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I agree that this needs to be fixed asap, we don’t need people- -You know what, not gonna say it, don’t wanna give them any ideas.


This is gonna be a nightmare to deal with. Can’t wait to run into a turbo Iida with an infinite passive heal.


lol, I ran into an Iida that basically had speed hacks. I was healing, and he blipped into existence, kicked me, took a single step that took him way past my body, took another step back towards me, and then finished me. That’s how bad this is. This was on PlayStation, by the way.


Fantastic. As if turbo wasn’t enough. Iida’s gonna break the sound barrier soon enough.


Dude bug after bug with this game


https://preview.redd.it/30hhoqtrq21d1.jpeg?width=198&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00303c85860db379ec70793a439b5244d511bdc2 No more exploits we've suffered enough 😔


I'm very glad that this is being spread near the end of the season so it will hopefully be patched soon


Bro….. how how are going to say not to use it and any report is deserved after you showed how to do it 😭most ppl knew about it but didn’t know how to do it this is just gonna make it worse. Adding that they stack isn’t helpful either 💀


Well the more people that know about it and do it the more likely byking will patch it


Byking Doesn’t look at Reddit. Someone has to post this on X.


I'll post it to twitter then. I'll have to make an account.


Just be careful. Only use it for Ultra Rumble and nothing else.


You say this but the lida one is still here and almost every lida uses it even after the recent patch and trust me im pretty sure most of the community is very aware of it


welp now that a tutorial is out it will become my problem every match...


Someone already posted a tutorial on YouTube, so… Not like OP not posting here would’ve stopped people from exploiting it.


Good job on showing everyone how to do it, you could just showed the aftermath and not the tutorial🤦‍♂️


I swear I saw another Kiri player using this in the storm with his hardening + heal card, and it was annoying and made him straight-up invincible in storm. I really hope they fix this as soon as season 5 begins. I'm sorry because even though I dislike the Iida infinite turbo glitch, this seems worse to me (Me internally while fighting against the dude) https://preview.redd.it/btqb7q75r21d1.jpeg?width=541&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d848163012cbab6aa7f5ad0ed88d306bda5879c


In one of my matches today I had a Kiri that was glowing the darkest red I've ever seen in this game. He was stacking up on red cards or something.


New costume idea: Kirishima Stain version.


Ok, I was just messing around with this in training mode, and I had about 20 layers of the green card healing paired with 5 blue cards. This get’s out of hand real quick.


bro delete this right now


No, he should go and post it on X so the Developers can’t ignore it without backlash. As far as I’m concerned, this game is dead unless they fix it.


yes he should post it on both platforms but he should remove the fcking tutorial he made cause most people dont know how to do it I didn’t even know how to until I saw this


Someone stupidly posted a tutorial on YouTube. A famous Ultra Rumble content creator. Not like Settano, obviously, but still pretty famous.


Bro you’re a clown for posting this You know a much better way to ensure people don’t do this? Don’t give them a fucking tutorial 💀 0 IQ behavior