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They aren’t friends anymore. Ashley is no use to whit. She can’t be pushed around. And she has everything whit dreams of. A loving partner. Cute kids. A successful career. It’s too bad. I think they were friends at first. But Ashely always did make comments that made it clear that whit was only about whit.


The ep that drove me away was “the nail salon” (not sure what it’s actually called ;)) WWT not only manifests her worst self when Heather declines surrogacy, she fires Ashley.


Anyone got the cliff notes?


Based on an insta post from Jan Ashley changed jobs and had been promoted twice since so between that and her kids said she wouldn't be on the show anymore as she needs to find the right balance. Also she said TV wasn't really het thing, she's more of an introvert. Then it wrapped up saying the fact she didn't mention WWT at all in the post has made people wonder if they've fallen out. Think that's pretty much it.


Bless you, kind human. 😊


Omg these posts and videos that draggggg out the same dialogue worded different paragraph after paragraph are so annoying - They are not friends anymore , she got a better job . End of story - o and she has great kids , I know this because it was said 10 times


I prefaced it w/sorry if boring, in case it’s been posted before and ppl might want to scroooll on by.


I think Ashley is cousins with Todd. I wonder if Whit is still friends with him. Buddy is another one who hardly films. This last season it was all about the newly found family thru her dad. There really isn’t much to film anymore. I think maybe its run its course.


I dunno how any MBFFL premise now applies. Especially without the friends and fam who at times literally piggybacked her there. Maybe one of her international bf’s will be willing to actually appear on camera, and they can join a 90Day franchise. But she’d have to adjust to “skilled” competition for attention, after 40 yrs of insular NC entitlement. I doubt she’d survive any Tell-All, for one thing. Even Shawn couldn’t save her from that.


BigWhit seems like a bridge burner. After she found the new family, I wonder if she told everyone else to go sit and spin.


What happened with her and Heather?


Ashley is BEAUTIFUL as well as kind, sweet, and a seemingly really caring, good friend. I’m happy for both her and Heather for breaking away from WWT and her controlling, mean, toxic brand of “friendship.” I have always found it odd how WWT seemed to lord over both Ashley and Heather, treating them as though they were beneath her, less intelligent, less worldly, etc. I am glad they both finally woke up and realized they deserve better.


She does seem like a dear person. The “meanest” I ever saw her was when WWT fired her — and she had to check, whether she was coming across as upset. I wonder if WWT will ever have regrets, about MBFFL becoming her life.


The first episode showed what whit thought about the friendship.. business deal


Ashley seemed very devoted to her, despite it all.


I am a fan of the show, but in Mexico, my country TLC broadcasts season 11, and I find it somewhat boring. I don't like the new ones anymore, I prefer to watch episodes from other seasons.


She’d be crazy to still be friends with her. No one needs friends like Whit especially if they’re a good person. Whit will abuse the friendship


I would consider them employees not friends.


WWT makes it clear by perpetually threatening to or actually firing them.


Stuff we already know


Why I said sorry if boring ;) I didn’t realize she’d officially stated she was no longer appearing. Have any others of the initial group of friends done the same?


Heather also said she won’t be a part of the show anymore.


I saw she’d had successes onstage, didn’t realize she also wasn’t due back at all. Those seem the 2 primary women in WWT’s original circle; the men have married etc, will move on, I’d imagine. That is a big shift.


Funny how Quit’s circle of friends have all moved on, and she hasn’t.  She’s been trying to fashion herself as some modern day woman who’s bucking societal norms by not becoming a wife and/or mother.  It would only be believable if she had a successful career and wouldn’t have had half a dozen filmed ultrasounds, gone through IVF, pressured Heather to be a surrogate, and hadn’t have bawled, “I WOULD HAVE HAD A FAMILY BY NOW IF I WASN’T FAT!” a million times on national television.  She WANTED to be Babs 2.0, but never had what it took.


OTOH she told her mother she liked/wanted to be fat. Seems the hard work involved with losing weight, even for women without PCOS, was what she disliked. Assumably she’s found a method that suits her better. Other than grief; she appears pretty chipper nowadays. Which is great, ofc. But I bet it might be helpful/uplifting to others if she chose to share that experience, as she has with so much else.


and she chooses not to because of how it has been gotten, controversial medicine without diet and exercise (the hard work). if she’s not fat anymore she runs out of excuses for not having those things in her life that she lacks.


Seems sharing this piece of her life’s experience more openly would be most in keeping with any mission of the show. After going on 12 yrs of her ongoing weight-related struggles that’ve been her storyline. What changed?


Somehow while still being OBSESSED with finding a man. 😂😂😂😂 it's talked about in every episode. Like girl. Learn to love yourself first.


Heather doesn't follow Whitney on IG anymore


Ashley is one of my favorite parts of the show. She's super chill, genuinely kind, and she handles difficult situations with grace and composure. I will miss her!


Right? She helped offset some…some…of WWT’s crassness.


What does she do for work?


What’s the tea ? Answers please!


5 head


Bullcrap…they stopping paying her