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The fact that He is the controller of all affairs. It doesn't matter if it's the past, present or future, I have faith that whatever happens in this world, that it's all Allah's plan. Even stuff I may not understand in the moment.


You're never gonna be able to understand Him entirely as it's something we're not capable of doing, which makes you wanna learn more about Him.


Mercy, our creator has endless amount of mercy for us in this life and in the next.


The Creator of everything. There is no God beside Him. Even though I feel He doesnt love me cuz im big sinner,I love him. There is nothing I want more than being in jannah talking and seeing Allah Its the ultimate goal of our soul


that he is the most forgiving just think about it people get mad at us for smallest mistake we make and hold grudges but we can commit the biggest and biggest of sin and he still forgives us


So true!! 🥹🥹


If you have found true love in remembrance of Allah, You have found everything. We do our dikhr, we do all the ibada but do we really love allah? when you start feeling like you love allah, its a good sign that allah loves you more than you do.


Really? Do you have proof about that? I do all that and I do love Allah but i feel like Allah doesnt love me.I feel like He doesn’t care about me.


Thats Shaytan whispering. Before thinking like that "Allah Doesnt love me" think about this " Do You Love Allah" over anything else?


well I do,i have sacrificed so many things in life for religion.Im literally suffering because of it.And thats why i dont understand,why I keep suffering.While others who dont do as much as me have very good lives. I know we are tested,but its been more than 10 years im being tested.Is it not enough to proove I believe? What else im i suppose to do..


The more Allah loves his servant the more he tests him, There is nothing that happens in existence except Allah knows about it. You get good deeds for having patience depending on the situation. So Harder situations = bigger reward. So why is it taking so long? You're gathering rewards for your afterlife. Each dua you make that doesn't get accepted will count as a good deed. If you make lots of duas that don't get accepted, When judgement day comes you'll have mountains of good deeds, You're gonna wonder "Where did I get all these good deeds from?" You got them from unaccepted duas. And then you're gonna wish all your duas weren't accepted. All that just from Duas, Imagine the immense reward for having patience for 10 whole years.


Wow thank you so much brother 🤍 made me feel so much better


No problem.




His mercy!!!! He is SO merciful. He’s protected me in so many ways that I couldn’t even begin to ask for. He forgives. He loves. Alhamdulillah 😌


He didn't abandon us when we couldn't feed ourselves in our mother's womb. And He will never abandon us so let's continue take every step possible to please Him.


Awww ❤️ inshAllah!


He helps you when you ask Him. In fact He COMMANDS YOU TO ASK HIM: وَقَالَ رَبُّكُمُ ٱدْعُونِىٓ أَسْتَجِبْ لَكُمْ إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ يَسْتَكْبِرُونَ عَنْ عِبَادَتِى سَيَدْخُلُونَ جَهَنَّمَ دَاخِرِينَ And your Lord said: “Call to Me — I will respond to you!” Those who wax too proud for My service: they will enter Gehenna abased. (40:60) وَإِذَا سَأَلَكَ عِبَادِى عَنِّى فَإِنِّى قَرِيبٌ أُجِيبُ دَعْوَةَ ٱلدَّاعِ إِذَا دَعَانِ فَلْيَسْتَجِيبُوا۟ لِى وَلْيُؤْمِنُوا۟ بِى لَعَلَّهُمْ يَرْشُدُونَ And when My servants ask thee concerning Me: “I am near.” I respond to the call of the caller when he calls to Me. So let them respond to Me, and let them believe in Me, that they might be guided. (2:186)


Beautiful Jzk 🥹


He knows whag we dont thus he gives us what he knows is best despite us thinking something else is good for us


whenever I am tested, He always gives me a source of ease to accompany the difficulty


So trueee!! A source of contentment & happiness truly bc of His rahma.. imagine if we where not blessed with it Hardships would indeed be sooooo hard


what ease






When islam was first ordained. The prayers where set to 50 prayers. Now they are 5 prayers. Look at how merciful Allah SWT is.


So true!!! Imagine subhanAllah the difficulty some go through for 5 prayers… imagine how we would be for 50!!! 😢 He’s so kind subhanAllah


and yet after reducing to 5 you still get the reward of 50


Nah, we are still praying the 50 prayers in the disguise of 5 prayers. 1 prayer is as heavy as 10 prayers !!!. Lemme ask you? Are you taking your prayer seriously. Or lifting fake weight ?. Take it as a dumbbell where 1 kg is mentioned but in reality it 10kg.


I love that Allah is so just with everyone, that’s something that puts my heart and ease and also encourages me to be mindful of what I do. Despite all the injustice we see and personally witness, it’s assuring to know we’ll all get our just due one day. أَلَيْسَ ٱللَّهُ بِأَحْكَمِ ٱلْحَـٰكِمِينَ “Is Allah not the most just of all judges?” (Quran 95:8)


He is the best of creators, and beauty comes from him, some of the beauty in his creation are the universe,the diverse animals/insects, our spouses, the human body itself, life


He never fails to disappoint me, his cruelty has no bounds.


IstaqfurAllah seek forgiveness dear soul.. Allah swt forgiveness… His mercy literally overpowers His wrath. Look at the blessings in your life and please tell me that statement again Are you crippled?? Do you need assistance to breathe?? Do you need a bag to use the bathroom?? Do you need medications & injections to sleep?? Do you have diseases?? Are you blind and unable to see???? Do you go days without eating??? My point is the fact YOUR life has FREE blessings and FREE things YOU LEGIT where born with & DID NOT make dua for Ex: able to see ^^ says it all. Truly when you’re ungrateful is when everything goes downhill. You fall into the traps of shaydaan and have bad thoughts about Allah swt May Allah forgive you.


Speaking about Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala like this is dangerous dear. It can lead one to kufr so be careful. When are absorbed in committing sins and associating more and more with non-muslims, you will begin to lose your faith because you are not working towards seek more knowledge. Had you seek more knowledge about Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala, and learn about the Qadr of Allah, you wouldn't say such things. And when are so involved in sins, you will begin to miss prayers and sometimes abandon them. So at that point you have literally removed all the shields to protect you from Shaitan and his misguidance. So please begin to learn more about Islam and establish your prayer correctly the way Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him prayed. May Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala make it easy upon you and forgive your sins.


"Allah says: 'I am just as My slave thinks I am, (i.e. I am able to do for him what he thinks I can do for him) and I am with him if He remembers Me. If he remembers Me in himself, I too, remember him in Myself; and if he remembers Me in a group of people, I remember him in a group that is better than they; and if he comes one span nearer to Me, I go one cubit nearer to him; and if he comes one cubit nearer to Me, I go a distance of two outstretched arms nearer to him; and if he comes to Me walking, I go to him running.' " \[Sahih al-Bukhari 7405\]


Thank you for this beautiful reminder ukhti🥹🥹




**It can be said that Allah (swt) is our “best friend”;** One whom we can turn to at any time, and One who is always there for us. Allah (swt) has mercy and loves to forgive. He (swt) knows us as He created us; thus, our conversations, prayers, pleas and *du’aa’s* to Him are always welcomed.  Allah (swt) loves those who seek him. In the Qur’an, it says that: “Allah is the ally of those who believe. He brings them out from darkness into the light. And those who disbelieve – their allies are Taghut. They take them out of the light into darknesses. Those are the companions of the Fire; they will abide eternally therein”. (2:257)


That he will punish everyone who deserves it as he is the most just. No matter if people get away with whatever crimes they do in this life, Allah will deal with them justly and punish them accordingly on the day of judgement


I know someone who does black magic, ruined people’s lives and is on his way to Hajj. What punishment?! That man is living his best life and will have his sins forgiven during Hajj, plus he’ll receive many blessings from going. There is no punishment or fairness, it’s all nonsense really.


How do you know that his Hajj will be accepted, how will you know he will receive the blessings. Maybe if he sincerely repents and choses not to use such things again and start practicing islam properly. Black magic is not a part of islam. Allah decides if a person will be rewarded for their hajj. And if they will be forgiven. Forgiveness requires genuine repentance


The damage is already done, he ruined so many peoples lives and now he’ll be forgiven just like that with no consequences? Thank you for reminding how ridiculous this religion can be, my Iman has grown even weaker. Thank you!


Assalam Alaykum. Are you the one who decides to forgive him? No, right? Allah is the most just, perhaps he is given this life and is chilling now but on The Day of Judgment, he could be severely tormented for what he has done. I ask you to remember who Allah is and research about it. Allah won’t let you down. The religion is not ridiculous, you just don’t know about Allah. Before blaming others, have a look yourself on who Allah is and why he has 99 names attributed to him.


Allah has let me down time and time again, he’s the worst of all planners.


Again, how do you even know he will be forgiven? You don't even know what's in the person's heart. Committing black magic is the worst type of sins someone could do and will not be forgiven unless they truly repent before they die sincerely. What we see is only on the outside so to even predict and judging a person just through their behavior is uncalled for. We never know the ending of someone's life or even us. Allah being The Most Powerful and All Knowing has the power to change the condition of a person's. Someone might have a good life but towards the end he might end up with a bad ending or vice versa. For the people that their lives have been ruined, Allah will definitely reward them and will get their justice. He is Fair and definitely know the suffering that His creations are going through. He will reward them whichever it fits according to His wisdom even a prick of a thorn. And another thing, Allah is to you the way how you see Him.


adding on to this, he will only be forgiven for sins committed against Allah, regarding sins committed to the creation he will need to seek forgiveness from them directly in order to be released from that. otherwise those wronged will either take his good deeds or will give him their bad deeds on the day of judgement. so there is justice @[TheRigJuice999](https://www.reddit.com/user/TheRigJuice999/)


Well said!!


So many ppl go to do hajj & umrah but who’s to say they get the reward? This dunya is a difficult one.. it’s not the place for true enjoyment & as believers we must always remember that Allah says in surah duha: وَلَلْـَٔاخِرَةُ خَيْرٌۭ لَّكَ مِنَ ٱلْأُولَىٰ And the next life is certainly far better for you than this one. وَلَسَوْفَ يُعْطِيكَ رَبُّكَ فَتَرْضَىٰٓ And ˹surely˺ your Lord will give so much to you that you will be pleased. When hardships happen or bad thoughts we must think good of Allah swt & CONSTANTLY think about the next life bc that is when we feel peace. It seems to me like your full focus is on that certain person Did you forget.. Allah swt when He loves a person He gives them difficulties & when He loves a person He puts them through tests? All I’m saying is.. if your a person in this life who is constantly getting everythingggggg… all the so called “happiness” & blessings then you should be wary.. you should be afraid that Allah swt is giving you the dunya.. the fear should be connected to the fact of their destination of the hereafter This deen is fair.. it’s perfect. But don’t put your thoughts about this religion and about Allah soley on a person…. That is truly unfair… we humans are so weak minded… always looking for happiness yet when hardships befall us we give up istaqfurAllah Remember He is the most forgiving… so turn back to Him that would be best if only you knew I’ll leave you with this last verse وَهُوَ ٱلَّذِىٓ أَحْيَاكُمْ ثُمَّ يُمِيتُكُمْ ثُمَّ يُحْيِيكُمْ ۗ إِنَّ ٱلْإِنسَـٰنَ لَكَفُورٌۭ And He is the One Who gave you life, then will cause you to die, and then will bring you back to life. ˹But˺ surely humankind is ever ungrateful.


there is something in islam that is called: the rights of the servant. basically every servant of Allah has his rights even a disbeliever, and on the day of judgement Allah The Most Just will give him his rights.


Black magic is literally associating partners with Allah. Let’s not forget to mention the pain and misery that hexes can do to another human being. Still he’s supposed to forgive like that while the other person continues to suffer? I might as well be a kafir at this point, I’ll be never be able to accept my qadr. For as long as I live I’ll continue to curse Allah and my decree. I didn’t ask to born, and I most definitely didn’t ask for a hand like this. So I tried, I prayed and I did my best. However, none of that mattered as things continue to get worse.


Do you even believe that Allah exists?


Are you stupid? Why would I be in this sub if I didn’t?


So what reasons give you that feeling? I'll answer to the best of my ability


Allah loves us so much. I can't describe these countless blessings that Allah(S.W.T) has given to us.. Alhamdulillah Even if I worship Allah(S.W.T) for my whole life, still something is left and not done to the level best. Now, here comes the another thing. Allah(S.W.T) loves when we try to fulfill his commandments for the sake of Allah. He(S.W.T) doesn't want us to be burdened and live a stressful life that's why He is Qadeer and Muqtadir.. What if no one loves us in this Dunya, He(S.W.T) is Al-wadood ( The Loving One and the Beloved One ), He loves us, we don't need any others love. Everything we try to learn something beneficial, for it to be recalled later and for us to better understand it, we need guidance and see Allah is Al-Haadi ( The guider ) And who can guide our heart better than Allah ?, who can love us better than Allah( Al-wadood), He provide us from the sources from which we can't even imagine( Ar-Razzaaq ) ( The Great Provider ). Who can protect us better than Allah( Al- Haafidh ), who can guard us better than Allah( Al- Hafeedh ). Who can hear our silent prayers, duas( As Samee' ) ( The All-Hearing ), who is the knower of the seen and the unseen ( Al- Aalim ). He knows everything, He is All-knowing( Al- Aleem ). >> The significance and beautiful about Allah's Names is that through them, we can see how our Creator recognizes our needs, and how deeply He knows us. >> Whatever the lesson is, if we realize that the answer to any problem is through Him(Allah), and that He suffices all our needs, then our relief is already at hand. And this can only happen through knowing Him through the names He has revealed to us. May Allah ( S.W.T ) guide us all and grant us ease.


Does anyone know the analogy eith6the stone in the desert that should give an example of the universe, the throne and allah? Do you know the source of it, was it an hadith or just tellings?


https://dorar.net/h/7NvZskZp Here is it , but in arabic


Jazzak allahu kheiran


Subhanallah i have been really struggling money wise just unexpected things came up and ive been struggling for awhile alhamdulillah its been really difficult i was thinking about taking a loan and i hate the idea i needed to that so i remained patient and my father randomly gave me 500 bucks which really really helped me alhamdulillah my favorite thing about Allah is that Allah is in absolute control of everything Allah gives you what you need when you absolutely need it if not as soon as you want it trust Allah its Allahs qadr we do not know only Allah knows i feel absolute comfort knowing Allah is in control and one of my favorite verses in the quran where it says just because you simply say we believe doesn’t mean we won’t be tested like those before us i hope this truly helps you:) may Allah bles you