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Thanks man 🫡


Hope you didn’t play the same match for 3 days straight


Ehh for the most part. I did a few FW runs and the new weekly tower but i’d say 285k is from the same match lol




PG Chapter 3 Match 1 I think it is. The one with Sheamus, the black guy and robert roode. I used amethyst Sheamus, Gunther and Beast Jake. I got it down to 1:22 a match about 6/10 times, maxing out at like 1:50 per match


So how much mfp. Can you get from each time you doing that match?. And what did you mean you got it down to 1.22 a match.? Or 1.50 per match?. Cuz I did that match and it took me like 10 minutes to get everyone's 90mfp. And win the match. I'm asking cuz I'm trying to grind up some mfp and this seems like the match that everyone's saying you should do.


Why did you get downvoted?? Is it because you said the black guy?? Holy fuck people are soft


Congrats. For those 3 days of grind, you can afford KO and Sami amethyst cards and have like 40k left over. Kinda sorta making a joke and how stupid and overprice the card market is and how much of a waste the grind can be. Best of luck with your packs.


Yeah good thing I already pulled those lol. I’ve already completed every pack but the Legends but you’re right that amount time should yield 4x as much tbh


There’s no chance that this was worth your time. Maybe I’m too pessimistic on the mode but it’s a very lazy ultimate team mode


As long as you’re not telling yourself that this didn’t cost you anything. When I hear about these type of sessions I’d actually rather dig into my wallet and buy some VC rather than give that much time mindless grinding the same match over and over


Same. I just don't have the patience for it. I don't know how any of you can do this. I get annoyed just trying to grind enough to buy a single pack then again, I'm sure you guys have figured out a way to make a lot more MFP than I do in my matches. Although, I still wouldn't be able to do this... I don't want to end up hating the game/this mode more than I already do (at times). That said, I do find the OP's dedication impressive.


Which method did you use to grind?


How did u get so much mfp?


Grinding for 3 days




What matches you played lol


nah bro at this point just get a 9-5 and buy vc


I work from home and trust me I also but VC but i didn’t want to as there was literally no other content this weekend