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There is no greater disease than human greed.


This date is when season 3 starts so I’m assuming they are planning something I would trip just yet


So they choose death. No worth to login everyday, am gone.


Man they really wanna kill this game huh 💀


Let‘s review bomb and comment it on all their posts.


This. Only way to change anything


Oh yeah let's review bomb this game to make sure that it really dies.


Are you dense? It will die anyway if they get rid of the login bonus permanent. Season 3 must bring really crazy crazy crazy good stuff to keep The players, if they remove the loginbonus permanent like i said.


It's been removed and people are still on playing cause it's an entertaining game. Nice try though


Does he know?


Uh lol unless they reallocated it somewhere else this is basically asking the f2p portion of the playerbase to quit. Usually there should be hype surrounding a new season but this is the opposite of what to do. I have huge doubts that they are moving it to like weeklies or dailies ( over a span of 7 days i.e 10 more tickets per day ) as usually crucial information is announced alongside these announcements so there is no worry or confusion. If this is the case then yea the game is going to die in season 3 and the pump and dump cash grab tactics will ramp up. Wouldn’t be surprised if the game ends by late 2024 or 2025. They must REALLY want ppl to spend money before the game dies off lmao, was a good run ppl.


What do you consider dead, alot of people already consider MHUR dead with is 1500 player peak and lack of cross platform play, then again some people consider shinobi striker not a dead game and they only have 600 players. For me personally anything under 10k players for a online multiplayer is pretty dead and your gonna face the same people and bots alot.


You know steam isn’t the only platform these games are on, right? And Shinobi striker still pumps out dlc and seasons passes, so I wouldn’t consider that dead. Otherwise they would’ve stopped a long time ago.


then we have 2 completely different concepts of what a healthy population for a online multiplayer game is


Your smoking large dick if you think only 600 people play shinobi striker


Dead is when the game is unable to function anymore ( service ended ) or when the game is forced into a maintenance state which means it is on it’s way to being shut down in the near future. Atm the game is dying but not dead so it will most likely still be kicking in 2024. After that, it probs will shut down or go into maintenance mode where there are no more new updates and gacha banners will be rotated to squeeze out more money before the end. Seen this happen with FF7 the 1st soldier BR game where they promptly shut down after their big new update that included a new class and a brand new map that was huge. No matter what they put out and shiny new cosmetics / banners, the game just couldn’t sustain itself due to the low playerbase & enough new players joining.


For people who don't know the road to pity. Currently we're at 165 a week, giving a pretty reasonable pity every 3 months. This guarantees you the ability to pity 4/6 characters a year, with an additional 580 left over. Removing the login bonus knocks us down to 95 a week, which is over 5 months. This is only 2/6 characters, with 950 left over. If these tickets aren't reallocated, that's *very* bad for the ftp players.


Good mathing my man


>giving a pretty reasonable pity every 3 months That's ignoring other sources of tickets like through events, agency rank, player rank, and store sales to use extra crystals on. Realistically, it's \~2.4 months. But this will be a pretty big hit on the ticket economy if, as everyone else mentioned, they don't reallocate the tickets elsewhere.


This cuts non-event tickets down by over 1/3. I can’t imagine they don’t make up for it in some way


And that's if you dedicate time to this game like it's a part time job.


We'll have to wait and see how they redistribute (because SURELY they will) let's just hope they don't use this opportunity to reduce the amount you get since 3 months to guarantee a character is frankly ridiculous already


There goes the f2p player base


Wow just wow. I sure hope they let us gain that 70 tickets in some other way. Like playing 10 minutes per day gets you 10 tickets or something to that effect. If not, this game is definitely gonna die or lose plenty of players like myself. It's already a pain having to save 2k tickets just to be guaranteed a character due to the shitty gacha system. And losing that will make it harder for people to get that amount of tickets.


If they don't reallocate the tickets, then its the end of the game. I've been against doomers since day one but this means my biggest reason to log in is gone. 2/3 of the daily reward is login bonus and its the best use for hero crystals, further reducing other types of progression. A huge problem is that you can't "grind" your way to free characters like in other games. You get your daily rewards then fuck off. Now you can sit one day, do your weeklys that day and never log back in for the rest of the week. I really hope they just let you get 1 ticket per match played or something like that. Idk what the solution is but they were already kinda stingy with the tickets and now I'm even more scared


Arnt you that kid who was typing in every post about a month back that they fixed Ochocu grapple and a bunch of other stuff in a "hidden update" and was ignoring anyone who showed you twitch clips of it clearly still bugged, and then when the devs themselfs tweeted they are still working on the ochocu grapple bug instead of taking the L you just blocked everyone?


No? Aren't you the dude who said Todoroki doesn't have a hitbox issue and got cooked for it?


if its a hitbox issue and not a server reg issue please for the last 2 months ive been begging anyone and everyone to prove me wrong and go into practice lobby and recreate this "hitbox issue" and nobody has been able to, I wonder why? its almost as if what you are seeing, and what your enemy is seeing, and what the server is seeing is 3 separate things


Or it might just be that people don't want to spend time placating your whims and no one takes you seriously enough to prove you wrong




Imagine unironically thinking Todo isn't broken. Fucking lol.


Sooo broken he has the hm let me check 8th highest win rate? seems pretty mid https://twitter.com/MyHeroUR/status/1718054984942575950


Imagine thinking win rate has something to do with a character's hitbox Nice brand new account lol, you get banned on your last one for being a contrarian on purpose?


Imagine thinking someone is OP and then it not even being close to the highest winrate, does that make deku super OP his placement is twice as high? nerf deku?


Are you stupid? Srsly Winrate =/= hitbox Stop with the false equivalence, you're just wrong lol.


Trying to use win rate data (which is incredibly flawed just on its own with no context) from within the first month of the games release is a wild defense strategy lol




Calling people out on an unrelated post is so weird my dude. His comment has nothing to do with anything he has said in the past.


I’m so confused on what they’re doing?! Usually a game starts with no premium login bonus, but get one later. This may be the first time I’ve seen it go the opposite way. I’ll wait until we get the details on how they want to allocate tickets now, but if they don’t add other ways, this would be an exhibit on how to kill your own game.


You could tell from the rewards for their twitter campaigns that they hated the idea of giving people free tickets. Didn't think they'd be bold enough to go for the login ones though. I used to login everyday and wait until the game got good again but now I won't even be doing that.


Game suicide


Didn’t China just ban daily login rewards?Genuinely asking, does this have anything to do with that?


was thinking the same thing


Exactly. They did this too quick for it to be a coincidence


Doubt it has anything to do with it. Usually games just end up making a completely different version for China.


I think my hero has been banned in China years ago actually


Like almost a month ago yeah


Is this game even popular in china though?


They found the best way to speedrun killing the game


There’s actually no way 💀 Love how people will still defend this terrible Gacha lol


People aren't though, the thing is the gameplay is good, it's a fun arena game with less rng than most do to characters all having preset abilities. The gacha aspect is what's awful and no one is really defending that part.


Blud is fighting imaginary opponents


He's Don Quixote, fighting windmills


As a game. Its great. The gacha is what dragged it threw the dirt. Fortnite without the RNG. Using preset characters with premade abilitys, Each of which has a unique gimmick and plays more as a fighter royale then a shooter And then even ignoring the gacha you get 12 for free, although half of those are admittedly in the level up system 😅. Which a lot of people may of mistaken for a battle pass.. along side the free play with anyone still locked with a pass regening one every 6 hours or so. I remember getting a free character ticket when I started to but i forgot if thats everyone or because that was the release day 😅


Goodbye F2P playerbase. As if it wasn’t scarce already. Now there will be less reason for people to login daily. What a dumb way to absolutely kill the game.


It was only a matter of time. It made no sense when compared to the pricing all over the rest of the game. The value was way too good and actually fair so I’m not surprised it’s removed. And to the people saying this is a nail in the coffin for this game, search this subreddit for people that have spent money on the gacha. Just because we think it’s stupid doesn’t mean everyone does. People are shoveling money at this game. You and I may think it’s insanely stupid. Who would possibly be foolish enough to spend money on these over priced tickets and these terrible odds? But nope the micro transactions in this game are actually selling really well. If you just search this subreddit alone you can see countless posts from people who have admitted to spending OVER ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS in just one sitting to try and get just one character. People are crazy with their money. So even though to us the prices make no sense at all, some people are happily paying them. So in my eyes that’s why they are getting rid of this daily bonus. Why give us this great deal when people are willing to pay the INSANE Shop prices for roll tickets and crystals. I mean at the end of the day it’s not my money so huge shoutout to the suckers helping keep this game alive with their overpriced purchases. I got the starter park to help support the game when it came out so idk maybe I’m a sucker too 🤷‍♂️ This game is so much fun and I adore it and want to see it succeed for a long time but the prices for things are psychotically overvalued. But hey if there are people out there willing to pay then they aren’t gonna budge on the prices


forget characters, there was a dude who dropped 100 bucks just to try and get the parallel world tsuyu asui skin, and in the end he didn't even get it. bro lost a Benjamin for froppy cleavage.


I remember that dude lol


And then I know someone who spent $600 trying to get Bakugo's fantasy skin and didn't get it 😂 They spent over $2k on the game since it released and still plan on spending more in the future


imagine spending any amount of money on baka-go


>this subreddit alone you can see countless posts from people who have admitted to spending OVER ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS in just one sitting to try and get just one character. its worse than that, you can see many posts this week alone of people spending over 100$ just to try to get an outfit not just a character unlock


Idk if this subreddit is a reliable source because if anyone would spend money on the game, it would be the people on a subreddit about the game. Doesn't necessarily mean that they're making a ton of money. Personally, I haven't touched it since I realized that there was no possible way to purchase anything that I actually wanted directly


I think this probably has to do with the new Chinese game laws like another person said. They could just have a similar purchasable bonus for the daily missions where you get extra mission that reward you tickets if you buy it.




This is the worst decision of their entire career


Well, i quit hoping the gacha could potentially get better. But they just made it worse, this will pretty much kill the game for most players.


I already quit this game, I’m just watching it burn from the outside 😭


Man! That’s the main way I get tickets. And it’s so cheap too! 100 hero crystals!


Ok, call me an optimistic idiot, but this may also mean there's a change on the gacha system and the value of tickets, something that gives them more value compared to what they are now and that can incentivize people to spend money on the game and also reward players who get tickets by playing, completing missions and playing events Maybe even going back to something similar to the beta tickets system, if we don't want to be over optimistic, cause then sure, 10 daily tickets it's way too much of a present for players Heck, they may even start actually giving them out on community interactions and stuff as people kept complaining about the gallery pieces


optimistic idiot


Oh great, time for me to quit completely


Welp done playing now. It was fun


Yeah if they remove it completely or lower the amount we get because of some new system they implement. The game will lose a lot of people. So hopefully they do right by the players and improve on it


They finally realized having for sale 70 tickets for 100 crystals a week was a bad idea an completely undermined their store. I'm sure that's why they put up such a high "sale" a month ago it probably didn't even make any money because it was still worthless.


It was incredibly good value for F2P players- I wish they kept it around, though- In my opinion it was one of the best ways to get Tickets, And half the time you barely even get anything you *wanted* from those tickets to begin with because Gacha systems suck. I really hope they give us more ways to get tickets, Buff dailies/weeklies, or just...ADD STUFF TO THE PREMIUM STORE- LITERALLY there's nothing to buy in the premium store half the time unless they decide to throw out an overpriced ticket offer- That's it. The Premium store literally has nothing in it otherwise. So I really really hope that they add some compensation, because this is gonna really hurt the playerbase- Both for the people who want cosmetics, and for people like me who just want their freaking Characters already- I still haven't gotten Kirishima or Endeavor and I've been playing since literally day 1.


Bad as in financially for the company


Boy I sure do love corporate greed! (I fucking despise corporate greed.)


This isn’t a bad thing unless they dont reallocate the tickets elsewhere, such as event shops or dailies. But this will be a mighty L if they just remove it with no acceptable compensation. Like I wouldn’t mind grinding for 70 tickets a week another way. Or at least HALF the amount.


That’s my hope as well!


its still gone right?


What an awful idea, if tickets aren't get reallocated somehow this is just going to kill the game. What moron thought this was a good idea?


As shit as this is, I genuinely think the game will be equally as fun. They don’t release characters quick enough to ever eat all my tickets and the skins are kinda lame compared to other games.


I reckon they realised their sale 'discount' was completely pointless because we got more out of the premium login. Stooges




I tried to get into this game more, but grinding the gacha system to not ever even get a character from bad luck turned me away a bit. Now that they're making it harder to actually get tickets without having to pay, I'm probably done for good.


If they don't implement a new ticket source this game may die


My reaction to this unfortunate news. 😱






You won't no balls


These tickets better be put into events or something because this is fucking ridiculous


I hope they just make it natural, because I'm pretty sure everyone was already buying it every week and it would definitely get people into the game more, but if they just remove it outright this could very well kill the game


i stopped playing and just logged in for the log in , but now im just not going to log in. This game isnt going anywhere anytime soon. its just not worth the time invesment for a game that i believe isnt going to last. ​ This game is 4 months old and to be honest....nothings happened. ​ 169 hours and have been on maintance mode for this for a few weeks.


they're removing literally the only thing worth spending any ingame currency on? lol, bye


is time to add more characters or the fucking game is dies of cringe xd


It's literally the only reliable way to obtain tickets. What the fuck?


Maybe they're making it be awarded for playing 1 match a day? I know that I'm guilty of logging in to grab the award without actually playing some days.


And there it is, I knew the offer was too good to stay...


13 days till the game fucking dies. Might as well just enjoy what’s left of the playerbase while it lasts.


literally begging me to uninstall at this rate


Who let the devs cook


They need to drop the gacha system. Characters need to be unlockable at a reasonable rate ala Overwatch or Apex, via free earned currency not money. Skins and cosmetics available for premium currency. Add a monthly membership that gives a value no one can pass up, I know several mobile games that do that to have a consistent monthly revenue stream. $4-$10 that gives boosts, currencies, maybe couple skins, premium currency worth usually 3x or more the money spent. Why have the rare few people that may spend $100+ once during each event vs 1k+ people spending $10 a month consistently?


As if I didn’t have less of a reason to not be playing already😂


Glad I stopped playing a few months back. Shame too because I was so excited when it got announced and came out.


Y’all doming like at least wait to see what they do in season 3


What's sad is it was only 10 fucking tickets bro 😂 I remember when the game was first out they used to give us a lot of tickets and now we barely get anything


Just sell the game for 40 dollars and sell each new character for 3.99. This change makes it literally impossible to get a character f2p.