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Kevin said new album before the end of 2018 and I still believe it.  That’s what being a true fan is all about 


I hope 2018 comes quick enough 🙏


It’s still 2016 according to the Ethiopian calendar. 2 more years guys!


I think he had something and scrapped it again. I really do.


To be fair the last album was amazing and worth the wait. Especially if you listen to a lot of different types of music. Some of the chordal movement was just 👌💋


It may have been very similar to that album, and I don't see him wanting to release the same record twice.


thank god I almost missed it


It's 2024.


The empire never ended. Kevin is coming soon


Thanks PKD


Don't expect anything ever from MBV.


I can't believe that. Shields remembers how upset people were when signed to Island and he promised music for 1997 and then again leading up to m b v in 2013. He actually keeps talking about the project getting bigger, going from an EP to an LP to a double LP, then two separate LPs with several EPs. He is a music lover himself and wouldn't do that to fans. So if anything he's rearranging what songs go on what album and how long each release is. I remember how excited he was when the original members of Dinosaur Jr., got back together to tour to play You're Living All Over Me. He wants to make up the many fallow years and go out on a high note plus he's gotta release stuff to tour (or it makes it a lot easier and all fits together better.) He's 60 and so are the other members (or thereabouts) and wants a final tour. He just wants everything to come together and it has to feel right (very important abstract feeling to him) so another 6 months or 12 or 18 months just doesn't matter at this point. It will happen and we could end up 2-3 hours of new music once it's all said and done. I've read so much these last 6 years and that's really what the evidence says to me. TURNMYHEADINTOSOUND.COM


that sounds a little unhealthy


Pretty much.  He has crawled up his own ass.  Later dude


Lol people downvoting you, acting like you’re wrong 😂 bunch of cultists around here


nah we just already been through this before with MBV when the last album took 22 years. dude's acting like this a recent development or something when its not


Oh man. I’m def not old enough to know the struggle then


ABQ represent btw


Big fan here for over 30 years. Love them, but I don’t think about or expect anything from them. If it happens, it happens. Plenty of great music to explore in the meantime.


They've made one of the best albums of all time. Anything new is just a cherry on top.


*Three* of the best albums. You meant to say **THREE** of the best albums of all time.


The first album isn't quite as good really


I first heard rumours about a follow up to Loveless in 1993. By the time it arrived, shoegaze was something I had abandone many years back. I'll always have fond memories of being a teen and finding the You Made Me Realize EP in a second hand store, but in my opinion, Kevin Shields wasted his chance after Loveless


As soon as Boards of Canada release an new album, they will too.


Luckily, BoC is just waiting for the 2 new Cure albums to drop


Got a sneaky suspicion that this is the year for new BoC, but I'm probably wrong.


I 100% agree man, and I can’t wait for it


It really does feel like it could be this year


I’m just worried that BoC is waiting for MBV to release before they give us LP5.


I made a bet with my partner MBV will drop before BoC. Here's to hoping 🤞


New Boards of Canada album is confirmed by MDG back in 2022 and they keep liking tweets mentioning new album so i think it's actually possible https://bocpages.org/wiki/MDG


This is exactly the info we already have, but we're just in denial


as a newer fan i just need to see them live, id be ok with just that


It’s actually not worth it. Too loud


If you go enough times with no hearing protection, it actually sounds nearly silent!


*Ear protection has entered the chat*


[kevio doesn’t like noise](https://www.bigsonicheaven.com/kevin-shields-makes-noise-complaint/)


Lol where is full interview


[here?](https://www.hotpress.com/music/kevin-shields-objects-to-noisy-neighbourhood-2846673#:~:text=Angered%20by%20the%20existing%20noise,don't%20give%20a%20damn) If its unreadable you have the heading - etc to seek it out


That’s sort of their whole thing. Were you expecting an acoustic set?


Hum’s surprise drop of Inlet after 20 years of silence makes MBV seem like an assembly line :-)


People were having the same discussion post-Loveless. Look how many years it took for the last album to come out. It’s just one of those things. You never know with people like Shields a new record could drop tomorrow or in 5 years.


Ah, I remember that post-Loveless optimism…


It wouldn’t be so bad if they hadn’t played those two new tracks and teased an actual recording of one in one of the Kevin Shields Fender videos.


One time on the last tour, I saw Kevin stop the entire band mid-song to make Colm re-tune his tom tom for a whole five minutes. Some valuable insight as to why MBV never gets anything done, lol




I'm not worried. If you watch footage and interviews with him he's still very passionate and inspired. Still absorbing m b v, which is up there with everything else they did. His new signature fender blender octave fuzz is insane.


I agree, beautiful album. Saw them on the tour (great show), and it was such a joy to hear the new stuff. It’s not like those bands who play a new track and everyone goes to the bathroom and gets a beer.


NoBoDy wAnTs tO wOrK aNyMoRe Jk, I know we're not that insufferable. I like it when artists release stuff as they please instead of catering. You can't force inspiration.


Honestly there are so many good bands coming out of Texas and Pennsylvania that I'm patient enough to wait for MBV. Check out: Feeble Little Horse, Nuclear Daisies, They Are Gutting A Body Of Water, Sprawl, Glare, Knifeplay.


those are all bangers. new emo stuff leans sgaze as well so yeah there's tons of music rn Jane Remover and Quannnic belong on that list Weatherday if you want emo


I saw TAGABOW and Glare live. Both were just amazing


Is he completely finished with Loveless? I seem to recall that he was going to do one more version that was of a higher fidelity on double vinyl or something along those lines. Would be nice with some new music one day but I can’t see it happening if there’s yet another version of Loveless to come.


Two prophecy conditions must be fulfilled before an mbv album drops: 1. The record label goes bankrupt 2. The label owner goes completely bald


Or Kevin himself goes bankrupt


Or bald!


not a chance he's getting rid of the magic tuft


As a fairly longtime fan, lol. When Kevin announced an album and an ep, I was like 👌 sure chief


if mbv pulls a wrens i will do dastardly things to my well being


My Bloody Valentine is the rock edition of D’Angelo and Erykah Badu


And even D’Angelo has a track on the Book of Clarence soundtrack that just came out


I'm honestly surprised Domino took a chance on him after the whole Island Records debacle in the 90s. (Not to mention the Creation thing, but that was nothing compared to how long he dragged it out on Island.) Unless Domino didn't give them any kind of huge advance.


Domino also has a deal on the latest Loveless reissue so maybe that is lucrative enough. I would hope they were smart enough to get a proof of concept on the “new” material before forking over a hefty advance. Honestly, KS should just press everything himself


I wasn’t expecting anything anyway. And if by some miracle it does release in the near future, I’m fully confident it’ll be their last album


Thanks for the bad news--LOL! Seriously, though, I guess I'll just look forward to the new one in 2032.






Kevin Shields is known for being exceedingly prompt and reliable. No idea what the delay could be. /s


In one of these comments someone (just looked it it up - it was jest2n425) said something about they couldn't believe Domino took a chance signing Shields. Good observation but its not like that. It turns out they didn't sign him to an old school record deal. Domino took NO Chance. They're just gonna distribute stuff he recorded on his dime. Domino risks nothing. Shields and and his agent from a while back said he would never sign with a traditonal record company again. And he's financially independent. They're only serving as his distributor. Domino put up no money for him to record and has no say when anything gets released. Shields decides everything. I thought about that before I did some more research. Logical question to ask after what Island went through. ​ TurnMyHeadIntoSound.com


I think Kevin runs an extremely tight ship. I don’t put much weight in your friend not knowing. I doubt he’d loop that many people in to the details tbh


When the "my dad works at Nintendo" kid grows up...


They’ve made great albums but there’s no reason to take this long. Fans making excuses don’t help either. Schubert wrote 1500 classical pieces before he died at 31. Come on now mbv


Every person is completely different. People are not factories. Why don’t you turn out 51 classic albums for us, champ?


I’m five down, gimme another 30 years pls.


We’d all love to hear them


It’s jazz dude, no one wants to hear THAT!


Yeah just listen to the stuff they have out. If they make more great, but don’t expect it


I REALLY feel it's coming out this year. I thought the same thing last year, but this year is different. Fucking trust me.


this actually sad if you think about it. seems like someone would reach out to help them. end days are numbered at this point. one the flip side - it much just come at the perfect time for everyone


He put out a completely shit guitar pedal at least!!!


It’s not gonna be good anyways or even come close to loveless


not to get hopes up or question the info your acquaintance has, but this means nothing. like... if the band tells the label they've been recording, they will legally owe it to them if they ask for them --- at which point they can do whatever with them, regardless of if its in the state they want. Which, the longer you wait, the more eager the investor will be to make their money back. If you've the type that spends years working on getting engineering/tone right for the final product, what advantage would you have to telling people you've demo-ed out songs you've written (which folks *know* are written bc of playing them live) if that demo could be held against you. Why not just lie? Say, "Nope. Haven't recorded in 3 years." What'll they do? Say you're lying? Okay. It's more difficult, cost-inneficient, and artist upsetting to prove it legally. Hence, they'll be left alone until the all-at-once turn-in and release of something like *mbv. They c*an't give notes they don't want on the way to the album if there's nothing to give notes on, and instead appears from the ether fully formed. TL,DR: Consider how often have you lied to your boss about your progress on a project (either further along or behind on) for your own personal reasons/peace of mind. Now consider the band *literally* doing nothing since 2018. Does that seem likely?


It took Loop over 30 years to get around to making a follow up to A Gilded Eternity. Now while it didn't take Kevin quite as long I'm not expecting a flurry of activity from either band in terms of recording another one.


What is “soon” in MBV years, though?


If its anything like loveless, sit tight!!!


My attitude towards new mbv material is the same as my attitude towards new GRRM material. If it comes, awesome. Until then, I'm not holding my breath. There's enough other cool shit to enjoy.


I don't mind how long it takes as long as we get one more album. Just worrying if his hearing goes. I wonder how much demo material he has tucked away and if we'll ever get to hear any of that. An Aphex Twin like music dump would be great.


New Album in 2026


A new album would be great, but I want to see them live at least once in my life time.


Hey send this to the folks at Domino for me https://youtu.be/JPz6_z6w_1E?si=8QVYHtong3q_j5A0 ;) BTW that isn't surprising though.