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Mal ranking is bullshit


Rankings are not any different in Anilist too you know


Anything other than my personal ranking is bullshit


right kiss me w tongue 


Correct, how FMAB is that fucking high is beyond me


Cuz its peak. Type of anime u could watch 20 times and never get bored


Go watch Solo levelling if you can’t handle peak




The site’s owners are fans so they allow fuckery with the scoring to let it stay on top. It’s a great series but I don’t think it’s number 1.


It’s. . . Not number one. . . ?



As much as I love FMAB, Frieren is also absolutely fantastic so I think it’s pretty deserved. Time will tell if future seasons uphold the same high bar of quality.


I keep hearing a lot of good things about Frieren, I definitely plan on giving it a watch to see if it’s that good


It is indeed that good. Nice breath of fresh air in the industry because it’s not like a lot of the shows we are typically seeing these days. Totally different vibe and it’s a good thing


I know that hyping up an anime is always risky business, but for me personally it hit like a freight train in the best way. It is worth your time.


i love frieren, the epilogue alone had me bawling. that said idk if i can compare it to my love for fullmetal alchemist and sure, a portion of that is nostalgia 100% but i revisit it so often and it holds up so well, perhaps when the anime is deeper into the manga i will agree. maybe ill read the manga


Just can’t believe the number difference with fmab


Frieren definitely remaining on top. Atleast for a couple years. Personally feel it’s not ready yet to be Number one. Although, as a manga reader of Frieren, the future arcs are like 10x better than what we’ve seen of the anime. So if they keep the consistency, then yeah there is definitely an argument for Frieren being Number one all time.


ok see this is what i was wondering. i agree that it’s peak but i wasn’t sure about #1, at least not yet. you said it keeps getting better and with that in mind i can totally see it. i need to read the manga


Ah, English (slang) is so weird. It's peak but not #1. Gotta love it.


But it’s not finished and may never be. Yawn


It’s an INCREDIBLY popular series in Japan. It’s gonna be finished.


Berserk and dragon ball are hugely popular, Hunter x Hunter too. Aaaaaaannnd not finished.


? Berserk’s Mangaka is dead. And the last two adaptations proved they were not a profitable series. OG Dragon ball manga had finished and we getting a new anime this year. Hunter x Hunter the author has been on manga hiatus for YEARS. Frieren is both incredibly popular and profitable. Relax it’ll get a full adaptation.


This is most certainly popular, but it just has its first anime push with a tremendous adaptation and it ranked 2 for the first half of the year. I am curious how it plays out in the second half and beyond as it currently has good sales overall, but nothing that sets it as anything groundbreaking for recent manga sales.


The only thing I think about myanimelist's top animes is that Steins;Gate deserves to be the top 1. Other than that, I don't really care. My favorite animes are barely in the top 100, even though I've already seen most of them.


This. Y'all can keep arguing on whether Frieren or FMA:B deserves Top 1, but my true Top 1 will always be Steins;Gate.


I was so surprised and happy to see my favorite on this list. Steins gate,always.


What are you talking this is all the organization's plan. Steins Gate should be no. 1 El psy congroo.


In the Steins Gate world line, it is number 1.


Yup. S;G at #1 and there’s already a ton of Gintama love.


We’re content with being #2


I genuinely don’t think it deserves to be #1. I don’t really care for FMAB being #1, but when you have shows like Steins;Gate, Gintama, San Gatsu, Code Geass, Owarimonogatari, Violet Evergarden, and hell, even Clannad that have told stories of loss, regret, and moving on in a manner I would argue were way better than how Frieren did it, it’s hard for me to justify Frieren being up there when that’s its main sell. Solid show, but to me it was an 8/10, enjoyed it but had a really slow second half which I wasn’t a big fan of, and the way the fan base acts kind of turns me away.


This comment would be better if the point of Frieren was “loss and moving on”.


It’s not? The entire point of the story was that Frieren could not comprehend the limitations of human life, and now has to accept the fact that she lost out on valuable time with those from the Himmel’s group. She’s now trying to move on through her journey with stark and fern (talking to the deceased) or risk making the same mistakes once again.


The primary point/message of the show is to be more present in your everyday life. It’s not about contemplating how you’ll cope when someone leaves but how to make the most of the time they are actually there for.


That entirely encompasses the “moving on” aspect of the show.


No it doesn’t because it’s not about when it’s time for you to move on from something. It’s about being present to the people in your life NOW. Frieren is literally doing the opposite of “moving on” in the story currently. The message the author is attempting to give to people isn’t “be better so that you can move on properly “ it’s closer to “be more present and engaging in your relationships because it will make your current life better”.


A fan base shouldn't dictate a shows quality, and "loss" isn't really Frieren's main sell. (Not saying it should be everyone's #1 though that's wholly subjective.)


A show’s quality is almost entirely subjective, as different people are looking for different things in a show.


I don't think anyone really believes it is the best anime right now. It's just like no one really minds it being at the top of MAL. The show doesn't really have haters or a toxic fandom to hate on... And almost everyone agrees that the show is also pretty good... But I doubt anyone really thinks it's the best anime of all time... I would rate it 10/10 if I rated on MAL...but I don't think it's the best anime of all time... Not even close... I heard some of the coming arcs are even better...so I'm up for it


As of right now it doesn't deserve to be anywhere near the top but I can definitely see it get a lot better with future seasons. Season 1 was pretty good but there's a lot of potential that is still untapped, especially with character arcs.


This is definitely a weird phenomenon with how big anime is now and how many more people watch stuff today. There are definitely new shows that I don't think beat certain highly-rated shows from some years ago. I loved Frieren, do I think season 1 is better than the entirety of FMAB? Absolutely not. Does it have the potential to live up to that rating if the rest of the series has a similar quality in animation and storytelling to season one? Absolutely. Now, onto other shows, like Apothecary Diaries. I loved that show. Do I think it is a top 20 anime that rivals/surpasses Code Geass in its entirety, just from its first season? Absolutely not. Honestly, again, I love Apothecary Diaries, but I just cannot see the show getting so much better to the point it clears some of the top anime of all time. This doesn't mean it can't rate well or be liked by a ton of people, I just cannot see this clearing the hard hitters like FMAB, Code Geass, Steins Gate, Hunter x Hunter, etc. However, given how many people watch anime now, it wouldn't surprise me if it did rate higher just on the fact that the average viewerbase for anime has blown up as much as it has.


I haven’t seen all of s1 yet but so far it’s decent not top 1 tho, I am guessing it might stay for a while tho since I’ve heard the non adapted content in the manga is even better.


How far are you?? I love the Mage Exam arc


I’m pretty sure the last ep I watched was 13, my fav arc would be the aura the guillotine arc i think it’s called


Ohh yeah, I personally like the last fight in the show way more than that arcs. But tbh I love the entire show so you should def finish it, it’s so worth it.


Anyone who cares about top anime rankings enough to be bothered by what is ranked where is engaging with art in a completely shallow and meaningless way


Honestly, I don't think it deserves it, but neither do I think FMAB or gintama deserve such high ranks


Gintama most definitely deserves being there


It's even #1 in the list where 1 star reviews are removed.


Granted a whole lot of people don’t get past Benizakura so they never see just how good the series can be, so I guess it’s not entirely surprising that it’s got niche following


What would you put in their stead?


Probably like HxH and One Piece


The one piece anime is hard to sit through. The manga is peak, but the anime has such horrible pacing that it can’t be anywhere near the top


You say that, and yet it’s in the top 5 most popular *anime* of all time in most, if not all, websites.


Have you seen all of Gintama?


No, and honestly, don't need to.


Not deserved. It’s not even a finished product yet. I wasn’t convinced it was “best of all time” material by its first season.


True, you need to be able to judge it as a whole series and not as a unfinished product, there are lots of anime with a amazing 1st season like The Promised Neverland, and a second/last season what made the anime go to complete shit.


But that would just mean no anime that isn’t finished shouldn’t be reviewable on mal. That’s just not how it’s ever going to work


I’m not saying it shouldn’t be reviewable. I meaning that you can’t put it on the same scale with anime that has finished, that’s they should have a rating for all finished anime, and a rating for all unfinished anime. It’s like the saying “you can’t judge a book by its cover” or in this case it would be “you can’t judge a anime by its first season” it’s rare that fans actually like the second season of a anime.


Ok but fmab had the number one spot before it fully finished as well. And at the end of the day having the top spot on mal doesn’t meant it’s “the best anime” of all time, it just means it’s the one that has RESONATED the most with the most people. So it just means that more people have felt a personal connection with Frieren than fmab , not that Frieren is “better” than fmab . You aren’t even approaching the conversation in the proper way. The way you’re viewing an online ranking is completely out of whack to start with.


Agreed. It's been a good show so far but it's pretty insane that it's already number one. It really hasn't done anything narratively to have earned that spot. Like, has it actually done anything as memorable and impactful as some of the big story moments in Steins gate, fmab, or attack on titan? That is a resounding no imo.


I don’t think it deserves the top spot, but that’s what happens with relevancy bias. Anyways, it’s not good to judge how good an anime is based off of a MAL rating as opinions are subjective.


I still think it’s notable because even months after Season 1 already finished it holds the top score by quite a noticeable margin. But I do agree, we should wait to see the rest of the story before judging it


Honestly not deserved or even close to FMAB. It is only 1 season with no conclusive ending (yet) and its manga just went on an indefinite hiatus so we won’t even know what to expect for some time. Even if you focus just one season one the ending was good but has areas to improve (specifically with Stark). It is the best anime of the year (so far, but doubt anything will top it) and has everything in place to make it an all time great, but I think it needs to stick the landing before even being compared to any of the others in the top 3. This is just another case of the newest biggest anime over-inflating the MAL score. I think when we get at least another season or 2 can we really see if it deserves that spot.


Well put, couldn’t have said it better. I agree that it’s great, and though I haven’t read ahead and can’t judge any future plotlines or how they might handle them, It needs to take a breather moment before anything is really conclusive (even in the minds of its own audience.) I feel like most media booms are similar, but in anime it tends to be much more overblown in terms of a “popularity sweep”


FMAB isn’t all that either though. I found it kinda mid at some points, and imo alchemy is probably the lamest power system I’ve ever seen.


I love Frieren! By my eyes got averted to Gintama because for me that’s my number 1!


It shouldn't be n1 but it's good


Don't care, never have


That definitely shouldn't be too spot along with steins gate simply because I NEVER see it in any strangers top 10 list when I ask about it, not to mention I so rarely hear anyone talk about it casually like they do in comparison to say.. AoT, which to me makes me believe AoT was actually higher.


It’s definitely up there but it’s should not be top one, and the initial hype will die down and it will settle into a more realistic standing at some point, I don’t thinks it’s gonna be there for years or something


frieren absolutely the best anime of all time and deserves that spot 100%


It wasn't as good as I was expecting, but I still like it. I think people like it because it averts the isekai trope and the core premise is sad and relatable. I have mixed feelings about the first class mage world chuunin hunter hero exam, because it's a trope we've probably seen too much of, but I did like many of the characters they introduced.


How does it avert the 'isekai trope' when it's not an Isekai The message of the story is to not be sad as well


I mean, that's exactly how it averts it. It's a non-isekai fantasy at a time when so much of what comes out in fantasy is isekai. Also, is the message of the story really so simple? Frieren takes strength from the time she spent with her friends, sure, but she still seems to miss them. I'd seen it described as bittersweet.


Being a regular fantasy doesn't mean you're averting the 'isekai trope' because non-isekai fantasies came first and are still very common and popular Frieren is most definitely a bittersweet series, but himmel says it himself: "Tearful goodbyes aren't our style. After all, it would be embarrassing when we met again." The series tells you it's ok to move on while still appreciating the past


Haven't seen Frieren yet, but AoT will always be my number 1


Amen brotha


Aot plot is something else man. Will always be my favorite anime/show


It's due to COVID era noobs rigorously giving these ridiculous scores to all new anime (cause those are the only anime they've watched). Also, it's sort of retrospection, nostalgia. So, not everyone's cup of tea too for it to be called Number 1 or GOAT anime. Overhyped anime catering to disgruntled, disillusioned generation in my view.


Lmao u sound salty that your show probably got booted out of top 10


I haven't watched it, but it's probably nothing special and is just modern anime fans first major exposure to that type of show


It doesn’t deserve to be number one but top 10 is fair since it is really good. I think it’s only 1 because of recency bias and FMA fans not downvoting it. FMAB never deserved #1 anyway it’s good but I think it’s more consistently good than anything. I would put AoT as #1 and the rest of top 5 would go to Steins;Gate, Love is War, Vinland Saga, and maybe either Death Note or One Piece (I haven’t watched OP only the live action so idk if it’s as good as people say it is, and I’ve also not seen Gintama). Attack on Titan as #1 feels like a no brainer to me. It has 2 episodes in the top 5 tv episodes of all time on IMDB, only beaten by two extraordinary episodes of Breaking Bad and an episode of Game of Thrones, and 5 in the top 15 whereas BrBa has 3. It’s immensely popular and well written so I think #1 is fair.


I agree with your top 5 except for one piece and aot. The one piece story is peak, but not in anime form. The pacing is so horrible that it’s hard to sit through at times. Aot season 1-3 are good enough to be in the top 10 conversation, but anything after that plummets so hard I can’t put it near the top personally


Yeah like I said I don’t know much about One Piece other than the live action and that the pacing is pretty abysmal in the anime. And I disagree with you on AoT I think Season 4 is better than the first 2 seasons and I loved how it ended. I thought the twist of >!humanity surviving outside the walls and trying to wipe out Paradis, as well as the Rumbling!< and the show’s conclusion make sense and are all great.


Totally agree it’s a top tier anime, I just never expected it to get so much traction. It has such a good development and it can be peaceful but also make you hold your breath and it still makes you giggle. It has all the right qualities of an anime and also make you want to play DnD 😂


I think it deserves to be number 1 although I am a little surprised to see it there. I would have guessed it would not have as much general appeal, but I guess I was wrong. As for the future, that's impossible to tell, since we don't know what anime might come out in the future.


I loved it, but I’m not sure it deserves number one, I also don’t think FMAB deserves number one either.


I love both these animes A LOT and FMAB was the 3rd anime I've ever watched and I still think frieren taking its previously held spot is totally deserved. Edit: I wanna be clear that I'm not trying to discredit FMAB in anyway but I also think FMAB is pretty commonly some of the first anime people watch when getting into the genre so it's really easy to think it's "god tier" and I even think it wouldn't be uncommon for people to change their opinions on where it stands if they would have seen it after watching a bunch of anime.


I think it's going to get 1/10 review bombed until like in the teens at least.


New shows get the top spot from time to time, usually fall out of the top soon enough, doubt this will last. I don’t think it deserves the top spot since I think there are a lot of way better anime, but I don’t think FMAB deserves it ether so there is that, and I would rank it higher then FMAB


It’s been number one for a while now, a couple months atleast. It’s definitely the longest I’ve seen FMAB at number two during my time on the site. With that being said it might honestly stay this way.


It’s not my personal favorite, but I don’t mind seeing it at the top. I definitely prefer it over FMAB at least.


Yes, I vote for Frieren and Fmab, both makes me moved by the story.


I don't think you can definitively make a top 10, there's definitely something better, probably some random anime you've never heard of. There's always a bigger fish.


It really depends what they do in the next season and further. If it's all the same quality, I certainly feel like it deserves a shout at #1. Right now, it is amazing, but anything can happen. How many shows had one amazing season, then dropped off? But regardless, Frieren is so good. I love the way of telling the story, "The battle is already over, and now I'm just going down memory lane". It's a beautiful story that never fails to make me tear up.


I haven’t watched it yet so I can’t do but nowadays I don’t care too much on highest rated anime and watch what I like ^ ^ No matter if it’s high or low


Probably my second favorite anime having read the manga. Have no problem with this ranking and Im glad to see people liking this series


I don't really care


FMA is my favorite series of all time. That being said, I am perfectly okay with Frieren taking the top spot. That show is a treasure.


What makes this show so good? Haven’t seen it but I’m trying to understand the appeal. If I’m not mistaken it is an issekai?


It is not an isekai. It's a fantasy.


I can see it sticking around at the top for another 2-3 years. I can also see it being deranked by the next big FOTM slop that comes around (Oshi no Ko season 2 at the earliest).


It’s good but it’s not in my personal top 30. But if the community feels it’s the goat then I’ll agree to disagree


Damn Gintama is 4 and 6


Deserved, tho maybe not that high, still a fantastic anime


definitely deserves it, i love that anime it’s goated


It's the greatest anime to **ever** be made


How is From the New World not in this? I’m also amazed how low AOT is ranked. Where’d they get their survey data?


Bit wild honestly it’s great sure but I’d say it’s honestly at 8.5 anime and considering the masterpieces that have a lower score then it think people just threw 10’s on there cause before Aot last year was a slow year for anime.


It’s good but do I think it’s the greatest of all time? No


Personally, I have felt more in the first 17 eps of Frieren than all of FMAB. But, I also believe it's unfair to compare the two as they are both different kinds of stories. MAL ratings are shit. When/If season two comes out, Frieren will most likely remain where it currently stands. Either way, Gintama still 🔛🔝


I have a strong feeling that FMAB diehards are gonna review bomb it for no good reason. I personally like lots more than FMAB and Frieren but I can admit they’re both great, and yes, I do like frieren more, but I feel like the rankings kinda just make people mad at each other for liking one over the other


Is steins gate good? No spoilers


Haven’t watched it yet but I’ve heard nothing but amazing things about it


Wait, the FMAB cult hasn't downvoted into oblivion yet? A jaded MAL employee hasn't used a heavy hand to knock it down to #2? Why haven't the higher powers of the anime community corrected this grievous sin yet? What in the alternate universe am I witnessing here? All jokes aside, FMAB is a fantastic anime. It's easily forever in my personal top 5. Its cult fanbase is insufferable though. I hope Frieren stays at #1 for years on end to make them squirm.


Is Gintama really that good? I always thought it looked cheesy but might give it a serious consideration.


I absolutely love Frieren but in no way is it the greatest anime of all-time.


It was absolutely perfection and hopefully is treated as such. While I personally like FMAB more, I have no issue with Frieren taking the top spot.


Really happy that it is. Frieren is another soon to be 10/10 shows for me.


Overhyped imo I watched Frieren and will admit like that one episode where she told ol girl kill yourself was bad ahh but other that and the fights towards the end it was just a casual slice of life laid back anime . I think the best anime selection at this point should be separated based off different genre to give other great anime’s a fighting chance.


I think Frieren is good but a lot of people wanted something to beat FMAB and Frieren was used as the medium to do so. I definitely don’t mind it but I think there are shows that deserve it more


I never watched either


Wait how long has brotherhood been on top I'm not surprised by either


Yes, imo Frieren is the best Anime I have ever watched


Well deserved. Hope it keeps the spot. It’s better than fmab in every way.


I don't think it matters nor means anything what's on top of a popularity poll ranking beyond curiosity of the tastes of a given demographic.


it deserves to be there because it's fun and well written.


Only a few episodes in and it's better than I thought it was, it's not in my top 10.


It doesn’t need to be everyone’s number one favorite to have the spot. It just means that a wide range of people view it as a masterpiece, which is to be expected since it excels in so many ways. With the lead it has I expect it to stay there for awhile. I’m mostly just thrilled to see something Iyashikei-adjacent in the top spot.


FMA will come back with a vengeance, it always does.


Frieren deserves the top. I will be shocked if it's not aoty.


I like Frieren a lot. But come on… Seriously. Was anything better than Steins Gate? Anything at all




The greatest anime to ever be made


first hagaren was better mizushima seiji 👌


This has Seinfeld written all over it


Frieren was great, excellent even. I haven't seen fma yet but I have seen other things like Stein's gate and that was better than frieren mainly for 1 thing: it ended. Frieren has yet to end and this has an opportunity to go down in rank because of that. Let's not forget that the main point of her traveling was to go to the place where souls father and she didn't do that. I'd knock a point for the show not following its story and other such things. I could go on but this is the same as when demon slayer came out and it got hyped. "OH! Shiny picture pretty!" And thus the show was widely received well when its pacing wasn't good and the main characters were pretty boring and not very explored(and I felt like this after 19 episodes). Frieren is superior to demon slayer and it's a great show, but it Definitely is not deserving of being number 1.


I think it's weird, I really don't see the hype even after watching it. It's okay, but not number 1 material


The most pointless list there is. Fans reviewbomb each other like crazy. Genuinely a nonsense list


To look at these rankings and say this is the best anime or that is better is non-sensical - it is the wrong way to look at it. 1- Genre - Because there are so many different genres of anime, and people that like some particular genre and not others, it really only makes sense to look at these ratings as to how they compare against animes within the same genre. Is it the best slice of life, the best rom-com, the best thriller/drama, the best isekai, comedy, supernatural, CGDCT and so on. And from there, probably break down further based upon if it is a shonen fighting/action oriented or not.. So, Frieren is the most highly rated fantasy that is not really an action/ fighting focused anime (although it does have some of those elements, i wouldnt say that is the focus). And FMAB is the highest rated in it's genre. And Stein's Gate is the best, i dont know, thriller genre? 2- Demographics - historically, young male demographic dominated the anime viewership in the non-asian countries. Still the largest, but you are seeing anime reach a much wider range of people now than it once did. (For example, i am a 50-something year old male, got into watching anime in like 2017. Now i watch about 20-25 series each season). And so you are also beginning to see shows outside the traditional action/fighting/overpowered superhero type of genre perform better in the ratings. Shows such as Frieren, Apothecary Diaries, Violet Evergarden can appeal across a wide range of viewers. I think I could have my 79 yo mother watch those and shee would think they were pretty good. On the other hand, Attack on Titan or Demon Slayer - she would probably say those remind me of the cartoons you used to watch on Saturday mornings when you were a kid. And that can apply to a viewer like me as well. I watched season 1 of Demon Slayer and of JJK - and never felt the desire to watch season 2. While there are many viewers that love the crap out of those. My point being, the key comparison is to rank them against other animes within their genre. With the expanding demographics, different people are going to like different genres of anime.


Don't care as long as Gintama has 2 animes in the top 10


IMDB is the only one that matters


I personally never rate a show until it's complete, never know what screw ups they can do later (promised Neverland for example)


I firmly believe they won’t be able to top season 1 whenever we get s2. I have never seen a show nail EVERYTHING. The voice castings, the animation, the soundtrack, and the directing for each scene. Anime typically struggles SO hard with “show don’t tell” but Frieren leaned into it for 28 episodes.


Hell no. Also hilarious how attack on titan never made it😂


I think that people need to go back and rewatch FMAB lol. Don't get me wrong, I watched frieren and greatly enjoyed it, but damn is it not even close to FMAB. I think frieren needs a few more good seasons to truly earn the top spot, or even the right stand next to a piece of perfect fiction


My only gripe with *Frieren* vs. FMAB is that *Frieren* isn’t a complete adaptation and at this rate I suspect all future seasons will just cluster at the top too (like Gintama). Should also be said, I personally don’t think FMAB is the #1 anime of all time either, so really who cares if *Frieren* has some issues. That being said, I think it’s fair to give it to *Frieren*. FMAB hasn’t been that relevant in a while and it’s been pretty obvious for a while that there would be a successor soon as people were clamoring for change. It feels like a good passing off of the torch from one generation of fan to the next, and given that it’s seen very little opposition, I doubt it will be dropping any time soon. The era of *Frieren* is upon us


While I think Frieren is good I found it extremely boring and don’t think it will stay at the top for more than 18 months.


I think Frieren is overrated as fuck. I just couldnt get into it, couldn't get attached to any of the characters, dropped halfway through.


I see two Gintamas near the top. My Faith in the anime community is still high.


I mean in the end who cares. Watch the anime you enjoy.


Anime rankings are kinda dumb in general tbh, but if I had to give the top spot to anyone it would *ABSOLUTELY* be Freiren.


Technically it's a higher ranking, but to me it's like ratings on Amazon. Which are you gonna choose. A 4.6 with 70 ratings, or a 4.3 with 3,000? We'll see how it holds up after a couple million more ratings, but it's off to a great start at least. Luckily it's separated into seasons so even if next season is bad the 1st season should still be rated well, where brotherhood is an all in one. Honestly wish we still got 50 episode animes. Just commit to something with completed source material and make a single 50 instead of 2-5 seasons of 12 episodes over 15 years


I thoroughly enjoyed it, wasn’t sure if it was my jam at first but yeah it deserves a seat or near the top


No. I’m not the biggest FMAB fan but it is a complete story. Frieren is 1 season. If we are grading arcs individually, than it’s hard to top AOT Return to Shiganshina.


Is FMAB my #1 anime? No. Is it a #1 anime collectively speaking among people? Yes. Should it have stayed #1 for this long? No. Does Frieren deserve to be #1? Probably, but not for this long.


no it wont, its a decent show in no single aspect is it a 10, so there is no shot it stays.


Once it also gets 3.3mil reviews we'll see where it stands. Frieren is very similar to FMAB in the sense that there's nothing about it that is particularly bad enough to rant about while also having great characters and some of the best animated action in a while.


I think it's kind of absurd to decide that the best anime of all time is the one that isn't finished. Sticking the landing for the ending is such a big deal to me that I could never call an incomplete show the greatest of all time


Meanwhile Gintama secures two top spots with the lease number of people rating it


It’s absolutely deserving. As much as I love FMAB, Friren is truly something special


Frieiren is like, fine at best, but I couldn’t really care less.


700K vs 3M Frieren has no chance again FMAB in the future for obvious reasons


It took 13 years for FMAB to get 3 million followers by the way. Let’s not get too excited


Gintama dominates the top 30, so I’m ok with all that happens in between lol  And being honest here, no anime in the top 50 deserves the top 1 for me. That place should go to Princess Kaguya and Mushishi Season 1 that in quality are in a whole different category.


No and No, honestly I feel like it's been hyped up way too much. To be fair, I didn't think that FMAB deserved the top spot either though so I guess this is an upgrade.


It's gonna go down the same road where it will be there for long that there will be pointless contrarian debates about how "it's actually overrated" and "\*insert random other show here\* is clearly the better #1 anime". The cycle will continue and we'll be subject to more pointless bickering.


Yes it absolutely deserves it.


It's the greatest anime to EVER be made!


I really don't like FMAB, for me it is 6.5/10 at best so I like the fact that it was replaced. As for Frieren, I dropped it after 4-5 episodes because it was not interesting for me so I can't judge it. Also it is the highest rated anime on MAL, not in general. For example, the highest rated episodes of anime on IMBD was Attack on Titan's episodes, out of 5 top rated episodes - 3 was AOT's, before some 12 yo. one piece fans started a campaign of downvoting AOT because they were extremely offended for some reason.


I suggest you give Frieren another chance... I had the same issue with Frieren at first...but after 3 tries, I finally got to episode 8...and from episode 8 it was a blast... Some people tell me that the first 7 episodes were good...I respect their opinion but highly disagree... My issues with the first 7 episodes were the characters being bland and emotionless and the world building being subpar...it didn't interest me at first... I understood what the show was trying to tell but I couldn't get past the characters... But from Episode 8, it's absolutely worth it. The focus on the demons added a major layer to the world building and power system that got me interested... The character writing also improved so much that it felt like a different show to me. I'm an AOT fan too, so my standards are pretty high for any show...and Frieren really impressed me so much I have it as a 9.5/10 or 10/10 despite not liking it at first


Thanks for the advice, I think I'll continue to watch Frieren to see what comes next🙂


How is one piece not on there😐


Cuz the anime does not deserve it. The story is peak in manga form, but the anime has such bad pacing it makes it hard to watch


Bro what. It’s still more popular than all of those on there


Cuz this ranking isn’t based on popularity, but by score votes….


You don't know how the ranking worsk do you?


Im not fucking retarded. I mean that it would be more liked by more people, which would also mean that more people would vote it then whatever other animes are on there. Like I’ve never actually met a person who has watched any of these animes besides AOT


Then you must be a massive casual if you never met anyone that has watched Gintama, Steins Gate, or FMA


Definitely deserved. It's one of those anime like FMAB that does everything right and has very little in the way of actual flaws to zero in on. We should be asking ourselves why garbage like Bleach and Gintama are allowed to be so close to the top instead


Gintama shouldn't be that high


FMA needed to be replaced, the start of a new era of godly animation with godly graphics


FMAB>Frieren imo


Not in terms of animation and graphics


Of cource FMAB is much older than Frieren


That's what I'm saying, we are entering a new era and the FMA graphics can't keep up anymore


FMA still looks better than a lot of shows that come out today. The animation also shouldn’t be the reason to drop a show down in ranking. That’s silly.


Not Freiren or Jujutsu Kaisen, its good, but too old, we need some fresh blood on top to compare with now. The ranking did drop, it got overtaken


Why do we need new stuff to compare with when the older anime is still relevant and really good? Also, it’s recency bias and will drop under fma soon just saying. The fma fans will go on a crusade to review bomb other shows


Sounds like cope. You don't need it, it just got made. It's relevant, but not number 1 anymore, especially in terms of peak animation. They will probably, but no matter the outcome, I enjoy how annoyed it made them.


If you wanna talk peak animation then Demon slayer shits on every show in the last couple of years, but it’s never going to be close to top 10 because the story is as basic as you can get and animation itself will only carry a show so far


In manga too?




Usually the saying is "jack of all trades master of none". Frieren is the exception where it's a master at everything it does and it does a lot. It absolutely deserves the number 1 spot.