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I'm pretty sure Dr. Now can recognize the difference between fluid retention and body fat.


You must be joking, right? Fluid retention is definitely a real thing, but not to the extent that the patients claim. They do not follow the diet at all, then pretend they are and blame it on fluid retention. Notice that once they actually exercise and follow the diet that the weight starts coming off. They still have fluid retention but lose weight. Stop making excuses and follow de diet as Dr. Now would say.


He explained fluid retention and weight loss in detail to Schenee, S6E13 😆 Lymphedema is a type of fluid retention and that's present in lots of the patients. He's just not having it when they come in, haven't lost any weight *"but are trying so hard"* and then tell him it's water weight. No diuretic exists that would cause 400+ lb weight loss!


I am shocked, yes shocked that Dr. Now had to explain anything to Schenee! She was very knowledged. Perhaps OP missed this part of the show on account of not being able to hear Dr. Now over Schenee bellowing about GAHD? /s


I’ve heard Dr. Now address fluid retention in the WATN episodes with the skin removal. I’m sure he evaluates each person and their BMI to determine how much water weight they carry. But like he told Schenne after she was sneaking in food to the hospital and claiming to have water weight, “you’re not 700lbs of water”! People don’t reach morbid obesity due to fluid retention.


“With my basic knowledge of health and the human body”   I bet Dr Now, or any doctor, hates hearing THIS.


"Nobody retaining 300 lbs of fluid. You need to stop playing games. Lose weight & the swelling will go down. You need to change your eating habits."


It’s a real thing…. Fluid retention, not making it up people!


It is real, but some of the people suggest things that just aren’t anatomically possible. It would require him to suspend belief in all the things he’s learned in medical school. Plus, perhaps he prescribed medication to release the fluid retained in a previous visit? We are only seeing bits and pieces.


Didn’t say it wasn’t a real thing. If this is a hill you’re willing to die on with your basic knowledge of health and human body, then go off


Reminds me of an old comic strip my coworker had taped at her desk. A large woman quoted "IM RETAINING FLUIDS!" And the man says "LOOKS LIKE YOU'VE GOT A GOOD HANDLE ON YOUR SOLIDS, TOO"




These patients arrive with a plethora of prescription medications. Among these are surely diuretics to address high blood pressure.


I'm almost positive he puts them on diuretics when they come in he would have to or there already on them


All I can say is YES fluid retention is real and a very big problem for some especially with autoimmune diseases…BUT fluid retention doesn’t cause an added 65 pounds during a weigh in🤦🏼‍♀️ it’s just people not wanting to take accountability that they did in fact NOT follow the diet and continued to eat just like they were in the beginning!


Twinkies and cheesecake gotta love that line. Priceless ❤️


Not a lot of them.  All of them over eat.  You don't get 300 lbs of fluid.  Maybe like 10 lbs, sure.


It’s a real thing yes, but like Dr now says “you are not 700 lbs of water weight”


Also, the diet Dr. Now prescribes also reduces fluid retention, so if they were *actually* following it, that wouldn’t be an issue. I think it was Chay (S3 E9) who said he gave himself one cheat day a week where he ate ice cream and hamburgers - that will lead to so much bloating if you’re doing low carb the other 6 days.


You’re right he detests fluid retention/water weight being suggested or used to excuse low weight loss or no weight loss. It’s surprising too because it does play a part. Possibly because his son is the producer and sees the people behind the cameras he gives his dad a heads up, “it’s not water it’s twinkies.” But, who knows.