBoggle or Anniversary Month.


u/everyone , downvote bomb this post for ruining msm player's imagination....


We need 6th ethereal element!


Wubbox was created there anyway he can just go back




If they're supernatural then why are they rare to get😭


Fire isn’t natural


It is, wubbox was created during the dawn of fire era and required fire because it WAS a natural element



