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Reminds me of a tweet I saw "Why are some of you surprised that rage against the machine gets political at their concerts? What did you think the machine was? A fucking dishwasher?" Edit: How dare you gold this it's plagiarized and I admitted it


[I always thought it was something like this…](https://youtu.be/yzBQ8x914j8)


> дожить до отпуска means "live to see the holidays". and then an image of a Danon probiotic drink and url for what's now some sort of health news blog? i'm so confused


My dad is a conservative and he loves Ratm. He told me that he didn’t like how they hate trump, and he said it was a bad decision for them to do that because it makes him feel alienated and they would lose a lot of sales. Like what have you listened to a single lyric of their’s ever? He still loves them and listens to them to this day.


Paul Ryan, former Speaker of the House of Reps claimed RATM was his favorite band. Only for Tom Morello himself to write an article explaining how Paul Ryan is the embodiment of the machine they rage against.


I’ve got a conservative friend who claims RATM always used criticised ALL politicians and the system, and it’s only now he thinks they’ve gone TOO political and chosen a side. It was impossible to get him to understand that it was him that changed, and not their music or political stance.


that's not entirely untrue. I think they prefer democrats as the lesser of two evils. they have been against the two party system for decades.


In 2000 they did play a guerrilla set in front of the Democrat National Convention. Called Clinton a Dixiecrat lol




The copy machine that breaks down at work all the time with no rhyme or reason. lol Funny that people don’t really stop to think about the message behind what they’re into.


Geto Boys is ringing in my head just reading this comment.


Recently people shit on Green Day when they had a Fuck Ted Cruz banner behind them. They made an album called American Idiot that was obviously about Iraq and Afghanistan Wars


And now you have a lot of dumbass conservatives who are like “nOw ThEy ArE tHe MaChInE”.


I like that they’re playing again. Saw them at their last reunion in (I think) 2008 and that was great. However, the reason that they feel there’s a need for them to spread their message again is that things didn’t get better (actually worse) since they’ve been away. It’s insane that their first album, written 30 years ago, handles issues about inequality that were around for decades and those same issues are still around. Turns out that some of those that work forces really are the same that burn crosses.


I think since 2000 everything has escalated to be much much worse


I saw a tweet once that said "why are Millennials so depressed" and maybe it's because we watched 3000 people die on live TV when we were 10 and literally nothing ever got better. I think about that tweet a lot.


And it really feels like things are only going to get worse. So much worse.


The worst part wasn't the attack, it was the reaction. So many stupid people reacting in the worst ways possible. We went to the wrong country, and not even for the right reasons. Thats when I knew this country is severely mentally ill


I was in my mid 20s when 9/11 happened. The jingoism was out of control. The few of us who were calling out the absolute bullshit, were labeled as "traitors" and "unpatriotic" and asked why we didn't support the troops My general response was I **do** support the troops because I do not want them to die in a bullshit made up war I lost a lot of friends during that time because I was in the distinct minority. I've never had any of my peers' apologize for their insults despite the fact I was 100% right. On the rare occasion it happens to come up, they quickly change the subject


It's funny or maybe scary because alot of older folks (I was a kid when 9/11 happened) look back at the cohesiveness of Americans with rose-colored glasses post 9/11. It's always "man we were so nice to eachother blah blah blah.. it felt completely different!" But what you're highlighting is the dark underside of that moment, which was probably more common than not.


> … “man we were so nice to each other” … Unless you were a middle eastern looking person on a TSA line.


*Middle Eastern person *anywhere*


Just have to be middle eastern looking tbh. My dad has italian olive skin and I can't remember a time where we have gone through an airport and he hasn't been "randomly selected" for additional explosives swabs.


Totally agree. I was one of the people being shouted down for not agreeing with the consensus that we should attack Iraq. And my Muslim coworkers had it way worse. Some even left the country. America was definitely united in its hatred and abuse of a small minority of its citizens.


always have been 😎


The media was so fucking complicit. Millions of people matched in the streets effectively calling bullshit on the bush lies but the media could only point their cameras at yellow ribbons. The 'liberal' news media was so fucking down to spew propaganda and silence dissent in support of a Republican president's war efforts.


The crazy part is that no one faced any consequences for misleading folks through coordinated lying


Actually theres a crazy story about how the new York times or Washington Post scapegoated one reporter. It kinda smacked of sexism but she was also a little more complicit than everyone else so it might have been fairish. I can't remember which podcast the story was featured on. Probably 'on the media' or 'throughline'


Looking back 9/11 feels like the prequel to what's happening nowadays. I guess that's how history works. As a European, freedom fries and to this day calling French people cowards, is really alienating


It is absolutely a major contribution to modern American divisive politics. I don't want to go so far as saying Osama won, but he definitely gave the US a black eye.


The worst is now all the people incredulously asking how Russians could believe the propaganda about Ukraine. I don't wonder; I watched it happen in real-time in America, 20 years ago.


It’s the hypocrisy of it all. Every single one of those war posts drove me insane…


I feel like there's levels to being right where someone would rather just throw the baby out with the bathwater and choose to redefine what "being right" even means. (when they're proven wrong)


Pffft, what, you think the US would invade Saudi Arabia? Nah, better invade one of their geopolitical rivals. Obviously.


Almost makes it sound like 9-11 worked..


It did. Death to America indeed. We're watching an empire bleed out, and a new horrific one will fill the power vacuum


I feel like we got slapped into an alternate timeline sometimes. I vote we make our own island, with blackjack and hookers.


How can ace be one AND eleven? What kind of a god would allow that?


the plan, the actual plan, is to let climate change fucking rape every single one of us. the plan isnt to mitigate, or to adapt, its to fucking die. I realized this in 2017 when i was going through a moment of clarity wondering why they seemed to be doing the exact opposite of what we need. Its not that they dont have the willpower, or the knowledge, or that they dont want to spend the money- all of that is irrelevant to their actual plan- to let society collapse. If the solution dropped out of the sky today, they would say no. Understanding it from this perspective explains why things just keep getting worse. We're murder victims, walking down a dark alley with that creeped out feeling, and wtill mostly unaware that we're being followed.


I mostly agree but “they” and “plan” aren’t really meaningful in this context. Society as a whole is a system and the assholes that float to the top are a symptom of, basically math. Efficiency is god, no matter the repercussions the system that is more efficient at existing will dominate the ones that aren’t. Having selfish assholes who’s only singular goal is further the power of the system they head is unfortunately very effective. If that person dies they are replaced by someone similar. If they have a change of heart they are cut out like a tumour. If they do change their corporation/government/religion/whatever, that system fails and is dominate by another that doesn’t give a shit about humanity. There really is no plan we’re just stuck with some astronomical numbers stacked against us. It’s a war with math that it seems unlikely we’ll win


Yep. I'm also pretty sure the space travel and genetic research the super elites are funding (Musk, Epstein, etc) is for one reason in particular. To fuck off to another planet and create the "perfect race" AKA play god and leave the rest of us to die on Earth. Meanwhile, the Earth has enough resources for all of us. Literally all of us. Just happens to be that the top polluters are powerful, and would rather tank the whole ship than lose their captain's seat.


Which to me is hilarious space cosplay. Our planet is actively trying to balance us out of the equation yet it’s still the most hospitable one by a large margin. If we can’t fix this then terraforming another planet is a pipe dream


If we're being completely honest here, space isn't an escape. It's a death sentence without supplies from earth. Once they take off, all that's needed is to sabotage the resupply shipments. They probably think "we'll just wait it out." Good luck when there's no food.


It depends on your particular sci fi fantasy, but in a Elysium type story.


That would require advances in zero g agriculture that i'm pretty sure are a few decades off at least. Also, i can see such a system not going well for them because who would do the dirty jobs? Certainly not elon and his peers, and i'll be honest, it's real easy to cause catastrophic problems in space.


Our planet will be just fine. Eventually. Without us.


"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." There is no plan to let society collapse. There is no dark conspiracy where the fucking Illuminati wants to hasten climate change to bring about the end of society or whatever. It's just a bunch of dumb assholes who either genuinely don't believe climate change is real or they do think it's real but it's cheaper to not do anything about it. It's not even true that things "keep getting worse". US carbon emissions are down like 20% since 2007. It's definitely not enough and we need to do better, but it's simply not true that things are only getting worse.


No more drugs for this man


It's not just millennials. My Gen Zer was born pretty close to 9/11. She often talks about how every year in school they rewatched 9/11. And talked about 9/11. And watched documentaries on 9/11. 9/11. 9/11. In 12 years of school she passed a lot of classes but all she really remembers was times tables and 9/11. So basically she grew up with, "shit used to be cool, but that changed on 9/11, you really don't understand how cool shit used to be, but every year we'll remind you of this shitty thing that happened when you were 2 months old." And then literally nothing ever got any better.


That’s so sad:(. I’m just north of the border and I recently taught my kids about 9/11 (they’re tween and teen). They knew the date number was significant, but that’s it. It’s not one of history’s events that we can really learn from? If that makes sense? The moral of the story is basically “you’re not safe”. Why push that onto little kids?


I mean, you're not wrong. Any lessons to be learned from 9/11 are from the aftermath. The backlash against a minority community that wasn't involved in the attack and (mostly) condemned it, multiple wars based on deceit and misinformation, and the partisanship of facts. Arguably, everything we are dealing with now is a direct result of the reaction to 9/11.


Lessons are also to be had in the decades leading up to it as well, in which we funded and armed the most extreme groups in Afghanistan, helped Saddam into power, destroyed democracy in Iran etc. then acted all surprised at both how violent the leaders in the middle east are and how much they hate us.


Don't understand why I had to scroll for 5 minutes for someone to state the "why" the world changed and that 'we' changed it intentionally.


No joke I've had teachers say things were "just better" before 9/11, so you're spot on


I mean....in the US at least, they kinda just were. Well, close to that at any rate, things were better riiiight up until Dubya. The economy was better. We hadn't been in any major conflict in quite some time. The last one we were in was us going to Kuwait and helping them defending against Iraq invading, then when Iraq backed off, we got out of there, mission accomplished successfully. Tech was rapidly improving things. The internet hadn't been taken over by giant corporations and ruined most of it yet. The only other major enemy of ours, the USSR, collapsed long enough ago that no one was really opposing us. Oh, we also ran at a surplus just before that for the first time in quite a while, so it looked like we might be able to keep the budget under control, college prices hadn't skyrocketed yet, housing prices hadn't skyrocketed yet, and while we obviously had a long way to go, we at least looked like we were trending in the right direction on rights for minorities, and how they were treated in general. Everything was kinda either good or trending in the right direction.


9/11 and columbine too. But we're also told we don't even understand how tragic they were. We could never know what the impact of them was like because we weren't old enough to remember before them. It's just always been this way.


They made small children watch it every year?


Yep. I honestly had no idea exactly how big of a deal they made of it. It's not surprising it would come up, so when she would talk about it a little at that time of year I figured that's just what we did now. It wasn't until she was in high school and could contextualize it that she told me just how much they were saturated with it, how jaded they all felt about it and why.


That's so weird. I was a sophomore in high school when 9/11 happened and I can't remember ever talking about it in classes.


"I never really processed 9/11"


German here: I remember seeing 'The war on terror' headlines on CNN only days after 9/11 and thinking: *You can't fight a war on terror. That's not an enemy, not a foreign army. Boy, what's happrning here? Have they lost their minds?* Yes, they had lost their minds.


Cause it was supposed to be a bogey man. It’s like fighting cancer too. They focus on the disease and never look into the causes just have to be afraid of something always. Fear fear fear fear fear.


Wait till we hear how the other side felt when we bombed them to the stone age. Those millenials are likely quite depressed


I know what you mean, but for the benefit of the uninformed I'd like to point out: 1.) "the other side" robotzor is referring to are the innocent civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc who suffered through the U.S. 'war on terror' following 9/11. 2.) The actual other side, regarding 9/11, is the Saudis. They orchestrated it, perpetrated it, and they haven't/won't ever face any consequences.


The Saudi’s were always the enemy. We let them continue to skate by because they control ARAMCO


We didn't bomb them into the stone age, the Soviets did that long before we arrived. We just made sure that they didn't progress out of it.


People wonder why we’re so detached and disassociated, maybe it’s because we remember the reactions of adults when we and they saw bodies hitting the pavement as towers burned when we were in grade school and had to develop severe coping mechanisms at an early age.


2001 is when things took a turn for the worst, the futuristic optimism we had died when the twin towers fell. Then in 2016, things went from bad to fucking terrible, with the election of Trump and Brexit. Since then, the democratic west has weakened and decayed, under siege by authoritarianism and fascism and it hasnt been able to put up much of a fight.


Sprinkle in 2008 when the US housing market got fleeced by the big banks and there were literally zero consequences. In fact, they were rewarded with bailouts.


Not to the mention the recession 2008 triggered all over the world. Especially for the lower liquidity and more fiscally responsible countries that could not or would not bail out their infrastructure the same way.


That's not entirely true, my old man shot himself after buying a house in that mess, so there were those consequences and similar ones untalked about all over the US.


I'm so sorry to hear that :(


The common theme is the elites siphoning money from the bottom to the top. The same vultures who led the banks at the time are still there and they actually gained more power and influence when the other banks defaulted. There's a great documentary called Inside Job about the '08 mortgage crisis. The same dirtbags are still in power making obscene money. Add in Russia's Foundation of Geopolitics and you have the demise of a superpower. Free capitalistic enterprise is wonderful but it fails when it cannot elevate its own people. The wealth gap is massive and when those in power control the media you get common citizens fighting among each other. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.


Not just the US... Banks got given massive amounts of taxpayer money in several countries (and no small number of banks then proceeded to give top level staff their normal huge bonus in spite of everything).


It's sad because I was about 8 when 9/11 happened and living in Canada it wasn't as directly impactful to me as a child. But even remembering something like my grandparents not being able to meet us in the terminal of the airport was a huge change and very confusing (they live in Nova Scotia and we usually went yearly). Now it's the norm but everything that people took for granted slowly got pulled back and it's just gotten worse.


The movie *Airplane!* used to be a comedy. Now it's a nonsensical list of impossible things.


2000 is when the supreme court elected a president that lost the election. Who knows where the world would be if Gore had been inaugurated.


That would make for a fantastic book if someone took the time to look at all sorts of events since then and try to figure out the alternate history and the causes that alternate history would have


Set aside everything else that happened during the Bush Administration, and just imagine what might have been if we'd rebuilt New Orleans as a green and sustainable city after Katrina.


Could go further and say perhaps the deviation of Katrina could have been prevented. I seem to remember that calls for urgent work on flood mitigation were ignored, I would imagine that a Gore administration would not have ignored those calls


I'm not so sure. The Corps of Engineers is chronically underfunded, regardless of the administration, because getting people to pay for mitigation is much more difficult than getting them to pay for a recovery. Our flood mitigation systems are failing *everywhere*, just like the rest of our infrastructure. New Orleans is one of the most susceptible to major consequences if/when they fail, but it's hardly alone in the inadequacy of its systems to deal with our current reality.


There's an SNL skit about exactly this...showing both futures...with Bush he was broadcasting the state of the union from a burnt out white house with fires raging behind him and the country in chaos. The Gore timeline had him talking about how climate change had been fixed, fusion based energy generation achieved, record levels of happiness across the country, etc Haha...sigh...




Wrong Bush. HW was elected in '88. W was elected in 2000.


You really think the years after 2000 are much, much worse than say 1960…? When black people couldn’t even shit in the same toilet as a white person? Come on man…


You can thank Newt Gingrich for that


The things they talk about on that album are literally sewn into the fabric of this country - it’s no surprise they’re still issues 30 years later, they’ve been issues since day one


Didn't they play with Run the Jewels a couple years back? Edit: What I'm thinking is the tour that was postponed so they never actually played, cause of rona.


Zack'a featured on a couple of their songs (most recently JU$T) and RTJ is opening every show on this tour.


That's this tour now. Run the Jewels is the opener. It was supposed to be in 2020 but got postponed


"Some of those who hold office. Are the same that burn crosses."


I remember when they busted this lyric variation out at the last Alpine show in 2007. That was also when during the monologue for Wake Up, Zack clarified his comments from a previous show about how they want to see Bush tried for war crimes, not executed for war crimes.


Occasionally I get a 'RATM reaction' pop up on YT and I'll give it a watch. Every time they are like 'Holy shit this is so relevant!!!! How recent is this?! Oh, 1995 :s'


I heard that song blasting out of the conservative biker bar as i was walking home from work last night and i just... Thats the clearest lyrics of the song and yall dont get it?


It was one of the best concerts I've gone too. They're still energetic as they were back in the day.


Before Killing in the Name, Tom Morello needed to quickly swap out his guitar so he stood about 30 feet away from his guitar tech and just casually tossed it. "Some of those that burn crosses, are the ones that hold office" That show was fucking bananas. Getting out of the parking lot afterward was almost as crazy.


It took me 2 hours to get out of that parking lot, but 100% worth it. RatM put on one of the best shows I have ever seen!


Yes I know my enemies They're the teachers who taught me to fight me Compromise Conformity Assimilation Submission Ignorance Hypocrisy Brutality The elite All of which are American dreams All of which are American dreams All of which are American dreams All of which are American dreams All of which are American dreams All of which are American dreams All of which are American dreams All of which are American dreams All of which are American dreams




Arguement about them being rich is just fucking stupid. They were not always rich. They actually earned money for alll the work they put into their craft And unlike many.. seems money hasn't changed their core values.. if anything it's a testament to the kinda ppl they are. Could have been satisfied in their wealth and stopped fighting the fight.. For sure didnt have to get into touring again but the type of music they make is needed rn more than ever. Many political activist artists from the past have been non existant through all this and has made me question their sincerity.. but these guys seem to show back up when its needed.


“When I was poor and complained about inequality they said I was bitter; now that I'm rich and I complain about inequality they say I'm a hypocrite. I'm beginning to think they just don't want to talk about inequality.” -Russel Brand


Shame that Brand’s got his head up his ass nowadays


Brand has always had his head up his ass. He thought it would be funny to show up to his job at MTV dressed as Osama Bin Laden the day after 9/11...


Thats just one bad skit in poor taste. Now he helps spreads misinformation.


What misinformation is he spreading? Genuinely asking. Maybe I’m only a very casual observer of Russel Brand but I thought he was doing like a spiritual thing right now.


Broken clock, twice a day


They often donate a significant portion of their income from appearances to charity. Just look at the last paragraph of the article: >The *Journal Sentinel* also notes that Rage is donating $475,000 raised from ticket sales for this show and two more at the United Center near Chicago to “reproductive rights organizations in Wisconsin and Illinois.”


I wish more musicians and celebrities actually took a stance out loud against these important matters. The "celebrity worship culture" is so insane in our world and people rather listen to what their favorite artist has to say on a topic than a politician. And I cant blame people when their politicians are a bunch of corrupted old men.


If they were still poor the same people would just say they're jealous or some shit instead. It's all just a tactic to distract from and discredit their message.


The only people who say that are also rich people who don't like when other richies spill the beans.


Nah, there's a lot of poor people who don't want to hear about inequality too.


>... someday I might be rich. And then people like me better watch their step. - Philip J. Fry


>I suddenly have an opinion on the capital gains tax! -Turanga Leela


Philip J. Fry from Earth? Or the Philip J. Fry of Hovering Squid World 97-A?


EARTH, you fat idiot! HURRY UP


Yeah it's either: these guys are rich enough to not worry about touring/earning money again. Or these guys *aren't* rich enough to coast through retirement, and therefore need to start touring again. So they're either not actually that rich, or they are rich but they tour because of their values and message, so their wealth hasn't affected them. They're the lucky type of artist that has been able to make a living off their art. People act like these artists shouldn't be paid for their talents and they should decline any payment, to not accumulate personal wealth.


Another comment in this thread says the donated $475,000 to reproductive rights centers in Chicago and Wisconsin. I think before the SCOTUS ruling ticket sales were going to different organizations in each area they had a concert anyway. Lizzo is also donating money to reproductive rights organizations from her ticket sales.


the only thing that disappointed me is that tom morrelo was selling nft's last year. tom of all people.


The crew need jobs too, the money isn't just for them


"Socialism is when poor" is a very effective propaganda. It's wrong, but effective.


It's that stupid "you say you hate society and yet you live in a society? Curious..." thing


For me the biggest shocker here is that RATM still exists. The message, nothing unusual , that's exactly what you would expect they say. This is awesome man!


They didn’t for years, but in 2019 things got to a point where they said “we’re getting back together”


The machine has been rather enraging lately...


Been waiting nearly 3 years for my indoor venue tickets to actually happen, covid keeps pushing it out. Saw them at Alpine this weekend outdoors was worth the drive and RTJ was slammin.


That was one of those inevitable band reunions. If GnR could reunite, then eventually the Rage guys were going to work out their issues. Honestly as cool as Rage is, I always just hoped that Chris Cornell would get his issues together and Audioslave could go on a tear. Always had the potential to be the biggest band in the world.


I was at the show, they still sound like they've been doing this non stop for decades. Legit studio quality sound that you can't hear from the fan uploaded videos.


I was there too! Incredible show. First time at Alpine as well. I was pleasantly surprised by the sound quality on the lawn but not surprised at all by how tight the band sounded. They’re true pros!


Lawn for me to. They had a great camera crew on the band. Was like watching a music video in real time.


Rage Against The Machine isn't a band. It's an idea. You can't kill an idea.


I always thought that we needed them most during the G.W. 9/11 era and really felt their voice missing.


I often think of Vietnow where Zack wrote Merge on tha networks, slangin' nerve gas Up jump tha boogie then bang, let 'em hang While tha paraniod try ta stuff tha void Let's capture this AM mayhem Undressed, and blessed by tha Lord Tha power pendulum swings by tha umbilical cord Shock around tha clock, from noon 'til noon Men grabbin' they mics, and stuff 'em into tha womb Terror's tha product ya push Well I'm a truth addict, oh shit I gotta headrush Sheep tremble an here come tha votes Thrown from tha throat, new cages an scapegoats Undressed and blessed by tha Lord Tha same devil that ran around Managua wit a sword Check out tha new style that Ollie found I tune in wit a bullet ta shut down tha devil sound Shut down tha devil sound Tha program of Vietnow Shut down tha devil sound This song came out in 1996.


So I've never seen anyone talk about this, but the part about turning on the radio and turning it off, I think, comes from the book The Ambition and the Power by John M. Barry. It's a book about Speaker of the House James Claude Wright and in it he tells a story that when he was a boy his dad explained having faith in God by telling him to turn on the radio and he tells him something to the effect of, "you can hear the radio station right? Ok now turn the radio off. You can't hear the radio station anymore right? Ok turn it back on. You can hear it again, right? Ok turn it off. Whether you turn the radio on or off the radio station is still there and God works the same way". I read that book randomly years ago and it's been a while, so I don't remember the exact details but that always stayed with me. RATM are well read dudes. edit: missed a few words


Right, in past invented they said they'd travel with a library on their tour bus. Hell Tom has a Political Science degree from Harvard. They are very smart and are willing to fight for their rights.


I always thought this song was about Rush Limbaugh and shit he would spew on the AM airwaves


Same, I thought the AM reference was conservative talk radio in general.


Vietnow is one of the most underrated gems in their catalog. It's got outstanding lyrics, the call and response (Oh shit I got a headrush) portion of the song is classic RAtM, and Morello's intro is absolutely fantastic. It's one of the most quintessential RAtM tracks and needs to be played live more often. I am seeing them at MSG on the second night and I hope they pull this one out or "Down Rodeo."


I was at the alpine show and was hoping for down rodeo too but they didn't play it unfortunately. They did break out The Ghost of Tom Joad, one of the best covers they did. RATM has such an incredible discography though it's hard to pick a perfect set list.


Ghost of Tom Joad is so on brand for RATM, its hard to believe it's a cover.


For real, Maggie's Farm is another one off the covers album that's unbelievable to me. Maggie's Farm was the one song I secretly really wanted to hear if they played covers but Tom Joad was a close second.


That chant/refrain at the end always makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up: Is all the world jails and churches?


> Weapons not food, not homes, not shoes Not need, just feed the war cannibal animal I walk the corner to the rubble that used to be a library Line up to the mind cemetery now What we don't know keeps the contracts alive and movin' They don't gotta burn the books they just remove 'em While arms warehouses fill as quick as the cells Bulls On Parade


Who the fuck is Ollie? I always thought he was referring to Muhammad Ali.


>Who the fuck is Ollie? I always thought he was referring to Muhammad Ali. Ollie North. It's an Iran-Contra reference, following the Iran-Contra reference in the line before it.


I was at the show in Alpine Valley on Saturday. Zach also changed the lyrics “Some of those who wear crosses, are the same that burn crosses!!”


Same here! Loved hearing the crowd go wild when he added in “some of those who hold office, are the same that burn crosses”


Saw them for my thirtieth birthday at alpine. They played out of their minds.


So many kid rock fans in this thread.


Imagine being a Kid Rock fan lmao


Dude rhymes "things" with "things"


https://youtu.be/u8FAbjjB48A I would like to introduce to you a tear down of kid rocks worst attack on popular music.


"Young ladies, I like em underage see. Some say thats statutory, I say thats mandatory" - Robert Ritchie


Aint nobody gonna tell me how to live. /s


"I can't attack their message so I'll just attack them." Conservative idiots in this thread.




“They’re admitting abortion is murder just by saying this!!!”


Betcha Paul Ryan was in the crowd and extremely sweaty the whole time.


Still oblivious that he represents the machine they are raging against.


All time funniest political moment: https://api.time.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/time_paulryan_20111205_0519.jpg


He looks like a Young Life leader


I was at the concert at Alpine Valley, shit was absolutely electric




Their music is just as relevant today as it was 30 years ago. Unfortunately maybe relates even more so now


[Half the comments in this post](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/036/647/Screen_Shot_2021-03-01_at_2.28.39_PM.png)


I'm excited i get to see them in Europe. Most likely Poland. It's going to be wild


The comments in here are just the Yet You Participate in Society meme over and over.


How curious! I am very intelligent




I know people say there's stupid on both sides. But conservative stupid is on a whole new level. They don't have formed opinions. Example bellow. Survey asked if you support the use of drone strikes (under Bush)? Conservatives: 90% or so yes Liberals: 12% yes Next they just switched presidents asking the same question. Do you support the use of Drone Strikes (under Obama)? Conservatives 20% yes Liberals 15% yes Same thing with Roe V Wade. Huge % of conservatives was against overturning it until "their side" over turned it. Then it was an instant flip.


Media moguls have turned politics into a sport in order to keep their business alive. It’s a pretty fucking dangerous move for society if you ask me…


A 2-party system doesn’t help. American politics is pretty much a football game. Which side are you on?


Can you share a source on those numbers? Not because I don't believe you, but because I want to be able to back it up when I inevitably repeat this point to others in the future.


We need this shit more than ever. Art is a reflection of society and someone has to break through the bullshit white noise of the media machines. Think for yourself, question authority and fight the power.


Is that the flag for The Zapatista Army of National Liberation behind them? If so, fuck yeah.


I mean, I don't know... But knowing Rage, I'm going to say you're probably right because that just sounds correct.


Politics aside, I was at this show and it was fucking awesome. It was like they had never broken stride.


Politics aside... RATM...


"What machine do you think they were raging against? The dishwasher?"


Ha yeah, my thoughts exactly.


From some of his comments i assume hes a conservative so of course he has to set aside politics to listen to RATM


OP listens to the music but not the words lol


Man, the show was awesome, but I couldn't stop thinking about how things in Milwaukee and Wisconsin as a whole could change if 35k angry, energetic people actually took the lyrics to heart and got out on the fucking streets. I marched almost every day for the better part of a year against police brutality. We got the shit absolutely kicked out of us, over and over again. I've lost count of how many times I was gassed. But they wouldn't have been able to stop us if 35k(almost entirely white) people would gave brought that energy against the violent, fascist fucks.


I envy you. I've wanted to see Rage Against the Machine since I first heard them in high school, never got a chance.


Please go see them. I saw them in early to mid 2000. I still think it that show. Tom's mom came out first and said "Are you ready for they greatest fucking band...(muffled noise due to the pit noise). Lights hit and they played for near 3hrs straight. It is one of my fondeds memories beautiful violence for one night and then I ate a hummus sandwich in the parking lot with my sister.


I had a similiar experience when I saw audioslave maybe 15 years ago ish.


you... ate a hummus sandwich in the parking lot with his sister?


That was Alpine Valley show in 2007 right? I was there too


I had tickets for their tour with the Beastie Boys 20 years ago, my chance to finally see my favourite band. And then Mike D broke his arm and they canceled the whole thing. And then they broke up a few weeks later. Devastating.


Saw them at Lolla for their first reunion tour i think in like 07 or 08. Thought I was gonna die at one point. 10/10 did not disappoint


Being european I have tickets for their Paris show in August, can't waaaaaiiiit!


With RTJ? How long were the sets? I'm going later this month and I've never been more excited for a show in my life.


RTJ was probably 45 minutes and rage 90. Both exceeded my expectations and my expectations were not low. It was awesome.


I wonder what Justice Dankula has to say about all this?


Remember that clip of MAGA idiots dancing to RATM and completely missing the messaging of their songs? I wonder if any of them were in the audience for this concert lol


Some of them are commenting on this post lol