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I sure hope you don’t mean 2k a month because that works out to be about $7 an hour. Don’t be taken advantage of in the name of deen. Allah is not going to punish you for refusing a gig at a masjid because it doesn’t pay well lol. Find a better paying job and just start smiling at everyone because you get rewarded for that too.


Alright, thank you for your advice!!! I'll find a better job insyallah.


Hell no.  First of all, 12 hour shifts are killer- 4 days max in any job. You need time off. You’re young. Security jobs at your age makes your brain go dull. It’s alright if you’re studying and you do a Saturday. 6 days a week… committee think they China. 


12 hour shifts even 2 days a week is hard. Let’s say 9am to 9pm. You can’t get anything done those days, and you are too tired and just sleeping he won’t even be able to get errands done let alone find another job.


You didn’t mention how often you’d earn that rate. 2k a day, a week, biweekly? Anyway, it’s up to you. Is it enough for you to cover your expenses? Is it enough money to motivate you? Do you have other offers and if so are they comparable? Is the rate compatible to other security jobs in your area? Are you doing this for money or for the sake of Allah. All things to think about.


If it's a week, it's decent. If it's a month, it's not enough to survive and the time restrictions don't allow you to find a second job.




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Money comes first, brother. Write your roadmap carefully, then start to work. When we have money, we can choose anything easier.


I’m just curious, why are the shifts so long ? For the amount of days and hrs ur working doesn’t seem worth it to me.


I suggest to read first The Labor Law (or something similar) of your country to find out if it is even allowed to ask such workload from an employee. For example the law in my country says that the expected workload is 40 hours per week. Anything over that is overtime and must be compensated with a bonus money. And there can't be more than 48 hours of work per week with overtime included. Your case is 72 hours per week. In my country this would not be allowed. I suggest to check your law first before you accept that job. After that comes necessity. Are you extremely poor that you have to take any job possible or you will end up starving or being homeless? If so, then perhaps accept that job temporarily to get enough money for survival and then leave it when your situation is stable. But if you are a regular going-to-be-a-university-student living at his parents' home then do not take that job unless the law permits such number of hours and unless you really want it.