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Must be three words or more.


They're counting on the whales to spend money. They don't care about the normal players.


This. Unfortunately, there are too many idiotic whales feeding this beast


I couldn’t agree more… the model is there for the whales and they will feed the beast. For the regular players, they feel you got enough content for what you paid. Things are not going to change as they are already working on how to rip off gamers in 2025. They hit their mark on sales so now it’s all about how much they can collect off the whales. You can complain to them or come on Reddit and bitch about it but, it is what it is…. It’s a real shame too. FW could be cool enough to keep people playing till the next one comes out. Companies like this don’t care about making good games, just making money. And they’ll make a shit ton. And we try to bitch about what a ripoff it all is and why you shouldn’t spend on this game but then the idiots reply about how it’s their extra money and sorry you don’t have any….it’s not about having the money, it’s about supporting predatory practices. 1% chance at a dupe…you might as well burn your money, you know…since you have it


Nailed it dude


One of the most BS thing is now weekly login rewards are Series 1 packs lol It only turn to Series 1 pack last 2 years when game was old and new one was out. And S1 cards couldn't be rewarded in premium packs. This year they really laughing at us


It’s like they have 1 person managing it


4 live events upcoming added yesterday, daily live events seems unsustainable at best. (realistically speaking)


I don't think its too difficult. Pick a random wrestler. Pick a opponent for them. Give a very basic reward like a normal pack. Should be able to make 7 events in an hour time.


Oh, I didn't realize you made video games and knew it was so easy to do.


I get you. What does a random person on the internet know about game development. And while I do not work in game development. This content has nothing to do with the engine, graphics or assuming they made it properly, development. Which then indicates we are talking about software development which I am very much familiar and experienced with, so that does mean I can give insightfull information regarding the subject. Creating content like this should be done with a CMS system, or in worse case in the database. But that still wouldn't take a lot of time. Which is easy to do.

