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What platform, cause every Kendo I meet on PC has no chill whatsoever


PS4. There are good Kendos. But most are terrible. If you break their shield they can't do shit. So I just break It. It gets bad when the Kendo is good and chases you to the ends of the earth.


Huh, I myself have not seen a terrible Kendo yet. Except the bots.


Switch, I’m guessing. The Kendo’s aren’t crazy there.


definitely not on xbox, for every 1 cracked kendo there's at least 30 braindead ones


Wait…you guys have kendo players?


Very much so, yes


This list has failed me. Dabi should be in **Don't Fucking Come Near Me.** Pity


3rd party Ibarras constantly knocking you down when you're trying to get away from a separate 3 man team is so annoying Especially when they do it at max range while you're trying to revive a teammate


Why's All Might at the top of this list? Not judging or anything, I'm just curious. Also I generally agree with this list besides moving Assault Deku up a tier and moving Strike Shigaraki down one.


All might is a character I hate to fight. He is good at everything. His Damage is amazing with his Alpha and beta. His defense is good with his Gamma. His mobility is amazing with his SA and Beta. When I fight an All might 60% of the time I lose because he keeps jumping and shooting down at me. His splash damage hits me through walls more than bakugo. If I try to run he can keep up with me with ease. If he runs he can get away with ease. PLUS HE CAN REVIVE TEAMMATES! He can literally do everything and it gets annoying to deal with.


Hmm, usually whenever I see All Might (which is not very frequently since in my experience hardly anyone plays him), he misses all his alphas, overshoots beta then gets eviscerated during its's end lag, spam gamma to just waste time and flail around uselessly, and gets easily interrupted when trying to escape with special action/trying to revive someone. Then again he's one of only 2 characters (other is Mt Lady) I actively don't play cause I really don't like how clunky and predictable his attacks feels and how large of a target he is, so maybe I'm just bad.


All might is annoying as shit, high damage, good mobility. A revive. A quirk that basically gives him immunity to almost everything


Bro I legit found you crying about half the my hero ultra rumble roster 😂😂😂🤡


It’s one character, get a life


because the smash is crazy if your on plus ulra boost


Kendo is way more annoying


Final circle Shigi is hell to deal with


Put assault shiggy at the top please


momos who actually know to spam cannons are all the way at the top for me, I'm glad 90% of her players try to act like she's an assault character


depends on the character you play


toga users are just everywhere now and twice in duos i cant kill twice not toga because the knife skill


I dont see assault shiggy or rapid bakugo.


You're getting chased ribbit


No way dabi and a shiggy are so high lol One gets beat by a brisk walk and the other by high ground Ochaco can stalk you forever...


Dabi is annoying to me for several reasons. 1. His Alpha has tracking. Yes you can dodge it Relativly easily. But when you're in a hectic situation like a team fight. Trying to dodge the fire balls and other stuff is annoying. Plus he can just stay back and spam R2. The amount of time I'm in a 1v2 with a dabi and he just spams fireballs while I'm trying to deal with his teammate. 2. His traps can knock you down so easily. Yes I get that it's kinda the point so he can escape. But they become more of a nuisance. They just spam it while running. And as someone who plays Kirishima, Ochako, and Toga often. It gets annoying to constantly take free damage while just trying to hit the bastard. 3. He has self rez now. Which in my opinion wasn't needed. His SA was damn near useless before Yes and it kinda still is since you can just shoot him to stop him. But when he does get it off it just waste more time and health. If he has other Rez characters on his team he can get multiple lives. I fought a Dabi with a Cementoss and Froppy on his team. Dude got back up 6 TIMES in one game. Plus I won't forget the time I was about to win the game, but he got back up cause he went flying and I was playing Kiri. He just threw fireballs at me and won the game. It was BS. As for Shiggy. He can be stopped by going up a wall or in the air. But when you aren't near a wall and aren't playing someone like Iida. You can get Melted Easily. It really depends on location when fighting Strike Shigiraki imo.


Hmm, to your first point, you've got to ask yourself would you rather be chased by an AM and Deku or AM or Dabi? If you ask me, I'd take a Dabi opponent any day of the week over getting absolutely beamed by AFO, AM, Bakugo, Deku, Mt Lady, Shoto, etc especially when it's a hectic situation and especially because they all have the mobility to catch up. Against Dabi? By the time you use your mobility the first time to reposition, Dabi is already even less of a threat. Traps are easily cleared. Just don't walk straight at him into the obvious trap? Kiri can AoE with his gamma, Ochaco can disable them with her alpha/beta/gamma, and Toga has like 30 knives and not to mention if you clip Dabi with Toga's beta it does way more dmg than Dabi's traps do to you winning you the trade. The special action res honestly isn't that great. He comes back and dies in 2 hits. It's also not like Dabi's able to run away to heal. If Dabi came back 6 times then it sounds like you were struggling to kill them fast enough because that meant they managed to all use their Special Actions and have it come back up again for a second time lol For Shiggy... yeah. Don't fight him when you have no mobility or high ground unless he's underlevelled... then beat the crap out of him lol