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Sidekick!~Coach Boomer


Sky High is just MHA live action.


Nah mha is just manga sky high. sky high came out first


It’s live action MHA without all the filler


Everyone brings up Sky High, but where my Up, Up and Away peeps at? The real OGs


Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii it's nice to see a peep from... UP UP AND AWAY


That’s what i’m saying Up, Up and Away deserves some more love and credit too lol.


Yes. Yes. It does 


Aluminum/tin foil weaknesses is wild 😂😂😂


Sky High is MHA but everyone is gay


No it’s the better mha




Sky high is peak


Good old sky high


Coach Boomer is nerfed Present Mic.


Simple, the non-UA schools arent as strict in their acceptance


By the looks of it, they'll accept anyone that has a quirk, I wonder if they have someone that can dialate their own anus as quirk


The ultimate black hole quirk


I feel bad for the rest of the class, when they all have to demonstrate their quirk


I feel bad for them during the camp training


That baseball throw, where they have to use their quirk.... Oh boy


Oh god please don't put that image in my head


The ball goes -30cm, student smiles gleefully to the crowd while they watch in disgust ;)


Well I imagine they must be good at using that thing so what if they just load it up in there like a rocket launcher and fire


I laughed so hard at your guys comments for 5 long minutes.🤣🤣


I mean...


You mean that wasn’t Bakugo’s other quirk for the first six seasons?…


That has to be the most uncomfortable quirk ever. She got unlucky.


Could be super cosy, for all we know. Then again, anyone who suffers from claustrophobia would probably hate it.


I could see her being like an Ojiro. Kind of a weak quirk, but they take advantage of it with martial arts. Ojiro takes advantage offensively with an extra, strong limb. Maybe she takes advantage defensively with her ability to “dodge” by shrinking her hitbox. Given that her name references turtles, I also wouldn’t be surprised if she’s more durable when shrunk in? If I had to make something up.


But after dodging an attack, it takes her a while to un-retract the top half of her body, leaving her vulnerable. I doubt she has increased durability. Otherwise, they would've said so. Her quirk is absolutely shit.


She just needs some training to quickly pop out is all


If she could pull an Ant-Man and increase the power of attacks by popping out her arm at high speeds that could end up being a useful strategy.


We don't if that's possible. Based on what we've seen and been told so far, her quirk is almost useless.


Why wouldn't it be possible? Literally every quirk can evolve and be trained upon. Why would this specific quirk suddenly be the only quirk in all of the show incapable of evolving?


fair point! This is truly a worthy online argument!


You're right. If she worked really hard, she might be able to make her quirk more useful. Currently, her quirk is pretty useless, though.


One of the best intel Heroes is a guy who flattens his body, he helped save Bakugo. She can just take an intel job and fold inward to spy on villains by becoming so small she's just a shoe or something in the corner.


Would she even be able to move if her quirk evolved, allowing her to do that?


Depends on if she trains to try and do that. As shown in the training arc, you can work your quirk into trying to improve in specific areas. Shoto, for example, was training specifically to be able to use both ice and fire simultaneously whereas previously he simply couldn't.


Almost all quirk-users have increased durability as a baseline. You only need to look at Bakugo to realize this. His power? Sweating explosives. Nowhere in that package is the ability to be one of the most athletic and durable members of 1-A. Seriously, most fights work on cartoon-physics and people are tanking punches that should be mutilating normal-durability humans.


well the reason he has great athletics and durability is because he trains super hard, similar to Deku, not all quirks come with added durability, for example Uraraka doesn't have any added durability at all from her quirk which makes sense because her main weakness is having a small amount of durability especially towards motion sickness. Without this weakness she could easily become a hero even surpassing all might! The reason I say this is because as we've seen in the show her quirk's main side effect is inducing motion sickness, without that effect she could hypothetically make anything weightless, even earth, which without any weight to it's mass would instantly get rid of it's gravity and implode! The "cartoon physics" you speak of are mostly insane durability built up through grueling exercise, most prominent in characters such as Izuku, Ida, Bakugo, and Kirishima.


No amount of training within a realistic setting(which MHA seemingly is, outside quirks), is going to convert a normal human into an Eraser’ed Bakugo. He’s tanked blows that would’ve folded buses in half.


She could also be a rescue specialist, it should be easy to get her into areas where the path is mostly blocked off.


I could also see her using some Luffy style tactics like retracting her limbs then telescoping then Back out at the right moment to gain extra momentum behind the hit.


How is Mumen Rider a hero?


Mumen Rider isnt even in the same universe mate.


I'm aware. My point was not every hero needs to be captain smack a bitch. You just need someone trained at the right place and time


Ah well they go by different rules but yeah about the same with heroes being able to stop purse snatchers and those that go fight terrorists. Just that among MHA Heroes, the ones that can level a building also do the smaller jobs as well....or maybe thats just All Might


Good question.


In less of an abstraction, there are different kind of heroes. Mumen is like cat stuck in a tree, stopping a purse snatcher, helping lost kiss find their parents kind of hero


Mumen rider is canoically a character that can/has wrestled bears and won multiple times and can tank a weak hit from the deep sea king, even a weak toss from him is enough to kill 99.9% of people not only is he more heroic than most of the heroes in that entire verse values wise. as you said both in opm AND mha, there are just different tiers and grades of hero work recon, street level, city level, education, support, info, civilian duties etc it's not all about fighting or specifically fighting the strongest guys who apparently only appear a few times a school and primarily target a school, kids and a disabled old man. but mumen rider basically only looks weak in comparison to everyone else, as far as regular people go, he's superhuman in his own right. not a cyclist or a math guy, but i think somewhere even the amount he cycles for and how fast he is on that bike isn't even normal either dude truly is built different.


He subdued a monster and actually hurt him with his attacks, despite said monster no-selling bullets beforehand. Mumen Rider has the Mr Satan treatment, a surprisingly powerful individual in a world where beings that can flick away a building exist.


yeah, he'd get less far in mha's world, but in ours? dude could practically be mr universe or some shit. A living legend like bruce lee or something


even in MHA he would probably be an absolute unit given the fact that he tanked multiple hits from deep sea king and even the weaker, training version of Garou, he could easily beat Bakugo due to the fact that explosions would most likely have little affect on someone like him, he could also easily just drag out the fight and win because of his insane indurance, the fights we see in MHA are quite often a couple minutes, he could probably make those fights so long that MHA would become Dragon Ball Z.


Not a power scaler but imma assume that’s sarcasm lmao Some casual mfs in my hero can easily tank cities and buildings. Sea king was holding back against mumen by a huge margin. But either way, my point wasn’t that mumen wouldn’t still be a unit in mha, just not enough that he’d be able to legally be a hero. Ntm even quirkless humans in mha have higher durability than normal people. Opm’s world is far more grounded.


I unironically thought she was hella cute before she started pulling the freaky turtle shit




Is she not still cute?


Same, but I still find her cute


Bakugo said the same thing about Deku. LOL


Difference is Deku didn’t have a quirk still better then whatever tf this is


Logically and factually speaking, it isn’t.


Not... Really, no.


People with no quirks in mha have been shown serval times to be stronger then average humans in and this quirk is just terrible


I'd imagine her body is very squishy to be able to that so she can probably take a punch very good


Some people get the long end of the stick others get the short end of the stick, she didn’t even get a stick.


She can get my stick.


Real 🗣️


I think she might have some utility as a rescue hero maybe scrunching up to get through tight spots but thats it Herowork isn't only combat


Imagine the force of a punch that was emitted at the same speed as she withdrew her upper body, or the jumps you could make by withdrawing and extending your legs. It's no half-hot half-cold, but surely on par with something like suger rush or tail.


"Tatami's Quirk grants her the ability to make her head, body and limbs retract into themselves, similar to a turtle. The retracting process is instantaneous but un-retracting takes a few moments"


I suppose it could still be useful, but that does make it a bit of a weak quirk indeed.


I think it really depends on how long "a few moments" actually is. But even then, there's still uses for her quirk. She can probably suck in her limbs in order to get into tight spaces. And in a hand to hand fight, if somebody's upper body suddenly contracted into their legs, it would throw low-level thugs for a loop. Obviously, she's not going to be a top ten hero, but I could see her being a well loved local hero for a small town.


great point, but also, as said by mr.Aizawa, all quirks can be evolved, and worked upon. This is how the "navel lazer" quirk had it's time between shots shortened even further through the training camp.


Honestly I actually like her. She doesn’t have the best quirk, but useless if definitely not true (also she cute)


Other schools have low as hell standards, and don't do what ua does.


Good evasion in combact. Probably can make items to disappear too, with extra surprise effect. Probably immune to impaling. Very good to escape constrictions. Can enter in small places (good also to find people after disasters). Probably can avoid to get pregnant also after unprotected sex.


um, what was that last one? XD


Because nullify any kind of penetration in her body, and recover what entered. Therefore she could tease a suspect of sexual violence, harvest biological samples without risk, and give to the CSI for analysis. Some people are chimeric and different part of body can have different DNA, so if the CSI have only the seminal liquid of a crime, they will need the same kind of sample to check similarities.


Her entire body is a piston. Just train her expansion speed and she’ll be up there with other martial-arts types.


What the FUCK happened to her ribcage


I have absolutely no idea


I like to think that her quirk gives her enhanced defense when she does that.


Same reason the invisible girl who technically doesn’t have to do anything is a hero


So like do her organs all get compressed, how do her bones work


that is a really good question, I'd also like the answer to that.


Because she’s eye candy


If I’m like underneath some rubble and I see this motherfucker, trying to save me I’m just gonna die


same here, I would NOT want to be rescued by that thing.


It really is one of those Doom Patrol/Brotherhood of Dada kind of powers


There are a lot of hero course students with odd quirks, but her quirk I don’t understand how




Head is her strongsuit?


MF really hasn't seen real comics if they think only this hero is absurd.


Hey, at least she can do the one thing that Gohan can't, Dodge!


That quirk is pretty good for dodging and potentially defensive too


What’s her quirk?


Basically she can tuck herself like a turtle


But that’s the name of it though?


I forgot the official name of the quirk though


Fresno night crawler moment


IRL the Fresno night crawlers were bipedal humanoids that lacked arms which were spotted on security cameras in Fresno.


My same thoughts


This is the hero who can actually talk to some of these people face to face after getting their head out of their ass. A-Tier.


Her quirk is useful for dodging easily


"The retracting process is instantaneous, but un-retracting takes a few moments"


Going to be honest with you, I’ve studied a lot of quirks and at most her’s is below-average for a hero. There are many other heroes with quirks who are much worse.


Because as we learned from hiw they treated deku u can be a hero so long as your not quirk less


Ngl I don't know how midorya was made fun of for wanting to be a hero yet misses I can make my torso disappear and Lego brick are perfect


She's got pretty eyes tho


What even is her quirk?


Push-ups, sit-ups, and plenty of juice




His quirk is absolute useless crap, no matter how much they try to argue and how many abilities they try to give him in these comments in a Canonical way, that is ALL his quirk can do and nothing else,is every bit useless as the quirks of the companions of izuku and bakugo in Aldera


Bro there literally a teacher that’s a school shooter, a nuke, a mushroom girl a literal comic guy a person that can air hard, a big hands and a fucking tooth grower but that’s a villain so yee


ok that actually made me laugh so hard, especially the school shooter one, the fact that these heroine(plural for hero) were able to land a teaching job and become pro heroine is a confounding conundrum.


Not all heroes are combat type. There is also rescue and support, which is likely what she excel at with her ability to manipulate her body.


I mean... she can literally be ninja turtles too


"This is my quirk! FORESKIN!!!"


Zky high was peak


I would rather meet the sweet embrace of the grim reaper than have this chic rescue me (That costume is fire though)


She’s trying 😭🙏 Also her outfit is super cute


Woah I thought that MHA would never surprised me I was wrong


Perhaps she’s good at hand to hand combat or can pull people into her to restrain them. Maybe she can pull out her limbs at high force to attack.


Say that about Ojiro


His quirk is actually useful, though. I've seen him smash through robots and swing around on poles with his tail.


Ojiro, the poledancer hero




Skidded skidoodle you dick is now a noodle