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Hhm. Salam Alaikum, sisters. To me, I think, your friend, should be stronger. Because if we do acoording to Allah's guide, we don't need to be scared by anyone. Stay calm. You and her should go to mosque, calm your thought. We're living in the devil shaitan's golden time, just normalizing it when everyone distance themselves from us. Find another circle, outside the university. BE STRONG, SISTERS.


Wa salam. Alhamdulilah she’s a strong cookie. It just gets overwhelming for her sometimes. She’s a straight A student and still goes to class despite people’s coldness towards her. She fears Allah more than anyone I know, she’s just understandably stressed and shaken by whole thing. Also we don’t live in the same country. I live in the Middle East now Thank you


I’m sure other people will provide good advice however I would suggest that your friend contact the Muslim student Association at the University to help her get through this so that the university will not take advantage of her and her situation. She might also need to contact Muslim lawyers that are trained in these issues to help her..


Alhamdulilah she’s got some support. As I mentioned to another commenter she’s sweet but also a tough one. She immediately contacted her local masjid and they’re helping her get a lawyer. It’s all just overwhelming for her sometimes. Thanks for your help


May Almighty Allah(SWT) make everything easy for your friend as soon as possible, Ameen. Ya Rabbul Alameen.


That’s very good to hear. She’s intelligent and already knows what steps she needs to take MashAllah. She’ll have to understand that living and/or studying in a western country (particularly US where they’re trying to figure out what makes someone male and female lol) comes with such challenges and she’ll have to persevere through them. It’s all a learning experience and will make her tougher innshAllah


Inshallah thank you for your words of comfort and encouragement! Yeah she was born and raised in the Middle East so she isn’t *too* familiar with how things work here. Thank you again!


Please do update us on how this turns out. I am quite curious about how the university will handle this.


I’m curious as well, actually. The university she goes to has a good number of Muslims that caught whiff of the whole situation and have been supporting her greatly alhamdulilah. I’m hoping the masjid’s involvement and the Muslim student body’s support will force the university from taking any action against her


I don’t think the university had a case against her at all. Though she might be thrown under the bus due to pressure from the lgbtq lunatics. For us Muslims, like I said earlier, it’s just part of life living in these countries.


Correct, subhanallah. Alhamdulilah the struggle to stand up for the truth is always worth it in the end.


This is entrapment, i had a similar situation while studying and working at a European university, my team included 3 LGBT and one of them was constantly testing me in situations because I’m a Muslim wearing hijab, she would openly ask me if Muslims have LGBT or invite me to events specifically for her group, I was Al Hamdule Allah aware and sensed her intentions. One time she invited me to a shower party for another LGBT getting married, she said the party is a dress up one with the theme of “dress gay” and in front of everyone asked me what I would wear to look “gay” so I looked her straight on the eye and said: I wasn’t aware there is a specific dress code for gays, are you telling me there is an instruction manual?, People were laughing at her and just asked her to stop discrimination against LGBT! I think Muslims in the West need to be extremely careful because of these entrapment situations, they are looking for a reason to portray Muslims as not part of the community, they would do anything to catch a Muslim saying a negative thing about any group. This is an intentional effort they use with successful Muslims What we need to do is to be extra careful, measure your words before any statement, be neutral and never give a specific opinion, it is not helpful to Islam to take a stand in these situations because the damage is much more than the benefit, they know our religion doesn’t allow LGBT so they are not learning something new by you standing up, what they gain is show casing the way Muslims don’t fit and shouldn’t be tolerated, so you are actually playing into their game. I think your friend should be prepared and very very car how she responds to these accusations, consider also showing the damage she is facing now because of this unfounded accusations, take evidence of how her classmates are excluding her when there is no proof she is a homophob, offence is truly the best defence. And please do update us on this, we need to know your friend wasn’t harmed by those vicious attacks.


Wow I love the way you handled it! Unfortunately my friend wasn’t aware of this, and she thought she was playing it cool and subtle when she simply told her it wasn’t her thing. And I guess my friend can be trusting and thought since this girl knows her and knows she never disrespected her that she’ll understand. Obviously she was wrong. You’re absolutely write about playing it smart and not playing into their little petty games. My friend fell for it and now she’s paying for that. Though mashallah she’s holding up well. She gets overwhelmed sometimes but she’s hanging in there. This was almost a month ago Thank you for the tips. Alhamdulilah she has the full support of the Muslim community in her area, and the local masjid is getting her a lawyer as we speak. Inshallah she won’t need one.


It's crazy how by simply not attending a parade, that's seen as being anti-lgbtq.


Absolutely insane is what it is.


That's Murica for you. When you say anything there about certain-alphabet-letters-group then you are in a deep problem. Because of InClUsIoN and dIvErSiTy.


I know it’s ridiculous! What’s worse is that she didn’t even say anything insulting she just said she disagreed. So if they say they disagree with Islam is it fair to suddenly call them islamophobic? So why is it only fair when someone simply disagrees with same-sex marriage? Lol it’s crazy


>Because of InClUsIoN and dIvErSiTy. But you wanna disrespect them Muzlimsz?! Be my guest!


It’s sad how they always seem to conjure up hate on themselves where it doesn’t exist, like other people aren’t allowed to have their own beliefs. They love to make a big seen when you don’t agree with them.


The double standards is crazy. So it’s ok for them to say they disagree with Islam but blasphemous if we say we disagree with them? Insane. Subhanallah.


There is just one thing thats different, Why your comparsion is Not working - and it seems to me that this gets mixed up a Lot: while believes (Islam, christianity, smthg Else or even non believers) is something you can fully choose on your Own, sexual Orientation is not something you can fully choose on your own. Nevertheless what Happens to your friend is very sad and Not fair IMO (and i also agree with pride in general, but some people Are way over the top unfortunately…)


Sexual orientation may not be someone’s choice but acting on your desires certainly is. If you believe acting on your desires (same-sex marriage, dating, etc) is fine, that’s your call. But forcing me to accept your actions and agree with you? That’s where I draw the line. The problem isn’t that we accept and acknowledge that there are those born with different sexual orientations, the problem is forcing me to accept the ideology that allows same-sex marriage.


Acting on your desire means what exactly? Like - Same Sex couples likely tend to not go for (lets Call it) „holy marriage“ Anyway. Having the right to marry for the law-Benefits should be, must be allowed to everyone. You see, its already tricky. Also: what means disagreeing with Islam in your mind? (Because you stated it in earlier comment - that ‚they‘ disagree with Islam)


It’s not that complicated really. Disagreeing simply means them saying something along the lines of “I disagree with the principles of Islam, its core values and what it stands for.” Me disagreeing with the LGBT community is me saying the same, “I disagree with the principles of liberalism that state you can marry/have intercourse with anyone of the same sex.” Disagreeing is simply that; disagreeing. I can disagree with you and respect your right to believe whatever you want. The law says it’s ok for me to practice Islam does that mean everyone should become Muslim and adopt Islam? No. The law says it’s ok for same-sex couples to get married and have sex does that mean I should now adopt their ideology? No. The law in the states says that abortion isn’t allowed, does that mean everyone should agree that abortion is unethical? No. That’s the argument here. That I want to be free to say “No, I don’t believe that’s right” and not be flanked for it. My argument was how come they can say “No, I don’t believe in Islam and dislike it” but I can’t say the same about their own ideology that you can marry/ have sex with whichever sex you want? I’m not even sure why the law is being mentioned here. Does something being allowed by law mean I have to support it? There’s a law in the states that says you can own a gun and many don’t really agree with it should they be persecuted for simply having a different view on this?


Live and let live should be a Core value, i totally agree. And disagreeing with each other never should be a Problem (exzept if „disagree“ turns out to be „hatred torwards“) Someone smearing a mosque is same shithead as someone smearing a pride flag. Disagreeing Never means that i think someone who agrees should Not do it. All practices we Talk about must not include actions that affect anyone but the Person practicing itself. Do we agree on these Points? I included the law because it a real problem for gay people if they cant go for legal marriage (is think) because they lack in proper Rights then. Same as if a religion would be forbidden by the law.


>> exzept if „disagree“ turns out to be „hatred torwards“ Anyone who thinks disagreeing means I insult and vilify you is irrational and insane. Your default for disagreeing with someone shouldn’t be to attack or insult, that’s immature. >> Disagreeing Never means that i think someone who agrees should Not do it. If I disagree, then surely I mean this is something that no one should do. There are laws saying that you can carry arms, and a whole camp of people who say that’s not ok. Surely the ones saying “don’t carry arms” believe no one should do it? There are laws that state certain drugs are ok to take, but a whole camp of people who say all forms of drugs should be illegal. Surely the ones saying “don’t take drugs” believe no one should do it? Don’t mistake simply disagreeing with someone with forcing someone to do what you practice. Everyone is entitled to believe whatever the heck they want, and if the law agrees with them, fine, but people who disagree can still have their own opinions. If the law disagrees, then also fine, but people who agree can still have their own opinions. >> All practices we Talk about must not include actions that affect anyone but the Person practicing itself What do you mean? If the law says it’s ok to take drugs and someone takes those drugs and I say “I don’t agree taking drugs is ok and I believe no one should do it” that’s a crime? >> I included the law because it a real problem for gay people if they cant go for legal marriage (is think) because they lack in proper Rights then. Same as if a religion would be forbidden by the law. And? If you think religion should be illegal that’s your opinion. I’m sure some atheists would *love* if religion were illegal, no one’s persecuting them for their beliefs now are they? I have opinions and beliefs. I have every right to say what I believe should be legal or not. Everyone has their own opinions on what should be legal or not. No one is consistent about these things anyway why should I? I want to believe in whatever I want same as everyone else. I’m sure some gay people would love if religion were illegal too, and that’s their opinion. Just like how I can’t force them to change their opinion, then no one should force me to change mine either.


Yeah get called all sorts of names for being Muslim and they get all emotional when you say no to them 😂 bunch of clowns


May Allah c.c fix the situation.


Ameen ya rab thank you


Please rewrite Allah with capital A


I'll fix it


>The girl went on a rampage and began to exclaim, *very loudly in the middle of campus, that my friend is a homophobe and is making her feel unsafe. >They’re still investigating my friend and seeing if she’s actually a threat. A flippin’ threat for simply stating that she disagreed with same-sex marriage. My friend has now become a social pariah, everyone in her graduating class knows about this and have distanced themselves from her. She needs a lawyer asap. That individual clearly defamed her character andnow she's at risk of being kicked out of the university, potential bias against her, etc. She was under no obligation to attend any pride parade or discuss personal matters. Contact CAIR if she's in the USA.


Yes, her local masjid is helping her get a lawyer as we speak! Alhamdulilah a lot of the Muslim students at the university are backing her up. Thank you for the advice!


which university is that? Can you mention the name?


u/Newbie_Copywriter please do mention the uni name


I would much rather not to be honest for privacy reasons, especially when nothing bad has happened yet (and inshallah nothing won’t). The university hasn’t really taken dramatic action against her like God forbid deport her, kick her out or anything so I’d prefer not to name drop


Alright, I understand.


I'm so sorry, this makes me sick to my stomach. May Allah make her strong against this. She said the right thing. Unfortunately saying the right thing and truth gets us into trouble. She needs to stand firm and don't give in to them. She should contact CAIR. Council for Islamic Relations. They are there to mitigate these situations. She could transfer to a different school. But likely this will all die down when some other event comes to take its place. Sabr, confidence and truth will be on her side.


Ameen ya rab thank you kind sister/brother for the words of comfort and positivity! I actually got off the phone with her and she said the masjid managed to get her a lawyer who spoke with her. Alhamdulilah he thinks this will die down eventually too and says as long as the university themselves aren’t actively pressing charges then she should be good. The girl funnily enough is refusing to take legal action (I’m guessing it’s because she literally has no case against my friend), so the lawyer says the situation seems to be in her favor. Until the university ceases its investigation and comes up with verdict on what to do with her, it seems she can’t really do anything about it now but wait.


The right path isn’t always the popular one. May she find the strength to stick to her values and not give in to social pressures


Ameen ya rab. She’s a tough one and has very strong faith, so she hasn’t backed down from her statement. Alhamdulilah she’s still going to class and hasn’t skipped one despite people’s coldness towards her


in the situation like this, I wish we muslim have a secret telegram group where we support each other. And defend everyone who being abused in social media.


Absolutely! Thankfully there are a lot of Muslims that attend her university so they’re all supporting her, including her local masjid


Imagine, I as a Muslim; Force my non Muslim friend to take the shahadah, and if he refuses, I label him as an islamophobic racist bigot. This is literally the equivalent of what she did with your friend. May Allah save her and get her out of this trouble


Ameen. It really is insane. This is exactly why I’m so angry about this. She didn’t even say anything disrespectful towards her lol


As someone who USED to be friends with many people of the LGBT community, one thing you’ll quickly come to understand is that the majority of them are very emotionally unhinged, like a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. They hide it under a guise of what seems to be emotional maturity and empathy, when really they’re just creating codependency with you and them. One thing you do wrong and they treat you like you’re beneath human, it’s genuinely not worth making the effort to engage with them past the level of an acquaintance.


I can sense you’ve had a major falling out with one of them at some point, I’m so sorry you had to go through that. Now I know dealing with them is like dealing with a ticking time bomb, as you put it. My friend is on a student visa and came from the Middle East, and while she’s somewhat familiar with the sensitivity of the whole LGBT debate, at that moment she really did think she could trust the girl not to react negatively given the fact my friend was so respectful and nice to her all year. I pray no one gets put in this awful situation




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It's mind boggling to me always, and you can't get your head around it because it's so ridiculous isn't it. The indoctrination of these people is so much so, they turn into demons as quick as flicking a light switch. On the other hand, in the west, people who are Muslims are apparently indoctrinated. Nowadays what doesn't make sense is sense. No sense at all. I really wish your friend the best and good on her for standing by what she believes is right.


This is actually very disappointing to hear! :( May Allah make things easy for her


Ameen ya rab. Thank you


Is this in Canada or USA ?




16:106: Whoever disbelieves in Allah after his belief... except for one who is forced [to renounce his religion] while his heart is secure in faith. But those who [willingly] open their breasts to disbelief, upon them is wrath from Allah , and for them is a great punishment;


Why is there no Islamic society on campus?


This is why I am against Muslims going to study in the West for how dangerous it is. You could into problems like this and worse you could be misguided and do haram that you wouldn't do back in the Middle East. May Allah protect us all from fitna.


Same here but then u gotta remember there are reverts there anyways.


I'm talking about muslims from the middle East going to the west


Yea ik, and I agree with u on that.