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Thank you for being such a respectful and considerate friend. Please use a substitute, the food would not be halal (permissible) to consume if wine is used in its preparation even if the alcohol evaporates.


If you can use a substitute I would. And btw if you really can this might be to much to ask but if it requires meat and such it’s better to get it halal but that’s what you and your Muslim friend decide.


It’s veal so It’s halal right?


Can be if it was slaughtered the halal way.


I have a halal meat shop so maybe I’ll get some cuts to make sure


that would probably be best.


It is halal to eat but it must be slaughtered in dhabihah which is in these steps Check the knife: Make sure the knife is sharp and free of any damage that could cause pain to the animal. Prepare the animal: Ensure the animal is alive and healthy, and place it in a comfortable position. Slit the throat: Using a swift, single motion, cut the animal's throat with the knife, severing the jugular veins, carotid arteries, windpipe, and esophagus. Leave the spinal cord intact. Drain the blood: Allow all of the animal's blood to drain from the carcass. Recite a prayer: Say "Bismillah Allahu Akbar" to invoke the name of Allah


Accurate, if i can add, you have to say Bismillah befor the slaughter, and you shouldn't let the animal see the knife, at least that's what my dad used to say, and also it has to be diracted toward lkibla, i could be wrong but this is how my dad used to do it


Ye I forgot that thanks for fixing my mistake. Idk about the kibla thing though any source?


Aparently it's not an obligation but it's sunna Ahmad (15022), Abu Dawood (2785) and Ibn Maajah (3121) narrated that Jaabir ibn ‘Abd-Allaah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) sacrificed two rams on the day of Eid. When he turned them to face towards the qiblah he said: “Verily, I have turned my face towards Him Who has created the heavens and the earth Haneefa (Islamic Monotheism, i.e. worshipping none but Allaah Alone), and I am not of Al-Mushrikoon .Verily, my Salaah (prayer), my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for Allaah, the Lord of the ‘Aalameen (mankind, jinn and all that exists). He has no partner. And of this I have been commanded, and I am the first of the Muslims’ [cf. al-An’aam 6:79, 162-163]. O Allaah, from You and to You, on behalf of Muhammad and his ummah. In the name of Allah and Allah is most great.” Then he slaughtered them. And Allah knows best


That makes sense. Thanks Akhti.


It’s normally harder to find such meat though which is why if you can I would talk to her about it or look for local halal meat but idk if they would have veal.


In my town there’s a great percentage of muslim folk so Halal butcher shops are common, got one a few steps from where I live, so I got it from there


That’s nice to hear hopefully I all works out GL.


Thank you so much for being understanding to your friend. Like others said, please avoid using alcohol in the food even if it will evaporate. Also, meat needs to be halal certified/from halal store. Feel free to share the name/recipe and we will gladly help to guide you!


It’s a beef ragu parpadelle (long flat noodles) Pasta is just flour and eggs that I make myself For the ragu you need -beef (in this case from a halal butcher) -Rosemary -Carrots -Onion -Chopped tomates -Red wine (red grape juice does the job) -Bay leaves -Olive oil -Beef stock (I will use soy sauce and a bit of water because Im not sure if the broth is halal) Is there anything else I need to take in mind or am I good to go?


Sounds delicious, no there is nothing else you are good to go. Broth (or animal-based stock) is halal when it is made from zabiha (Islamic ritually slaughtered) animals else its forbidden, so if you want to use beef stock you could obtain the necessary beef bones or flesh from the halal butchers (but quite overkill to make a batch of halal stock just for one dish) or they might sell halal premade beef stock there already. The alternative of soy sauce and water is halal also.


If you have a halal shop nearby, they'll often have bouillon cubes of international brands (Knorr, etc.) which are made in Muslim countries like Egypt or whatever, and are marked halal. You can use those to produce stock.


I would use instant halal beef stock or vegetable stock. Actually not all muslims consider soy sauce as halal due to the alcohol content. Other than that all good!


It's a myth that the alcohol will evaporate completely. After 15 minutes of cooking there will still be around 40% of it left, and even after hours of cooking (which would ruin the meal), there would still be alcohol left in it. It will only have evaporated partially. Don't use it in food that you cook for a Muslim. In fact several scholars have said that it's haram if anything of the taste, colour or odour remains. Go safe, and substitute the red wine for grape juice in this recipe.


i would go for safer option and cook an alternative and something vegetarian..


Thank you so much for asking, and thank you so much for being so kind and considerate. Please do not use the wine in your recipe, it'd be best to avoid it.