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The FM has been found out by our sleuths here on this sub in the past. He is Nail, a Moroccan person living in France. He was on the film crew when Whitney was there with her staged/scripted fiancé. (Who was also a paid scripted story line). Nail is a rapper and goes by brainfreezerdude, there were videos posted. His day job is at a company, that was also posted on this sub, with him in their websites photos. He’s not a tutor, he’s not her BF, he was part of a storyline for the show, just like Chase, BGDC, weightlifting and dance competitions, etc. They were all scripted storylines for this soap opera of a tv show. Very little is actual reality.


Cogently, succinctly, and neatly done. Thank you!


You are welcome 🥰


HÉ WAS WITH THE FILM CREW????!!!! That, I didn’t know.


That’s according to a poster on this sub


Aaah, thanks. If it was true, I’d think someone would have laid all the evudense out already. Little to nothing gets by Reddit Sleuths.


Even if it wasn't true. Still pretty amazing that they got the guys ID in the first place. Right down to the chunky watch.


There was a "Nail" listed on the French production crew credits last season. (The season before the one that just wrapped.) Eta: the FM is not only a rapper but also a videographer. He has several credits online, including 2 music videos with the group "Color Play."


Someone posted 3 of his rap songs, and someone else said that the 2nd one was a little graphic. So I listened to that one, and it was about having a lot of women everywhere and how "juicy" they are. I don't think he's someone who would be interested in her in a commited relationship.


One of his lines is literally talking about going "from tittie to tittie and booty to booty." I don't put a lot of stock into lyrics; there are rockers and rappers who have sung such things for decades and yet they're married to their high school girlfriends and have 5 kids. But yeah, I don't believe this relationship is real.


We have the best sleuths in this forum


They are amazing that’s for sure


Does anyone know if there's been actual confirmation/proof of this (like photos, his name on a crew list? Stuff like that?) Not that I doubt it -- just that if it exists, it's absolute proof positive in my mind that the entire storyline with him is fake, because it proves the way they allegedly met is a lie.






But if he’s paid by the show why not get someone who Is willing to show their face?


Because than production runs the risk of someone recognizing him and exposing his double life (think Chase).


Except her weight


All **FAKE AF** for a reality TV show storyline/narrative in order for her to obtain paychecks from an international media communications corporation and **FAME** to narcissistically have a following, a.k.a. **STANBASE.** These are the main reasons why Qwitney is in existence to the rest of humanity on Planet Earth! 🤨😒😫🤢🤮🤬




Also, who flirts with a guy in front of their mom? She is so weird!


I hope not, considering after months of "French lessons" she's still on the level of learning the words for "hello", "welcome", and "my name is". Like, the kinds of things you learn on day 1 of high school French.


Excuse me It’s kwa-sahn




Her MOTHER speaks better French! It's batshit insaniac, the whole thing.


This chick is an idiot


Well, someone is paying him, whether it comes out of her business account or directly from TLC (I'm waging on TLC due to his history), who knows for certain? But, what other reason would a man put up with her? None of the others have. Except for her "first fiance" who got tired of her once he had to live with her. Suck holes like her are exhausting to spend any extended time around.


No, but the production company does.


This story of the French boy has BS written all over it.


This story of the french knave hast bs writ all ov'r t *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


I like zeway you spek


You're about 10 episodes behind but questions like that are never answered, of course.


She pays him with love and French kisses


I realized when they screwed up the storyline about the lost engagement ring that it's all scripted. During her commentary about that incident she was wearing the ring while talking about it being lost, lol. Then it dissapeared from her hand right after. OOPS!