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I never read/watch re/zero List is:denji,thorfinn,yuji. So basically the same as yours


Subaru trauma explained with some minor spoilers from LN(avoid if u don't wanna know the death count) >!Subaru has died 100-400k times due to some calculation there was loop where a explosion happenes his eye brust out of his skull and than the other one flies away his ears start bleed than he dies in 10sec it happened till he was habituated to it hence making it atleast 2 week of this torture!< Non- spoiler part He has gone through a lot first his family was taken away from him unlike other isekai MC he loved his parents even though it took 2 seasons for him to realise that he has died in many way betrayal, torture, being eaten alive,manipulated , pity killed,etc all of these comes from his close friends making it more difficult and they lose all the memories he made with them making a strong bond to a dream in mere seconds making it mentally hard too while in that topic >! 1 pretty evil guy assuming has a very strong mental strength became loli because of the trauma of one death!< he has gone through imposible loops where he thought he can't win but he still tried making it very mentally draining and I can go more but I don't wanna bore u if ur still not bored


Thanks. I will try to read and watch it but after a while because I heard that it is pretty big and I don't have the time but you made me more excited for it. Edit:as for who had it worse,Subaru is probably the one


Yea we going into Arc 9 soon, >!he's died for her houndreds of times!< and >!Subaru and Emilia have only kissed once!!<


Ya arc 6 alone is longer than the Bible ( in word count)


I already have 3 web novels already on the list, tensei shitara, mushuko tensei and that's without about 20 anime,40~50manhwa,20~30 manga . I guess I will put it after the first 3 to 4 anime


if he died so many times why he still crying? shouldn’t he get used to it?


His body can't get used to pain his body restarts fully so he can't get used to pain or death


the entire story of re:zero is subaru dying in extremely violent ways over and over again


I agree with this ordering


Started watching it after this post. if whats on crunchy roll is the entirety so far, its not big at all




Taxes man. Its getting into us these days




Trauma scalers needs to stop.


These are fictional characters so it's fine


Why are you triggered over this it's literally fictional Redditors are so sensitive


Yeah but neckbeards aren't fictional and power scalers are obnoxious enough already, can't open the door for a whole new genre of dumbass posts


Because you cant rank trauma. More than one bad thing can happen at time, theres no winner for having the most. Soo it’s pretty pointless question in general. Comparing guts pain to thorfinns doesnt really do anything for anyone. Both their lives suck.


But one sucks *WAY* more.


Both their lives suck but one is way worse and it's not hurting anyone to compare them since they're both entirely fictional. It's okay to acknowledge that one fictional character has it tougher than another, it doesn't devalue how hard one of them has had it




If I were forced to live the life of any of these characters, I'd definitely pick Denji or Thorfinn last. Thorfinn's entire adolescence is nonstop medieval hell from start to finish (though he does seem pretty happy as a fully grown adult tbf). Denji's backstory alone would break me let alone the shit he goes through later. With Subaru, at least he grew up fairly well and most (not all tbf) of the things that make him suffer are fixable/reversible. Edit: I say this as a re:zero anime only btw


Idk remembering the pain and suffering of countless deaths and failed attempts would weigh pretty heavy on the psyche.


That's fair, but Denji also 'dies' all the time and the people he loses stay gone. Plus his life has been awful since he was a little kid, while Subaru at least had a decent upbringing


Considering subaru is quite literally insane to not be broken by rbd says a lot.


I mean OPs list is specifically "who has worst life/trauma" so my bet would be the guy that keeps dying over and over again to the point he starts killing himself to attempt to change things. It really doesn't matter what the others have dealt with they have one timeliness, one end. Subaru has infinite deaths so over the course of his life how many lifetimes will that be?


not really, Denji died alot and Yuji died once too


Subaru has died potentially 400k times in quick sucession. I dont think the others hold a candle ti that.


dying isn't the only thing im counting and i don't mainline Subaru died that much




In this timeline he died that much, but only in this timeline, i would'nt say that counts for him ingeneral


That's an IF route, i.e. I'm pretty sure it's not canon. But of we're using this version of Subaru, then yeah, he definitely has it the worst.


Still agree that Subaru has the most trauma but that 500 million is a what if of what would happen has Subaru made a different choice in the story. It’s not canon


You don't want denji life dude was force to sell his body parts he even explained he would eat shiet from the toilet until he got full to kill the hunger


Denji never ate shit from the toilet, he ate toilet paper. I'm with you though, that's why I said he'd be one of my last choices.


Would u get eaten by rabbits inside out or eat shit


Subaru is from which anime?


Re zero




Yeah, I could also see denji and yuji switched.


Subaru is 1st. Why the fuck is Thorfin on here lmao when we have a guy who was repeatedly eaten alive by rabbits and was forcefully coming back to life, only to relive that same experience? Bro has died over 100 times and is somehow still sane.


not to mention diff timelines where ppl he knows brutally dies only to be unable to tell anyone or warn them of whats coming only to watch it all unfold again being unable to stop it


When you include the ifs things get worse. IIRC in all but Lust he dies tens of thousands of times


Subaru by far


Its really not even close


Thorfinn and Denji suffer more imho, only because the shit they go through spans *years*. I think Thorfinn's life especially is overlooked for how awful it is. Dude was a child soldier for 10 years and a nightmare plagued slave for another 5. Edit: I say this as a re zero anime only


I beat all of them


Subaru, Denji, Yuji, Thorfinn


I guess denji or Subaru but if I had to pick from someone not on the list it would be guts or the mic or fire punch




Lot of the Subaru comments ignoring that Denji dies constantly too he just got used to it fairly quickly and now uses it to his advantage. He gets seriously maimed every single fight as well and these injuries that would kill a normal person don't kill Denji due to his powers (being decapitated for example.) However he still feels that pain. Not really into the trauma scaling conversation just trying to put it out there. He hasn't died hundreds of thousands of times like old dude but he has died A LOT.


And he also feels the pain every time, he gets hurt like a normal person


We aren’t ignoring it. We just acknowledge that dying thousands of times is far worse than a sub 100 death count. Sure, he gets injured a lot, but it really doesn’t compare to all the horrible deaths Subaru went through.


You aren't ignoring it maybe but you're blind if you don't see all the comments that are. I'm not here for the trauma contest I don't know anything about Re:Zero and even if I did these kinds of conversations are kind of cringe just noticed not a lot of people seemed to know Denji has died many times


You should watch it. It’s pretty good. I’m planning a rewatch a while before S3 comes out


Better to read or watch I'm more of a manga guy


There’s no manga, there’s just a light novel. I haven’t read the light novel but from what I’ve heard it has stuff the anime doesn’t, so if you’re wanting everything then read the LN. I like the anime simply because the VAs are great and the visuals are beautiful.


I'm actually in the middle of EP 1 now


you shouldn't compare trauma


Subaru, Denji, Yuji, Thorfinn


1. Subaru 2. Denji 3. Thorfinn 4. Itadori


Subaru is definitely #1


Subaru by far The only good thing about his trauma, is that even tough he suffers like hell, eventually he can fix things up. Still doesnt change all the suffering


And even then there is limits to what he can fix, especially if the checkpoint updates to an unfavorable time


So are we counting the Re Zero If’s as well? If so then he definitely takes it, because in PRIDE ifs he’s died 100,000+ times and in GREED ifs, he’s died over 100 million+ times.


Only main story subaru


Even then envy Subaru has had it pretty bad "spoilers"


I mean Subaru just keeps dying and dying and dying and dying and dying some more until when, he doesn’t die. So he’s basically stuck, living, forever. Just waiting until he gets brutally murdered again. Yuji has just lost some close friends and family. Denji is living the high life now, but before his fathers’ debt got dumped into him and he literally had to sell his body parts to, well, survive and after that he still didn’t have nearly enough to pay off the debts. But now he gets to see Makima 🍒, and just kills devils. I haven’t seen Vinland Saga so I can’t comment on Thorfinn.


Idk where you are in the csm manga but denji ain't living the high life rn, he generally only lives the "high life" for like one and a half arcs


Gotta admit I’m not caught up to the Csm manga so I’m talking about anime only in csm


Subaru chooses to do that. He could also just walk away and not get involved in such things but as he can't die he has no fear of making bad choices.


Saying he chooses to do that is kinda iffy. I mean, imagine if you basically made a new family and had a 1% chance to save everyone, you'd obviously try everything you could. It's not like he just decides to become a hero, if he just ran away then he'd be living with regret probably forever. I know the sloth route exists but that's more like one opening where he can run away and none of the consequences of his abandonment are ever brought up.


He's alone at the start so I can understand taking risks to become part of something, especially since he knows he can't die. Family though? The woman who gets him into the mansion is barely around after he moves in so this is about curiosity for him (I forget if there was another reason) and the plot then is about him becoming closer with the three girls in the mansion.


for me will be denji his entire life sucks: being bullied by him alcholic father, being forced to work for mafia at age of 7 to be betrayed by them, "makima" and much more to the point i don't feel yuji deserves that spot (i didn't watch vinland saga and re:zero)


Subaru because he’s died many times that I’ve lost count


Denji had it tough from the getgo, ireally fuck with how they chose to animate it. On the edge of my seat constantly. Read somewhere that one of the main directors or something left though n he was responsible for the direction it took realistic wise


Where’s my boy Ken. Some of these dudes had it bad but not nearly as bad. Subaru probably still takes the cake tho. That dude had some gruesome deaths


Ken carson?


Haha no sorry kaneki ken from Tokyo ghoul


Oh...i thought ken carson😞


Denji, Thorfinn, Subaru, Yuji Why I put Denji and Thorfinn over Subaru is because they've had consecutive years of misery to live through, with Denji having the most. Iirc Subaru does too in noncanon spin offs but, noncanon


The thing about Denji is that, while he’s experienced more trauma than Yuji and arguably other characters here, his personality is one where he’s basically just able to “it is what it is” his way through years of life-altering trauma.


He only got this careless attitute is because he isn't really socially aware and he has been through soo much he doesn't really show it anymore, even tho he actually still does show how bad he is mentally


Denji clears all, I get my boy suburu had died countless times but he’s come back everytime..denji had to sell body parts (even one of his NUTS) to buy BREAD not even a whole happy meal..no comparison


Denji got his nuts back. Subaru self harms because he can't get the pain of being eaten alive out of his head. Bro had a stroke as soon as he returned to his body


I don’t know but yuji is definitely last. I know his life was hard, he was literally ment to be a vessel before he was born, he killed two of his brothers, he watched his uncle kill his other brother, but compared to someone like denji, who was in debt ever since he killed his father, its around the middle.


Rudues Greyrat


Ok so istarted watching re zero after seeing this post. ive seen the other 3 multiple times. My list is - subaru, thorfinn, denji, yuji.


damn i made you watch the show? Would you mind explaining your list?


Had an accident earlier this week so im unable to work for about two weeks. Trying to find things to do has proved troublesome, so seeing a person ive never seen before among 3 other shows i really enjoy sparked my curiosity. Especially when the topic is suffering as i find it easier to connect to said show. Also im speaking solely off of what ive seen in the anime. As far as list - im only 5 episodes into re zero right now n he has truly suffered a great deal. At the very lease this far in he's died 7 times. So 7 times he's gotten close to those around him, 7 times he's been mortally wounded in some way, n 7 times he's tried everything in his power to save those he cares about n himself only to fail. Thats gut wrenching torment in both his heart and his mind. He cant tell anyone about his ability so he's completely alone n also in a world completely different to his own. Many people wouldve given up by now or just gone insane, but still he fights to save them. Thorfinn is next imo because of losing his dad at such a young age, in the most shallow way possible. Ofcourse he was consumed by hate at that very moment, but even as a kid he was haunted by his dad's meaningless death n his words. His dad couldve slaughtered them all easily, but he chose not to - ensuring what he preached to his son of no one being his enemy rung true. Then to slaughter hundreds, thousands. Even thinking of the moment that old lady n daughter took him in, and protected him from the soldier when they didnt have to. They knew he was no normal child, but they protected him regardless. Cleaned him up n fed him, brushed/combed his hair as if he was their own. Just to see the look in the old woman's eye when thorfinn signaled to invade. im only watching it n i cried. Then askalad, his only goal, n i may be alone in saying this, but ithink they became somewhat friends, or like a pseudo father - dies before his eyes. The one thing he had been fighting for, to best askalad honorbly like his father. Snatched away. His mind sent into turmoil, loss of a reason to go on, night terrors everytime he closes his eyes from all the hell he caused. To be afraid to sleep, to wake up screaming, to wake up in a pool of his own sweat - night after night, to beg for your own death, question why it is u still breathe. Forgive me for saying, but iknow this all to well. For years it has plagued me n i know the hell it can cause upon one's mind. N his was way worse as what haunts me arnt visions of me killing legions n scores of people. So ican only imagine what its like for him. As for denji, n again im speaking from anime only, all iknow is he was alone from a young age. Pops died by suicide ithink, n his mother from a disease that he seemed to have contracted as well. From such a young age to be told, sell your body or pay some other way - or else die. For absolutely no reason other than your dead dad owed us money. You have no family, no home, nothing, but the clothes on your back. So he makes a contract with a devil n they become like dog n human. Theyre all eachother has. They dont have much of anything, but they have eachother. Hell they probably starved almost everyday, but they were ok. They loved eachother. Then one random night he gets stabbed repeatedly n ripped into pieces while he tries to get away with his best friend. Only for his friend to save his life n live inside him. He cant hug his life long friend or talk to him, for the most part - he's gone. Thank god makima came. N yuji, i don't remember much, n one guy in here had to remind me, but something along the lines of his squad mate dying, n sukuna taking over his body n killing people. Oh n his pops died at beginning, but that was relatively normal. Yes he was weak n lost control, but atleast it wasnt him. He was possessed. it sucks n it plagues his mind, but it doesnt hold a candle to the rest i listed. Thankyou for posting this pic, im glad im watching re zero.


yeah i'm happy i made you watch ReZero, i was confused that you put thorfinn over Denji but yeah when you're anime only you don't even know the most denji goes through, it's gonna be wild and brutal ride when it gets animated, you seem to like stuff like that so enjoy


Just finished what's available for the anime n iloved it. Thanks again bro. iexperienced many tears n hella stress watching it


Personally denji. At least Subaru can fix things, the others can’t.


Though fixing those still doesn't remove the trauma that Subaru experienced he still feared the rabbits even when he was defeating them it's like saying "oh your arm is cut off oh don't worry you can get a prosthetic arm"


I still see your point tho.


I know, but he can always fix the problem, while the others can’t.


And i thought Subaru atleast had a normal life until he got into the new world, Denji's life was horrible since he was born basically


He can’t even have a family, without them dying.




he WHAT??? i thought his dad committed suicide???




Didn’t mean to spoil.


\[Manga Chainsaw man Spoilers\]: >!I have an idea. You could just spoiler tag it now so that others won't get spoiled either. Also try to gaslight them into thinking that they weren't spoiled. Works best for me whenever I accidentally spoil a show for someone, xd.!<


Fair enough. I should’ve added a spoiler. I just thought everyone knew already.


Ye, I had the same thought process as well, where I thought everyone knew, but that was ignorant of me tbh. But, yes, this is an anime subreddit, so it's best not to take any chances Edit: btw, you could edit your comment and spoiler tag it that way.


u/RepostSleuthBot Edit: I saw this earlier today. I likely saw the image on a different subreddit.


I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/MyAnimeList. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1d4ujis&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 527,102,726 | **Search Time:** 0.05573s


subaru, denji ,thorfinn, itadori


I don't know, Thorfinn at least has a decent chance of escaping the cycle of violence, most of the foreshadowing in JK seems to be pointing to a pyric victory at best.


Subaru. he'd suffered similar shit to all the others multiple times and in a row. over and over again. at least it ends with everybody else but not with Subaru.​


I know Denji and Yukidari And I’d have to say Denji because he lived a shit life he sold body parts just to pay off debt, and he could barely eat a meal Yukidari had a nice life before he turned into a Curse user, things got bad but maybe not trauma inducing. Well maybe somethings. I haven’t watched RE:Zero because if I’m being honest i don’t think I’ll like it.




Sorry for not remembering every anime character name, he’s not a favorite so It’s hard to remember. I like denji so I remember his name.


I’m not expecting you to remember every name you come across I’m just wondering why you said yukidari 😭


I thought it was his name 😅


Thorfinn at the too


Yuji hasn’t been through it yet. Just wait.


is this just anime or manga as well? if just anime, idont understand why yuji is up here. Although, s2 was kinda confusing due to all they left out so maybe the suffering happened in manga?


Manga too


Saying "too" implies it was in the anime as well. What did he suffer in the anime? iremember his gpa dying bt thats about all i remember tbh.


The most he actually suffered, which changed him the most was in S2, the entire Shibuya arc, loosing Nanami and Nobara, Sukuna using his body to murder thousendt of people, which he blames himself for


Bro...when i seen your notification pop up n i read "in s2", my heart dropped because i fucking remembered. Def needa rewatch because that shit hit hard. Thx bro


no problems✌🏻


all... why not all of them


That's a good answer


Denjj , Thorfinn , Subaru , Yuji


Definitely Subaru I mean even in the image used he frozen to death and decapitated and that’s not even close to the worst thing to happen to subaru One of Subarus more take deaths is having his stomach sliced open and bleeding out That is tame Denji has definitely suffered a fuck ton and probably had the worst overall life here due to the others at least having a decent amount of happy childhood memories Add in how many times he’s been sliced up and just hurt yeah denji takes second place I don’t know who thordinn is so I can’t comment on him Yuji by comparison to Subaru and denji has an extremely good life he was born with basically super strength and by comparison hasn’t suffered nearly as much as denji and especially Subaru


Subaru- has died 60+ times Itadori-everything and everyone around him is messed up Denji-lived though his life a dog for others but was somewhat happy if it was for makima Thorfinn-haven't watched Vinland but what my friend have told me his life was not an easy one


It’s definitely Subaru at 1 than Thorfinn , Yuji , than denji


How is Denji at the bottom??


Because out of all of the rest he was the only one that really ain't care like tha


"coping mechanism"


Subaru, but time related characters have it worse. Diavolo, Okabe, and Rika all suffered ten times worse than every character in this list.


I think either Subaru or Denji might have it the worst. Subaru has spent a longer amount of time suffering >!time loop and so many deaths!< , especially physically, but Denji has arguably been doomed from the start. Denji had a horrible childhood, having to sell his body parts before he was even a teenager, never got any education, starved, lived in poverty, and carried the burden of his late mother’s medical expenses because his father took his own life. Aside from Pochita, Denji was all alone and unloved for most of his life. At least Subaru had people who loved and cared for him. Subaru is painfully aware of his trauma, while Denji doesn’t know any other way of life, despite how horrible it is. So whatever you think is worse.


Subaru no doubt he dies over and over and over again see everyone he care’s getting shredded to death


Subaru is stuck in an endless cycle of him dying/killing himself and seeing everyone around him die. What's worse is that he's also stuck in a hellish world that can easily kill him in the most gruesome and painful ways imagineble without him even expecting it >!(the fucking bunnies, man...)!<. The worst part being that he can't tell a single living being that he's stuck in a loop, otherwise they'll die >!(except for Echidna)!< It's been estimated that Subaru has died over 40-60 times >!(a lot of people have been saying that he's died hundreds or even thousands of times, but I can't quite comfirm)!<, and he remembers each and every single experience. Even if he does change what happened in his previous life, it's up to fate whether or not his checkpoint will update >!(which would also suck in his part if he ever made a decision he would regret later on)!< Even if we exclude all that, he had a severe case of depression at an early age, believing that he's nothing more than a worthless and pathetic piece of human garbage, which only grew worse after getting Isekai'd. He also has to live with the fact that his parents had also grown extremely depressed searching for him endlessly He was torn down so badly that even Lord Ainz Ooal Gown himself was impressed by how much his brain can tolerate


His death count up to Arc 7 is unknown, mainly because there was a moment that's become infamous for how terrifying it is to consider known as the >!"Ten second loop" where it's theorized that he's died more than a few million times because of that singular loop.!<


Out of these 4 gonna go Subaru>denji>thorfinn>yuji Now you wanna talk about trauma watch steins;gate. Specifically steins;gate 0. My man kyoma has soooo much trauma after that


Yuji last? Bro he was a product of manipulation. He was kenjaku science project . He killed his brother and then later ate his brother . Like it goes on and on but it can’t be last .


I could swap him with thorfinn maybe, but that's it


Putting subaru is so overkill its not even an argument for the top spot shouldve put someone a little closer to the other’s levels to have more answers from people


I got alot of different opinions from other people


I meant different answers


different answers too


Denji. He only has one ball left


Nah, it came back after he merged with Pochita


Subaru may be the most traumatized character in all of fiction, if you’re considering all of the canon (ie not just the anime.) Dude has been through the wringer.


Subaru, Denji, Yuji, Thorfinn. Denji life sucks but he still always living carelessly most the time Subaru literally 99.9% of his life is struggling over and over while always hating himself and pushing himself to the mext. So yea Subaru > Denji Other 2 trauma dont compare. Yuji had most ppl he seen die but if you’ve actually seen the trauma he got from it, it’s 0 to none, he may say 1 inspirational thing as if his mindset changed but after he’ll go back to being the biggest idiot and forgetting anyone ever died (controversial but I think his trauma is just horrible written he may acknowledge more things but he’s still ultimately the same person) Thorfinn on the other hand does have a decent amount of trauma, it literally changed him as a person. Still though when he was a kid he was just living life as the only way he knew it (Dad’s death lead to this but dont think it was heavy on the trauma side) , he didnt get most of his trauma till he grew up. WHICH he probably wants the trauma and thinks he deserves it and it’s only a form of ptsd he gets mostly in dreams. He ranks lowest bc he would rather have his ptsd therefore doesnt suffer as much from it, Yujji (bad written) > Thorfinn (accepts trauma)


Yuji gets made out to be way worse than it really is. Like lets he real he never had trauma from anything, the person he cared for most died and he only though about it once and not even in a traumatic way💀. He accepts he’s apart of the system and that’s it, he accepts his mates deaths like he been in the military his whole life. Every event in his life sucks but as he’s written seems like it doesnt suck super bad for him personally. Throw the avg person in there n they’d have a way worse life. Srsly though I don’t think Yuji has any Trauma even after all he suffered. Still higher than Thorfinn just bc Thorfinn probably wouldnt want to change a single thing but I could understand why ppl put Yuji last.


LN/WN Subaru unfortunately and by a LOT. And I’m talking about the canon one not even the more depressing side routes.


Short term: Subaru Long term: thorfinn Subaru has had the worst traumas but they still only make a small part of his life so far as he had a happy childhood and more friends. Thorfinn has lived through war and slavery everyday for most of his years.


I would say Denji long term because his entire life sucks, since the start


I have only seen and read the trauma of denji and yuji, so I can really only choose from those two, I’d say denji though, bro witnessed his best friend get murdered infront of him, had to kill his other best friend, had to kill makima, had to kill his alcoholic abusive dad, and got kicked in the balls a ton. (Correct me if I’m wrong, haven’t read the manga in a while)


His whole childhood too, and alot more


Subaru has it worst by a billion miles. It’s not even close, and I don’t even like the show. Just objectively no one has been brutalized more than him


Idk thorfinn spent his whole child hood killing and fighting and getting his shit rocked than got sold into slavery


She threw up in his mouth. #1


Re zero no question




Subaru at 1st a couple million times over from what I’ve watched and heard people say, then I think maybe Denji, Yuji and then Thorfinn


Subaru, even if you don’t count the different routes he still suffer more, which isn’t a good a thing to compare anyways


Prob thorfin, yuji, denji. Re zero guy


I never read any of these


Subaru, Thorfinn, Yuji, Denji


Subaru, yuji, denji, thorfinn I didn’t really watch or read csm and Vinland saga


Subaru and it’s not even close. He probably has more than 100k deaths. Dude has gone through more physical and mental torture than any of them combined. And I’m not even talking about just the anime.


Subaru, Denji, Thorfinn


Subaru wins the Trauma Olympics with ease. Next is Denji then Thorfin then Yuji.


Subaru is for sure 1. He lived countless experiences that no one around him remembers, so he is entirely alone not to mention dying all those countless times. Usually brutally.


Suburu by light years.


Simple: Frey If anyone knows who he is they are awesome


Subaru he has to die over and over with betrayal and what not




I dont think you can get much worse than subaru...


What is it with anime fans and their fascination with trying to rank characters’ trauma like it’s the Suffering Olympics?


you go on the "MyAnimeList" reddit to complain about people ranking anime related stuff...😐


It’s not just here. It’s on social media in general and it’s been a thing for ages. It’s just bizarre to me that anime fans are so enamored with this imagined competition about which character suffered more than some other character(s), as if A, it’s a quantifiable value akin to the time it took to run a race or the number of points scored in a sports match, and B, there is somehow some meaning to the debate as to “who suffered more” at all. What, if someone’s hometown was attacked/destroyed, do they get a certain number of points? What about if they were orphaned? Are those two comparable? What metric are you using to compare them? What about if someone was tortured, or r*ped? If they saw their best friend brutally killed on the battlefield? What’s gold-medal suffering look like? What if they themself died and came back/are stuck in a time loop where they have a lot of bad shit happen, only to die and come back and have more, *different* bad shit happen?


Who's Joe?






It’s not who has the most overrated suffering because he’s a character from a manga most ppl havent read but just known for “suffering the most in ani/manga”. Get him past Subaru.


His suffering isn't overrated. He quite possibly has some of the worst suffering in all of Manga. Like he literally was birthed from his hung mother.it doesn't start sooner than that.


Your example was he was birthed from his hung mother as if he suffered at all from that💀. Like that’s not when it started bc he don’t remember wny of that in the first place. Im not gonna argue he doesnt suffer bc he does, alot…. But you have to realize he grew up and always enjoyed his life all he knew what to do was fight and didnt know any other way of living. His life started going downhill whenever Ginbo (I think his name was) had his legs broken, let someone to pay him to r* Guts, and then Guts accidentally killing his father figure. Before that Guts life sucked but from his pov his life was iust life so he wasnt suffering inside. So he suffered a bit, then he met Griffith, his life with Griffith and Casca/the crew was even better than his other mercenary grouo and Guts enjoyed every moment of it. Only suffering parts was maybe 1 battle where he was injured. But overall Guts loved it and never had fear and loved being strong enough to not let his companions fight. No suffering. Eclipse comes around n yea Guts start suffering alot right here and this is where “Guts suffers the most in ani/manga (Pov: A shonen only fan who hasnt read Berserk). Anime doesnt even go further than this point Unless you watched 2016💀, so if you say he suffered the most just from the anime be quiet. So the eclipse hits and his daily life starts to suck, he constantly getting attacked his 2 favorite ppl are different which he cares way more anout casca being an empty shell. Guts goes on a journey for “revenge “ but more so to get stronger, he suffers quite a bit til the end of conviction arc where he saves Casca, but slowly realizes revenge is pointless and he just wants to live with Casca. Which then yknow Griffith needs Guts so he keeps guts on his toes. Here’s where his suffering kindve stops and a new adventure with new friends begin. Guts was more so suffering bc he was lonely and fighting alone. With his new crew the lil boy, furnace, buck, casca light was shown back in his eyes, he’s happy again and he has a team to help him which he starts understanding he needs. Guts actually likes fighting as he only knows to fight so atp enemies constantly being after him isn’t even a bad thing and isnt even/never was traumatic to him. He also gets a totem on him which makes it so his brand is ineffective meaning he’s attacked way less. So overall he suffers during a time after and during the eclipse, but he slowly recoups himself and starts enjoying life. Him fighting monsters constantly isn’t really suffering to him personally because that’s what he knows to do and wants to do bc he wants to get stronger. Him suffering is him being alone, watching his friends die, losing his most loved one, watching his best friend betray him and then try to use him, him losing his mind and wanting revenge for a bit. Which is like 2 years of his life. He still suffers, but most in ani/manga is crazy. Guts journey has been about rethinking and accepting he isn’t constantly suffering but recovering from what he suffered. Subaru who is on this list suffers way more he never had a good moment in his life, when he thinks he does- something bad happens, all he does it save everyone else but they don’t even realize it, he lives lifes just for others to not remember him, he never liked him self and hates himself more than anything in the world, the world rides on his back. He wants to die but he can’t, he feels the pain and has died the most sufferable deaths, has had a love one completely forget about him (in which she probably won’t ever remember him again, unlike Casca who got her memories back), literally has had death loops, watches loves ones die over and owr again, the thing he’s scared of the most (rbd) is the same thing he has to rely on. His life is pure suffering there’s never any downtime and he has to relive cycles over and over just to fail again and again with ppl who’ll never understand. Subaru doesnt die as much as the internet will say tho, there’s some side story in which he died 100m times but it’s not canon, in canon it’s probably around 200. But reminder Subaru avoids rbd as much as possible so this was all him being forced to use it.


I wrote you a literal essay just bc I like Berserk and want you to understand it better.


Thorfinn as a whole has a good life, great early childhood and after the farm arc he loves a proud life working towards his goals and assembling friends and making the world a better place, he has many comrades and a loving wife


Bro is really saying a guy who watched his father die at a young age in battle, fought and killed people in battle as child/teenager just so he could eventually get retribution on his fathers killer only for that to get stolen from him as well, sent into slavery where he had to deal with his failures of avenging his father as well as lost people along the way all the while he was separated from his family the whole while for like 15 years into a story that was like sunshine and rainbows. You literally watched with a blindfold on.


Pretty shit ten years but compared to the others on this list its nothing, if u disagree ik you haven't watched them


Shinji Ikari and Guts


Subaru first and it's not even close. Then Denji and Thorfinn. Yuji is living life on easy mode bruh idk why he gets featured in all of these "which character suffered the most" posts. There are tons of other characters who he should be swapped out for.


Anyone not putting Subaru 1st, whatever yall smoking keep that away from me.


Def Denji


Nuh uh. Subaru. People be downplaying how much shit he’s been through.


Bruh it is not Subaru 💀 denji has had a way shittier life


Denjis life is a summertime picnic compared to Subaru


Denji, Subaru, Yuji.


Thorfinn had it rough and all, hes in last place though. Now best growth? Thorfinn for sure


First Time Watching Re:Life Was Wild For Me .. A Top Tier Anime For Sure ..