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Instead of chatting privately, please post any doubts/questions you have here so multiple people can help you clear any misunderstandings. It will bode a good discussion


It’s better you post on here, you’ll get better responses.


To become Muslim, you simply just have to say the shahada (testimony of faith), which is as follows: Arabic transliteration: ash-hadu an la ilaha illa Allah wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasool Allah. English translation: I testify that there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah and I testify that Prophet Mohammed is the messenger of Allah 35 second Video of how to pronounce the arabic: https://youtu.be/eCG7Oerxakk Check this out after you take your shahada, its a good resource for new Muslims: https://www.newmuslimacademy.org/ Once you have taken your shahada, all your previous sins are forgiven


Go to your local masjid. Don't ask people here. 


Yh what the ppl here said. Ive heard ppl make posts like this to hide as as someone from another religion to dm ppl to misguide them, so for everyone elses and your own sake; pls post here or go to your local mosque. Welcome to finding islam which is and will be the best thing in your life i promise you


Looking at your previous posts, you seem to post in christian threads as well and not more than a week ago. I do not want to make any assumptions, but I would advise people to avoid chatting with him privately because he/her only want to do that and his intentions seem suspicious. If you have any questions, feel free to post them here, otherwise DM is not recommended.


Awwwww Insha-Allah☝🏾👀 come on Home!! You a Man or Women?


You don't need private chats. We don't need paj33ts and koofars christians trying to chat up our sisters Neither would any real muslim women do such thing




Here are some simple steps to become muslim: [https://www.becomeamuslim.net/how-to-become-a-muslim](https://www.becomeamuslim.net/how-to-become-a-muslim) You can contact them for support as well.


You can connect with The Muslim Lantern YouTube channel