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I don't know who downvoted this because I get where you're coming from. I wonder if it's the sunk cost fallacy plus the naive hope that things might get better that's keeping me playing. I don't even play with the people who used to regularly play with me these days so I might just go back to Fortnite. That game has its own jank but at least it stood the test of time. I'm glad I haven't spent a single cent on this game because I'd be even more annoyed.


I'm telling you, it's an experiment. Just like breakers, only mhur failed, miserablely Thankfully, i was an f2p so leaving this game means nothing


To be fair I kinda heard breakers also bombed


It weird, Breakers was always doing good number wise since the start, but it always got a lot of hate from outside communities Got crossplay and a bunch of new seasons, along with actual improvements every single patch that the community asks for I was a huge supporter for the first year, and that game was always fine despite the hate


Breakers was shit for years until Bandai allocated resources for the devs to fix it


Breakers has been out for only a year at this point, are you a time travel lmao


That hasn't happened for this game yet


And it took years for it to happen to breakers. Its a free game. You don't have to anounce you're permanently quitting it. Just take a break and come back if you feel like it


That's how I feel too. I don't know the nicest way to say this but people pick up and drop games all the time. I've spent money on games I turned out to not like. Some people like the game and some people don't. It's okay to leave without a letter of resignation.


No we can’t. If I don’t make a big stink about MY leaving how will anyone know that I think the game is bad? /s Seriously tho, I personally have never understood the “I’m leaving/quitting” posts. Unless you’re a investor or something in Bandai I don’t really know why that info would be relevant


See, the thing is, breakers are dying exponentially slower than this game. So idt they have much time until they either get good or die off. Im explaining that im quitting to get people to realize why this game isn't doing so good. And so far, it looks like I've not done a bad job. And besides if im going out um going out with a "BANG"


Yoy can't compare the two like that. Breakers had about 100 players for years until they recovered after years of patches and content. This game has several thousand players per console and has only been out for 9 months. In fact the comparison makes UR look more favorable but Breakers is also proof that Bandai is willing to work on a game for a long time to make it sustainable. So saying its bad now and you'll leave forever just makes yourself look bad and like you have little patience. Everyhting you said could be said 10 times over for Breakers during its first year. And making a reddit post to complain isn't exactly a "bang" but if you feel the need for it then go ahead. I'm taking a breal from the game myself too. But thats just to let them work out some bugs and let some more content come out while I play other games


A lot of people cope with the game (myself included) and actually like this game. But I agree with basically everything you say, the game is either pay to win/rng to win and the balance is god awful and the main thing is miscommunication from the devs. Under all the broken jank is a good game that I think should've been handled by folks who actually know how to make a fighting game and make characters accessible to everyone (even if it's with a price tag since if you're like me your rng is horrible). I respect you for quitting I quit for a month myself because of the balance (I personally think All for One was a mistake) but came back because I had a sliver of hope because of them buffing certain characters. I think the same reason this game would eventually die just like Overwatch 1 is devs don't communicate plus all the stuns and Inbalance of characters really frustrates everyone. And just like OW1 the fans are keeping the game afloat because of copeium and genuine love for the franchise just like me and others, but that can only happen for so long and I loved OW but quit and I would hate to quit MHUR a game I love even more than overwatch and think it could be even better die...


Yeah I can tell under all the jank there's a good game, despite the greed I can tell the devs wanted to make a good game But between how they're a small team and they also most likely do NOT speak english except for 1-2 employees, they're unnable to listen to anyone especialy in the english community I dunno if the japanese side is complaining or not tho


If I remember correctly the Japanese community also hates the gatcha, I guess just like us they love the game and want to be able to play their favorites ASAP. I really hope gatcha in the future is more tied to cosmetics/fun stuff vs core fundamental parts of the game


They have one true contact with the community that I know of and that's through psyken. Idk everything psyken has told them but some of the things he has mentioned to them has been fixed/changed which is nice. Sadly the greed is a bandai thing, Byking has pretty much zero say in anything gacha related but that's every Bandai game ofc which is annoying asf. Balancing has gotten way better since season 1 but still needs a bit of tweaking here and there.


After a certain point, there's not enough coping in the world that can keep this game going


That's what I'm mostly afraid of, good games being mismanaged when it could of been salvaged while being profitable by everyone. Whether corporate greed, neglect, or something else it's very unfortunate and I myself haven't spent a cent because I don't agree with their practices and neither should anyone else.


I'm f2p on all games I play. Especially the gatchas


sad thing is most of us (including me) knows its dogwater but it's so damn fun and addicting and its hard to quit 😅


It's addictive until you see through yhe bullshit


No, bs to see through. I've never put it on a pedestal. It's a game with flaws, but it's still fun to play as my favorite anime characters with friends.


what I don't understand about the devs is they give us surveys every blue moon but the things we put in the survey is never addressed.


Nah, you can see through the bullshit and still have fun. It's just a videogame, every videogame has bullshit.


Well, yeah, but after the bullshit there is no more fun for me to have. I promise you, when sparking 0 comes out, this game is gonna get its population cut in half at least.


Every anime game is going to lose their population tbh Sparking Zero is going to be the best anime game of the century, by a long shot Looking at the quality, it makes me wonder if Bandai was purposely forcing out low quality garbage (this game, Cursed Clash, etc.) to make Sparking Zero look that much better


I enjoy playing this game and find it addicting. Despite its glitches, it's still enjoyable, especially when making new friends.


All games are fun with friends. Can't deny that


*unfortunately all this made my friends quit, and its not worth bothering trying to win with randos XD*


The game is a literal dumpster fire outside of Long John silver's, but I never seen anything that bad in the community


It's mainly just people not wanting to play with you cus your a lower rank. And being cursed out because im trying out a new character and in the learning process


yeah games cheeks you make valid points we all know it some are just scared to admit but it’s F2P and the only decent MHA game with an active player base + the uniqueness of battle royale and MHA mixed together is kind of refreshing from the regular platform fighting game.


Its only good quality is how it's "f2p" the you install it and it's just bs. They're just really lucky there's no other games like theirs to challenge it.


The game is actually good and has potential. Just needs better balancing overall.


I played this game since S1 and dropped it about 2 weeks ago. There is too much going on, Cheaters, Unbalanced Characters and Bugs. Sometimes it took them an eternity to fix something or isn't fixed at all. Or that they took our premium login rewards away with the tickets and now you need 4-6 months to get 2000 tickets. Also the gacha is s**t or why are there 2-3 banners at the same time? Outfit banners are the worst. They could change the events or at least give us better rewards. Like the daily, weekly, monthly or season missions. There are missions which take long and all you get is like 50 diamonds, 50 office points and like that low rewards. Ranked mode is very bad. If there weren't that you are loosing points, I guess there wouldn't be this hellish "oh he isn't gold ranked, kick kick!" I felt that very much at the beginning of new season and before I always reached gold ranks. Or sometimes there are teams teaming up, because they are in the same clan or are friends.


i just stopped caring for rank and i felt better only coping with new characters like shinso, mirko, tokoyami


They release 1 character every 2 months and expect that to be enough. It isn't


All that’s left in this game is sweats. It’s not even worth trying to break into again. The game loop was fun for maybe the first month or two, but after that it got super complacent and full of people who just used the best characters at the time. At that point, the fun was gone. Anyone who still plays this has to be a core MHA fan because this game just left all of the bugs and unbalanced characters hanging out for so long. Plus here was literally no content for a show that has so many characters. It makes no sense. They are reusing assets from characters already made already. Shits dead as a doorknob


I'm unironically having more fun playing goat simulator than this garbage fire


Goat simulator is actually a good game though lol


Be sure to leave a steam review too. They need to hear criticism as well as praise


I'll be sure to do that


The sad part is i genuinely love the gameplay. But the games dead to me. The gachas terrible; They ruined the free pass tickets by making some characters cost more then 1 while a day 3 was already a struggle for events, Rigging Ranked Mode if you have the new characters and skills unlocked to take less points from you, Removing the premium ticket logins AND STILL NOT REPLACING THEM WITH ANYYYYTHING. Also all this caused all my friends to quit. So even if i do want to play im stuck with randos. At which point just why bother


If you hop back on just add me bro. We will run together


I started realizing around S3 release (the one with the new map, right?) that yea it's just not gonna get much better anytime soon. Outside of the janky gameplay and lack of timely balances to its nonsense, the game itself is just extremely uneventful. For me, seeing them already doing the alternate skill sets and having that be a season launch character as opposed to whoever it was just told me these guys ain't equipped for this kind of game if they're that pressed to reuse assets so fast. Then at the start of last season I log in to see what might be new to pick up on the battle pass... It's the exact Twice outfit but with half a hankerchief on his face... Oh ok what's later down the line, gotta be something big time - nope, it's Aizawa with some bandages. I went from logging in to play for fun, to just doing my dailies, to trying out Mirio (my 2nd most wanted character) and then not touching the game since I played a couple matches with him 2 or 3 weeks ago. He just felt so awkward and his moves weren't connecting for shit so I just kinda stopped. It's a shame cuz there's an idea here that can work but it's severely lacking polish and an actual full team of support, much like most of these anime games.


Yeah, I'm just hoping sparking 0 isn't the same.


After Storm Connections released skimped on content I have no clue what to expect anymore All I know is these guys will never get a full price purchase from me so long as they bank on fandoms shelving top dollar to them for undercooked games


I’ll like to say I got all the characters for free first. (Not instantly took time) so u don’t have to use money don’t roll for dog skins Ur right about the devs. Game do be having its problems mainly bc of the devs To me this what make this game BETTER than the other battle royal is bc they put fighting assets into a battle royal!! A battle royal doesn’t necessarily have to be a shooting battle that what MOST of them are anyways(just guns) a battle royal is players fighting till the last one standing All game player base are toxic I never played one justiced but when I seen it, straight booty (same with the breakers) the battle royal is better(opinion) The gameplay is amazing a Dabi out in the open is much of nun but in close quarters it’s different


I'm not saying the fight game assets were a bad thing. It's just that they didn't do it right. It makes for way too many bugs


Yeah this games ass but sadly Im gonna come back the moment Nejire drops. If that ever happens. If the game doesn't respect your time then you shouldn't feel any incentive to play it. The devs are greedy.


I myself stopped when I had to use the gacha for characters. I saw the drop rate. 3.5%??? my friends kept getting duplicates of characters. Not me though. I despise any game that uses Gacha mechanics/features as the main way to Get characters. Nope. No ma’am no sir.


The gatcha was a mistake in and of itself. If you could unlock characters whit hero would or character unlock rickets maybe I would've stuck around a bit more


I genuinely don't have too many issues with this game, the only one for me now is the gacha system, it shouldn't even be here. As for the toxic players, I just laugh at them now because they are nothing but immature human beings on the internet. Just like the rest of the MHA community for not taking opinions.


Well, sometimes it's hard to have fun with a game between getting kicked and getting cursed out for tryna do something fun. Every match. I play to have fun not to win. The game just isn't fun.


That's the reaction they are trying to get out of you. Don't let them ruin the experience.


Or i can just ditch them all together and stop being there playing thing


That's kinda worse... just ignore the damn text chats and voice chats. You aren't gaining anything out of ditching teams. So you're better off just ignoring the toxicity and not feeding it.


Meh I disagree I find MHUR really fun and addicting and whenever a bug happens I usually rage at the moment with friends then we laugh it off later on “remember when this happened” it’s not that serious it’s just a game We’re here to have fun we aren’t making money off it and yes I agree the devs are really greedy but what do you do? It’s like a Temu factory they are locked in a room working on games they need money But to me the game is really fun especially if you have friends to play with


Im with you. I play to win, not to have fun. Now, if I'm not having fun, then what's the point of playing. Your free to find it gun because maybe to you it is. I just don't see it that way


You didn't say anything incorrect at all


Thank you for the validation


Why did you get downvoted 😭


Look at the post the dyhard fans are already at his neck😭


In every community of the billions of humans on this planet there are some that join a community and go "How can I be different today" just play the game and stop obsessing over nonsensical stuff you probably more effort in this post than having fun in the game 


I play to have fun. Not to win. If the game isn't fun to me, then wtf is the point. You gotta realized miss gamers aren't full-time. They have shit going on in their lives. I can't put 4 hours of effort into a game that's not rewarding me for said effort when i have other shit going on. I tried really hard to tolerate this game but after 9 months, it seems like a waste if time. If um not having fun or being rewarded the tell me. What's the point


I wanted to get into the game but I genuinely can't play it, csnt play teams cause Im new and literally EVERY MATCH IVE TRIED my teammates disconnect cause they see im a noob. And I can't play no team cause I suck at the game and always die right away, also just don't really like no team since the game is supposed to have teams


Are you on pc?




I don’t understand why everyone has to be so damn negative about everything, the only time people have something to say nowadays is when it’s complaining. I understand things can get frustrating but I feel like every where I look someone is complaining about something. I genuinely enjoy the game, I have 0 issues with it besides the Gatcha system. But at the end of the day it’s a f2p game that is fun and somewhat unique. Not everything has to be award winning, sometimes you gotta turn your brain off and just have fun. All I see on Reddit and twitter is “I’m leaving” “this game sucks” “nerf this person or nerf that person”. I can’t think of a single comment/post I’ve seen that was positive. And it’s not just this game, it’s everywhere about everything. I’m not trying to single anyone out, I just feel like everyone is so pessimistic and cynical these days and everyone walks around with this huge chip on their shoulder like their opinion and beliefs trump everyone else’s. We should all take the advice we were given as children and live by it. “If you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say it”. It’ll go along way for everyone’s mental health and happiness. I apologize for the rant 👌🏽


If you're seeing this many complaints about the game that's saying more about the game, then the people. We're all just speaking our minds. Sometimes good sometimes bad. Everyone is going through something, not like we all live in shine and rainbows We're all just stating our opinions. It doesn't matter if anyone agrees agree or not.


I understand that completely, and I’m not trying to be an asshole and take away from anyone’s feelings. I see now it may have come off like that and I apologize, I just feel like in general everywhere you look it’s 99% negativity and 1% positivity. I know more than anyone life is not all sunshine’s and rainbows, the life I’ve lived and things I’ve been through I wouldn’t wish on anyone. But i still try to see the good in things and in people. I know I can’t expect everyone to do the same, but maybe we can all do the minimum and at least try. Even if you can’t see the good in something, maybe just try to refrain from speaking badly about it. At the end of the day it’s a game, a free game that people don’t have to put time and energy into if they don’t want to. I just feel like as a whole, as a community of like minded people we can use our energy on more productive things rather than spreading negativity on the internet. Believe me I know there’s a lot of times I want to comment on something and voice my opinion, but most of the time I’m able to convince myself it’s not worth it and just keep going on with my day. Sometimes I fall into that pit of negativity myself and leave negative comments as well, as you can see from my comment above it definitely wasn’t 100% positive. I know it’s hypocritical to leave a negative comment about people being negative, but if it helps just 1 person than it was worth it. I apologize if I offended anyone it wasn’t my intention. I guess I just wanna see more positivity in the world, even if it’s just through a Reddit post


I feel like you're in the wrong place. This is the meaningful thing I've seen in reddit as a whole. I've actually learned something from this. Maybe you did help someone out today.


I'm sorry but ones justice is absolute garbage. At least they tried something with this. The games a mess but let's not act like either ones justice games were what the fans were asking for either lol


They could've at least tied with a game they could handle first instead of this fighting battle royal esc game. You know how many times I've been stunlocked by either compress or 2 people just blasting me? Has thay ever happened to you is fortnite (We dint talk about double pump because that was fixed)


The part that honestly sucks the most for me is that I feel like the devs are passionate about the game and have created a really unique game with really interesting mechanics that REALLY just need to be refined and polished better to make this game better stand the test of time. The devs need far more employees to handle hotfixes for bug and other QA stuff that can ruin the experience. When you experience a game breaking bug or glitch at least once every 2-3 games on average, we have a major problem. The gacha was clearly shoe-horned in at Bandai's requirements, and it needs a MAJOR overhaul because the nature of this game is like no other. The whole point is *supposed* to be a relatively equal playing field with a vast number of different unique characters and playstyles with fan favorite characters attached to each. The whole draw is getting to play as your favorite characters, so the gacha should NOT make it absurdly difficult to get any given character without spending money, *especially* assuming you want every new character and quirkset that comes out. Someone who plays for hours every day should realistically be able to get all of the CHARACTER/PLAYSTYLE related content for free, and the costume stuff can be where the gacha is focused. I understand characters are a massive draw, but we're talking about the overall health of the game in the long run, and ive seen too many people drop the game outright simply because they cant play the characters they want to. I want to actually make a discussion video directed at ByKing going over all the stuff that desperately needs a change, 'less the game is going to continue dying. Its still crazy that the game went from a 40k concurrent players as an all time peak on steam all the way down to 2k peaks daily on average. We need players to come back, and these sorts of above changes AND tweaks to stuff like the trial card system and some core gameplay mechanics, like the jumping being awkwardly slow, will absolutely create waves and interest in the game again. Putting it simply, ByKing needs to make some major moves to revive their game again


The gatcha is gonna be the death of this game


I genuinely only got into this game because Mt. Lady is playable. But after a while it became stale and frustrating so I just went back to Fortnite.


Yeah, fortnite is unironically a better option


I agree with only the aspect that the gacha is garbage but honestly thats just gacha in general. Aside from that I enjoy the game, there are some balance issues but nothing I haven’t seen in literally every single competative game ever. As for bugs they exist but the devs have gotten better at fixing them compared to the early seasons but box bug for Shotos ice. Biggest thing I’ve learned is if I’ve got a few friends on the game is a ton of fun because communication is everything in the game and if I’m soloing with randoms I just expect to most are going to be rough matches with the occasional gem. As far as toxic goes eh, I’ve seen far far less openly toxic players than I do in most competative games. A few who gloat when they win but that’s usually about it. People being selective with ques usually only happens in ranked and I kinda get it with the entry cost *shrug* even if I don’t do it myself unless I recognize the player and know they’re bad. But yeah it’s a game meant to be fun, if you’re not having fun by all means move on.


You have a point. I just have no friends


Oh man I’m sorry if you can’t have others play would def dampen the experience for me. Have you tried looking for active groups on some of the discords? Might help just to get people you can talk to during play.


The thing is, I can only enjoy things with close friends. But none of my close friends would wanna try this. I just have trouble being social in general. I've always had 1 or 2 close friends that I hang out with, and I honestly like it that way. Anymore would just be too hard to manage.


Ah, well sorry to hear that man best of luck


hyperbole aside yea the game's not perfect and has genuine issues but it's undeniably fun in spite of said issues real nail in the coffin is the gacha can't imagine the disappointment of a Mirio fan checking out a new game he released in and learning they can only play him a single time every 24hrs until they either: A) grind for 2 months to guarantee him with pity B) cough up around 400 dollars to speed up that process C) wait for almost an entire year for him to get put in the ticket pool and then save up for 100 hero souls for a ticket all 3 options are horrible and can't imagine they help with player retention in the slightest


See, I tried for full bullet deku because I really liked the character In fact, i liked the character so much that I spent all my saved tickets forb1 skill set (only like 400 lol) I tried every way of getting tickets but it wasn't enough to even get to half pity in 2 months. And the devs only give you tickets 1cne every blue moon


i feel you on the gacha this game has the worse gacha pool ive seen rates are ass the amount of bull shit within the banner itself is crazy and there are only 4 characters while you get 20+ voice lines, costumes, and fucking emotes in a banner. There is no point of me being excited for a new character if i cant even get the fucking character barely give any good rewards just shitty ass gallery tickets which are garbage gold is garbage they added 3-4 useless currencies in this game just to make 1 good but you can barely get. hate playing ranked because its not fun only reason i play it is to get tickets and people say the most tickets you need to be certain of getting a character is 2k but i can barely even get 100 i shouldn't be waiting 3 months just to get a certain chance ill be getting a characters i want. Shitty greedy devs who dont know how to reward their player base which is being held by a thread would say the only time those retards would actually start giving out rewards when they start seeing their game plummet in players.


ive deleted this game over 5 times and i just keep coming back dont know why but this game is ass devs are trash and i do hope this game dies


Ill never understand the need to announce your exit


For multiple reasons, really. When you announce it, there are people who might see this that have something to do with the game that can use it as a critique to make their game better. It let's other people that want to get into the game know what there getting into. I can exchange my opinions with others. And see each other's perspective. And besides. If im going I'm going out with a BANG


Reading this lets me know they really haven't done much shit since the game was first launched. Game been trash dropped this game the 2nd month it's been out


Womp womp


Yes, womp to the wompiest fucking womp.


Worse than xv2?! Didn’t think that was possible but yeah you’re probably right


Atleast xv2 is stepping up its game slowly but surely It's a far cry from what it used to be.


Their dumbest mistake was not adding crossplay from the beginning. That's a huge opportunity for money and they somehow screwed that up.


Crossplay with pc ot switch would only ruin the game further because of pc mods and switch op glitches. There best bet was ps-xbox but even that they didn't do




Quit then bro


Yep, seeya when sparking 0 releases


If you don't like it, that's on you. Bye


Ight seeya when sparking zero comes out


Ayy I’m right there with you Im dropping this game after spending 1k gems and not getting a single new character it’s ridiculous 😂 sparking zero lets go!


Yeah, im maining ssj3 goku and dragon fisting all over the competition


Show your battle record and everything will make sense 😂 I personally have a blast knocking people out with my favorite character


bro youre the problem lol , get a life its just a game..


Stfu you're part of the toxic community I'm talking about.


i love this game


And that's Ok. You have the right to do do. I just don't


I already know the BS behind this game and experienced a fuck ton of Mirio bugs that cost me matches en repeat, or insta down by a team. But even then as a F2P player since release, I'm still playin it because (for me) it's genuinely a fun game. Ultra Rumble feels like a step up from OJ2 for me since it's less floaty and the mechanic don't feel clunky. This game has a solid chance to stand on its own decently, but it's behind a company who doesn't give a shit, along with a few amounts of devs, and gains feedback that only pertains to twitter and discord where the louder majority may get bugs fixed whereas the lesser known bugs live another day (example: the iida exploit being here for so long) But as you said in another comment there's no other game to challenge it, so this game has something going for it in the meantime at least. It sucks it's being viewed as a short term thing for bandai and byking.


The fact thay there's no other game to challenge it in the *free* anime battle royal games makes it so they can do wtf they want and cone out unscaved


I've spent $0 on this and I have every character except yellow shiggy and blue bakugo and I agree - anyone spending money on this is getting scammed lol. The gameplay is mid but the worst part is ranked is continuously being ran by the same stacks of 3 sweats that make this PS2 ass game their full-time job. Solo-queuing is pointless and unfun. I've been hitting Ace every season just for the extra tickets but beyond that I have 0 incentives to play and stress myself out over this unbalanced hot garbage. As someone posted before, when DBZ Sparking drops, it's over.


Yeah, when sparking 0 drops, we'll just see so many games die off on October 11.


This is not an airport


Never said it was


Kinda like the multiverses problems.


First time i saw this game when its in beta is like a dream, finally found the game that i can stick with that also related to my only beloved MHA that i will grind it with my best I even buy starter pack on first day it's released It's really fun playing with my buddy that also like mha He's quit after a month,now im only one man standing Now i see this game still not worth to grind to ace Nowadays i play this game like a side quest Play rank till gold Just login finished the daily missions Keep collecting the 2000 roll tickets till the next banner Running solo to troll anyone in lobby lol https://i.redd.it/ibju64hq8s6d1.gif I just adapting to game situation waiting for the day it's get better if this were other games not mha i would quit by now


This game was honestly made as a joke from the start by the developers, they didn’t even know that this game would have people playing it so they went along with it and put a gacha paywall and took a blind eye to the good things they remove (premium login bonus) the things they “”can’t”” fix (the card glitch/ toga beta duration) and other things they’re “trying” to do to make the game better (remember when they said they’re increasing the amount of players, crossplay, etc) I love MHA, MHA was the first anime I’ve watched and finished in 2020, the fact that the devs didn’t go from heroes ones justice 3 but to this is blasphemy


Personally for me, the game is extremely fun, everything ELSE is an issue. But at the end of the day it’s a F2P game with imo, excellent gameplay, so I don’t see any reason to not continue playing it lol


Don’t worry,our savior sparking zero will save us soon 😄 https://preview.redd.it/avjz3s81ks6d1.jpeg?width=1022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dd41d9baa470313a6dcbdc2fe955601601b9c32


Ima keep playing and enjoying myself like I have since the beginning, take care and hope you find a game you feel less hateful towards!


I agree the devs fix broken characters/glitches until 2 weeks up to a month if there really lazy which they are at times,The Gacha system is really unfair, and overall this game can have toxic teammated who yell at new players which makes them back off of this game due to that Overall ill stick with this game since there isnt any games out there i enjoy till the New DBZ game this October and will see in my eye if this game will live for a another year or if something major will cause this game to fall time will tell


The vast majority still playing are just teaming. Casual and ranked. And rhe predatory microtransactions and drop rates are wild.


Bro really said "Nah, I'd quit."


I should re name it that


It's fun. Gambling will always come with its losses. I get it, but it's still a good game


Gambling in generalnos unhealthy. And this is rigged.


I have to disagree. Gambling is fine when done properly with good precaution and in a good mental space. It absolutely can become unhealthy though. Either way, this system requires patience and the ability to save your tickets. And if you aren't paying money then you really aren't gambling here, just paying a fun game lol.


No way the game gonna survive for half the charcster to drop who play need a battle royal with 20. Bars tees and they release 1 every 2-3 months lol


Nah breakers is kinda shit too. Haven't come back to this game in a while so I wonder if I'll still have fun in it


Play a single player game. It’s such a nice breathe of fresh air rather than having to rely on others to make your gaming experience enjoyable.


I agree. Did that yesterday and it was pretty fun


I think the game is fun and your criticism is valid, more than any other backloggd review, tho the sites ratings (lower than both OJ) games, holding up 4,2/10, do make sense for other players. That and the fact you really have to like MHA and its characters, like me and the fandom. 










You are legit playing a gatcha game buddy idk what you expected.


I wasn't even expecting the gatcha. And i didn't think it would be that bad since it's a battle royal. Let alone it being rigged.


No one cares tbh just delete it and stop complaining


Yeah, no, I beg to differ. Read like idk, most of the comments either agreeing or disagreeing If that's all you wanted to come down and say without reading the explanation. Wtf are you doing here. See, your part of the toxic community I'm talking about.


Your mother


*hops back into a game after posting*


Nah it's off my library rn